Magic world

Chapter 399 Armistice

After arriving near the Yajin-Duwe Fortress, the Divine Gundam immediately released its dragoons and fired at the Grasshopper and Eternity that were attacking Genesis. The numerous laser beams emitted by the powerful dragoon system were like a large number of MS at the same time. Like a sheer attack, the two ships suffered varying degrees of damage in an instant. ()

Fortunately, Ziyou Gundam finally arrived at the scene at this time, stopped the raging Divine Gundam, and fought against the Divine Gundam at a reaction speed that was almost comparable to the NT ability of New Humanity.

"It seems that nothing will happen to us for the time being." Ito, who was sitting in front of the artillery control console and looking at the battle scene being displayed on the optical screen of the Archangel, said to Bucky Lulu who was driving the Archangel.

"Yes." Bucky Lulu responded with a slight sigh of relief.

"So Natal, what are you going to do in the future?" Ito Cheng asked aloud.

Hearing Ito Cheng's inquiry, Bucky Lulu then thought about how excessive his current behavior was. Not only did he resist the orders of his superiors, but he also watched the other party being killed. In the end, he helped Ito Cheng control the main angel. No. This was tantamount to a direct betrayal of the military career that she had planned to fight for her whole life, and at the same time it also shattered the beliefs in her heart to pieces.

"I don't know." Bucky Lulu lowered her head slightly, with a mixture of confusion and pain on her face, and whispered.

"Since you don't know, how about flying away with me after the war is over." Ito Cheng said in a smooth and light voice, "You have nowhere to go anyway, right?".

"Follow you?" Bucky Lulu's face became more confused, and he murmured again.

"Well, come with me." Ito Cheng said firmly.

"Let me think about it, okay." After a moment, Bucky Lulu sighed and looked at Ito Cheng with a weak look on his face.

"Okay." Ito Cheng said softly to Bucky Lulu, then turned to look at the picture on the screen and said, "The war may be over."

Hearing this, Baji Lulu also temporarily suppressed the complex emotions in her heart and raised her head to look at the image on the optical screen. (.)

In the picture, a large number of Zaft battleships and MS clusters quickly retreated towards Plant without any fighting will, completely ignoring the three ships of Archangel, Eternity and Kusanagi hovering near them, as well as a small number of ships. The Earth's army's MS and battleships are escaping.

"Is Zaft going to abandon the Yakin-Duwe Fortress?" Bucky Lulu said in surprise.

"Depending on the situation, it should be yes." Ito Cheng said.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone in the four ships, the retreat lasted for about ten minutes, and it did not end until the last MS flew away from the Yakin Duwei Fortress. But despite this, the battle is still not over. The Ziyou Gundam continues to fight against the Divine Gundam. The Justice Gundam and Strike-Red Gundam have not withdrawn from Yajin Duwei. The body of Genesis still remains intact. There, he was always ready to shoot.

During this somewhat torturous wait, more than ten minutes passed again. I saw the Ziyou Gundam that had been fighting near the main body of Genesis suddenly accelerated, holding a beam stab composed of two beam swords in its hand. Gun, rushed in front of the Shenyi Gundam, and instantly pierced the beam spear in his hand near the cab of the Shenyi Gundam, and emerged from the back of the Shenyi Gundam, and then quickly dodged aside without any pause.

At the same time, powerful energy once again gathered inside the main body of Genesis, and it instantly turned into a huge energy beam. In the blink of an eye, it bombarded the back of the Divine Gundam that was blocking the path of the beam. In less than two seconds, it completely melted the Divine Gundam that still maintained the PS phase transfer armor state.

Subsequently, a more violent explosion suddenly erupted from the inside of the main body of Genesis. Together with the dazzling pink light group produced by the explosion of the God's Will Gundam outside, it destroyed the main body of Genesis and blocked the powerful energy beam it had just emitted. . At the same time, there was a violent explosion inside the Yakin-Duwe Fortress next to Genesis. A large amount of smoke and fireballs spewed out from various ports of the Yakin-Duwe Fortress, destroying Yakin-Duwe. All facilities within the fortress.

"Inform the entire Zaft army and the Earth Army in this universe." Shortly after the explosion of Yajin Duwei Fortress and Genesis, a female voice suddenly came out on the all-wave communication channel, saying in a solemn tone, " Now Plant has begun preparations for an armistice agreement between the Plant Council and the Earth Army, and the Plant Provisional Supreme Council has issued a request to Earth to stop all fighting in this space..."

"Is this the end?" After hearing the announcement on the communication channel, Bucky Lulu sat back on the chair softly and murmured to herself.

"It's over." Ito Cheng, who had already left the artillery console when the announcement appeared, floated to Bucky Lulu's side, looked down at her and smiled, "So think about it as soon as possible."

"I will." Bucky replied in a low voice with a complex expression flashing across his face again.

"Ito Cheng, Natal." At this time, Malu's image suddenly appeared on the optical screen of the Archangel, and said, "We are beginning to evacuate now, please follow the Archangel."

"I know." Ito Cheng raised his head and said to Maru on the screen.

Then the screen flashed and returned to the starry sky outside. Ito Cheng floated to the helmsman's position and said to Bucky Lulu, "Leave the driving to me. You go to the side to rest first. After all, your body is still a little weak."

"Yes." Bucky Lulu stood up from her seat obediently, floated to the captain's position in the center of the bridge, sat down, closed her eyes and rested.

Then, under the control of Ito Shige, the Archangel followed closely beside the Archangel. Together with the Eternal and Kusanagi, it left the battle area and returned to the gravel belt to hide.

"Okay." After the Lord Angel stopped, Ito Cheng stood up from the helmsman's position and floated in front of Bucky Lulu. After discovering that she fell asleep at some point, he didn't bother him and floated directly to the cic Chu grabbed the headset and contacted the Archangel.

"Maru, ask someone to prepare and work with me to suppress the remaining soldiers in the Lord Angel." Ito Cheng said to Maru.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to get ready." Ma Liu agreed, then hung up the communication and set up. After a while, Ito Cheng called again and said, "We are ready, and we are rushing to the departure gate of the Main Angel." place."

"I understand, I will assist you from within." Ito Cheng replied.

"Okay." Malu said.

Then, Ito Cheng hung up the communication with Malu and opened the ship's broadcast announcement channel, "Notify the crew of the Lord Angel that the Lord Angel is now officially taken over by us and is a battleship under our control. Soldiers will arrive later." A landing check is being carried out. Please stay where you are quietly and do not resist, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences. Repeat..." \u003c took off his headset, turned over his hand and transformed a light machine gun into his hand, turned around and walked into the elevator, landing at Go down one level, and then stand guard outside the elevator door. Sure enough, not long after, a group of Earth Army soldiers with crazy faces rushed over with guns in hand. When they saw Ito Cheng guarding the elevator door, they raised their guns and started shooting.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng didn't waste any time and immediately fired back. If Ito Cheng is just an ordinary soldier, they still have great hope to recapture the bridge, but the key point is that Ito Cheng is not an ordinary soldier. In the world, he is said to be a soldier wearing human skin. It's not an exaggeration to think of a monster, so the tragedy of this group of resisters was doomed. It didn't take long for Ito Cheng to eliminate them in the passage.

After them, there were basically no rebels inside the Lord Angel, so the soldiers who came later did not spend much time to suppress the Lord Angel and gathered the remaining Earth Army soldiers inside the Lord Angel. Go to Gnaku and watch it.

"You really impressed me, Captain Itosei." A moment later, Andy Butterfield, the tiger who led the soldiers to suppress him, walked up to Itosei and smiled.

Hearing this, Ito Cheng was not too hypocritical and modest, and accepted Andy Butterfield's praise with a smile.

Next, the members of the three ships who had completely completed the control of the Main Angel rested in the gravel belt. Of course, supplies were still provided by the recycling merchants. After all, although Plant has expressed its willingness to cease the war, the situation on the United Earth side is still unclear, so the members of the three ships who cannot guarantee the end of the war are still a thankless third-party force, and are always ready to deal with the possibility of another outbreak. to intervene with force in the battle.

In this way, after the original three ships and now the fourth ship drifted in the universe for more than a month, they finally got the exact news from the recycler transporting supplies, knowing that the United Earth had initially agreed to the plant. He requested an armistice and began to discuss the details of the armistice agreement with Plant.

It’s just that the negotiation time is too long. It’s almost 72 years. The final version of the armistice agreement has still not been negotiated. However, after three consecutive months of rest, it is basically certain that no battle will break out again. The four battleships decided to split up.

Among them, the Eternal returned directly to the nearby plant, using Lux's huge influence among the people, the military, and high-level officials to promote the early conclusion of the armistice agreement. The three ships, the Archangel, the Archangel, and the Kusanagi, returned to Earth. They used the truce and the powerful force of the three ships to intimidate Orb again, and this influenced the United Earth to reach an armistice agreement.


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