Magic world

Chapter 376 Rescue

Before dawn the next day, Ito Cheng, who had finished washing and had a simple breakfast, said goodbye to Viletta, then left her house and rushed to the laboratory. He picked up Kallen, who had also just arrived, and met Guren Shengtian. The Baji style appeared on the island again.

"This kind of weather is not suitable for fighting." Kallen, who had just appeared on the island, looked up at the clouds that were gradually gathering in the half-lit sky, and said with a frown.

"It doesn't matter, we don't have to fight this time. My main purpose is to come here to be a lifeguard." Ito Cheng also glanced at the clouds in the sky and said with a slight smile.

"Oh." Karen nodded after hearing this, then turned around and walked to the side of the Red Lotus Holy Sky Baji Style, quickly climbed into the cockpit, activated the system and started to detect the surrounding situation with a new type of radar.

"Ito Cheng, two large-scale energy reactions were discovered!" Soon after, when the sun in the distance had just risen above the sea, and most of the body was still hidden below the sea level, I sat in the Honglian Shengtian Baji cockpit. Kallen suddenly put her head in and shouted to Ito Cheng.

Hearing the words, Ito Cheng was immediately shocked and quickly came to the side of Honglian Shengtian Baji Shi. The two of them jumped into the cockpit and said to Kallen who was ready to go in front of him, "Let's rely on it." Go over, but be careful to stay hidden.”

"I understand." Kallen nodded seriously.

Afterwards, the hatch of the cockpit was quickly tightened and closed without unfolding the solidified radiation wave light screen wings. It directly moved on the ground and quickly moved towards the direction of the two energy reflections.

After all, it is a body based on a knightmare, and its speed of shuttling through the forest is simply not comparable to those bulky toys in the Gundam world. It didn't take long for the Red Lotus Holy Heaven Baji Style to arrive at the edge of the island, and used its electronic eyes to look at the two parties who were already fighting together.

"Is that how Gundam behaves in this world? It seems like nothing." Kallen, who was sitting in the cockpit, murmured softly as she looked at the several X-series Gundams fighting on the screen.

"That's because there is the influence of the earth's gravity now. If it were in the universe, it would not behave like this." Ito Cheng, who heard Kallen's muttering, explained with a chuckle.

"Even so, they seem to have very strong attack power. The driver's skills are really rough. They are about the same as the knights of Britannia. They can't even compare to the Round Table." Kallen continued to be critical. said.

"That's just a technical difference caused by different ways of applying technology. There's nothing to fault." Ito Cheng said.

"Yes." Kallen tilted her head and thought for a moment, then nodded and admitted.

Afterwards, the two stopped talking and became peaceful spectators.

at this time. The red Aegis Gundam suddenly jumped out from the auxiliary aircraft it was standing on, jumped directly above the Archangel, quickly transformed into the image of a four-clawed squid, and fired a scarlet arrow at the Archangel. Energy beam.

"Boom!" The beam of light flashed across the sky in an instant, leaving a huge wound on the left side of the Archangel, which was evading at high speed, with the internal machinery visible. As a violent explosion sounded, a plume of thick smoke rose from the injured location of the Archangel, causing the Archangel's hull to tilt to one side uncontrollably.

At this time, the Holy Shield Gundam, which had completed its attack, returned to its human form and stepped on the auxiliary flying device that happened to fly back to its feet. Quickly break away from the Archangel and return to the sky.

Just as the Aegis Gundam was rising into the sky, the Strike Gundam suddenly launched a counterattack, shooting a laser beam through the Duel Gundam's right leg, causing it to explode. It fell from the auxiliary aircraft, but the Duel Gundam's counterattack also exploded the beam gun in the Strike Gundam's hand, causing the Strike Gundam, which temporarily lost its long-range attack capability, to be hit by the Holy Shield Gundam like a moving target. .

What's even more amazing is that the Holy Shield Gundam suddenly jumped up from the auxiliary aircraft, and when the aircraft flew in front of the Strike Gundam, it suddenly penetrated it with a laser beam, using the resulting explosion to attack the Strike Gundam.

Being hit by an explosion at such close range. Even though the Strike Gundam was protected by PS armor, the impact it produced still sent the Strike Gundam flying to the island aside. The weight of the Strike Gundam itself immediately made a large dent in the soft soil of the island.

Then, without the help of the auxiliary aircraft, the thrusters on the back of the Holy Shield Gundam sprayed out, and quickly fell to the side of the Strike Gundam, fighting with the Strike Gundam who was about to get up.

At the same time, as a thick silver lightning flashed in vain in the sky, fine rain quickly fell from the sky, adding an indescribable artistic conception to the battle.

"Do you still think their driving skills are rough now?" Using the Red Lotus Holy Sky Baji Style and arriving near the battlefield of Strike Gundam and Aegis Gundam, Ito Cheng asked Kallen softly, who was concentrating on observing the battle between the two.

"Their skills are very strong!" Kallen said in a serious tone. "If it's a one-on-one situation, I can only guarantee that I can escape safely, but I'm not sure whether I can defeat them."

"You know Kallen, the two of them are two of the people with the highest driving skills in this world, and their physical fitness is stronger than that Suzaku guy. So according to what you just said, you are actually in this world. He is also one of those who stand at the top." Hearing Kallen's words, Ito Cheng stated softly.

"Is this so?" After hearing Ito Cheng's story, Karen's eyes flashed slightly and she whispered to herself.

At this time, the situation outside changed again. An Air Overlord suddenly broke into the battlefield, attracting the attention of the two Gundams that were fighting. Among them, the Holy Shield Gundam, which was attacked by the sudden arrival of the Sky Overlord, immediately threw out the shield in his hand and smashed it into the sudden intrusion of the Sky Overlord.

"Boom!" The shield flipped and cut open the nose of the Air King, destroying the engine. At the same time, the sparks caused by friction quickly ignited the fuel leaking from the engine, triggering a violent explosion.

Seeing the destruction of the Sky King, the Strike Gundam immediately changed its movements, its speed and agility increased a lot at the same time, and almost instantly cut off one of the arms of the Holy Shield Gundam with the beam sword. The Holy Shield Gundam was injured and fell to the ground. At this time, it suddenly became like Strike Gundam. Its speed and agility were greatly improved at the same time. Beam blades were protruded from both feet and the remaining right hand, and it flew and cut off Strike Gundam with one kick. Gundam's left arm... Then, like berserkers who didn't know what fear was, the two attacked each other in the most brutal way. Almost every attack would leave an exaggerated damage on the other's body.

"Did they still have reservations during the battle just now?" Kallen said with some disbelief as she looked at the battle outside.

"That's not true. The current situation is just that they have stimulated their physical potential." Ito Cheng shook his head slightly, looked at the two Gundams intently and said solemnly, "Abandon all negative emotions, just fight for the sake of fighting. There is no fear, no hesitation, all attacks and dodges are the most appropriate timing and methods, everything is done based on instinct and intuition."

"How could such a person exist?" Kallen said in shock.

Just when Kallen was shocked, the battle outside changed again. The Holy Shield Gundam suddenly turned into a four-legged squid, but because it was missing an arm, only three steel claws were able to grasp the Strike Gundam at the same time. On his body, a red light suddenly shone in the center of the Holy Shield Gundam. But before the light stabilized, the bright red color on the surface of the Holy Shield Gundam's fuselage and the shining light in the center disappeared at the same time. Then a pilot wearing a red protective suit with the help of the propeller on his back , quickly flew away from the Holy Shield Gundam.

"Boom!" Before the pilot flew far, a violent explosion suddenly occurred from the body of the Holy Shield Gundam. The sudden bright fire and violent shock wave spread rapidly, like a typhoon passing through. It blew violently around. Especially the pilot who had just flown out of the Holy Shield was immediately blown out by the strong wind generated by the explosion, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Hurry up and save people." Seeing the explosion, Ito Cheng immediately shouted to Kallen in front of him.

The latter did not hesitate after hearing the words, quickly activated the Red Lotus Holy Sky Eight-Ji Style, rushed out of the forest where he was hiding, rushed into the still burning flames, and came to the cab of the Strike Gundam. Then the crossbones on the back unfolded the solidified energy wings, blocking all the flames outside the cab. Then he stretched out the steel claws to remove the Gundam arm blocking the front of the cab, and removed more protective clothing from the cockpit behind the arm. Kira, who was damaged and seriously injured, grabbed it in his hand and quickly left the scene.

After arriving at an open space in the forest, Honglian Shengtian Baji style put Kira on the ground. Then as soon as the cockpit opened, Ito Cheng's figure quickly jumped out, and then quickly came to Kira In front of him, he waved his hand and threw several healing talismans onto Kira's body, quickly treating Kira's injuries.

"How is he?" Kallen leaned out of the cockpit and asked Ito Cheng who was squatting next to Kira.

"It's okay, I can't die." Ito Cheng stood up and looked at Kallen and said. Then he seemed to have thought about something and hurriedly said to Karen, "Use the biological detection radar to see if there is anyone else around."

"Oh, okay." Although Karen didn't know what Ito Cheng was going to do, she sat back in the cockpit obediently and started the bioradar to search the surrounding situation. After a while, Kallen, who found that no one else was around except Ito Cheng and Kira on the ground, leaned out again and said to Ito Cheng, "No one else was found."

"I understand." Ito Cheng responded with a nod. . . )


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