Magic world

Chapter 356 Fleur

"Hey, Kira..." Ito Cheng, who had just walked out of Lux's room, greeted Kira who was wandering outside the door.

"Captain Ito Cheng." Upon hearing the greeting, Kira quickly put away the expression on his face and shouted in a low voice.

"Are you looking for Lux?" Ito Cheng lightly kicked his feet and floated in front of Kira and said.

"Yeah." Kira nodded honestly and admitted.

"I understand." Ito Cheng looked up and down at Kira in front of him, with a look of surprise on his face. Then he suddenly put his arms around Kira's neck, leaned into his ear and whispered, "Then I I won’t bother you anymore, remember to work hard! I believe that with the help of the peach blossom charm I sold, the girl will definitely be able to win."

After saying that, he released his arm around Kira's neck, turned around and floated towards the bridge. Kira, whose face was flushed by what he said, originally wanted to explain a few words, but after looking at Ito Cheng who quickly floated away, he opened his mouth and finally did not say anything. He stayed there in silence for a while, and then floated to In front of Lux's room, he opened the door and walked in.

Since that day, Ito Cheng would basically find some time to go to Lux's room every day and pretend to be an idiot to tease her. During this period, he would always reach out to grab her little hand and stroke it to take advantage of her, making him pretend all the time. The naive Lux was miserable. There were times when she and Kira were chatting happily together, but with Kira's shy personality, basically every time he saw Ito Cheng, he would take the initiative to say goodbye and leave, completely unconsciously Ito Cheng created an opportunity to tease Lux. \u003cThe correspondent suddenly shouted loudly. \u003cBesides, he asked urgently. \u003cConfirmed very confidently. \u003c said anxiously next to me. \u003c said. \u003csaid again.

"Shasha... this is... Shasha... the advance guard of the 8th Fleet... Shasha... Major Monte... Shasha... Big... Angel... please answer..." A staccato male voice came from the communicator. Passed it out and said.

"It's Admiral Halbaton's troops." Malu said loudly and excitedly. \u003c's side said happily, "Are you looking for us?" "Are they Major Monte's troops?" "Great!" \u003c was relatively calm. After a few quick operations on the communicator, he used his professional knowledge to determine the specific location of the signal source, and then said, "They are still some distance away from us."

"But as long as we meet up smoothly, I can finally feel at ease." The staff member who floated over said nonchalantly.

Not long after receiving the communication, the news that they were about to rendezvous with the advance team quickly spread among the soldiers and civilians in the Archangel, immediately enlivening the atmosphere that had seemed depressed and dull due to the escape in recent days.

In the excitement of everyone on board the Archangel, time came to the next day in a blink of an eye, which was February 7. At this time, the distance between the Archangel and the advance team was not far away, and the two could finally be like each other. Make instant contact as usual.

"...This fleet will arrive at the rendezvous location at the scheduled time. After the rendezvous, the Archangel will, under the command of our fleet, go to the designated location to rendezvous with the main force." On the screen, Major Monte, the leader of the advance team, said to everyone. Arriving soon, wish you a safe arrival."

"I am George Alstad, the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs of the Atlantic Federation." After Major Monte finished speaking, the screen suddenly expanded. Another man in a suit next to him appeared in front of everyone, and he said, "First of all, allow me to express my gratitude for your efforts to save civilians, ah... and, I was pleasantly surprised to find, My daughter Frey Alstar’s name is on the civilian list, and I really hope to meet her now.”

George Alsta had just finished speaking. Before everyone on the Archangel could recover from their shock, Major Monte beside him stopped him and said, "Secretary General, I'll see you soon after we meet."

"That's what he is, Fleur's father." Sai Yi said with a chuckle as he listened to the conversation on the screen.

"I finally know why you want to buy a marriage charm from me. It's really hard for you to have such a father-in-law." Ito Cheng next to him turned to look at Sai and said with a smile.

"Um..." Sai looked at Ito Cheng beside him in astonishment, sighed helplessly, and thought to himself at the same time, "I just finished talking about Fleur's father, and I was exposed by others. This is really a quick reward in this world." ah."

"We're finally rendezvous." After the communication ended, a low-level officer said.

Afterwards, the Archangel accelerated its sailing speed and flew towards the designated rendezvous point at high speed. After half a day like this, when the Archangel was about to arrive at the designated area, Romel Pal, who was in charge of radar monitoring, suddenly said loudly, "It's neutron interference! It's coming from this area."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the bridge was shocked, but fortunately, what was detected was only neutron interference, and no heat source induction was found, so everyone in the bridge was somewhat relaxed and just thought it was a zaft spread. Just a neutron jammer in the universe. But just a few minutes later, this relaxation completely disappeared, replaced by a strong sense of urgency.

"There is a similar battle heat distribution ahead, it is presumed to be the advance team!" Another radar monitoring adjutant said loudly. \u003c's voice sounded louder and said, "Abort the rendezvous. Order the Archangel to turn around and evacuate immediately."

"Captain." Baki Lulu looked up at Malu and shouted, waiting for her decision.

"How strong is the enemy's force?" Ma Liu did not immediately pay attention to Bucky Lulu, but asked the radar monitoring officer urgently.

"Yellow 557, Maku 402, Nazca class, combat heat distribution, three golds." The radar monitoring officer replied loudly, "Wait a minute, this is... Holy Shield! Gatx303 Holy Shield Gundam!"

Hearing this, everyone was immediately shocked. You must know that Holy Shield represents more than just Holy Shield Gundam itself. It also represents a team, a team called Cruze Team that gives the Earth Army a headache.

"You said that ship is a Nazca class?" At this time, Ma Liu recalled the opponent's warship class that the radar officer had just informed, and confirmed it again urgently.

"Yes," the radar officer confirmed.

"Captain!" Along with the two messages were reported. The situation had become very obvious at this time, so Bucky Lulu raised her head again and shouted to Malu, hoping that she could make the right choice.

"If it's that battleship..." Dole turned his head and looked at Ma Liu and said.

"Even if we turn around now, there is no guarantee that we will be able to escape." Ma Liu said in a deep voice. Even as he was explaining to everyone, he was also confirming his choice. Then Malu raised his head and loudly ordered with a firm face, "Everyone is equipped with the first combat equipment! The Archangel goes to cover the advance fleet."

As Ma Liu finished speaking, a rapid alarm sounded immediately inside the Archangel. Afterwards, Mu, who did not need to prepare anything at all, immediately drove his horse out of the Archangel and flew towards the battlefield where the advance fleet was located at high speed. Shortly after he set off, the Strike Gundam in normal equipment also flew out of the Archangel and rushed towards the battlefield at high speed.

"Barreant, fire." Just after the Strike Gundam flew out, Bucky Lulu immediately ordered loudly.

As Baji Lulu's words fell, two beams of yellow light were shot out from the Archangel. Passing through the battlefield in the blink of an eye, it hit a Jin that was close to the Wangdogmeni, blasting it into a pile of cosmic garbage.

It's just that as soon as a Jin was destroyed here, the Holy Shield Gundam over there immediately responded with color. A thick beam of scarlet light suddenly erupted from the center of the Aegis Gundam, which transformed into a four-legged squid, and instantly penetrated a M-mounted frigate. The violent explosion that broke out immediately broke the frigate into two pieces and flew away into the distance.

At this time, the Strike Gundam flying out from the Archangel finally arrived on the battlefield, attracting the attention of the Aegis Gundam that had just destroyed a frigate. The Holy Shield Gundam, which returned to its human form, immediately rushed towards the Strike Gundam. As soon as the two machines met, they immediately started shooting at each other with the beam guns in their hands.

Although the MA Zero driven by Mu and the Strike Gundam driven by Kira joined the battlefield to share the pressure of the advance fleet, the strength of the advance fleet was really too weak. Those specially-equipped MAs are like moving targets. Apart from leaving some smoke and scratches on Jin's shell, they haven't even left any major damage on Jin's fuselage since the beginning of the battle. On the contrary, he looks like It was so easy to be killed by Jin like a little chicken. As soon as the MA driven by Mu arrived on the battlefield, it destroyed a mighty Jin. However, another Jin immediately seized the opportunity and fired a shot at the MA's fuselage, but the opponent also did not Better yet, four of Ma's auxiliary weapon boxes exploded on the spot.

Naturally, Ma, who was seriously injured, could no longer stay in the battlefield and fight, so he had to fly back towards the Archangel in a hurry...

Inside the bridge...

"Main gun No. 1 is ready, fire!" Baji Lulu ordered.

"Where's Captain Flagg?" Malu asked.

"The Zero returned, the aircraft was damaged." Communications Officer Mirialia quickly reported the report.

"Visharis's missile is approaching Laiwei." the radar monitoring officer said loudly.

"Fleur!" Kaz exclaimed in a low voice as he looked at Fleur who suddenly floated into the bridge. In this tense atmosphere, Malu, who was very sensitive to any sound, immediately heard Kaz's exclamation, noticed Fleur floating in, and turned to look over.

"Fule." Sai also noticed Fleur floating toward him, quickly stood up from the chair, hugged Fleur's body as she floated over, and called softly.

"Dad, where is Daddy's boat?" Fleur asked anxiously, staring at the optical screen.

"We are currently in battle. Non-combatants please leave the bridge." Malu said to Fleur in a deep voice.

"Which ship is dad's ship? What's going on?" Fleur only had her dad in her mind at this time, and couldn't hear any other voices, so she asked loudly.

"Fule." Sai hugged Fleur and called softly.

"What are you doing? Let me go." Fleur struggled.

At this moment, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up on the optical screen that had been displaying the battlefield situation, attracting everyone's attention. Then, on the screen, a violent explosion occurred in the middle of the hull of a battleship. , slowly broke into two pieces from the middle, and flew out to both sides under the thrust of the explosion.

"Lai Wei was sunk," the radar officer whispered.

"Fleur, let's go, you can't stay here, hurry up." At this time, Fleur was completely stunned by the scene on the screen, her eyes were wide open, and she was staring blankly at the optical screen diagonally above. Seeing this, Sai who was beside Fleur immediately hugged Fleur and said urgently. After saying that, he pushed Fleur and floated out of the bridge.

"Two Jinzheng are approaching the Dogemeni, and the number of survivors is 1." Just when Fleur and Sai had just floated to the door of the bridge, the radar officer reported urgently again.

Not long after he finished his report, the remaining MA was destroyed by Jin. Then Jin, who was no longer blocked by any other fish, immediately flew towards the surrounding warships, using the weapons in his hands to destroy the main guns of the warships, destroying them. The last defensive force. As the only combat force, the Archangel naturally attracted Jin's attention and was besieged by several Jin aircraft.

"Boom!" A missile bombarded the Archangel, causing the hull to shake immediately.

"The positron destruction cannon is ready to fire. Jin is coming. Where is the attack?" Bakki Lulu said urgently.

"Captain, it's no longer possible. If we don't evacuate our ship, we won't be able to save it." Mu, who was protecting the Archangel with his damaged body, said to Ma Liu through the communicator.

"But..." Ma Liu glanced at the Wangduo Gemeni on the screen and hesitated.

Just when Ma Liu was hesitant, Yi Yi stood next to her and said in a serious and fierce voice, "Kill this girl! Tell those guys, if they fire on dad's ship, kill this girl! Tell them quickly !”

Instantly, everyone was shocked by Fleur's words. They had never thought that Fleur, who usually seemed a little extreme, selfish, arrogant, and weak, would suddenly become like this, becoming so strange and strange. horrible. . . )


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