Magic world

Chapter 326 Joining the Army

"Is it the year of CE70..." Ito Cheng threw away the calendar in his hand and thought to himself, "I hope it is the year of CE69, so that I still have a chance to sneak into the Atlantic Federation, climb up through means, and participate in the [Blood Valentine's Day] plan , to collect the souls of those 700,000 people."

Thinking of this, Ito Cheng, who knew that the first priority was to determine the time period, immediately left the room and walked downstairs.

"Expell the adjusters! Give me back the blue and pure earth!"

As soon as they left the room, the slogans that were originally acceptable in volume suddenly became louder, making Ito Cheng, who had just walked out of the building, frown slightly, then walked away against the marching crowd, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. In the flow of people.

"Ding, ding, ding, rang~" A bell rang.

"Welcome." A thick masculine voice greeted immediately.

Ito Cheng, who opened the door and walked in, walked straight to the front of the stage, casually ordered a glass of wine, and turned to observe. The wine space is very large, about one hundred square meters, one-third of which is occupied by the table. High chairs are neatly arranged in front of the table for guests to use, and above the table near the wall, there is a A 21-inch color TV was playing news footage. As for the remaining two-thirds of the space, round wooden tables painted in dark colors are scattered around, and four round-backed chairs are neatly placed around the round wooden tables.

"...The latest news is that in view of the fact that the plant organization continues to carry out satellite agricultural production despite the warnings of the council members, the council members have stated that they do not rule out the possibility of using force to solve the problem..." On the TV screen, a woman broadcast The members were sitting upright and broadcasting the news, and in the small picture in the upper right corner, the picture of the press conference of the council members was simultaneously played, where a middle-aged man wearing a dark blue suit was making a decent statement.

"Your drink, guest." At this time. The middle-aged European man who was the wine owner and bartender put an amber-colored wine glass on the table, stretched out his hand and pushed it in front of Ito Cheng and said.

"Thank you." Ito Cheng reached for the wine glass, nodded and thanked. Then he picked up the wine glass and put it to his mouth and took a sip.

"These damn adjusters." The wine boss picked up the white towel under the stage, wiped the clean wine glass, and cursed while looking at the TV screen.

"It looks like there's going to be another war." A slovenly man with a slightly smoky face said next to him after hearing what the wine boss said.

"That's right. It's only been a while, and we're starting to fight again." The wine boss put the clean wine glass in his hand on the counter, turned to the man who answered the conversation and sighed.

"Damn adjuster." The drunken man cursed in a low voice with jealousy in his eyes.

"Is it satellite agriculture? It seems that it was CE69, and it was before plantdu li. It's a good opportunity." Ito Cheng, who heard the news broadcast, ignored the conversation between the wine boss and the drinker, and thought to himself. road. After a moment, he raised the wine glass in his hand, drank the wine in the glass, and greeted the wine boss, "Boss."

"What's the matter with the guest?" the wine boss walked up to Ito Cheng and asked.

"Do you know where the nearest army recruitment office is?" Ito Cheng asked.

"Guest, are you going to be a soldier?" The boss glanced at Ito Cheng, who looked less than 20 years old, in surprise, and kindly advised, "You are still young. Don't be fooled by the propaganda outside. Being a soldier is not as good as the propaganda says. , and at this time, are you going to die on the battlefield?"

"Yes, you are right to listen to what the boss said. Young man, you should honestly find a job." Another drinker next to him agreed after hearing the conversation between the boss and Ito Cheng.

"Thank you boss for your kindness, but I think joining the army is the best choice only at this time, because war means opportunities, which can save me a lot of time to climb to a high position." Ito Cheng smiled at the wine the boss said.

"Climb up..." The wine owner muttered to himself in confusion after hearing Ito Cheng's answer. Apparently he is also a storyteller. Soon, the wine boss came to his senses and said to Ito Cheng, "Since you have chosen."

"Go straight out, turn right at the first intersection, pass three streets and turn right again. Walk forward about 200 meters. There is a building with the sign of the Council on the outer wall. That is where the Council established in the local area. An office is also a recruiting point.”

"Thank you, boss." Ito Cheng thanked with a smile, stood up and prepared to take out the coins from other people's bodies when passing by the parade crowd from his pocket to pay the bill. But before he could take his hands out of his trouser pockets, he was stopped by his boss. I heard the boss say, "This drink is for me."

"That's it. Thank you so much." Ito Cheng looked at the boss's expression and said with a smile. Then he turned around and walked out of the wine shop, waving goodbye to the wine boss as he walked.

"Welcome to come again next time," the wine boss said, with a clear blessing.

"If there is a chance." Ito Cheng said without looking back as he walked out of the wine.

After walking out of the wine, Ito followed the route told by the wine boss and walked to the local office of the council member. The journey was not far. In about ten minutes, Ito arrived outside the office and walked in.

Looking at the reception desk of a hotel rather than an office, Ito Cheng walked straight towards the young woman sitting behind the reception desk who was doing something with her head down.

"Um, excuse me." Ito Cheng said looking at the woman at the front desk who was playing a game.

"Huh?" Upon hearing the greeting, the woman at the front desk immediately threw her phone into the open drawer in front of her, quickly closed it, and looked up at Ito Cheng. Then he asked him with a professional smile, "What can I do for you?"

"I want to sign up to join the army, but I don't know where to go or who to look for," Ito Cheng said.

"Join the army. Just wait, I will notify the person in charge to pick you up." The female professional nodded suddenly, and then dialed the intercom phone in front of her. After a moment, he raised his head again and smiled at Ito Cheng, "The person in charge will be coming to pick you up soon. Please wait a moment."

"Okay." Ito Cheng nodded and agreed.

About five minutes later, a capable young woman wearing a white director's uniform walked out of the passage on the side of the hall, walked to Ito Cheng in a leisurely manner, and looked Ito up and down. The queen said, "Are you the one who wants to join the army?"

"Yes." Ito Cheng nodded.

"Okay, come with me." He said. Then he turned around and walked back the way he came. Behind her, Ito Cheng shrugged boredly and followed quickly.

Under the leadership of the female soldier. After a while, they arrived at a room on the second floor. After the female soldier knocked on the door and received permission, she pushed the door open and walked in with Ito Cheng.

"Report. People have brought it." As soon as she entered the room, the female soldier immediately saluted a middle-aged male officer in the room and said loudly.

"Yes." The officer nodded, stood up from his seat, and walked over.

At this time, Ito Cheng had time to carefully look at the officer in front of him. Wearing a white director's uniform, he is over 1.8 meters tall. He has typical European characteristics and distinct facial features. However, his big nose obviously ruined his overall image, making him look very gloomy.

"Asian?" The officer stood in front of Ito Cheng and frowned after seeing Ito Cheng's figure and appearance. Obviously this person has some bad taste for Asians.

"Yes." Ito Cheng admitted.

"Forget it. Go for a physical examination first." The officer frowned and looked at Ito Cheng for a few times and finally said, "Follow me."

After saying that, he and the female soldier took Ito Cheng out of the office and walked to another room on the same floor. More than a minute later, the three of them arrived in a room filled with various equipment. Three male soldiers in white coats were sitting there bored.

"Lieutenant George, test his physical fitness." As the officer walked towards the chair in the room, he reached out and pointed his thumb at Ito behind him and said to one of the three soldiers.

"Yes, Major Anderson." One of them, a very capable young male soldier with blond hair and glasses on his face, stood up and responded. Then he looked at Ito Cheng and said, "Come here."

Ito Cheng nodded silently. Walked over slowly.

"Fill out this form." George took a piece of white paper from the table beside him and handed it to Ito Cheng. Ito Cheng, who had been prepared for this, took the form obediently, walked to the table, took the ballpoint pen on the table, and leaned over to fill it out. The contents in the table are basically common to all armies in the world, such as name, age, blood type, date of birth, nationality and other standing information.

"Okay." It didn't take long for Ito to fill out the form and said while handing it back to George.

"Okay, let's start the test." George took the form, glanced at it casually, and put it in the pile of white paper next to the table. He turned to the other two and shouted, "Billy and Cook are working. "

"Here we come." Two other soldiers in white coats responded and walked over.

Subsequently, under the full examination of three soldiers, Ito Cheng, who only wore a white vest and boxer briefs, underwent a series of professional tests such as physical fitness, physical function, vision, reaction speed, endurance, and endurance.

"I didn't realize that your physical fitness is so good." After a moment, George, who was holding Ito's test report, smiled at Ito who was getting dressed. In response, Ito Cheng just smiled and was noncommittal.

"How's it going?" At this time, Major Anderson came over and asked.

"The physical fitness is absolutely excellent, not worse than some elites in the army. I believe that with simple training, he can drive a horse." George said with high spirits.

"Really?" Anderson's eyes flickered, and he looked at Ito Cheng with the same surprise and whispered. Then he said to George and others, "Okay, give the information to Alva and ask her to take this kid to register for naturalization and get a military uniform."

"Boy, congratulations. From now on, you will be a member of the Security Council. In this turbulent era, work hard to climb up." Anderson reached out and patted Ito Cheng on the shoulder.

"Yes! Major Anderson." Ito Cheng imitated the appearance of the female soldier named Alva when she met Anderson, stood at attention and performed a military salute as a member of the governing body and said loudly.

"Not bad." Anderson laughed loudly, turned and left the testing room.

"Let's go." After Anderson left, Alva said to Ito Cheng.

"Okay." Ito Cheng agreed, left the testing room with Alva, walked to another room, and then, with the assistance of a female civilian officer, registered Ito Cheng's military status, received his military officer ID, and then Follow Alva to another room to receive military uniforms and guns. Thus, a Council Member Pvt.

After becoming a soldier, Ito Cheng's residence was also solved at the same time. He temporarily lived in the office, and his usual task was to guard the door.

Three days later, after guarding the gate for three days and becoming familiar with almost all the soldiers in the office, Ito Cheng finally received a transfer order and was dispatched to a certain military base for MA driving training.

After packing his luggage, Ito said goodbye to a few familiar soldiers, then boarded a military transport plane and flew towards an unknown military base. In this way, after a transfer midway and a total of more than two hours of air travel, Ito Cheng finally arrived at the destination on the order.

"Welcome, Private Itoge." As soon as he stepped off the transport plane, a young male noncommissioned officer came up to him and said to Itogege with a smile.

"Sir." Ito Cheng is now a private, the lowest rank among all military ranks. He basically calls everyone "sir" when he sees him.

"No need to be formal. As long as you can survive this training, I believe your military rank will definitely become the same as mine. If you perform well enough, you may be higher than mine." The male soldier raised his hand. He returned the salute and smiled.

"Really?" Ito Cheng said noncommittally. He didn't care much about the promotion of military rank. His purpose of joining the army was just to find a way to participate in various battles and collect soul energy. Of course, he wouldn't mind if he could advance to a higher level. At least it would be much more convenient to collect supplies, and it would also be easier for him to gain access to some secrets.

Then the two of them chatted and walked towards the military camp...

"Here we are, this is the room you will live in next." In front of the door of a steel house, the young man named Moore took out a magnetic card from his pocket and swiped it quickly against a card reader on the wall, and then He pointed to a small single room of more than thirty square meters exposed behind the wall with the door.

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