Magic world

Chapter 347 Boarding the Ship

"Eh?" After hearing Maru's words, Kira Yamato, who had a cold face, and Sai, who was implicated as an innocent person, all four people exclaimed in surprise at the same time.

"No matter what the reason is, since you have seen the important secrets of the military, you must notify the relevant units. You must act with me before I get a response to your disposition." Ma Liu stated to several people in a deep voice. road.

"How could this happen?" Kaz whispered in disbelief.

"Stop joking, that's nothing." Dole expressed his dissatisfaction directly and shouted to Ma Liu. When Mirialia arrived beside him, she immediately cast her eyes on Ito Cheng for help, but Ito Cheng had no choice but to helplessly shrug at Mirialia and shook her head. Shake his head.

"Please obey." Maliu said loudly with the dignity of an officer.

"We are citizens of Heliopolis, we are neutral! We have nothing to do with the military or anything." Sai immediately found a reason to retort.

"That's right. Speaking of which, it's strange why the Earth United Army is in Heliopolis." Kaz said immediately.

"Yes, that's why it turned out like this." Dole followed emotionally.

But before Dole could continue to vent his dissatisfaction, Ma Liu over there had already expressed her persistence with actions, and only heard three gunshots, "Pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah!" Three gunshots were heard one after another, interrupting Dole's words. The break caused everyone's attention to focus on Ma Liu again.

Just then, Malu, who had a serious face and had completely returned to the appearance of an Earth officer, pointed a gun at several people and said, "Shut up. You innocent children who don't know anything, just say you are neutral and have nothing to do with me, so that you can get out of the relationship, you guys Don’t you really think so?”

"There are important secrets of the Earth Army here, and they were seen by you. This is your current situation."

"To be so unreasonable." Sai clenched his hands into fists and whispered in a suppressed tone.

"Whether it's unreasonable or not, there's a war going on right now. The plant and the earth, the adjusted man and the natural man, the world outside you..." Malu originally retorted in a very serious tone. But looking at the five children's faces in front of him, he finally sighed helplessly and stopped preaching. He turned to Ito and shouted, "Captain Ito."

"Captain!?" I heard Maru call Ito Cheng. Mirialia and the others exclaimed again. They really couldn't imagine that a guy who looked about the same age as them could actually be a captain of the Earth United Army.

But Malu ignored the exclamations of several of them, and still said in a deep voice, "As an unplanned personnel, you should not be allowed to come into contact with that aircraft, but now apart from the five civilians here, you and I are the only serving soldiers. , and I am not good at operating the machine body, so I have to let you come into contact with it. Now I hope that you can be the pilot and temporarily operate the machine body until it is handed over to Admiral Halbarton."

"I don't think I can drive that thing well." Ito Cheng curled his lips and said.

"Although you are very suspicious, your ability as a pilot is unquestionable." Malu honestly admitted Ito Cheng's driving ability.

"But you have to know, ma is different from that kind of thing." Ito Cheng continued to evade.

"How will you know you can't drive if you don't try it?" Ma Liu asked.

"Uh... Okay, but again, I don't think I can drive that thing well." Ito Cheng shrugged at Maru. Then he turned around and walked towards the Strike Gundam. After a few ups and downs, he arrived at the cockpit. Turned over and jumped in.

Then, under the gaze of Malu and Kira, Ito Cheng pretended to drive for a while, and then he saw the left foot of the Strike Gundam that had just stood up and stepped out. The fuselage immediately shook and moved towards It fell down on one side, and the heavy fuselage immediately made a big deep pit on the ground next to it. The dust that was bounced off instantly turned into a sheet of smoke, covering up the Strike Gundam.

"It still doesn't work." Malu whispered softly with a disappointed look on his face.

"Hey~" With a soft sound, the cockpit of the Strike Gundam opened again, and then Ito Cheng walked out of the open cockpit, jumped off the fuselage and came to the side of several people.

"No, I can't drive it. This thing is not meant for humans to operate at all." Ito Cheng shook his head at Maru with a look of helplessness on his face.

"In the end, we can only rely on this boy." Maru turned his head and looked at Kira Yamato beside him, and said silently in his mind.

"Kira, please return the Strike to its original position, and then use the Strike Gundam's communicator to send a message to the **** band. If anyone over there responds, please notify me immediately." Malu said what was in his heart Put it away and commanded Kira.

"Oh, okay." Kira was stunned for a moment, then agreed, then walked slowly to the fallen Strike Gundam and got into the cockpit. Then I saw the Strike Gundam's fuselage move slightly, and it sat up from the ground, then changed from half-sitting to upright, then walked back to the original place, half-crouched down again, opened the cockpit hatch, and began to launch She picked up the message.

"This is the x105 Strike Gundam. If you hear the Earth Army, please answer. This is the x105 Strike Gundam. If the Earth Army hears it, please answer. If you hear it, please answer..." Kira shouted loudly.

At this time, Ito Cheng, who had been assigned by Malu to drive over the Gundam transport truck containing the Strike Gundam combat weapons and energy packs when they were communicating with Kira, finally returned, parked the truck and left. He jumped out of the cab and returned to a few people.

At this time, Kira, who had made many communications contacts but still received no answer, under the instructions of Malu, maneuvered an attack and walked to the side of the transport truck, squatting down.

"Which one is the energy pack?" Kira Yamato leaned out half of the cockpit and shouted to Maru.

"The weapon and the energy backpack are integrated, just put them on directly." Ma Liu replied.

When Kira heard this, he retracted his body and prepared a strong attack, preparing to pack the energy backpack on his body. But at this time. There was a sudden explosion in the sky as a support for the central axis of Heliopolis, and then an MS model that only the captain could pilot in Zaft flew out of the explosion of fire. , the huge red electronic eyes immediately locked onto the Strike Gundam in the open area below, then flew out of a large arc in mid-air and rushed towards the ground.

But behind me, a Ma without the four auxiliary weapon boxes at the tail rushed over. Persevering in chasing after it, preventing it from moving.

"Pack up the energy quickly." Seeing this sudden change, Malu quickly ran towards the attack and shouted to Kira inside.

And that one cut off the linear gun under the MA machine's nose with a sword. He rushed straight towards the Strike Gundam, which was nervously editing the program to activate its energy pack. At this critical moment, Strike Gundam finally finished programming and activated the energy pack. Turn on ps armor. Immediately afterwards, a huge explosion suddenly came from the mountain not far away from everyone. Amidst the debris flying everywhere and the rising flames, a ship with two long spider legs in front of it The white battleship with legs, wings on both sides in the middle, and two vertical tail fins above the six propellers at the tail quickly rushed out, pulling the gray and black smoke carried on the ship into thin ribbons, and flew from the ship to Then he flew out.

"Archangel..." Ito Cheng said to himself in his heart.

"Archangel!" Ma Liu said in shock.

At this time, after experiencing the surprise when the Archangel suddenly appeared, the aircraft immediately adjusted its target. He rushed towards the protruding bridge room in the middle of the Archangel, and at the same time fired at the bridge of the Archangel with the large-caliber live ammunition weapon in his hand. However, as a new type of battleship, the Archangel's flexibility is completely beyond the expected level of ordinary battleships. It is very agile and can avoid live ammunition fire in a line of fire.

Seeing that the attack was fruitless, he adjusted his target again, stopped suddenly in mid-air, turned around, and rushed towards the confused Strike Gundam. At the same time, the gun in his hand fired again.

"Dodge!" Seeing the flying person, Malu immediately shouted to the students around him, then stretched out his arms to hug Mirialia beside him, ran a few steps and quickly fell to the ground. When the attacker next to him discovered the attack, he immediately moved a step to the side, squatted down, and blocked all the bullets fired. A series of flying sparks splashed out from the place where the Strike Gundam was hit.

At this time, the left tail of the Archangel, which had readjusted its position, suddenly opened, and four laser-induced bombs were fired by the Archangel. They followed closely behind, and were then cleverly shifted and guided to Helio. On the main axis of the colonial satellite of Polis.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!" Four explosions erupted on the surface of the main shaft one after another, causing Heliopolis to shake slightly again.

Seeing this, Qiangqi, who was finally no longer in a daze, immediately held the high-energy beam rifle behind him in his hand and fired a shot into the sky locked by it. The scarlet energy beam immediately ejected from the muzzle, and arrived in front of him in a blink of an eye, destroying its right arm before it could completely dodge it, and shot straight into the outer wall of the colonial satellite Heliopolis. , a huge smooth gap was opened there, and a strong suction force was immediately generated from the gap. At the same time, the injured aircraft also took the opportunity to escape from the hole.

After the aircraft left Heliopolis, the Archangel slowly landed on the ground. Then Strike Gundam jumped into the landing cabin at the front of the Archangel with Ito Cheng, Maru, Sai and others in his hands, and put them down.

"Captain Lamias." Just as a few people stood firm, a crisp and clear female voice came over, attracting their attention. Then a group of officers and soldiers wearing Earth Alliance uniforms came over. A female officer with short black hair ran over under his leadership.

"Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu." Malu-Lamias shouted in surprise.

"It's great that you are safe." When they came to Ma Liu and the others, Bucky Lulu and the group of soldiers behind her immediately gave Ma Liu a military salute and said.

"You are the ones who saved the Archangel. It is only thanks to you that we can be saved." Malu said modestly.

At this time, there was a soft "squeak" sound, and the cockpit of the Strike Gundam suddenly opened. Kira Yamato, wearing civilian clothes, got out of it, stepped on the rope ladder and fell to the ground.

"Hey, what's going on? He's just a child." A big man in engineering clothes looked at Kira coming out of the cockpit and said in surprise, and then asked in a low voice to the soldiers around him, "Is that Is the kid driving that thing?”

"Captain Lamias, this is..." Bakilulu also looked at Malu with a puzzled look on her face and asked. It's just that Malu, who was watched by so many people, didn't know how to answer Bucky Lulu's question, so she turned her head away with a look of embarrassment on her face.

"It's really surprising." Just when Ma Liu was in trouble, a male voice suddenly sounded, and then a blond man in a protective suit walked up to the crowd, raised his hand and performed a military salute and introduced himself, "Earth Army , Captain Mu-La Flagg of the Seventh Mobile Fleet, please take care of me."

After hearing Mu's self-introduction, Malu, Baji Lulu and other soldiers immediately responded with military salutes to show respect, and then introduced themselves one after another: "Captain Malu Ramias of the Second Yuyu, Fifth Special Division" .Belongs to the same family, Second Lieutenant Natal-Baki Lulu.

"This should be Captain Ito Cheng of the Eighth Combined Fleet." Then Mu turned his eyes to Ito Cheng and asked with a smile, obviously feeling a little surprised that Ito Cheng did not return the favor.

"Eh!?" The other soldiers immediately looked at the young Ito Cheng in surprise, and his clothes and behavior did not look like a soldier at all and exclaimed.

"It seems that my reputation has spread far and wide. Even people in the Seventh Fleet know about it." Ito Cheng took a closer look at the supporting role in front of him, who played a very important role in the whole drama, and said with a smile.

"As the first hero among MA pilots to destroy a mobile suit, your name has been written into the textbooks. How could I, who is also a MA pilot, not know about it?" Mu smiled.

At this time, the Earth Army soldiers who had recovered from their surprise immediately turned around and gave Ito Cheng a military salute. At this time, Ito Cheng couldn't pretend not to see it, so he raised his hand and returned the military salute.

"I want to get permission to board the ship. I wonder who is in charge of this warship?" After getting to know each other, Mu looked at everyone and asked.

"Including the captain, all the senior officers on the battleship died in the battle, so Captain Ramias is now in charge." Baji Lulu said to Mu "The only survivors are a dozen low-level officers and soldiers who stayed on the ship. I only survived because I was inside the spindle.”

"Captain... how could he do this?" Malu murmured in disbelief.

"What a disaster." Mu Wenyan reached out and pinched his eyebrows and sighed, then straightened his face and said to Ma Liu, "Anyway, please give me permission, Captain Lamias, the spaceship I am on." It’s been destroyed.”

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