Magic world

Chapter 307 Fighting

"Okay." Ito Cheng glanced at the Matsuo boss who was using a paper puppet made of hundreds of talismans to deal with two enemies, and nodded in agreement. Then he turned around and rushed towards the man in beachwear.

"Bang" Just when Ito Cheng was about to approach the man in beachwear, an invisible barrier blocked Ito Cheng's way.

Ito Cheng raised his head and looked at the barrier in front of him that had appeared due to his impact. On a transparent wall that exudes light golden light, dozens of large and small Buddha statues with the image of Guanyin sitting on the lotus are neatly arranged on it. Sanskrit characters that are only the size of a fingernail are placed between the images of Guanyin sitting on the lotus. Flashing and flowing in the gaps.

"This is a tantric technique." Ito Cheng looked at the barrier in front of him and secretly guessed in his heart. Then he stretched out his palm and placed it on the barrier in front of him, closing his eyes and feeling it.

A moment later, Ito Cheng opened his eyes, and he immediately mobilized his powerful mental power, and drew a strange rune in the void in front of him, which vibrated at a specific frequency.

As the spiritual power vibrated, the rune outlined by the spiritual power suddenly emitted a strange wave, slowly invading the surface of the barrier in front of it, and silently melting into the middle of the barrier. A gap big enough for one person to pass through.

Seeing the passage appear, Ito Cheng walked in without hesitation.

"Wow~" The moment Ito Cheng walked into the barrier, a burst of noisy sounds immediately rang out, and then the man in beachwear who had been facing the fountain and chanting mantras slowly turned around. The twisting beads in his hand were shaking randomly.

The man in beachwear has a handsome face with clear features, and a soft smile always hanging on his fair face. His kind-hearted look really made him look like an eminent monk, but the words that came out of his mouth didn't make anyone feel even half as cultivated as an eminent monk.

"I didn't expect those guys outside to be so useless that they actually let people break in. But it's okay. Anyway, I've done everything I need to do. It's just time for me to move my body." The man in beachwear said casually

"Haha, I really don't know where you guys got the confidence. You underestimate others at every turn. I really wonder how you practiced to this point and survived. Could it be that the guys you met before were all idiots. ?" Ito Cheng listened to the man in beachwear. While approaching him, he mocked coldly.

"Oh?" The man in beachwear looked up and down with interest at Ito Cheng, who was gradually approaching him, and then said, "Now that you say so. If I come out without some notebooks, I'm afraid you will look down on me, but I don't know Are you worthy of what you said?"

"You'll know this right away." Ito Cheng said, his feet shook, and his body rushed straight towards the man in beachwear.

Regarding Ito Cheng's attack, the man in beachwear didn't panic at all. He formed a Tantric Great Sun Tathagata seal with his hands slowly and quickly, and shook it in front of him. A barrier flashing with dazzling golden light immediately appeared in front of Ito Cheng, blocking his way. At the same time, the man in beachwear changed his handprints, placed his left hand on his abdomen, and his right hand shook the beads and wrapped them in his palm. He pushed towards Ito Cheng fiercely.

I saw the prayer bead in the center of the man's palm in beachwear suddenly light up, and a golden Sanskrit text that was magnified in vain instantly flew out of the prayer bead and flew towards Ito Cheng at an extremely fast speed.

On the opposite side, Ito Cheng stopped immediately when he saw that his way forward was blocked, and quickly made a Taoist fist seal with both hands on his side. Immediately, his arms shook, flashes of thunder flashed through, and Ito Cheng's fists flew straight towards the barrier in front of him.

"Boom!" The collision between the thunder and the barrier immediately erupted into a violent roar, and the energy storm spread out and blew the clothes on Ito Cheng's body.

Then Ito Cheng changed his two-hand seal technique again, taking several steps with his feet quickly according to a certain pattern, and stretched his right hand forward, which turned into a sword finger. A bolt of lightning flew out from Ito Cheng's fingertips and met the Sanskrit gold characters flying at high speed.

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, and the electric light and golden Sanskrit words disappeared in mid-air.

"Taoist Leifa." The man in beachwear who had been maintaining a fake smile before stopped smiling, frowning slightly and staring at Ito Cheng who was not far away and said in a deep voice.

"Not bad." Ito Cheng nodded lightly.

"Hahahahahaha, good, the master always said that Taoist spells have always missed it. I did not expect that it was for me to meet today. Just, I will confirm it with you. Buddhism is supreme." After hearing Ito Cheng's answer, the man in beachwear immediately laughed wildly and said crazily.

Then without waiting for Ito Cheng's reply, he quickly recited a Sanskrit mantra in his mouth. At the same time, the Buddhist beads on his right hand shook. Golden Sanskrit words jumped out of the beads and floated in front of the man in beachwear, forming an endless circle and slowly rotating. With.

Looking at that posture, he was obviously preparing a big move to decide the outcome. But think about it, after all, there are foreign enemies around now, and it is impossible for him and Ito Cheng to fight calmly, so they only want one blow to prove which one is stronger.

Seeing the man in beachwear preparing a spell, Ito Cheng was unambiguous. He quickly stepped on the forty-nine steps to simplify the Yu steps, his hands flew with seals, and he hurriedly recited the mantra. He and the man in beachwear made a sound almost at the same time. Drink loudly. \u003c.. ..\u003e

In the clear sky, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared, instantly piercing the sky and falling straight down. This is exactly the Taoist spell [Nine Heavens Yingyuan Spectrum Transforms Divine Thunder] issued by Ito Cheng.

At the same time, in the mid-air between Ito Cheng and the man in beachwear, a dozen Sanskrit gold pieces suddenly burst out with immeasurable light, like the sun falling from the sky, and then a series of Buddhist Zen chants came from the sun, like compassion. Warm and blazing heat spreads from the ball of light. This is exactly one branch of the Tantric Dharma of Great Sun Tathagata, the Light Buddha Dharma.

Almost instantly, the two most powerful forces of light collided in the field. At this time, Ito Cheng and the man in beachwear only felt that the world was quiet, time had stopped, and only their thoughts were swimming freely. But at the next moment, a huge energy storm suddenly burst out from the field, and the powerful shock wave instantly blew Ito Cheng and the man in beachwear away from where they were.

The powerful energy storm quickly destroyed the enchantment point here with a devastating force, spreading in all directions, and also blew them away when passing by Eriko, Matsuo Club Master and others. In fact, the most pitiable ones are those witches who are ordinary people and are already in a coma. Suffering from such an unreasonable disaster again, without energy protection, most of them were seriously injured, and two miko maidens were more unlucky. In the process of being blown away, his head hit a building on the road, breaking his head and killing him.

"Boom!" Only then did the violent explosion sound come out from that large area of ​​light...

"Wow~" It flew more than ten meters away from the center of the explosion. Ito Cheng, who crashed into several parts of the building, finally stopped after sliding for a distance on the ground, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. This is because Ito Cheng's body has been transformed by the power of the world and has self-protection, so he just spit out a mouthful of blood. The man in beachwear, who was also at the center of the explosion and was blown away by the energy impact, did not fare so well. After gliding for a certain distance, not to mention bruises all over his body, he only had two broken ribs, and his inner abdomen was different. There was severe bleeding, and he even vomited several mouthfuls of blood, which was much worse than Ito Cheng.

"It is indeed a Taoist magical power. It is as powerful as the master said. I will let you go for now. I will definitely let you know the power of Tantra when we meet next time." Before the shock wave calmed down completely, the man who hit the beach struggled to get out of the way. He climbed up from the ground and glanced at Ito Cheng, who was at least thirty meters away from him. whispered. Then he dragged his injured body and quickly left the scene under the cover of the shock wave.

After a while, the energy storm finally subsided. Where the energy storm broke out, a huge depression with a completely glazed surface appeared on the ground.

"No, Lingdian. Lingdian has been completely destroyed." The Matsuo Club owner who didn't know when he got up from the ground shouted anxiously when he saw the color behind the dent in the glass.

Ito Cheng didn't pay attention to the shouts of Club Master Matsuo. He quickly glanced around. After discovering that the man in beachwear had escaped, he walked towards Eriko who was standing not far away and stood together.

"Catch those two guys first." Eriko saw Ito Cheng approaching and said to him quickly.

"Okay." Ito Cheng followed Eriko's gaze and happened to find the two enemies who had originally restrained the Matsuo Club Master, and nodded in agreement. Then the figure flashed, and Eriko and he rushed towards the two guys.

"Fuck, run." One of the men immediately discovered the purpose of Ito Cheng and Eriko, and shouted with a change of face. Then he took out two special grenades from his pocket, opened the lock ring and threw them towards the two of them.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng and Eriko quickly stopped and ducked away.

"Boom, boom~" Almost in no particular order, two explosions were heard in mid-air, two red-yellow flames emerged in the void, and a large number of metal fragments rained towards Ito and Eriko. People flew over.

Ito Cheng and Eriko immediately used their own methods to intercept the metal fragments. When they looked at the two men after everything was over, the two guys had already disappeared.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng and Eriko looked at each other, each of them stopped their hands and turned around and walked towards Matsuo Club Master.

"Ito Cheng, tell me the details of the battle you just fought with that person." Seeing Eriko and Ito Cheng coming over, Matsuo Club Master immediately stared at Ito Cheng with a serious face and shouted.

Who is Ito Cheng? How can a Matsuo Club Master be able to bluff him? He pretended to look blankly at the Matsuo Club Master in front of him and said, "Fight? I didn't fight with him? I just followed my mother's instructions and went up to stop him." That person destroyed the barrier point, but was blocked by the barrier they had arranged in advance. When I exhausted all my efforts to break through the barrier and walked in, the explosion happened."

"You really didn't fight that man." Club Master Matsuo stared at Ito Cheng with an unkind expression and asked sternly.

"No." Ito said innocently.

"Master Matsuo, what do you mean?" Eriko looked at Master Matsuo with a displeased face and asked in a deep voice.

"What do you mean? Oh, Miko Ito, don't forget what was destroyed." Matsuo Club Master looked at Eriko with a mocking face and said angrily.

"I know what it is, but what does it have to do with Xiao'er? Just because Xiao'er did his duty to intercept the other party, he should be treated like this by you." Eriko said with a yin face.

"Okay, okay, okay." The Matsuo Shrine leader laughed angrily at Eriko's attitude. He yelled "Okay" three times in a loud voice, then turned around and strode back to Matsuo Taisha Shrine without even looking at the shrine maidens on the ground.

"It seems that there will be some trouble in the future." Ito Cheng said with a wry smile and shrugged at Eriko.

"It's okay, as long as the handle doesn't fall into his hands, let him do whatever he wants." Eriko said calmly. Then he looked at Ito Cheng and asked curiously, "What happened just now."

"I fought a spell with that madman." Ito Cheng explained.

"What kind of magic?" Eriko asked after recalling the strong, yang and righteous power she had just felt.

"I use the Taoist [Jiutian Yingyuanpu Transformed Divine Thunder]. I don't know exactly what that guy is using, but I still know the system. It is the Dharma of the Great Ri Tathagata line of Tantric Buddhism." Ito Cheng said.

"Oh." Eriko nodded, with a look of understanding on her face. It’s just that I feel more and more speechless about Ito Cheng’s Taoist magic skills. According to the information that Eriko knows, [Nine Heavens Yingyuan Pu Transformed Divine Thunder] is one of the top Taoist thunder methods, and it is not seen even among true Taoist descendants. There are a few people who can do it at Ito's age.

Although she was speechless, Eriko was still very proud of her son's achievements. After all, what mother doesn't want her child to become a dragon?

"Let's go over and take a look at those witches, and save those we can." After sighing, Eriko turned her attention to the witches in the distance and said.

"Okay." Ito Cheng nodded and followed Eriko towards the miko. Then the two separated and each examined the miko in front of them.

If they met two people who could still be saved, they would use their own methods to save the lives of the mikos, and then move them to a place to join together. After more than twenty minutes of tossing, the two of them rescued all the mikos present. , took out the phone and dialed 120...

About ten minutes later, several white ambulances appeared at the scene. A dozen medical staff carried stretchers to the witches. After briefly checking their injuries, they put them on the stretchers and sent them to the hospital. The ambulance turned around and drove quickly to a nearby hospital.

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