Magic world

Chapter 507 Fan Gang and Tu Gong

()" Rewards from four people, thanks to "Sheryl" for her monthly vote

"Please come in." The woman who opened the door opened the wooden door wide, stepped aside to get out of the way, and invited Ito Cheng. Then after Ito Cheng entered the courtyard, he closed the door and walked slowly to Ito Cheng, leading him to the outside of the room where the head of the Iigang family, the Iigang family, was located.

"Sorry, please allow me to inform you first." The woman leaned forward slightly and said politely.

"Please." Ito Cheng also leaned forward and said in return.

The woman returned the greeting, then walked slowly outside the room where Iigang Ji's family was and said softly, "Master of the family, there is someone who claims to be the envoy of the Isayama family asking to see you, saying that he wants to discuss with you the marriage between Master Ji and Miss Huangquan. "

"Really, let him in." After the woman's words, a slightly thicker male voice came from the room with the open wooden sliding door.

"Yes." The woman responded respectfully, then turned to look at Ito Cheng who was standing aside waiting, and stretched out her hand to indicate that he could go in.

Upon seeing this, Ito Cheng nodded, strode to the front of the room, took off his shoes at the door and walked into the room that exuded a cool atmosphere. He saluted the man sitting on the futon in the room, looking through something, and said, "Have you seen Iagan?" grown ups."

"What instructions does Mr. Isayama have for sending you here?" Upon hearing Itoge's greeting, the Iigang family did not let Itoge sit down. He stopped browsing in his hands and looked up at Itoge and asked solemnly.

"It's like this. Because of Miss Huangquan's wishes, our head of the family plans to reject this marriage." Ito Cheng lowered his head and said.

"How could it be? What was agreed upon just a few days ago, why do you have to change your mind now?" Iigang Jijia frowned and stared at Ito Cheng and asked.

"Sorry, this is the decision of the head of the family, and I don't know about it." Ito Cheng shook his head and said.

"And only one servant was sent to inform..." Iigang Jijia said in a deep voice with an unhappy expression, "It seems that I need to meet the Isayama clan leader again to see what he means."

As he spoke, Jijia folded the things in his hands, stood up from the futon he was sitting on, and walked out of the house angrily. But the moment he passed by Ito Cheng, Ito Cheng, who had always been submissive, suddenly took action. A palm was struck on Jijia's neck, knocking him unconscious.

"Plop." The unconscious body fell to the ground like a pile of dead flesh.

Then Ito Cheng made a seal with one hand and used the art of mind reading to read all the information about Guan Hu in the minds of the Iigang family, as well as the location of the collection room of the Iigang family's esoteric classics.

Fortunately, no maid or anyone else appeared when Ito Cheng used his mind-reading skills. Ito Cheng successfully read the memory information in Iigang Jijia's mind.

"It seems that I am very lucky. The pipe foxes of the Fangang family have just given birth to a batch of little pipe foxes recently, which has saved me a lot of trouble." After a while, Ito took a long breath and thought to himself.

Immediately, Ito Cheng leaned over and lifted up Iigang Jijie. Throw it into a dark corner of the room, then use the transformation technique to change into the other person's appearance, and walk slowly towards the classics collection room in the memory of Fan Gangji's family.

Compared to the inconspicuous storage room of the Isayama family's classics, the Iigang family's is relatively more conspicuous. Not only is the appearance of the building clean and tidy. Even the protective barrier was laid out blatantly.

However, Ito Cheng didn't pay much attention to these. He directly formed the hand seals according to the common hand seals remembered in the head of Iigang Jijia, and walked in the passage where the barrier was opened due to the alignment of the seals.

"There are so few. There are not even one-third of the Isayama family's classics, and they are all related to spiritual beasts, but it is better than nothing." Ito Cheng casually pulled out a few books on the bookshelf in the room. Quickly flipping through the book, he curled his lips and thought to himself.

Then Ito Cheng closed the tome in his hand and put it back to its original position. Then open the entrance and exit of the Rubik's Cube World, and put the bookshelf and the books on it into the Rubik's Cube World.

"It's done, it's time to go get the fox." Ito Cheng used his mental power to scan the room. After finding that nothing was missing, he turned and left the classics storage room. He resumed his work of guarding the barrier and walked slowly towards the back of Iigang's homestead, close to the forest.

In fact, there are people who serve as guardians of Guanhu in the main world, but compared to the spirit beasts in the spirit-eating world, Guanhu is small, cute and loyal. The way to obtain Guanhu in the main world is extremely cruel, and there is always the danger of betraying the master. Therefore, except for a group of people who can only rely on that method to maintain their inheritance, not many people have the intention to make it.

Of course, there are also naturally occurring demon pipe foxes similar to those in the spirit-eating world in the main world, but they are rare species. Except for those that can be seen in the Edo period, they have long since disappeared in modern times with advanced technology.

As for another artificial way to obtain a pipe fox, it is said that a live fox is buried in the ground, leaving only the head exposed, and then beaten severely and starved for several days. During this period, it must be in a place where the fox can see it. Put a lot of food in the place so that it can be seen and eaten. Wait until the fox's desire and resentment reaches its peak (usually seven days), then use the most cruel method to make the fox die full of hatred. Once the fox dies, immediately use the soul-sealing spell to seal the fox's soul in the statue of the god. , and then practice it until it can obey the maker, and this process usually takes seven or seven forty-nine days.

After the tube fox is made, the spirit of the fox lives in the statue that seals it in normal times. When something happens, the statue with the spirit of the fox in it can be put into the bamboo tube and carried around.

The Guanhu produced in this way is Fan Gang. Its main function is mental attack. It can make the opponent schizophrenic or insane, or it can directly possess the opponent with weak mental power and make the person commit suicide, or it can Subtly changing some people's perception of the fox master.

However, because this method of making a pipe fox is too cruel, and because animal souls are inherently more cruel than human souls, Fan Gang will take revenge on his master whenever he finds an opportunity.

Later, people also used cats and dogs to replace foxes to make tube foxes, and the effect was said to be pretty good. But Ito Cheng feels that the soul of a dog will most likely become an dog god, not a fox. Cats will naturally transform into cats, and are not suitable for making pipe foxes.

"Give this to Rena as a gift. I think she will like it." Ito Cheng, who had arrived at the Guanhu breeding room at this time, thought to himself as he looked at the Guanhu cub lying in the small grass box in the room.

But just when Ito Cheng reached out to pick up a pipe fox cub, an adult pipe fox suddenly stood up, with white hair all over its body. It stared at Ito Cheng with a ferocious expression, and it seemed that it was ready to attack at any time.

"As expected of the Guanhu, a spirit beast of the Exploration Department. Don't you feel that I am no longer a member of the Fanganji family?" He saw the Guanhu's movements. Ito Cheng chuckled and said to himself. Then he displayed his spiritual power and launched an illusion technique on the Guan Hu. At the moment when Guan Hu was affected, he quickly pointed at Guan Hu's forehead and knocked him out.

Then Ito Cheng had a thought in his mind. Together with the tube fox breeding room and all the tube foxes in the breeding room, they were taken into the Rubik's Cube World. It is located in a dense forest not far from the houses in the central area.

"Now the only one left is the Tsuchiya clan." At this time, Ito Cheng, who didn't care whether he would disturb the defensive barrier of the Fan Gang family, jumped over the high wall in the backyard of the Fan Gang family and jumped into the forest, walking down the mountain. In the psychological secret passage.

Wait until Ito Cheng leaves the mountains. He raised his hand to stop a taxi and headed towards the location of the Tsuchimiya Shrine.

The Tsuchimiya family, the true leader of the Yin Yang Do, and the secret guardian of the Tsuchimikado clan, a descendant of Abe Seimei, whose official duty is to protect the security of Kyoto and control the Yin Yang Do forces behind the scenes of the Tsuchimikado clan's seclusion.

And the current head of the family is Tsuchiya Gaara. He is a burly middle-aged man who inherited Bai Rui, the most powerful spiritual beast, from his wife and removes spirits all over the world.

"I hope Tsuchimiya Gaara himself is not at home now, otherwise there may really be a war." After more than two hours' drive from Tokyo, I arrived at the foot of the Tsuchimiya Shrine mountain on the edge of Kyoto and looked up at Ito Cheng. Looking at the building covered in a huge protective barrier above, he thought to himself, "After all, there is no excuse to enter the barrier from the main entrance this time. I can only take one step at a time to see one step at a time."

Then Ito Cheng took steps and walked towards Tsuchimiya Shrine step by step.

"This guest, please stay. This shrine does not accept ordinary visitors." When Ito Cheng reached the halfway point of the mountain, a young woman dressed as a witch walked slowly to meet Ito Cheng. He said politely.

"I know." Hearing this, Ito Cheng smiled slightly at the miko, and then mobilized his spiritual power to activate the genjutsu Kirito, turning into a big tree and imprisoning the other party in place.

"Sleep well." Ito Cheng, who leaned out half of his body from the tree trunk, stretched out his hand to hold the miko's neck and said softly.

Then the latter fell asleep without even making a sound.

Then Ito Cheng stretched out his hand and led the miko into the forest nearby. Then continue to use mind-reading skills to read the memories in the miko's mind. After reading part of the memory about the shrine, he used the transformation technique to take on the appearance of the shrine maiden, and walked to the Tsuchimiya Shrine according to the shrine maiden's memory.

With the identity of the miko as a cover, Ito Cheng's entry into the Tsuchimiya Shrine was naturally much smoother. He entered the shrine smoothly without encountering any obstacles. Then it advances layer by layer and transforms into different identities. It doesn't end until the person who has the right to enter the classics collection room finally enters the collection room.

"The appearance of that shrine maiden was so urgent. If it hadn't been for her, I would have been fighting with the guards at the shrine by now." Ito Cheng reached out and took down a classic from the bookshelf, flipping through it and said to himself, "But the only pity is that This collection room is of a general nature only, and it is not the one that only the head of the Tu Palace family can enter."

After thinking about it, Ito Cheng put the books in his hands back to their original places, opened the Rubik's Cube World, and put the books and the bookshelf containing them into the Rubik's Cube World.

The moment the bookshelf and classics disappeared, a light yellow barrier light suddenly lit up in the room, imprisoning Ito Cheng and at the same time sending an alarm, informing the guards that the classics had been stolen.

Ito Cheng was just a little surprised at how tight the defenses of the Tsuchimiya Shrine were. Then he turned over his hand and made a long sword in his hand, covering the sword with spiritual power. He slashed down from top to bottom, and a wave of radiation spread out. The sword glowed with bright silver light and instantly came out of the sword body, slashing heavily on the barrier that shrouded the outside of the collection room.

"Boom!" The collision of two spiritual powers, one for defense and one for attack, instantly erupted with a loud roar, and then the barrier that shrouded the outside of the collection room was like a light without electricity, flickering twice before naturally dissipating into the void.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng kicked his foot and turned into a black shadow and instantly jumped out of the house. Without discerning the direction, he randomly found a place with few people and rushed out.

"Don't let him escape." Seeing the direction in which Ito Cheng fled, a guard at the Tsuchimiya Shrine hurriedly reminded loudly.

After hearing the reminder from the guard, the guards who were already paying attention became more serious. They crouched slightly into a horse stance and pointed their swords at Ito Cheng, who was rushing towards him, preparing to strike with concentration.

"Flash." At this moment, a black light suddenly appeared on Ito Cheng's body, and then the extremely fast speed became even faster. The guards were stunned and passed through them in an instant. passed.

"Expose, expose, expose, expose~" Because of the sharp wind and sword energy brought by the extremely fast movement, wounds were scratched on the bodies of the guards, and handfuls of blood spattered out like blood flowers, splashing onto the ground. .

"Ahhhhh~" Several guards who reacted after the blood fell to the ground immediately let out painful screams.

Along the way, Ito Cheng kept walking. Anyone who stood in front of him, regardless of gender, was defeated with one sword, and he quickly rushed outside the Tsuchimiya Shrine without stopping.

"Roar!" Just when Ito Cheng was about to rush to the edge of the Tsuchimiya family's protective barrier, a beast roar suddenly sounded behind Ito Cheng, and then a head covered with white hair, with two pairs of eyes and a ferocious face, Hissing mouth was drooling, and there were several chains tied across his mouth. The giant beast emitting wild fluctuations of spiritual power rushed behind Ito Cheng and bit him.

"Shiroi! Gagaraku Tsuchimiya is back!?" This thought flashed through Ito's head as he turned his head to see clearly the appearance of the attacking giant beast. Then he suddenly jerked his left foot and made a half circle with his right foot on the ground. , and at the same time, he rotated his body, and made a slash with his arm from bottom to top. A half-moon-shaped silver sword light appeared in the air in vain, and cut out a long bloody gash in Bai Rui's open jaw. Immediately afterwards, Ito Cheng leaned over to avoid Bai Rui, who was rushing down with his inertia.

"Boom!" Bai Rui, whose attack failed, hit the ground heavily, knocking out a deep pit on the ground paved with large stone slabs. At the same time, it raised a lot of dust and blocked Ito Cheng's figure next to Bai Rui.

Taking this opportunity, Ito Cheng turned his palms upside down and held the long sword upside down, stepped back and formed a seal with his hands, and then a high-speed rotating blazing flame instantly rose in front of Ito Cheng, burning towards Bai Rui who turned to bite him.

This is exactly the spell that Ito Cheng stole from Isayama's family, Kongomeiou's Angry Flame.

"Roar!" When the flames burned him, Bai Rui let out a loud roar of pain, and his expression rolled and twisted even more ferociously, stirring the chains around it and making a violent "clattering" noise.

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