Magic world

Chapter 415 First Battle

ps: Thanks to "Xiao Mofeng" and "nykfany" for their rewards.

"Yeah, this kind of leisurely life is better." Ito Cheng also looked at the position of the torii and sighed.

In this way, the two of them spent the whole morning quietly in a leisurely atmosphere. After lunch, Ito Cheng's work was replaced by Aye, and Ito Cheng, who was free, left Ito Shrine again and walked towards the foot of the mountain, preparing to travel across the world again to find strengthening resources for Chusha Yuko.

It was still at the foot of the shrine, the hidden corner used to enter the Rubik's Cube world last time. After using his spiritual power to confirm that there was no one within a hundred meters, Ito Cheng entered the Rubik's Cube world in a flash.

"I remember that when I first entered the Yitian World, my mental power level was at the mid-to-high level, and after staying in the Yitian World for eight years, I returned to the main world three days after I left. Now my mental power level is at the mid-to-high level, which is converted into an environment level The level standard is B-level peak, which means that if I stay in Yitian World for another eight years now, not even half a day has passed since I returned to the main world. Judging from this situation, if I leave and enter from now on In the new world, excluding the influence of the rules of the new world on time, I have at least about seven years to waste..." At this time, Ito Cheng, standing in the void of the Rubik's Cube, held one hand across his chest and spread the five fingers of the other hand slightly. Pressing it in front of his mouth, his index finger rested lightly on the side of his nose, he lowered his head and thought inwardly, "In this case, based on this time, plus the obvious strengthening items that can be provided for Yuko Chusho and the second-level or above soul fragments that I currently need. The world has a lot more options to choose from.”

"Cube, search this world. Then send me there." At this time, Ito Cheng, who had made a choice in his mind, lowered his hands and raised his head and shouted into the void.

The search is completed...the transmission begins...Ito Cheng's words just finished. The information about the Rubik's Cube instantly appeared in Ito Cheng's mind, prompting.

Then the void above Ito Cheng's head swayed slightly. A dark vortex that was small at first, but turned into a huge whirlpool at the top of a tornado appeared in the void. The powerful suction force instantly levitated Ito who was standing below. It was sucked into the vortex, and disappeared in the eye of the vortex in an instant like a stream of light.

Then, the huge vortex in the void shook slightly and slowly slowed down from its high-speed rotation. Then it gradually faded and disappeared into the void of the Rubik's Cube world again, turning into a blurry image that was almost invisible to the naked eye, hanging there quietly together with several other vortices of the same appearance in the void.

"Crackling..." Following a series of sounds like breaking glass, Ito Cheng's figure immediately appeared in a forest.

"The air here is so good!" Standing in front of the irregular space cracks that are recovering rapidly. Ito Cheng, who closed his eyes and felt the transformation of the power of the world, took a deep breath, then slightly opened his lips and exhaled it, saying with enjoyment.

"There are dense trees here. I think they should be there nearby. Even if they are not nearby, they are within the territory of that country." After a moment, Ito Cheng opened his eyes again and looked at the tall and thick green ancient trees around him and the mottled shadow of Ito. Cheng whispered to himself. Then he suppressed all the power fluctuations in his body. Yin and Jue used telekinesis to hide themselves, randomly chose a direction, and walked out of the forest.

Along the way, Ito Cheng encountered many weird and huge beasts that broke into his sight. Ito Cheng was not polite about this and knocked them unconscious directly into the Rubik's Cube world. Species resources that populate it.

In this way, after traveling in a straight line for most of the day, Ito Cheng, who collected no less than a hundred species of various animals, insects, and plants, finally walked out of the forest and came to a path that looked like a moving road. He walked further along the path. go.

"Robbery!" Just as the sun was setting and the sky was covered with beautiful clouds, six or seven thin men in tatters, armed with swords, sticks, broken axes and spears, shouted to Ito Cheng with a ferocious look.

"The language can be understood, which saves some trouble." Ito Cheng looked at the robbers opposite who had obviously killed people, and thought to himself.

"Damn it, did you hear the robbery?" Seeing that Ito Cheng didn't have the panic look on his face like most people, he frowned at one of the begging and crying robbers, and stepped forward in tacit understanding with the other robbers. Taking a step forward, he shouted ferociously again.

"Just you." Ito Cheng's eyes suddenly fell on the robber who was speaking, and he said words with unclear meaning. Then when the robbers were confused, his body turned into a black shadow and rushed into the middle of the robbers. He stretched out his hands, kicked, kicked, elbowed and pushed. In less than three seconds, he hit everyone except the robber who spoke. The killing is over.

"The rules of this world seem to have fewer restrictions. My speed is obviously much faster." Standing among the corpses, Ito Cheng casually punched the air beside him, and his super speed instantly There was a roar in the air.

"Plop." The thief who heard the cry suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, and fell in front of Ito Cheng with a pale face. He cried with a trembling voice, "Ninja-sama, please let me go. I have a boss." Youxiao, I just had no choice but to rob you."

"Shut up." Ito Cheng was annoyed by the robber's crying, frowned and shouted.

"Yes, yes, you villain, shut up now, villain, shut up now." The robber said immediately with all his body.

"Give me all the money you have." Ito Cheng ordered.

"Yes." The robber quickly straightened up his upper body, groped quickly with his hands in his arms, and after a moment took out a handful of crumpled banknotes and respectfully handed them to Ito Cheng and said, "Here you go."

"Where is this?" Ito Cheng reached out and took the banknotes from the robber's hand. He roughly counted them and found that there were more than a thousand Dan, and then asked.

"Master Ninja, this is XX Mountain, and about a mile further ahead is XX Village." The bandit who returned to his posture of prostrate to the ground replied quickly.

"Which country is xx village in?" Ito Cheng asked again.

"Sir, this is the Country of Fire, and xx Village is at the southern end of the Country of Fire." The robber replied. But he secretly thought in his heart, "This can't be some ninja who ran away from the countryside. Why doesn't he even know where he is?"

"In which direction is Konoha Village? How far is it from here?" Ito Cheng nodded slightly, mentally confirmed his initial guess, and then continued to ask.

"Sir, Kimura is hidden in the east of the Land of Fire. The distance from here..." The bandit pondered for a moment and then said, "If we follow the footsteps of ordinary people, it will take about thirteen days."

"Is it close to half a month?" Ito Cheng murmured to himself, then suddenly kicked out and kicked the robber on the ground to death. Then he clasped his hands in front of him. He squatted down and pressed down on the ground, and then he saw that the ground where the bodies of the six or seven robbers were was rolling in vain. After a while, they were swallowed into the ground, leaving not even a trace.

After finishing the finishing touches, Ito Cheng waved his hand to create a piece of off-white cloth. He slapped it with both hands and activated the alchemy. Then he saw the piece of off-white cloth in his hand shook and turned into a piece of cloth. A robe that covers the entire body. Ito Shigei was draped over his body, covering up his clothing that was obviously different from the Naruto world, and then walked quickly towards xx village in this appearance.

When night fell, Ito Cheng, dressed as a mysterious man, finally walked into XX Village, and then walked into a clothing store under the wary and strange eyes of the villagers, where he roughly learned about the clothing style of the Naruto world. He changed the cloak on his body and put it on a set of clothes similar to the style of Naruto World.

At this time, Ito Cheng has completely changed his appearance. The original travel shoes on his feet have been replaced by black fingerless sandals that are common in the Naruto world, and the light-colored casual trousers on his lower body have also been replaced by three-pointers of the same color. pants, and the white short-sleeved T-shirt on the upper body has not changed. Still wearing it.

Later, Ito Cheng, who changed his attire, walked out of the clothing store again. Under the normal eyes of the villagers, I walked into a small hotel and rested. Then after dawn the next day, he set foot on the road to Konoha again.

On this day, Ito Cheng, who was walking in a prosperous town, suddenly felt several strange waves of varying strength in the crowd. Ito Cheng, who probably had some guesses in his mind, followed him, and after the opponent's clever turns, he followed. , and finally came to a public toilet.

"This should be the famous underground exchange in the world of Naruto. It can provide some help for me to collect soul fragments." Looking at the public toilet in front of him with a slight frown, Ito Cheng turned his hands and turned into a rabbit-like mask to cover it. He rubbed his face, then followed the direction prompted by the mental scan to the secret entrance, stretched out his hand to push the urinal in front of him, leaned over and got in through the gap exposed behind it.

"Can't these guys from the underground exchange find a better place to hide? If they have to stay in a place like this, do they all have heavy tastes and a love for shit and urine?" The smell of filth was still lingering in the air. It smells bad, Ito Cheng frowned under the mask and complained mentally.

"I'm here to take over the mission." After a while, Ito Cheng finally walked through the half-length dark passage and walked into a small room with only a few torches to provide light. He said to the man who was receiving another person. Said a middle-aged ninja man with a sinister face, dead eyes, and a forehead protector composed of four curved diagonal lines cut across his forehead by a long straight line.

But the man did not pay attention to Ito Cheng immediately, but looked at Ito Cheng and the middle-aged ninja who was being received with interest.

Sure enough, at the next moment, a kunai suddenly appeared in the middle-aged ninja's hand and cut towards Ito Cheng's throat. Seeing this, Ito Cheng's hands were instantly filled with thought energy, and he took the opponent's kunai's attack in a hard way. At the same time, he quickly formed a thunder fist seal with one hand, and pointed a finger at the opponent's wrist holding the kunai.

"Poof~" As a muffled sound sounded, the middle-aged ninja's wrist holding the kunai was suddenly penetrated by an electric light. A small amount of blood and the electric light flew out of the middle-aged ninja's wrist and flew towards the ceiling.

"Bang~" After the electric light hit the ceiling, it immediately exploded into a pile of messy electric flowers, and disappeared completely into the dark room with a slight flash.

Then Ito Cheng's hands moved separately, and the palms that were resisting the kunai closed and clenched instantly. He held the middle-aged ninja's kunai in his hands and twisted it hard. At the same time, the palm that had released the lightning quickly slid along the middle-aged ninja's wrist to his small When he tugged at the connection between the arm and the upper arm, two snapping sounds were heard one after another, and the middle-aged ninja's fingers and forearm were instantly scrapped.

Then, without waiting for the middle-aged ninja to react, the palm of his hand holding the kunai quickly hit his waist and kidneys with his kunai.

"Exposed~Wow~" With an explosion and a sound of water, the middle-aged ninja in front of Ito Cheng suddenly dispersed into a puddle of water and sprinkled on the ground. Then three more kunai flew towards the back of Ito Cheng's head and back heart silently.

Although Ito Cheng has no ninjutsu to use, his mental power is not a vegetarian. As early as when he entered this world, he knew that the battle with ninjas is all about speed and sneak attacks, so he used his mental power before the battle began. He turned into a defensive circle and set it up within three meters of his body to guard against any possible attacks. Therefore, although he had not turned back yet, he already knew the situation of the three kunai and the true identity of the middle-aged ninja.

At this time, Ito Cheng turned around in vain, and quickly waved the kunai he snatched from the opponent's hand. He heard three crisp "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding." It hit the ground and made a "clang, clang, clang, clang" sound.

Then, after blocking the kunai attack, Ito Cheng threw the kunai in his hand toward the place where the middle-aged ninja was hiding. At the same time, he turned his hand to conjure a handful of small steel balls only the size of soybeans, and threw them away while , used alchemy to make dozens of slender Senbons, and shot them around the middle-aged ninja.

"Puff puff puff~" Four or five muffled sounds suddenly sounded, and then the middle-aged ninja ran out of the shadow in a somewhat embarrassed manner, and then hid in the darkness again.

This means that Ito Cheng disabled the opponent's fingers and arms in advance so that he could not form seals. Otherwise, with the ninjas in the Naruto world, how could the opponent not even use ninjutsu? Fight him with only your physical body.

But unfortunately, because of the power of ninja ninjutsu in this world, many ninja concepts in the main world have been abandoned here. For example, among normal ninjas in Japan, the principle of escaping immediately if the assassination fails is not very common here. Most ninjas They all played like samurai to death. Therefore, I feel that the middle-aged ninja who seems to have insufficient strength also has the same idea and wants to kill Ito Cheng here.

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