Magic world

Chapter 238 District 11

After a simple breakfast, I met the Malder Knights who had already been waiting in the lobby on the first floor, got into the car driven by Cook, and started moving along the planned route. Because the goal this time is all about supplies, it is not as exaggerated as closing down factories or employees, so as long as you put Ito Cheng down when you get there, wait for about ten minutes to pick him up and leave, there will be no whole situation. The disappearance of a building will not lead to the disappearance of a large number of people, so there is no need to be too nervous.

Just follow the action route and drive all the way to the imperial capital. On the way, he passed through more than 30 large and small cities, emptied more than a hundred material warehouses, and obtained countless materials of all kinds. Like locusts along the way, he finally returned to the capital area after four days. However, because the route along this road is too clear, unlike the factory where there is no target like hammering here and there, so when the car drove into the di du range, it was immediately discovered that the urban environment was different.

In the sky, several helicopters were circling and patrolling. Knightmare and military personnel were checking every intersection on the ground. Pedestrians in the city had uneasy looks on their faces and hurriedly carried large and small bags home. go.

"That's it." The soldier at the checkpoint saluted Cook and signaled to the knightmare behind him to let him go.

"It seems that the things Cornelia prepared are not easy to get." Ito Cheng said to himself while looking at the situation outside the car window.

After passing the checkpoint, nothing happened along the way. The car quickly arrived in front of Cornelia's mansion and stopped at the main entrance of the house.

"Bang, bang." Ito Cheng pushed open the door and walked out, closing the door behind him.

"Hey, you're here." After entering the room, when he saw Cornelia sitting on the sofa in the living room, Ito Cheng said hello to her in surprise.

"Are you trying to explain something to me?" Cornelia raised her head and stared at Ito Cheng's face.

"Oh? Do you think I should explain it to you?" Ito Cheng walked to sit on the sofa opposite Cornelia, crossed his legs, and smiled frivolously.

"..." Cornelia was speechless. She really didn't need to explain to herself what the other party did. He also has no right to ask the other party to explain. Although all the information and means of transportation for this operation are provided by his side, the final execution is indeed carried out by the other party. But Ito Cheng went too far this time. Cornelia, who saw Ito Cheng, immediately thought of launching an army to investigate, but she forgot the key point.

"Now you do one last thing for me. After I finish it, I will leave the capital of Britannia and go to District 11. You won't be able to see or be upset by then. What do you think of An Xin being your princess?" Ito Cheng said He leaned to the right, rested his elbows on the armrests of the sofa, clenched his palms into fists and put them on his cheeks, looking at the speechless Cornelia opposite him and said.

"What's the matter?" Cornelia frowned. Anyway, I have already done so many things, and this one is not missing. Just treat it as a good sale and make it difficult for him to refuse when Ito Cheng needs to be used in the future.

"Give me an identity and prepare a room for me in Area 11, right next to Sudafeld's house. Then prepare a large laboratory for me in Area 11, with a full set of relevant radiation equipment." Equipment for the she wave experiment, and a nearby building was bought for me as a residence for the experimenter, and then three days later, I and Lakshattachara's experimental team were sent to Area 11, that's all." Ito said calmly. .

"Okay." Cornelia secretly breathed a sigh of relief. said.

"Okay. I won't disturb you anymore." Seeing that Cornelia agreed, Ito Cheng stood up and walked directly to the guest room assigned to him on the second floor without mentioning the batch of supplies in the warehouse.

"Beep...beep..." As soon as he entered the guest room and closed the door, Ito Cheng took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello." After a while, the call was connected, and then Lakshatta's voice came through the phone.

"We will leave for Area 11 in three days. Inform your men not to run around for these two days. I will call you on the day of departure." Ito Cheng said as he walked towards the bed.

"Yes, as long as your equipment is in place. It doesn't matter where you go." Lakshata said.

"Ha, that's really good. If I have the chance, I will take you to a magical place." Ito Cheng sat down on the edge of the bed, opened the laptop on the bedside table and smiled.

"Oh?" Lakshata's interest was aroused by Ito Cheng.

"You'll know when the time comes." Sitting on the bed, Ito Cheng smiled mysteriously, then hung up the phone and threw it on the bed next to him. Then he controlled the mouse on the laptop and clicked on an online game client. Started playing.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to help you anymore." Ito Cheng quickly entered his account number and password, thinking unscrupulously.


"Bang bang bang." There was a knock on Ito Cheng's door.

"Come in." Ito Cheng said as he was half lying on the bed, clicking on the laptop on his lap.

"Hey." Then the door was opened, and the maid Liz in a maid uniform walked in from the door and said to Ito Cheng on the bed, "Sir, His Highness asked me to give this to you."

As he spoke, he walked to the bed and placed a folded piece of paper on the small cabinet next to Ito Cheng's bed.

"Oh?" Ito Cheng glanced at the maid Liz in confusion, reached for the paper and opened it, and then an address and a series of numbers appeared on the paper.

"Did Cornelia say anything when she gave it to you?" Ito Cheng was very baffled by the contents on the paper, so he asked the maid in order to get some clues.

"No." Liz shook her head.

"Okay, you go down." Ito Cheng glanced at the note in his hand again, then turned to Liz and said.

"Yes." Liz received the order, turned around and left the room.

"If you want to understand what is written on this paper, it seems that the only way is to look at the address on the paper." After Liz left, Ito Cheng shook his hands and shattered the note. He stood up and put his mobile phone in his pocket. He picked up his coat on the hanger, opened the door and walked out of the room. Then he left Cornelia's mansion without stopping, stopped a taxi far away from the mansion, and drove to the location on the address.

The traffic was very smooth in the middle of the night, and the speed of the car was able to rise to a relatively safe highway without any concern. The taxi arrived at its destination smoothly in a gust of wind and lightning.

"This is the warehouse district." Ito Cheng said after paying the fare and looking at the dozens of huge warehouses in front of him. Then, Ito Cheng, who already knew the meaning of the note Cornelia gave him, walked slowly to the door of the warehouse, avoided the sight of the camera, climbed over the wall and jumped in. Then he walked to the warehouse that matched the number on the note and entered the password on the electronic lock next to the door. With a short beep, the warehouse door slowly rose upwards. A burst of cold air flowed out from the gap in the open door of the warehouse.

When the door rose to about half a person's height, Ito Cheng bent down and walked in. In an instant, a large piece of frozen meat, vegetables, and fruits appeared in front of Ito Cheng.

"I'm interested." Ito Cheng looked at the things in the warehouse and nodded secretly. "When Lakshata researches something good, giving Cornelia a copy won't mean that her work was in vain. Well, there are also So are Nina’s scientific research results.”

After thinking about it, Ito Cheng stopped standing and quickly opened a dark hole with a diameter of more than ten meters beside him, and transferred everything he saw in front of him into the world of the Rubik's Cube.

In just two or three minutes, one warehouse was cleared, and then they turned around and moved to several other warehouses. After more than 20 minutes of this, all the warehouses that Cornelia wrote about were cleaned up. Then, with the idea of ​​driving one sheep and herding two sheep, they directly destroyed the doors of other warehouses and placed all the items inside. After all the things were transferred into the Rubik's Cube world, he climbed over the wall and jumped out of the warehouse area, stopped a taxi on the other side of the road, and rushed back to Cornelia's mansion.

The next day, after breakfast.

"This is the ID you want." Cornelia threw a data book with a two-inch bareheaded photo of Ito Cheng on the table in front of him and said.

"Let me see..." Ito Cheng picked up the information and read it. Ito Cheng, male, 19 years old, immigrant from the Federation of China...

There wasn't much information, but Ito Cheng finished reading it in just a few glances. He raised the information in his hand with great satisfaction and said, "Thank you."

"I've already asked my men to take care of the house for you. I believe you can move in when you arrive in District 11. The laboratory and residence will be ready by then, so your people can move in and start construction right away." Cornelli Adao.

"As expected of a princess, she is fast." Ito Cheng praised, "If there are results by then, I will provide them to you as soon as possible. Your help to me is not in vain."

"Thank you very much." Cornelia said calmly. She didn't think much of it, but getting Ito Cheng's promise was an unexpected surprise, and her efforts were not in vain. A faint smile appeared on Yuya's face.

Two days passed so peacefully. That morning, after Ito Cheng and Lakshata confirmed the meeting point by phone, they took the large bus prepared by Cornelia and went to the meeting place with Ito Cheng's old acquaintance, the Marde Knight. There, more than 30 young men and women, led by Lakshatachala, drove to a military airport in the suburbs of Didu, and boarded a transport passenger plane to fly away to Area 11.

Of course, Marder, who was part of the entourage this time, also flew to Area 11 with Ito Cheng and others.

After about five hours or so, the passenger plane landed smoothly at the former Tokyo International Airport in Area 11. Then, as a liaison officer, Knight Malde quickly contacted Cornelia's subordinates in Area 11. After about ten minutes, Ito Cheng and his party got on the large bus to greet them, and went to the already prepared The laboratory and residential areas drive away. (To be continued...)


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