Magic world

Chapter 520 Sealing Technique



However, because all Isayama Yoshizumi wanted was to seal the sword Lion King, the sealing technique required to make the seal scroll was not large, and it was completed by Ito Shirazari in just a few minutes.

Then Ito Cheng made a move towards the Lion King who was standing sideways, and the Lion King seemed to be controlled by an invisible big hand, slowly floating up from the ground and flying towards I Tocheng.

"Bah." Ito Cheng clenched his palm and took the Lion King into his hand. First Release  Rubik's Cube World 520

Then Ito Cheng turned his wrist and placed the Lion King horizontally on the top of the scroll, and formed a sealing seal with both hands. Then a light blue energy rushed out from the circular shape with a black seal written on the surface of the scroll, covering it in an instant On the Lion King of the Sword, change the existence characteristics of the Lion King, and pull the changed Lion King into the seal and disappear.

The next moment when the light blue energy disappeared completely, the seal in Ito Cheng's hand changed again, and then the Lion King who had just disappeared appeared on the surface of the scroll in a small puff of smoke, lying quietly on the table. superior.

"Done." Ito Cheng waved his hand and put back all the debris except the seal scroll and the Lion King, and chuckled to himself. Then he turned around and walked to the seat in front of the small sofa nearby, turned on the TV with the remote control, and started watching.

Not long after Ito Cheng sat down to watch, with a soft "cluck" sound, Isayama Yomi, who had only a large white towel wrapped around his body to block the light, and his hair wrapped in another smaller towel, emerged from the bathroom. Walked out.

"Give me some clothes." Isayama Huangquan stretched out his hand to Yi Tengcheng and said with a curl of his lips.

"It's good for you to be like this. Just do this for now, and I'll give it to you when you leave." Ito Cheng said with a rogue expression.

"You bastard." Isayama Huangquan immediately gritted his teeth and cursed after hearing this, "I knew you, a pervert and a pervert, had no good intentions."

"I can't help it. You gave me that title. If I don't do something, wouldn't I be sorry for you?" Ito Chengyi shrugged his shoulders and said with a rather unscrupulous smile.

"Hmph." Isayama Huangquan snorted coldly when he heard this and walked towards the bed on the side.

"Don't leave yet." When Isayama Yomi passed by him, Ito Cheng stretched out his hand and grabbed Isayama Yomi and said. Then Ito Cheng stood up from the small sofa, pulled Isayama Yomi to the table, pointed to the things on the table and said, "Hey, this is what I talked about on the way."

"Is this it?" Isayama Yomi looked at the scroll on the table, picked it up with curiosity, and said with some disbelief.

Sensing the disbelief in Isayama Yomi's tone, Ito Cheng didn't offer any explanation. He directly reached out to take the scroll in her hand and put it back on the table. After saying "Watch it," he formed a seal with his hands and activated the sealing technique. The Lion King took it in.

"Wow." Isayama Yomi exclaimed when he saw this. He quickly picked up the scroll on the table and looked through it carefully.

Seeing this, a bad smile suddenly appeared on Ito Cheng's face, and then he quietly formed an unsealing seal with his hands. Then he heard a soft sound of "exposure", and a small cloud of smoke suddenly appeared in front of Isayama Yomi, and she was unprepared. She was startled, and then the sword Lion King appeared in front of Isayama Huangquan, and she took it in her hand in a panic.

"Here, I'll teach you the specific operation method." Ito Cheng smiled and stretched out his hand to take the Lion King and the seal scroll into his hands, put them back on the table, then pulled Isayama Yomi into his arms, and took his hands from her armpits. Reaching down in front of him, he taught Isayama the hand seals used in the Yellow Spring Seal Technique and how the energy in the body works.

"Try it." After a while, Ito Nari, who saw that Isayama Yomatsu was probably skilled, put his hand on her abdomen and hugged Isayama Yomatsu and said.

"Okay." Isayama Huangquan responded in a low voice with a slightly red face. Then he took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then formed a magic seal with his hands according to Ito Cheng's instructions.

In an instant, a stream of light blue energy flowed out from the surface of the sealing scroll, instantly filling the surface of the Lion King, changing its existence form, and pulling it into the scroll for sealing.

Then Isayama Huangquan's hand seal changed again, and the Lion King who had just disappeared was unsealed again. First Release  Rubik's Cube World 520

"Yeah!" Isayama Yomi immediately shouted happily when he saw his success.

"When you have nothing to do in the future, you can seal the Lion King into the scroll, and then tie the scroll to your forearm. Just summon it when you need it." Ito Cheng sealed the Lion King into the scroll again, and took He wrapped the scroll around Isayama Yomi's left forearm and said softly.

"Yeah." Isayama Huangquan agreed.

"Now I have another thing to ask you. Please think about it carefully." Seeing Isayama Yomi's understanding, Ito Shige rolled up the scroll and put it back on the table. He hugged Isayama Yomi and sat on the bed, letting her sit on him. He said in his arms, "I am going to give you a killing stone just like the Tsuchiya family did."

"..." Isayama Huangquan immediately fell silent after hearing this. She also knew something about the killing stone of the Tsuchiya family, which was to use a special sealing technique to seal away the evil thoughts and most of the power contained in the killing stone, and then use the remaining small part of the power to give the holder extraordinary powers. At the same time, through the resonance of the killing stone, it affects Bai Rui, the strongest spiritual beast sealed in the body of the Tugong clan.

"Why." After a moment, Isayama Huangquan lowered his head slightly and whispered.

"I want you to gain stronger abilities and stronger vitality. I don't want you to die." Ito Cheng explained softly.

"Why." Isayama Huangquan asked again.

"Because you are my treasure." Ito Cheng replied still softly.

"..." After hearing Ito Nari's words, Isayama Yomi fell silent again. After a moment, a drop of slightly warm water fell on Ito Nari's arm that was hugging Isayama Yomi's abdomen.

Then the two of them sat quietly on the edge of the bed, neither of them speaking. It was like this until it was almost dusk, and Isayama Yomi took a deep breath, closed his eyes and said, "I understand."

"Then where are you going to embed the killing stone? On the forehead, chest, or navel." Ito Nari, who knew something had changed in Isayama Yomi's heart, asked.

"Where do you want me to be embedded?" Isayama Huangquan asked.

"As for me, I hope you will have it embedded in your belly button." Ito Cheng stretched out his hand to caress Isayama Yomi's abdomen and said with a chuckle, "After all, the killing stone in our hands is too big and it will not look good if it is embedded in the forehead. The same goes for the chest, so in the end it was only the belly button that I felt was most suitable.”

"Okay, let's put it on the belly button." Isayama Huangquan decided.

"Okay." Ito Cheng said, "In the evening, we will go to the rooftop of the hotel to seal and fuse the killing stone."

Then Ito Cheng transformed into a PS2 game console, connected it to the TV, selected the King of Fighters game, and started playing the game with the recovered Isayama Yomi. In this way, the time came to around eleven o'clock at night without realizing it.

"It's almost time." Ito Cheng turned his head and looked at the night outside the window and said.

"Yes." Isayama Huangquan responded quietly.

"Put it on. After all, you still have to take it off during the sealing process." Ito Cheng handed the off-white breathable windbreaker to Isayama Yomi and said.

Isayama Yomi took the windbreaker silently, and did not shy away from Ito Cheng. He directly removed the large white towel wrapped around his body, then reached out to put the windbreaker on and fastened the buttons in front of him.

"Let's go." Isayama Yomi said after getting dressed. First Release  Rubik's Cube World 520

Ito Cheng nodded, stretched out his hand to hold Isayama Yomi's hand, led her out of the room, took the elevator to the top floor, and then used hypnosis to let the two of them smoothly ascend to the ceiling from the special passage.

After the two reached the zenith, Ito Cheng turned around and sealed the door with alchemy.

Then Ito Cheng let go of Isayama Yomi's palm, formed a seal with both hands and activated the Water Release Ninjutsu, and thoroughly cleaned the ground of the Zenith with water.

"What an exaggeration." Isayama Yoshizumi looked at the wet ground and sighed in a low voice.

Hearing this, Ito Cheng smiled slightly, clapped his hands in front of him, and immediately pressed them to the ground. Then in the flash of electric light, a square cement house with an area of ​​more than fifty square meters quickly rose from the ground on the ceiling. Rise until the house is completely at the top of the sky.

Seeing such miraculous construction methods, Isayama Yomi's face was full of surprise, and his lips were slightly opened as he looked at Ito Cheng.

"I said, you will see more surprising things when you stay with me." Ito Cheng took Isayama Yomi's hand and said with a smile as he led her into the newly built cement house.

"I kind of believe it now." Isayama Huangquan said.

After entering the house, Ito Cheng formed seals with his hands again and activated the Fire Release-Hao Fireball Technique to bake out the remaining water on the ground in the house and make the ground dry again. Then he started to take out the yellow paper, cinnabar, pen and ink to make the talisman paper needed for the sealing circle, carve the magic circle, write the sealing runes, etc...

After more than twenty minutes of this, Ito Cheng finally completed the required magic circle.

Of course, this is an improved magic circle. After all, compared to the magic circle in the hands of the Tsuchiya family, Ito Cheng has richer knowledge. Not only do you have the inheritance of yin and yang skills from the main world, but you also have the knowledge reserves of Taoism and Buddhism, as well as the sealing skills of the Naruto world. Combined with the magic materials stolen from Tsuchiya and Isayama's house, it is really difficult to improve. Not big.

"Okay, you lie down in the center of the circle." Ito Cheng turned to Isayama Yomi next to him and said.

"I know." Isayama Yoshizumi agreed, then reached out and took off his coat and threw it on the ground. Then he walked into the circle naked and lay down in the circle in the center of the circle.

Seeing that Isayama Yomi was ready, Ito Nari turned his hand to conjure a killing stone, and lightly tossed it, causing it to fall on Isayama Yomi's abdomen, shaking slightly.

"Fix the killing stone, I'm going to activate the magic circle." Ito Cheng sat cross-legged on the ground and said to Isayama Yomi.

Hearing this, Isayama Huangquan stretched out his hand to pinch the killing stone in his abdomen, moved it to his navel and placed it, then put his hand back to his side and lay down.

Ito Cheng no longer hesitated when he saw this, he immediately raised his hands in front of him and quickly formed a seal.

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