Magic world

Chapter 365 Going out for shopping

Fortunately, everything was just a false alarm. Except for sending Strike Gundam to the rescue at the end because the people in Dawn Desert were chasing tigers, Ito Cheng who was on standby was not used to attack at all, and Ito Cheng was asked to fight again. Ordered soy sauce once.

"We don't have much supplies." In the captain's lounge, Bucky Lulu, who was standing upright, said in a deep voice to Mariu, who was sitting behind the desk with his hands clasped in front of his mouth.

"Is it because of the distribution to the victims?" Mu asked, with one hand on his waist and the other scratching the back of his head.

"Yes." Baji Lulu nodded and confirmed.

"Then what are we going to do?" Mu put down the palm that was scratching the back of his head and looked at the thoughtful Ma Liu and said.

"Natal, what do you think?" Ma Liu put the hands held in front of her mouth flat on the table, turned to look at Bakki Lulu and asked.

"I think we can agree to Sibu Asuma's proposal and go to Barnadia with them tomorrow to buy supplies through the underground merchants there." Bakirulu suggested.

"But the issue of selection..." Ma Liu said with a frown.

"As for the selection, Baki Lulu and I will go together." Ito Cheng, who had been listening to the three people's discussion, looked at Maru and said quietly.

"You two?" Ma Liu frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, tomorrow you two will go buy supplies with Xibu Asuma."

"Since Captain Ito Cheng is also going, I think it's better to ask that kid Kira to go too." Mu next to him suddenly suggested with a serious face. In an instant, the eyes of Ito Cheng and the others fell on him. Waiting for his explanation.

"There has been something wrong with that kid in the past few days. It just so happens that there is a suitable opportunity now, so I want to take this opportunity to let Kira follow him out to relax. Anyway, Captain Ito Cheng is here. With his skills, I think unless Baku is used , otherwise no one can hurt Kira under his nose." Mu looked up at the three of them, shrugged and smiled.

"What's wrong with Kira?" Ma Liu looked at Mu strangely and asked.

"Anyway, it's just a little troublesome." Mu shook his head with a headache and said helplessly.

"Okay." Looking at Mu's look, Ma Liu, who knew that Kira's problem might not be simple, agreed to Mu's proposal. Then he turned to look at Ito and said seriously, "Captain Ito, Kira's safety is in your hands."

"I understand." Ito Cheng nodded and said calmly.

Then the four of them discussed some more things. Feeling that it was already very late, Ito Cheng, Mu and Baki Lulu left the captain's lounge one after another and returned to their rooms to rest.

Nothing happened all night, and everything was peaceful until dawn.

"Let's go." Ito, who was dressed as an ordinary person, said next to Bucky Lulu, who was wearing white trousers and a purple long-sleeved shirt.

"Yes." Bucky Lulu agreed firmly, and walked out of the Archangel with Ito Cheng, got into a car driven by the personnel from Dawn Desert, and quickly rushed to Barnadia, the nearest large city. In another car behind them, there were Kira who came out to relax, and Cagalli and her bodyguard who had followed them for unknown reasons.

After a long and boring journey in the desert, the group finally drove into the city around ten o'clock in the morning and stopped in front of a market.

"Let's go down." Cagalli jumped out of the car and said to Kira beside her.

"Oh." Kira responded in a low voice. He jumped out of the car with an expressionless face, and silently looked at the peaceful and noisy life in the city for a long time without saying anything.

"Be careful." Cagalli's bodyguard said to Cagalli.

"I understand, you should also be careful about Cha Yili." Cajiali nodded and agreed.

"Kira." Ito Cheng, who was in the car in front, turned and shouted to Kira. After Kira looked over, he threw out a metal nameplate. After Kira caught it, he said, "Hold it, don't lose it."

Kira looked down at the metal nameplate in her hand, which was about the size of a thumb and a knuckle, and was very confused.

"Let's go." Ito Cheng didn't explain this, raised his head and said to Sibu Asuma who was sitting in the passenger seat. Then the two cars started their engines again and drove towards the depths of the market.

"What did you throw to him just now?" Bucky Lulu asked Ito Cheng next to her in the car.

"Something that I can find when I need it." Ito Cheng rested his right elbow on the edge of the car. He looked at the civilians on the street and said softly.

"A tracker, that's a good method." Baji Lulu guessed.

"That's right." Ito Cheng replied, moving his shoulders.

After a while, the two cars drove away from the market from the other end, and after traveling some distance, they stopped in front of a two-story building guarded by armed officers. Then Sibu Asuma came forward to negotiate. After obtaining the entry permit, he was led by a guard into the building and came to a room on the second floor to meet the real owner he was looking for this time. A brown-skinned, bald man with a four-ring beard, Chaili.

"Honestly, I find it strange that you would come to my place." Bald Chaili said to Sibu Asuma who was sitting on the sofa.

"You don't have to worry about your life. You are really at ease, Zaili. If possible, I don't want to see your face again." Sibu Asuma said, "But there is no other way. I can't let my kettle empty."

"As long as you can reconsider. Life is more important than a relatively meaningless belief, am I right?" Chaili narrowed his eyes and said with a fake smile. Then he leaned forward slightly, reached out and picked up the water glass in front of him and said, "The price of water is constantly rising. Of course, it is the same everywhere. As long as you can drink it, it is fine, because it is closely related to life."

After saying that, Chai Li took a sip of the water in the cup with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"I don't want to talk to you about this now." Sibu Asuma suddenly sat up straight and raised his voice and said, "What's going on? Do you accept our request or not?"

"Of course, compatriots should help each other." Chaili said, then put the water glass on the low table in front of him. He stood up and said, "We will discuss the specific matters when we get to the factory. Hahahaha"

After saying that, he took the lead to leave the room with his hands behind his back. Then Sibu Asuma, Kajiali's bodyguard, Bucky Lulu and Ito Cheng also followed Chaili and left the room one after another, heading to the factory.

"Water, food and fuel have been prepared, and the only thing left is the most important thing." said Chaili, who led the way to the final trading location.

Then, Chaili, who was walking ahead, suddenly stopped. The four people turned to face Ito, and at the same time, four staff members pushing a trolley with a large wooden box on it came in and parked the trolley behind Chaili. He reached out and opened the lids of the four large wooden boxes. The various missiles and ammunition that the Archangel needed to supply immediately appeared in the eyes of Bucky Lulu and Ito Cheng.

"75mmap bombs, eq177 magnetic field blocking parts made by Shuguang Company, everything is ready." Chaili said.

At this time. As soldiers, Bakki Lulu and Ito Cheng walked out from behind Xibu Asuma, came to four large wooden boxes, and checked the ammunition contained in the boxes.

"Hey, it's actually military supplies." Ito Cheng picked up the items in one of the boxes and checked them. He whistled in surprise and said.

"I can't believe where these arms came from." Bucky Lulu stood in front of a box, looking at the military supplies in the box and whispered in surprise.

"There are still many unknown jobs in the world. Hahahaha." After hearing what Bucky Lulu said, Chaili replied without looking back. Then he looked up at Sibu Asuma in front of him and continued, "Although it cannot be said that these are rewards."

"I understand." Sibu Asuma interrupted Chaili, and then asked Baji Lulu, "How is it? There is no problem with the goods."

"Yes. There is no problem with all the goods." Bakki Lulu replied.

"Are you ready with everything we want?" Sibu Asuma asked Chaili after seeing Baji Lulu confirming the status of the ammunition.

"Of course." Zaili closed his eyes and said very proudly. At the same time, a staff member next to him handed the list of items with the final total price to Sibu Asuma and said, "Please take a look."

"Kisaka." Xibu Asuma, Ito Cheng and Bakki Lulu, who returned to him, each took a look at the set of numbers and shouted to the Kagali bodyguard behind him.

The latter immediately stepped forward. After looking down at the bill in Sibu Asuma's hand, he said simply, "Aszala will be responsible for the payment."

Afterwards, everyone who completed the transaction and received the supplies immediately left Chaili's factory and returned to the place where Kira and Cagalli were dropped off. However, they were not picked up immediately after arriving there. Kisaka, whose search was fruitless, contacted Mariu in the Archangel, and reunited with Bakiruru and Ito Nari who had received the news.

"Tsk. They're still separated after all." Ito Cheng, who put his hands on his waist and glanced around, said softly, "Okay, you guys wait here, I'll go look for him."

"I'll go with you." Baji Lulu said immediately.

"No, it will be faster if I am alone." Ito Cheng shook his head slightly. Then without waiting for Bakilulu and Kisaka to speak, she quickly ran away and disappeared into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

"Is it okay for him to be alone?" Kisaka looked at Ito Cheng who was walking away and asked Bakki Lulu in a low voice.

"If it's him, no problem." Baji Lulu said with certainty.

After a while, Ito Cheng followed the spiritual mark on the metal nameplate he threw to Kira and came to a luxurious mansion guarded by a large number of zaft soldiers and stopped in front of it.

"Stop." Seeing Ito Cheng, the two guarding soldiers immediately took off the weapons carried on their shoulders, aimed at Ito Cheng, and shouted loudly, "This is a military important location. Unrelated personnel please leave."

"Well, I'm here to pick up people. Please go and inform the person in charge inside that Kira Yamato and Cagalli's guardians are here." Ito Cheng raised his hands to show no harm, and then said to the soldiers.

"Wait there." The soldier frowned, winked at the other soldier beside him to tell him to be careful, then turned around and walked aside to connect the indoor communication. After a while, the soldier walked back to the original place and said to Ito Cheng, "Follow me."

"Okay." Ito Cheng nodded, followed the soldier, walked into the luxurious building in front of him, and then stopped in front of a room with a woman wearing a blue sexy tights standing at the door. down. Then, the guard gave a military salute to the woman standing at the door, turned around, left the room, and returned to his post.

"Go in." The woman in blue stretched out her hand to open the door and said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you." Ito Cheng thanked him, then walked past the woman and entered the room. Then he greeted Kira and Cagalli in the room, "Kira, Cagalli."

"Captain Ito Cheng." Kira shouted in surprise.

"Well, since your guardian is here, I won't send you off." Andy Butterfield smiled and said to Kira, "I was very happy to talk today, although I don't know if it is a good thing."

Kira looked at Andy Butterfield opposite, then put her arms around Cagalli, who was wearing a green strapless dress and a strange necklace around her neck, and turned around and walked out the door.

"See you on the battlefield." Andy Butterfield said as Kira was about to walk out of the room.

"Thank you for taking care of our children." Ito Cheng smiled politely at Andy Butterfield, then turned and walked out of the room, catching up with Kira and Cagalli in front and walked out of the building together, leaving Zaft's Mansion.

"Captain Ito Cheng." On the way to the rendezvous point, Kira asked Ito Cheng, "How did you know I'm here."

"Do you still remember the metal nameplate I threw to you when I left?" Ito Cheng turned to look at Kira beside him and said.

"Is this something?" Kira said, taking out the metal nameplate from her jacket pocket.

"Yes." Ito Cheng nodded slightly, reached out and took the metal name tag in Kira's hand and said, "This thing has the spiritual mark I left on it. As long as it is within my sensing range, I can know that you are there." where."

"Spiritual mark, what is that?" Kira looked at Ito Cheng inexplicably and asked.

"It's just like the peach blossom charm you bought from me before. It's a very mysterious thing. It's very troublesome to explain, and you probably won't understand it if I explain it." Ito Cheng said with a chuckle, and then placed the metal nameplate With a gentle squeeze of his palm, he unfolded it again, and saw that the originally complete metal nameplate suddenly turned into a pile of metal powder, and was blown out of Ito Cheng's palm by the breeze that followed.

Kira and Cagalli looked at Ito Cheng in shock, speechless as if he had done something trivial. . . )


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