Magic world

Chapter 353 Supplies

"Yes." Major General Garcia agreed, his hands quickly worked on the computer in front of him a few times, and then a modeling drawing marked with various information that automatically changed on the screen appeared on Ito Cheng's In eyes.

"It's so shabby. Apart from daily necessities and weapons and ammunition, there is nothing good at all." Ito Cheng looked at the drawings and information on the screen and curled his lips in disdain and muttered, "But forget it, mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are. If you leave it here and wait, it will only turn into dust, so I will reluctantly accept it."

Subsequently, Ito Cheng issued another relevant instruction to Garcia, turned around and left the command room.

"Bang!" The banging sound when the wooden door closed was like a thunder, which immediately woke up the confused Garcia. He looked around with some doubts and said to himself, "What happened to me just now?"

After leaving the command room, Ito quickly came to the material warehouse of Artemis Fortress according to the route he remembered. He killed the soldiers guarding the door and threw them into the Rubik's Cube world before they could react. Then he got into the warehouse and inspected the materials inside. Plundered.

A moment later, Ito Cheng, who had finished plundering the living supplies, closed the warehouse door, turned around and ran towards the weapons and ammunition depot. Then, just like before the living supplies warehouse, he first killed the soldiers guarding and then immediately cleared the materials inside. Library-style plunder.

"Since there is nothing worth collecting in this broken fortress, let's rescue the three of them," Ito said mentally as he walked out of the weapons warehouse. Then he turned around and rushed towards the reception area remembered in his mind. It didn't take long for Ito to reach the reception area. With a quick sweep of his mental power, he found the place where the three people were being held. Then he followed the spiritual guidance to the corridor where the room was located, and walked over with his head lowered.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Ito Cheng, who was acting suspiciously, the two soldiers assigned to guard the three of Malu immediately raised their machine guns and pointed them at Ito Cheng, who was approaching them at a constant speed. Immediately afterwards, Ito Cheng, who had been walking at a steady speed, kicked his foot and rushed out. When the two soldiers instinctively opened fire and attacked, it turned into a black shadow and disappeared from their sight, and instantly appeared in front of them. Two palms were grasped on the faces of the two soldiers respectively, and the decomposition and refining were started.

"Ah" a very short scream suddenly sounded, and the bodies of the two soldiers suddenly relaxed after struggling violently for a few seconds. It fell softly to the ground, and then fell from Ito Cheng's loosened palm.

After doing all this, Ito Cheng didn't even look at the two soldiers on the ground. He picked up the two light machine guns with his feet and then kicked the dark brown solid wood door in front of him with his feet. With a crisp "click" sound, the metal handle on the wooden door was kicked out together with the lock. The wooden door without the lock bounced open in reverse under the action of the huge force.

"It seems that the three of you are very free. You didn't forget to do military training in the room." Ito Cheng walked into the room and teased Malu, Mu, and Bakki Lulu who were doing emergency escape in the room. .

"Captain Ito Cheng!" Malu and Bakki Lulu stood up from behind the bunker and looked at Ito Cheng who walked in in surprise. exclaimed.

"You came in a hurry." Mu walked out from behind the overturned sofa and smiled at Ito Cheng.

"Then, you should be able to use this thing." Ito Cheng threw a light machine gun in his hand towards Mu and said.

"Of course." Mu Tan grabbed the thrown light machine gun and said with a smile while skillfully checking the condition of the firearm. ()

"As long as you know how to use it. Let's go." Ito Cheng nodded, turned around and prepared to walk out.

"Isn't there something wrong with this?" Baji Lulu frowned and whispered, "After all, the other party is a friendly force..."

"Friendly forces? The other party does not regard us as friendly forces." Ito Cheng sneered with a sarcastic face, and then continued to walk out without stopping. Behind him, Mu and Ma Liu followed without hesitation, and finally Bucky Lulu, who saw that no one was paying attention to her, also followed.

"By the way, how did you escape? And what happened to the situation on the Archangel?" On the way. Maru asked Ito Cheng in front of him repeatedly.

"Look at my clothes and you will know how I escaped." Ito Chenghan turned his head, pointed at his clothes with his free finger and said, "As for the Archangel, everyone was gathered in the restaurant. There, no one is in danger until I come out, but after I leave, that’s not clear.”

"By the way, what are we going to do now?" After Ito Cheng finished answering Maru's question, Bakilu asked aloud.

"Of course we're going back to the Archangel. You don't expect the four of us to be able to suppress the next military base." Ito Cheng looked at Bucky Lulu in surprise and said.

"I mean, don't you need to get the attack back?" Bucky Lulu quickly explained.

"When we get back to the Archangel, we can do that at any time." Mu continued from the side.

While the four of them were talking, a soldier happened to walk into the corridor where they were, yawning and walking inside. Seeing this, Ito Cheng immediately raised his hand and shot the opponent without thinking. Amidst the crisp sound of the gunshot, the yawning soldier leaned back in vain and fell down.

"Let's go." After killing the opponent, Ito Cheng said quickly, and then took the lead and ran forward. Upon hearing this, Ma Liu and the other three immediately followed without stopping.

Just when they were about to arrive at the port, a violent explosion suddenly sounded in the Artemis Fortress, and a strong shaking like an earthquake instantly occurred in the Artemis Fortress, forcing Ito and the four of them to Stopped for a moment.

"Attack?" Feeling the vibration on the ground, Mu looked towards the direction of the explosion and said.

"It seems that Zaft took action." Ito Cheng said.

"How could it be?" Baji Lulu said with a frown.

"Any strong defense will be broken one day, not to mention that Artemis's umbrella is not always open. What's weird about being attacked." Ito Cheng replied, and continued to take Ma, who had adapted to the shock. The three of them ran towards the port. However, due to the impact of the attack, not many people came to chase them. Even if they were discovered, they would probably die under Ito Cheng's gun. So soon, the four people ran out of the base and came to the port.

"That's the Thunder Gundam." Just after running out of the base, Bucky Lulu immediately saw the Thunder Gundam flying into the port and exclaimed.

"Boom!" Thunder Gundam slashed an uncontrolled special-type ma with a single stroke of its beam sword. Then he rushed towards several other defense installations without stopping, then easily destroyed them and rushed towards the Archangel, which had no defensive capabilities at this time.

"Archangel!" Malu said worriedly.

Just as she finished speaking, a Strike Gundam equipped with a sword flew out from the other side of Artemis Base. He immediately blocked the Thunder Gundam's attack with the fixed lock that flew out, and then started fighting the Thunder Gundam with his sword-cutting sword.

Seeing the opportunity, the four people did not hesitate and immediately ran into the port from the passage. After boarding the Archangel, we went straight back to the bridge. We heard Malu, who had just sat in the captain's seat, say, "There is no way to fight here. Archangel, let's go!"

As Malu's order was issued, the main engine of the Archangel, which had been silent, quickly started, driving the Archangel to break free from the fixed steel cables on its body, turn around and float in the space port.

"Tell Strike Gundam to come back quickly, and we'll rush out from the opposite port." Malu ordered.

"Yes." As the communication coordinator between MA and MS, Mirialia responded and immediately contacted the attack. Inform Kira to return to the battleship.

After receiving the order, Kira hesitated for a moment, then decisively abandoned the Thunder Gundam he was fighting with, turned back and landed on the external parking platform in the middle section of the Archangel, and squatted down while grabbing the ground with both hands. Although Thunder Gundam, the opponent of Strike, was determined to pursue Strike, a huge explosion suddenly happened around it. The rising fire immediately blocked it.

"Strike Gundam has landed." Bucky Lulu reported immediately.

"The Archangel sets off at maximum combat speed." Malu immediately ordered.

In an instant, the six propellers at the tail of the originally suspended Archangel spurted out blue flames at the same time, pushing the Archangel to quickly fly out of the continuously exploding Artemis Fortress. And at the moment when the Archangel rushed out of the fortress, the Artemis Fortress finally exploded violently in the chain explosions that continued to occur, causing this fortress, known as the Umbrella Artemis, to be completely destroyed in the explosion. It became a ruin, cosmic garbage.

The same is due to the obstruction of the explosion. The Thunder Gundam and the subsequent Storm and Duel Gundams failed to catch the Archangel's shadow, and could only let it escape from under the noses of themselves and others.

"It has been confirmed again that no reflections of enemy ships have been found within a radius of five kilometers. It seems that we have completely gotten rid of them." Radar monitor Romel Pal said after carefully confirming the radar data twice.

"It seems that the explosion of Artemis freed us from the enemy. We should thank them for this." Mu, who was sitting in the co-helmsman's seat, turned around and joked to Malu.

"Although this is true, and getting rid of the Laurasia-class battleship is indeed a good thing, but none of our problems have been solved." Malu said with a frown on his face.

Regarding the problem Ma Liu mentioned, everyone knew what it was referring to, but they really didn't have any good solutions for the time being. Of course, if Ito Cheng was willing to take action, that would be another matter. However, Ito Cheng, who knew that the problem would be solved in a few days, would not show his uniqueness at this time, so he fell silent like everyone else.

"Okay, let's go and have a rest." Looking at the bridge where the atmosphere became heavy because of his words, Malu quickly made a relaxed expression and said.

"Then I'll leave first." Ito Cheng said immediately.

"Well, thank you for your hard work today." Ma Liu thanked Ito Cheng as he looked at him floating up from his seat.

"It's not easy to get a thank you from you, Captain Malu." Ito Cheng smiled and teased Malu, then turned around and floated out of the bridge.

Since that day, water restrictions have been issued on the Archangel to cope with the gradual depletion of supplies.

A few days later, on February 2nd of CE71, less than half a day away from the gravel belt that served as the space garbage dump, Mariu, as the captain, sent Ito Cheng, Kira, Sai, and Do Er, Kaz, Mirialia and the irrelevant Frey were recruited to the bridge.

"The main reason I called everyone here this time is to talk about supplies." Mu, standing next to Ma Liu in the bridge, said.

"Supplies?" Dole said doubtfully.

"Can we proceed? Where?" Sai asked quickly.

"Rather than saying that it can be carried out, it is better to say that supplies can be carried out at any time." Mu said with an embarrassed look.

"Now we have no other option and are heading to the gravel belt." Ma Liu, who was sitting in the captain's seat, continued.

"Gravel belt?" Dole looked at Ma Liu with some confusion again and said.

"We are heading to the gravel belt, could it be..." Sai suddenly thought of something and looked at Mu in disbelief.

"You have a really good mind." Mu praised in a relaxed tone.

"The gravel belt contains all kinds of things floating in space. Of course, there will also be battleships that were destroyed in the battle." Malu explained to Dole and other students who were confused.

"Do you want us to supply supplies there?" Dole asked in surprise when he got the answer.

"There is nothing we can do. If we don't do this, we won't be able to hold on for long." Mu immediately explained.

"I wonder if you will use a work boat to help with the transportation at that time. Is there any problem?" Malu said her intention of summoning these students.

"Actually, we don't want to force everyone, but we have no other way. This is also to allow us to continue to survive." Bakki Lulu once again explained and explained the motivation for this behavior in order to eliminate Kira and others Different emotions in people's hearts.

"We don't want to take away the things of the dead people, we just want to ask them to give us some things that we will definitely use now to survive." Malu finally said softly.

With the repeated emphasis from Ma Liu, Mu, and Ba Qi Lulu, the students, who labeled their behavior as for survival deep down in their hearts, waited for the Archangel to arrive near the gravel belt, and followed the instructions in advance. With a good plan, under the leadership of Ito Cheng, he drove the work boat to the gravel belt... The space debris floating everywhere, the wreckage left after the spacecraft exploded, and the relics left after the death of human beings were instantly reflected in Kira and others. In the eyes of the students who had been living in the ivory tower, it deeply stimulated their weak hearts that had not experienced the baptism of war and death, causing them to stop the spacecraft unconsciously. . . )


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