Magic world

Chapter 259 Sakura Stone Mine

"Why did you fight against Britannia, provide the Black Knights with a body like the Red Lotus II, and why did you come here to see me." Kirihara Taizo asked. And the "I" he refers to here is the Kyoto representative.

In an instant, Kirihara Taizo asked the questions in the hearts of Kallen and everyone in the Black Knights. If Ito Cheng couldn't answer them well, the good relationship he had finally established with the Black Knights in the past few days would be lost. This creates a rift, which affects future cooperation. Of course, this is not absolute. After all, it is zero who calls the shots in the Black Knights. As long as Zero still needs the Red Lotus II Style, he is not afraid even if he completely breaks with everyone in the Black Knights.

"You also said that I am a former member of the Chinese Federation. From the standpoint of the Chinese Federation, what's the problem with resisting Britannia?" Ito Cheng shrugged casually and said, "As for providing it to the Black Knights The body, but I have completely misunderstood the causal relationship between the two. I am not providing the body for the Black Knights, but providing the body for Kallen, or Kallen is testing the body for me. Why do I need to meet in the end? You, it’s just because I need to see you for something.”

"It seems that I am too conceited." Kirihara Taizo first laughed at himself about the relationship between the Black Knights, Kallen and Guren II, and then said, "But from your words, I didn't hear you being confrontational. Brittania’s real reason, but I’ll give you a chance to say why you want to see me.”

"That is a relatively personal matter. I don't want other people to be present." Ito Cheng's eyes fell on the Black Knights on the side and said.

"Okay." Kirihara Taizo agreed, and also turned his attention to the Black Knights.

"Then I'll take my leave first." Zero said afterward. Then he left the room under the leadership of a bodyguard in black.

"Okay, the irrelevant people have left, now you can talk." Kirihara Taizo said after Zero and others left.

Ito Cheng, who also sensed the departure of Zero and others, curled up his lips with a sneer, and suddenly rushed out. Before the bodyguards could react, he rushed to the nunnery where Kirihara Taizo was sitting, and quickly killed the two guarding bodyguards. . He pressed the one he snatched from the bodyguard's hand to Kirihara Taizo's forehead and laughed silently.

"You!" Kirihara Taizo stared at Ito Cheng with shock and anger, and shouted. This is the second time today that he has been threatened with a gun. The first time it was because the other party somehow managed to steal a knightmare. Even if he couldn't figure out the reason, he admitted it. After all, people can't fight against knightmare. But the second time, someone broke through from the front while being protected by bodyguards. This made Kirihara Taizo, who had always been very confident in his own safety, feel like he was being slapped in the face. It was very hot.

"Tell those toys to leave here." Ito Cheng sent the gun forward. Kirihara Taizo was forced to raise his head back and command.

"Sir!" The voices of the three bodyguards sitting in the knightmare immediately came out from the loudspeaker and shouted.

"Everyone, stand down." Kirihara Taizo is indeed an old guy who has lived for many years. After the initial shock, he quickly adjusted his psychology and ordered in a calm voice.

"Yes!" The three bodyguards responded reluctantly. He drove the knightmare out of the room.

"You are very sensible." After waiting for the three knightmare to leave and using his spiritual power to confirm that there was indeed no one in the room, Ito Cheng put the hand in front of Kirihara Taizo's forehead and said with a smile.

"As people get older, they don't have the passion of young people, and many years of life experience tell me that it's better for people to be more obedient when facing power." Kirihara Taizo said in a calm tone, "Now tell me, why are you here."

"I'm here for..." Ito Cheng spoke at the same time. Two silvery white lights suddenly lit up in the pupils of Kirihara Taizo's eyes as he looked at him. Staring into the eyes of Kirihara Taizo who was also looking at Ito Cheng, the powerful spiritual power instantly broke through Kirihara Taizo's mental barrier that gradually weakened as he got older, and penetrated into his mind.

A command was written into Kirihara Taizo's subconscious in the murmur of Ito Cheng's mouth.

After a moment, Ito Cheng withdrew his mental power and quietly looked at Kirihara Taizo, whose eyes were gradually regaining their vitality. At this time, Kirihara Taizo suddenly leaned over and saluted, "My lord."

"Take me to the Sakura Stone Mine." Ito Cheng ordered.

"Yes." Kirihara Taizo responded respectfully, and then stood up. Carrying a cane and dragging his old body, Ito Cheng walked towards the Sakurashi Mine.

After a while. The two came to Mount Fuji, which was wrapped in a huge steel shell, and took the elevator leading to the inside of the mountain to the mine operation area.

"Sir, we're here." Kirihara Taizo said respectfully after the elevator shook. Then he took the next step and led Ito Cheng behind him into the excavation site, which was almost fully automated.

"Tell me how much ore can be produced here in a day, how much cherry stone raw material is made, and how much needs to be handed over to Britannia every day." Ito Cheng ordered.

"It's my lord." Kirihara Taizo agreed and then began to explain, "Excluding the cooling time of the machine, based on eighteen hours of operation, approximately three thousand tons of ore can be produced in one day, and approximately two thousand three hundred tons can be polished. Sixty percent of the left and right cherry stone embryos will be handed over to Britannia, 35 percent will be used for international market transactions, and a large part of this 35 percent will be distributed. Litania earned the money at a price that was much lower than the market price. Therefore, in the end, only about 5% of the total amount of cherry stone blanks that could actually be left in hand were counted, and this was counting the part purchased secretly from the international market. "

"Sure enough, the victorious country has more welfare." Ito Cheng said with emotion after listening to Kirihara Taizo's story. But when I think about my previous life, my country seemed to have come from a victorious country, but why didn’t I see any benefits from other countries?

"How many cherry stones do you have in the hands of the six Kyoto families? I mean the ones that really belong to you. How many of them can you control?" Ito Cheng asked again.

"After years of accumulation, the data I know is about six thousand tons, of which only about eight hundred tons belong to the Kirihara family." Kirihara said.

"No, based on your annual purchase volume of 5%, the discrepancy is too big." Ito Cheng frowned.

"Sir, that's just a rough." Kirihara Taizo explained with a wry smile, "Nearly half of the ore purchased every year from rough to finished cherry stone is damaged, and it is said to be purchased secretly, but for Britannia, there is actually no There is a big difference. In order to reduce traces, 70 to 80% of the cherry stones will be used on the surface, and the remaining 20% ​​of cherry stones will be used to fund the use of Japanese resistance forces. In the end, there will be a lot left. "

"Oh." Ito Cheng nodded in understanding, and then told Kirihara Taizo next to him, "Wait for me here."

Then he walked to the exposed mine wall in front, put his hand on the surface of the mine wall, and commanded the Rubik's Cube to absorb it with his mind. The next moment, starting from the position where Ito Cheng's palm was pressed, a gradually expanding circular concave surface appeared on the wall. Rough ores of varying sizes and shining pink light were exposed in Ito Cheng's eyes. After breaking away from the wall, you enter the Rubik's Cube world.

As the cherry stone entered the world of the Rubik's Cube and was dissolved and injected into the continent below, a layer of misty and faint pink fluorescence emerged from the soil layer injected by the Sakura Stone. Then, under the land that was continuously injected with cherry stone energy, some pink particles invisible to the naked eye appeared in the soil layer, buried in it like sand. Then the green people on the surface of the soil are high and low, and the green is very crisp and bright.

"It seems that the cherry stone energy in this world can not only be used as power, but if used properly, it can also be used as a chemical fertilizer. It is good to use to promote the growth of some plants." After Ito Cheng saw the changes in the land, he collected them more quickly. Sakurashi. I was just afraid that the plants spawned by the cherry stone energy would have an impact on the human body, so I planned out the land that had been injected with energy on that side, and then invested all the cherry stones I received later. After that, he used his mind to control the Rubik's Cube to select a few rabbits, pheasants, etc. from the animals in other places and transferred them to the cherry stone land to see the impact of the cherry stone energy on the animals.

After a while, he created a huge depression hundreds of meters in diameter and dozens of meters deep in front of him, then stopped decisively, returned to Kirihara Taizo who was stunned by Ito Shige's methods, and patted his shoulder to wake him up. The order was: "Start transferring the cherry stones in your hands tomorrow in batches, and then notify me to collect them."

"It's my lord!" If Kirihara Taizo, who was previously hypnotized by Ito, treated Ito with respect, then his current attitude is one of awe, with unreserved awe from body to language.

"Tell someone to send me away." Ito Cheng was indifferent to the change in Kirihara Taizo's attitude and just ordered.

"It's my lord." Kirihara Taizo responded, then took Ito Cheng out of the Sakurashi Mine, and personally sent him away from the hiding place, watching the vehicle carried by Ito Cheng go away.

Just as Ito Cheng returned home, he received a call from Mi Lei, informing him in a heavy tone that he would go to the suburban cemetery to attend the funeral of Charlie's father tomorrow morning.

I don’t know if God is also grieving for Charlie, but it began to rain lightly in the sky that night, and it kept falling, cleaning the filth under the dark clouds... (To be continued...)


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