Magic world

Chapter 245 Shinjuku

Attention, host, the power of this world is gathering...

This morning, Ito Cheng, who was washing his hands, suddenly flashed the reminder from the Rubik's Cube in his mind. He paused slightly in his movements, then quickly wiped his face, grabbed the white towel hanging on the side bar and wiped it randomly. After wiping it, he turned and walked out of the bathroom, grabbed the phone on the table and dialed.


"Teacher Monica? I'm Ito Cheng." Ito Cheng held the phone between his shoulder and face, picked up the clothes on the bed and put them on while saying.

"What's the matter?" Monica's plain voice came from the phone.

"It's like this. I accidentally fell down when I went out yesterday. When I woke up today, I found that my whole left leg was a little numb, so I might not be able to go to school. I want to ask you for leave. Can you think of it, Teacher Monica? ?" Ito Cheng deceived without even making a draft.

"Really?" Although I couldn't see the expression, I could still imagine Monica's frown on the other side of the phone. I just heard Monica continue, "How many days do you want to stay?"

"One day is enough, Teacher Monica." Ito Cheng raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile.

"Well, pay more attention to rest." Monica agreed.

"Thank you, Teacher Monica." Ito Cheng thanked him and hung up the phone.

Then Ito Cheng, who was neatly dressed, quickly walked out of the house and got into the limousine parked at the door. Just when he was about to start the engine, he saw Karen in the Ashford College uniform walking out of the house in the rearview mirror. He walked out step by step with a weak look.

"Good morning, Kallen-san." Seeing this, Ito Cheng's lips curled up slightly, he started the car and came to Kallen's side, lowered the window and greeted her. During the more than half a year in Ashford, Ito Cheng had contact with all the basic plot characters except to increase Nina's favorability. And Kallen, who plays an important role among them, has been contacted many times.

"It's you." Kallen's expression changed, and she quickly turned around and looked around. After finding that no one was paying attention, she whispered impatiently, "What's the matter?"

For the only classmate and neighbor in Ashford College who knew her true identity, Karen, who was about to do something big, instinctively felt wary in her heart, and her emotions were also affected by the feeling of wariness. ** became a little irritable.

"Karen-san, are you going to school? I happen to be going too, why don't I see you off." Ito Cheng said with a smile.

"Thank you, but I want to go by myself." Kallen still looked weak and indifferent. But his tone was very firm.

"Okay, be careful on the road." Ito Cheng nodded, greeted politely, stepped on the accelerator and drove away from Kallen.

"Trouble." Kallen looked at the car that was speeding away. He curled his lips, then walked out of the community where he lived, got into a truck at the door, and drove quickly in the opposite direction of Ashford.

Ito Cheng drove the car and quickly drove out of the inner circle city and arrived at the intersection between the inner circle and the outer circle. After parking the car in a nearby parking lot. Following the instructions of the power of the world in the sky, we crossed the dividing line between the inner and outer circles and walked into the original residence of the numbered people in the Shinjuku area of ​​Japan.

Although there is only a thin line between them, the gap between the two sides is definitely the difference between heaven and earth. As Brittanian nationals and honorary Brittanians, the inner circle where they live is full of high-rise buildings with bright appearance. The urban environment is clean and beautiful, and the transportation is convenient and fast. But the outer circle, where the numbered people live, has not been built at all. It is what it is now after the war, without any sorting out. There are dilapidated buildings everywhere, with dirty surfaces and bad smells. All of them were dressed poorly. Japanese people with unflattering styles and sallow complexions can be seen everywhere.

"Sure enough, the numberer is not a human being. Showing their shame nakedly in front of the numberer, the upper-class nobles of Britannia are really disgusting." Ito Cheng walked in and looked at the surrounding environment secretly. Said to himself.

"Pop-pap" is the sound made when stones fall from a height and collide with objects.

"Huh?" Ito Chengshun shouted, and several young men in ragged clothes with expressions of hatred walked out from behind the broken walls around them holding wooden sticks. Step by step, he approached the well-dressed Ito Cheng.

"Come on!" One of the short-haired men with sunken cheeks and vulture eyes waved and shouted.

"Ah" the remaining men heard the order. He immediately raised the stick in his hand and rushed towards Ito Cheng.

"Ha." Ito Cheng sneered. Standing still, waiting for the arrival of several people.

In a moment, Ito Cheng came into contact with the other party. When the other party's eyes flashed with excitement, Ito Cheng moved instantly. As if his body could be separated, he suddenly transformed into several blurred figures connected together. In an instant, he appeared in front of several numbered persons. He punched the person in front of him with lightning speed. When all the blurred figures appeared, he punched the person in front of him with lightning speed. When the figures merged into one again, several attackers were immediately thrown back like cannonballs and fell to the ground not far from the leader, stirring up dust on the ground.

The leading eagle man looked around with flickering eyes at his companions who were lying on the ground and did not know whether they were alive or dead. He raised the dagger in his hand tremblingly, yelled for courage, closed his eyes and rushed towards Ito Cheng.

"Hmph." Ito Cheng snorted coldly, raised his foot and kicked the opponent's flat stomach. A mouthful of blood spurted out as soon as the opponent's mouth was neutral. His body quickly flew backwards and fell to the ground five or six meters away. , rolled a few times and died.

Ito Cheng, who didn't care about the robbery at all, slowly glanced around, then violently moved his body towards a broken wall, and then jumped up and down to the tallest building nearby, condescendingly watching the surroundings. Condition.

"Look at the changes in the power of the world. It's probably about to begin." Standing on the roof, Ito Cheng looked up at the changing power of the world in the sky and thought to himself.

"Dear subjects of the empire, and of course the residents of District 11 who are cooperating with us, do you understand that now my heart has been torn in two, divided into a sad heart and an angry heart. But I have been given 11 I will not give in to terrorist incidents in the district. To say why, this is a just battle, a just battle to protect everyone and happiness. Come, everyone, let us pay tribute to the eight martyrs who sacrificed their lives for justice. I would like to express my condolences." On electronic screens, broadcasts, and external audio equipment across Japan, the hypocritical speech of Clovis la Britannia, the third prince of the Britannian Empire, was heard. come out……

"It's finally about to begin." Ito Cheng, who also heard Clovis speak, said to himself with a smile.

Sure enough, not long after, a large number of helicopters were circling in the sky over Tokyo, especially around the residential areas of the outer ring numberers, searching for something. Suddenly, three of the helicopters were hit by hard objects that suddenly rose from below. The fuselage tilted uncontrollably and collided with their companion's helicopter in mid-air, causing a violent explosion.

Just a moment after the helicopter exploded, a large number of aircraft appeared in the sky above the outer circle. The heavily armed Brittanian soldiers were hoisted down from them, and then faced them without any regard, regardless of whether they were men or women. Women, old and young, the Japanese were killed.

Of course, Ito, who stood tall and conspicuous, was naturally taken care of by the Brittanian army. Several heavily armed Brittanian soldiers hung down around Ito, and shot him with their guns indiscriminately. stand up.

"Not only are the people in District 11 being killed indiscriminately, but also the people staying here?" Ito Cheng's feet were shaken, and two rays of light flashed, and one ray of light erected a stone wall in front of him to block it. Withstanding the impact of the bullet, a ray of light extended underground, turned into an earth dragon and rushed towards the feet of the Brittanian soldiers, turning into sharp stone thorns and piercing their body armor and thin breasts.

Of course, it was not just ordinary soldiers who participated in the battle, a large number of new generation S-type knightmare also participated in the battle, using the pulleys under the knightmare's feet to run high and low to quickly chase the fleeing numberers.

As a rebel, Ito Cheng was specially assigned a knightmare to clean up.

"Hey, you can't stop collecting soul power and watching a show." Ito Cheng looked at the knightmare rushing up from the gap between the two buildings and sighed lightly, and then launched the attack first without waiting for the knightmare to come up. The sudden movement of the body left a blurry image on the spot. The real body instantly came to the knightmare who had just emerged. He turned over and jumped on the top of the knightmare. He stretched out his hand to hold the part of the knightmare's head that looked like the tentacles of a unicorn fairy. He landed on the cab on Knightmare's back, crouched down and opened a big hole above the cab, and quickly invaded Knightmare's cab. Then powerful spiritual power was instantly released from his eyes, and he looked into the eyes of the astonished Brittanian soldiers.

"Tell me the knightmare's authentication password." Ito Cheng asked.

"xhjltz4141xsw..." the Brittanian soldier said with blank eyes.

"Okay, done." After getting the password, Ito Cheng didn't hold back, and slashed the Brittanian soldier's neck with his palm. There was only a soft "click" sound, and the Brittanian soldier died immediately. Ito Cheng reached out and grabbed him and threw him out of the gap in the cab.

"Bang!" The corpse fell from a high place and made a dull sound when it hit the ground.

Ito Shige didn't repair the hole above, and sat directly in the driver's seat to activate Knightmare, lowered to the ground, and then hid in the surrounding dilapidated buildings, observing the situation in the entire Shinjuku area through radar, and using the Rubik's Cube Collecting more and more soul energy in the sky above Shinjuku. (To be continued...)


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