Magic world

Chapter 361 Descent

Just as Ito Cheng sat down in front of the Vulcan Cannon console, Sai, Dole, Mirialia and Kaz, who were supposed to retire and leave the Archangel, came to the bridge one after another and sat in front of them. In the usual sitting position.

"What are you..." Malu said in surprise as he looked at Sai and the four people who floated into the bridge and took their respective seats.

"They are volunteers, recognized by Colonel Hoffman and approved by me." Bucky explained loudly.

Subsequently, the Archangel, with all staff in place, was quickly prepared, waiting for Admiral Halbarton's order to enter the battle. I just waited and waited for a long time, but did not receive the combat order from Admiral Halbarton. He could only watch in agony as dozens of Gundams, including the Holy Shield, Duel, Storm, and Thunder, wreaked havoc on the battlefield, carrying out an almost one-sided massacre of the Eighth Fleet. Even if a retreating battleship is accidentally missed by the Holy Shield Gundam and Thunder Gundam, it will be destroyed by the main gun of the Nazca-class battleship behind it, and the root will be wiped out.

"Hey, why are you putting me on standby! Even for the Eighth Fleet, it is very dangerous to deal with those four aircraft." At this time, Mu, who had also been waiting for a long time without receiving the order to attack, took the initiative to contact the landline at Ma Liu's hand and said loudly.

"Captain Flagg." Malu whispered with hesitation.

"Although it doesn't make much difference if I have an extra phone." Mu Ye felt that his tone just now was a bit harsh, so he said in a low voice.

"This ship has not received the order to attack, please wait." Malu quickly replied to Mu, then immediately cut off the communication, turned around and ordered loudly with a firm face, "Connect to the Minelaos."

"What's the matter?" Soon, Halbarton's figure appeared on the optical screen, and Halbarton, wearing a space protective suit, asked.

"This ship wants to leave the fleet immediately and enter the descent channel. Please give me permission." Malu asked seriously.

"What did you say?" Halbarton said in surprise.

"Want to escape first?" the pudgy colonel said angrily.

"The enemy's target is this ship. If we don't leave the main force, the whole army will be annihilated if this continues." Malu ignored the pudgy officer's malicious speculation and said to Halbarton calmly, "It may be difficult to get to Alaska. , but from this position, you can land within the control range of the Earth Army. As long as you persist until you break through the contact point, you can get rid of the Zaft warships. Admiral! "

"You are still so messy, Malu-Lamias." After a short silence, Halbaton said softly. However, it is not difficult to tell from this sentence that he agreed to Ma Liu's proposal.

"There are subordinates as there are commanders." Malu replied calmly.

"That's fine, the Archangel will prepare to descend immediately. I'll take you to the critical point. Even a bad wolf won't let it pass." Halbarton said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Ma Liu responded simply. Malu then hung up the communication and ordered loudly, "Confirm the landing procedure and test the heat-resistant agent nozzle..."

As Ma Liu finished speaking, a dozen protrusions immediately appeared on the bottom deck of the Archangel, and a layer of soft substance like mercury surged out from the protrusions, quickly matching the silver-gray gelatinous substance pouring out from the surrounding protrusions. In one piece. Covering the entire bottom of the Archangel.

"The lowering procedure has been tested and everything is normal. The track has been trimmed and the entry angle is 6.1 seaer + 3." Deputy helmsman Dole reported immediately after the heat-resistant agent was spread.

"Admiral." Malu called out after regaining contact with Halboton.

"Well, the descent of the Archangel has begun." Halbarton immediately ordered after learning that the Archangel was ready.

"Start to descend. Thrusters at 40%, moving forward at a slight speed, starting in 4 seconds..." The ship's information control officer loudly reported the operating status of the Archangel.

As the Archangel descended, the warships of the Eighth Fleet, which had been clustered together and fought independently, suddenly made changes. Quickly seal all roads leading to the Archangel, using itself as a shield to protect the safety of the Archangel's descent.

Seeing the actions of the Archangel, the four Gundams Holy Shield, Duel, Storm, and Thunder that had been fighting on the periphery quickly adjusted their targets and rushed towards the location of the Archangel. All the horses and battleships that stood in front of the four Gundams along the way were all overwhelmed by the powerful performance and firepower of the four machines. Become cosmic garbage floating outside the earth's orbit.

"In the first stage of descent, there are still seven minutes left before the critical point of entering the atmosphere." the information control officer said loudly.

But before even the first minute passed, several battleships exploded under the attack of four Gundams. Then a passage leading to the Archangel was cleared by four Gundams, and the Duel and Storm Gundams rushed towards the Archangel.

"Duel, Storm Gundam suddenly appeared on the front line, and the Minelaos responded." Radar Official Report reported.

"Captain, let us attack until we enter the atmosphere." At this moment, Mu contacted Malu again and requested.

"What are you talking about?" Ma Liu retorted instinctively, and then suddenly thought of the word "we" in Mu's words just now.

"The operation manual says that the Strike Gundam can break into the atmosphere alone." When Ma Liu was still confused about the word "we" in Mu's words, Kira wearing protective clothing appeared on the small screen and said.

"Kira!" Malu shouted in surprise. Then he asked with hesitation and disbelief, "Why are you there?"

"The Minelaos is too dangerous if this continues, Captain." Kira did not answer Malu's question, but emphasized again.

Just when Maru was still shocked and speechless because Kira was sitting on the assault, Bakilulu immediately stood up from the command seat, walked to Mirialia and connected Kira's communication and said, "I understand, but it must be Return before the third stage. Even though the operation manual says so, no one has ever tried it, and no one knows what will happen to the people inside the machine. Always pay attention to altitude and time."

"Yes." Kira responded.

"Second Lieutenant Bakki Lulu!" Malu stood up from his seat with an angry face, stared at Bakki Lulu condescendingly, and shouted in a voice full of anger.

"If this ship is sunk here, the sacrifices of the Eighth Fleet will be all in vain." Baki Lulu turned around, looked at Malu, and replied loudly with the same emotion.

Maru, who was speechless by Bakilulu's rebuttal, could only stand there, looking at Bakilulu with a strange expression that she wanted to cry but couldn't but was angry at the same time.

With Bucky Lulu's permission, the two ejection channels at the front of the Archangel were opened one after another. Then the Ma driven by Mu and the Strike Gundam driven by Kira flew out of the ejection channels one after another, each looking for Get on the Storm Gundam and Duel Gundam to fight.

"The second stage of the descent channel. There are still 4 minutes until the critical point of entering the atmosphere." the information control officer said.

"The Laurasia is approaching." Suddenly, the radar officer shouted.

Immediately, a Zaft warship was seen rushing straight into the battle group of the Eighth Fleet without dodge. It resisted the attacks of surrounding warships with its thick armor and rushed straight towards the Minelaos. . Along the way, the main guns of the Laurasia class kept bombarding the Minelaos. Obviously, this Laurasia-class ship is determined to destroy the Archangel even if it is destroyed.

Knowing that it might not be able to escape the same fate, the Minelaos immediately released the space shuttle carrying the civilians of Heliopolis.

"There are still 2 minutes until the third stage reaches the critical point." Information Control said.

At this time, red flames produced by friction when breaking through the atmosphere had already appeared on the outside of the Archangel. Violent shaking immediately occurred inside the Archangel, shaking everyone sitting on the bridge and feeling uncomfortable.

"Recall Strike Gundam and Type Zero." Bucky Lulu immediately ordered. After receiving the order, the Type Zero attacked the Duel Gundam twice to force it away. It retrieved the four auxiliary weapon boxes and returned to the tarmac outside the Archangel. In order to secure it, it also specially set off the emergency securement before landing. The machine was nailed to the tarmac.

Just when the Zero had just landed back on the Archangel, the Laurasia-class battleship and the Minelaos driven by Admiral Halbarton finally reached the limit of endurance, and were successively exposed to the red high-temperature flames generated by friction with the atmosphere. There was an explosion and disintegration in the air.

Looking at the Minelaos gradually disintegrating on the screen, Malu and Baki Lulu stood up from their seats at the same time and silently performed a military salute. Especially Ma Liu, several tears flew out of the corners of her eyes.

"Stage 3, entering the atmosphere... heat-resistant agent dispersion!" the information officer said loudly.

"Kira, pay attention to where you are diagonally above, and push the duel out of the engagement range of the shuttle." Just as Malu and the two were mourning the Minelaos, Ito Cheng floated next to Mirialia and said to Kira, who was entangled with the Duel Gundam, said.

"I know." Kira replied hastily, and then accelerated the attack in an attempt to push the duel away from the battlefield. However, due to the influence of the earth's gravity, the Duel Gundam was not pushed out by Strike. Instead, the Duel Gundam counterattacked and kicked Strike away. The Duel Gundam, which was then preparing to attack, was blocked by a shuttle that suddenly rushed into the battlefield. The Duel Gundam, which had lost its best chance, immediately vented its anger on the shuttle after trying a few shots to no avail, and it penetrated the shuttle with just one hit. The shell of the shuttle was broken, causing it to explode violently, and the Strike Gundam, which rushed over at high speed after seeing the Duel Gundam's behavior, was blown away in the direction of the earth.

"You still couldn't be saved..." Ito Cheng looked at the picture on the optical screen, frowned, and said to himself in a very unhappy mood.

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