Magic world

Chapter 257 Narita

After the two of them finished talking, they sat in silence in the wooden house. () Feeling a little bored, Ito Cheng stood up and walked to the window to look outside. In the hazy sky, streaks of white snowflakes were falling, and a man wearing strange clothes with green hair was seen. A woman with long hair hanging down her waist stood on the top of the hillside outside her house, admiring the falling snow.

"Is that your companion too, zero?" Ito Cheng asked. The latter looked out through the window that Ito Cheng left open, and immediately discovered who Ito Cheng was talking about. He quickly stood up and said, "Sorry, I'll go out first."

\u003cWell, with the rich power of the world and the strange fluctuations radiating around her body, it is indeed better to be careful before Lelouch gaess explodes away. "Ito Cheng looked at the two people talking outside the window and thought to himself.

After a while, Lelouch returned to the room and said to Ito Cheng, "Let's go, it's time to confirm each other's value."

"I'm very happy." Ito Cheng smiled. Then he walked out of the room, quickly jumped on Zero's exclusive mobile suit, the Rogue Kai, and moved towards the hiding place of the Black Knights.

At the top of Mount Narita, all the members of the Black Knights gathered here, looking at the large-scale knightmare transport plane that suddenly appeared in the distant sky and the smoke and dust caused by the knightmare's march on the ground. They only heard Zero standing in the middle of the crowd. Said "It's begun."

"You're kidding." The thin man with a light machine gun on his right shoulder and a red headband on his forehead said in shock, "Don't be kidding, zero, when that thing comes we will be surrounded by iron barrels, and we won't even have a way out... "

"The escape route has been blocked." Before the man could finish speaking, Zero said, "The only way to survive is to fight here."

"Fight with Britannia!?" Next to Zero, a woman with long blue hair murmured in shock.

"Do you want us to fight head-on? When we are surrounded." The man who spoke first said.

"And the opponent is Cornelia's army. It is a completely different force from before." Another member of the Black Knights said. **

"Yes, it would be a miracle if we can still win." Zero said calmly.

"Zero. So far..." Shan Yao, who was standing in front of Zero, turned around and wanted to say something, but was immediately interrupted by Zero, who continued, "The Messiah will not be recognized if he does not create miracles. Then of course we need a miracle too.”

"Miracles don't come so easily." The man who was still the first to speak retorted loudly, "You really can't be the leader, so I should..."

As he spoke, he took off the gun on his shoulder, but his movements were faster than Zero's, and he raised his right hand that had been hidden in the cloak. Aiming at the man who spoke. Just when everyone was stunned, Zero let go and turned it on his index finger, pointing the muzzle of the gun at himself and the gun handle at the speaker, and said, "The retreat has been cut off. If you feel that you can win without me, Then anyone can shoot me."

In an instant, everyone in the Black Knights who had originally been leaning toward the man who spoke was shocked. They looked at the man who spoke, waiting for his choice. The person who spoke was shocked by the question raised by Zero and was speechless for a long time.

"Since you have joined the Black Knights, there are only two ways." After a moment, Zero continued, "Live with me, or die together." Seeing everyone still standing there in shock, Zero continued.

For a moment. The image of zero clearly appeared in everyone's heart. He is no longer a vague collaborator or a dependent who can be abandoned at any time, but a companion and leader of everyone.

The next thing will be easy to handle. With the foreshadowing, everyone in the Black Knights mustered up their strength to carry out Zero's orders, ambush at various locations according to his requirements, and prepare for battle.

"Not a bad idea." After most people left. Ito Cheng, who had been standing next to Guren Nishiki, chuckled softly.

"What?" Kallen, standing above Guren's Second Form, asked in confusion after hearing Ito Cheng's low laugh.

"Nothing." Ito Cheng shrugged and did not answer.

And when the Black Knights were making arrangements nervously. The Brittanian army on the other side has already started fighting with the Japanese Liberation Front personnel. It's just that the Japanese Liberation Front is an underground organization after all, and its body is old. Even with the support of other hidden forces, they could not get any advanced technology, not to mention that their opponent was the army led by Cornelia. They collapsed as soon as they exchanged fire, and they could not stop the advancement of Cornelia's army at all. , it took almost no time to reach above the mountainside of the mountain where the Japanese Liberation Front is located, approaching the home base of the Japanese Liberation Front.

Just when the Britannian army was about to break into the Japanese Liberation Front's home base, the Black Knights finally completed their arrangements. After hearing Zero's order, all the members of the Black Knights took action. They picked up their weapons or sat in the cockpit of the knightmare and started the machine, and acted according to the plan made in advance.

"From now on, the Black Knights will launch a surprise attack on the Brittanian army from the top of the mountain. Obey my order and rush down to the third location. The combat goal is to capture the second princess of Britannia, Cornelli. Ya. The one responsible for tearing apart the assault route is the Guren 2nd Style."

"Karen uses the No. 3 piercing electrode, which can determine the world with one blow." Zero's command came from the internal communicator of Guren II.

"Yes." Kallen responded, using the second red lotus style, her right steel grip was pressed against a green cylinder with the number 3 written on the ground, and then a red light came from the cylinder that Kallen was pressing. It spurted out and disappeared in an instant.

During the five or six seconds when the red light disappeared, nothing changed on the ground. Just when everyone thought there was no success, the ground where everyone was standing suddenly rolled and shook, and then a large amount of hot water poured out. The spray barrel came out of the cracks in the ground, and combined with the broken ground, a mudslide was formed that quickly moved down the mountain.

"I'll wipe it." Ito Cheng, who was also standing at the scene of the incident, jumped back quickly at the moment the mudslide occurred. He jumped out of the movement range of the mudslide several times and cursed in a low voice, "Asshole."

The sudden mudslide completely disrupted the deployment of the Japanese Liberation Front and Britannia. The rolling mudslides mercilessly engulfed the machines on both sides on the way forward, turning into their own power and continuing to surge downwards. . Then they rushed out of Narita Mountain and poured into the city at the foot of the mountain, swallowing up the lives of the Brittanian soldiers who were stationed in the city.

After the mudslide stopped, members of the Black Knights immediately poured out of their hiding places and launched a surprise attack on the isolated Cornelia troops.

Calculating mentally or not, and the sudden attack from the top of the mountain gives you an inherent advantage. Therefore, as soon as the battle began, Cornelia's remaining troops were caught off guard and lost dozens of knightmare and other combat weapons. But the gap between knightmare cannot be changed by strategy alone. After the initial failure, Britannia reorganized the formation, launched a counterattack with knightmare's performance advantage, and fought against the Black Knights. got up.

At this time, the performance of the Red Lotus Type 2 was undoubtedly highlighted. Any knightmare standing in front of it fell into the radiation wave weapon of the steel right arm of the Red Lotus Type 2, and was filled with hatred on the spot.

"I don't know how the radiation wave weapons will compare with Gundam's PS armor and the solar particles in the 00 series. It's worth looking forward to." Standing on the mountain, Ito Cheng looked at the Guren 2-style carving a path in the forest. mused.

At this moment, the battlefield suddenly changed. Four weird-looking aircraft that looked like rogues but were not rogues appeared on the battlefield. They rushed into the battlefield with long swords made of radiation vibration technology and attacked Brittany. The runner-up attacked.

After they joined, the Japanese Liberation Front seemed to have taken a stimulant, and suddenly released all its troops, cooperating with the Black Knights to fight against Britannia.

On the other side, with the full mobilization of the Japanese Liberation Front, Zero and four or five knightmares finally intercepted the knightmare driven by Cornelia under the rush of the Red Lotus II. Then, with the combination of the sexual suppression of Honglian's second style and Zero's cold shot from behind, he lost his arms. Just when Cornelia was about to die in battle as the princess, a huge plume of smoke suddenly poured out among several people, and then the white machine Lancelot, who had appeared in Shinjuku and Kawaguchiko, appeared on the scene. …

Then, Lancelot and Guren II, who were of the same generation, started fighting. The two sides were like supermen who were distracted, dodging, jumping, and fighting quickly on the mountain wall nearby. Finally, due to the collapse of the mountain at the foot of Honglian's second style, he fell to the bottom of the mountain. Before falling, he received a powerful attack from Lancelot and damaged his right arm. He had no choice but to leave the battlefield under the cover of his companions. \u003chtmareZero, whose skills were inferior to those of ordinary people, had no choice but to break away from the battle, but Lancelot at the rear did not intend to let Zero go just like that, and quickly caught up with him.

Due to the performance gap, he was quickly caught up with Lancelot. Even though he had to use the escape system to escape, Knightm suddenly appeared on the field and walked towards Lancelot step by step. Finally, he reached out and stuck to him. On Lancelot's fuselage... (To be continued...)


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