Magic world

Chapter 433 Residential House

an" for their monthly votes. Thanks to "Xiao Mofeng" and "nykfany" for their rewards. Thanks to "1 and 2" for their recommendation votes.

Through spiritual investigation, it was discovered that the three remaining secret sentries in the building were slightly hesitant due to the sudden disappearance of the light. A sneer immediately appeared on Ito Cheng's face, and he stretched out his hand to use alchemy on the wall of the building in front of him. He created a large door and quietly entered the building, approaching the three secret sentries who were carefully guarding the surroundings.

A moment later, Ito Cheng, who used his footwork to beat the enemy's Hakka assassination, silently came to the side of the three secret sentries who had formed a triangle defense formation back to back. Then he tapped his feet lightly and quickly floated to one of the secret sentries. The moment he instinctively dodged because of the cold air emanating from the Yitian Sword, a sword pierced his neck. Then he slashed with the sword, and a head flipped over and fell from the man's body to the ground. A stream of blood spurted out from the neck of the headless corpse in an instant, and the rapidly spurting blood made a weak "squeaking" sound.

Although the other two secret whistlers didn't know what was going on, their instinct as ninjas still drove them to immediately jump away from their companions or the sound that was close to their ears. At the same time, they each waved their hands and threw two weapons in their hands towards the location where the sound came from. sword.

"Puff puff puff~" The four shurikens fell on the headless corpse without any fancy, making a muffled sound.

"Ueda, Shiraki." One of the secret whistlers called the names of the other two companions in a low voice.

"I'm here." Another surviving dark whistle carefully looked around with eyes that had adapted to the darkness, and echoed at the same time.

"Shiraimu..." I heard the answer. Anshao, who was the first to ask, said softly.

At this time, Ito Cheng, who had quickly retreated from the secret whistle after committing suicide, suddenly turned his ankle, and a white smoke floated out from the soles of his feet. Then Ito Cheng suddenly turned into a black shadow and moved towards the secret whistle. Anshao, who was whispering to himself, rushed over.

"Shua~" Although he could only see an image that was like a hallucination, Anshao, who was very confident in his vision, immediately felt nervous and threw the Kuwu in his hand without thinking, and at the same time activated the teleportation technique. Dodge to the side.

Ito Cheng, who was holding the Yitian Sword, moved his wrist and immediately knocked away the kunai that flew in front of him. The collision between the two made a soft "ding" sound. Then with a backhand move, a transparent sword energy flew out from the Yitian Sword and flew towards the secret whistle.

Although the secret whistler did not know the purpose of Ito Cheng's actions, he instinctively sensed the danger and immediately formed a seal with his hands, then raised his cheeks and spit out in front of him.

"Wind Escape-Big Breakthrough!"

"Hoo~" A violent strong wind suddenly blew in the building, rotating and colliding with the sword energy thrown out by Ito Cheng, and then re-dispersed into more chaotic airflow, blowing everywhere.

With the turbulence generated by this wind pressure, the handprints in the hands of the secret whistle changed again. Then the palms of both hands struck forward one after another as if they were slapping something. Transparent wind blades immediately flew out from the hands of the secret whistle, cutting through the turbulent air around them, and flew continuously towards Ito Cheng's location.

This is exactly "Wind Release - Beast Wave Fiery Wind Palm".

Seeing this, Ito Cheng's body flashed with lightning, and his body instantly rushed towards another secret sentry who was forming seals with his hands, not only to avoid the attack of Beast Wave Gale Palm, but also to prevent the other party from launching powerful ninjutsu.

"Bang bang bang bang bang~" The next second after Ito Cheng dodged, the wind blades that had lost their target immediately hit the wall of the building, leaving dents and cracks at the same time. It made a dull sound.

On the other side, facing the rushing Ito Cheng, the secret whistle also prepared his ninjutsu, and saw a dazzling electric light suddenly flashed, a woman wearing a grass ninja ninja costume and two A humanoid figure composed of thunder and lightning appeared in front of Ito Cheng, and then the three figures, one real and two fake, flashed at the same time and escaped Ito Cheng's attack separately.

then. The two clones of one person who dodged Ito Cheng's attack stopped at the same time, as if standing on the three vertices of an equilateral triangle, facing each other, and began to quickly form seals.

See here. Another secret ninja who was very familiar with his companions didn't even think about it. He immediately came to Ito Cheng's side and used his physical skills to stop Ito Cheng who was about to leave, delaying time for the other companion.

It's just that his physical skills were too poor compared to Ito Cheng's. He didn't even exchange a few moves and fell into a disadvantage, struggling to hold on.

"Mizuno!" Just when the secret whistle was about to be defeated, the female secret whistle ninja named Bai Mu suddenly shouted loudly.

Hearing the sound, Mizuno didn't know that Shiraki was ready. He immediately tried his best to bear Ito Cheng's sword, at the cost of losing an arm, and used the substitute technique to break away from Ito Cheng's entanglement.

"Thunder Release-Thunder Bound!" The moment Mizuno, who lost an arm, escaped from the battle, the female ninja named Shiraki shouted sharply.

In an instant, three barriers composed entirely of lightning suddenly appeared in the building based on her and the two lightning clones. They were connected to form a lightning triangle with a closed top, imprisoning Ito Cheng inside.

Restricted by a thunder barrier similar to the lightning barrier, Ito Nari walked up to the thunder barrier and touched the surface of the lightning barrier with his finger. In an instant, a bolt of lightning as thick as a baby's arm sprang out from the barrier and flew towards Ito Nari. she comes.

Ito Cheng quickly retracted his hand and turned sideways, getting out of the way of the lightning attack, allowing it to disappear into another wall of thunder.

"Mizuno, are you okay?" At this time, Shiraki, who had completed the ninjutsu, asked Mizuno in a concerned tone.

"Ahem~ I'm fine." Mizuno, who covered the broken arm with one hand and slid to the ground against the wall, coughed twice and said weakly.

"Who are you, why did you come to the Grass Ninja Village, and what is your purpose." After getting the answer, Shiraki stared at Ito Cheng inside the lightning barrier and asked sharply.

Upon hearing the inquiry, Ito Cheng had an expression that said, "I don't know either." He smiled and shrugged without answering.

"Hmph." Seeing Ito Cheng's performance, Shiraki snorted coldly and said to the ninja named Mizuno, "Mizuno, I can't hold on for long with my chakra, so please go outside and call others to help."

"I understand." Hearing this, Mizuno nodded slightly, pressed his bloody palms on the ground, staggered up from the ground, and covered the wound on his broken arm that was still bleeding. He staggered towards the outside of the building.

"I can't just let you go." Looking at Mizuno who was slowly walking away, Ito Cheng muttered in a low voice, then squatted down and pressed one hand on the ground.

Immediately, with Ito Cheng's palm as the center, an electric current spread instantly. Then, on the originally ordinary wooden floor surface, spiky wooden pillars appeared like lotuses that had just bloomed. Centered on the floor under Ito Cheng's feet, Rapidly extending in all directions. Then it stood up to the lightning bombardment on the surface of the lightning barrier and burst outward.

"Is this Mudun!?" Bai Mu, who was standing outside, shouted in shock.

It's a pity that no one else here can answer his questions. The only one who could answer her question, Ito Cheng, was not interested in this at all. He concentrated on activating alchemy, catalyzing more spiked wooden pillars, and continuously crashed into the lightning barrier in a dense form.

"Crack, click, click~" Soon, a small crackling sound came from the surface of the lightning barrier. A large number of crack marks spread towards the entire lightning barrier at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then there was a sound like broken glass. With a "crash" sound, it shattered into countless fragments and fell to the ground. Finally, it turned into thunder and lightning and disappeared.

"Bang!" The backlash generated when the Thunder-bound Ninja Technique was broken instantly destroyed the two lightning clones as the base point. At the same time, an impulse came from the broken thunder and lightning barrier, slamming the Shiraki body as the other base point. Flying out, the huge force caused Bai Mu to uncontrollably open his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood while he was in mid-air.

But before she landed, Ito Cheng, who had stopped using alchemy, had already launched an attack, running quickly on the spiked wooden pillar growing in front of him. When he reached the top of the wooden pillar, he stepped suddenly, like a flying fairy from the sky, holding the sword and cutting through Bai Mu's body in mid-air. The sharp Yitian sword edge cut Bai Mu's body in half in an instant. Combined with a large amount of blood and internal organs spurting out, it fell to the ground.

Then Ito Seijing's divine power showed off, and he immediately locked onto Mizuno, who had just left the building and was about to attack the outer stone wall. Then, just like he had done recently, he used alchemy to create a gate on the surface of the building, and jumped down from the gate. ground.

Ito Cheng, who then fell to the ground, kicked off his feet and quickly rushed to the half-impaired Mizuno, cutting off his head with a sword due to the latter's sluggish defense.

"Plop." The headless corpse lay weakly backwards on the ground under the spurt of blood, making a dull sound.

"In order to increase the search time for myself, it seems that the stone wall needs to be strengthened." Listening to the faint sound of bombardment on the stone wall, Ito Cheng put his hand on the surface of the stone wall and thought to himself.

Then he used his spiritual power to communicate with the earth's energy, and used dragon vein alchemy to strengthen the stone wall. Under the flash of electric light, the stone wall slowly fluffed up like water-soaked pork and pushed toward the outside.

"Sure enough, it is more labor-saving to rely on the power of nature. If you use alchemy, you will completely rely on the energy in your own body to activate it, and you don't know how much it will consume. This will be very detrimental to the next battle." After a while, the stone wall was Ito Cheng, who had reinforced it to more than one meter thick, took his hand away from the surface of the stone wall and walked into the building while mentally secretly channeling it.

Afterwards, Ito Cheng, who had no worries for the time being, started searching the two-story building.

It should be said that it is indeed the office of the leader of the Ninja Village. Although the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, it basically has the rooms that Ito Shirazaki saw in the Hokage's office building. Although some of the doors are locked and the ground is dusty. , looking like it hasn’t been used for a long time.

However, Ito Cheng didn't care about these irrelevant things. His purpose was very clear, which was to find the ninjutsu information hidden in this building... So after two or three minutes of searching, Ito Cheng finally found the building. Ninjutsu storage room inside.

"After all, this is the Grass Ninja Village that often studies and deciphers the ninjutsu of other countries. The types of ninjutsu are so diverse that they don't even have a system." Ito Cheng thought to himself as he randomly pulled out a few ninjutsu scrolls from the bookshelf.

"But forget it, no matter what kind of ninjutsu scroll it is, it's better than nothing."

Thinking of this, Ito Shigeya opened the Rubik's Cube world without wasting time, and collected all the ninjutsu scrolls collected by the Grass Ninja Village into the Rubik's Cube world.

"I'm sure I can't get out of the main entrance, so let's be a plumber again." Standing in the empty ninjutsu collection room, Ito said mentally, and then activated the decomposition process, decomposing a large one on the ground. pit, letting his body gradually fall to the ground as the hole deepens.

After a moment, Ito Cheng, who sank about two meters below the ground, stopped his downward movement and began to disintegrate laterally. At the same time, in order to prevent the grass ninja from finding him along the tunnel, Ito Cheng used alchemy to fill the big hole he came down from.

After marching like this for about ten minutes, Ito Cheng, who felt that he was about a hundred meters away from the two-story building, stopped moving forward and started digging upwards on a slope.

A moment later, Ito Cheng returned to the ground.

At this time, he was still standing in the Grass Ninja Village, but he was already a hundred meters away from the central building that was surrounded and bombarded by a large group of ninjas, and he was still inside a private house, so there was no need to worry about being discovered.

Then, Ito Cheng filled in the potholes in front of him and restored them, and then walked towards the bedroom of this house with a relaxed expression, intending to see what kind of person the owner of the house was and judge how to treat them.

After all, he has no plans to leave the Grass Ninja Village just yet, at least not until he finds the person who interests him.

"Squeak~" Ito Cheng stretched out his hand and opened the door in front of him. The old wooden door made a harsh sound because it was not powered by oil.

"Who are you?" In the room, a middle-aged man who looked about thirty years old, with a dark complexion and stubble all over his face, wearing only a pair of large pants, opened his arms and pulled a A woman who looked to be in her twenties, with long black hair and a big belly stood behind her. She shouted to Ito Cheng who walked into the house with a nervous and frightened look.

"A civilian family... That would be much more convenient." Ito Cheng ignored the other party's question, but murmured to himself after looking at the two of them for a moment.

Then his eyes lit up, and powerful spiritual power instantly penetrated into the eyes of the man and woman in front of him, exerting hypnosis on them. After a while, the light in Ito Cheng's eyes disappeared and he ended the hypnosis for the two of them.

"Li Mei sleeps, it's a mouse." The middle-aged man who regained consciousness shook his head, lowered his arms, turned to the woman behind him and said softly.

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