Magic world

Chapter 229 Victory

After dozens of black seknightmare rushed out of the base, the ordinary mass-produced knightmare also rushed out immediately behind the black seknightmare. Behind the mass-produced knightmare troops were ordinary mobile armored vehicles and Missile force. At the same time, several reconnaissance planes used for reconnaissance also rose into the sky from the base slightly faster than the armored troops. In the blink of an eye, they surpassed the knightmare troops on the ground and flew towards the distance at high speed...

The entire unit was fully mechanized and not a single infantryman was involved, so the large unit quickly left the sight of the base and disappeared over the horizon.

"Beep!" Suddenly, a crisp sound rang in the cab of the knightmare driven by Ito Cheng. After pressing the flashing red button, a radar map appeared on the screen to the left of Ito Cheng. presented. In the dark green picture, densely packed red dots appeared on the screen in a dense form, forming three groups of unrelated rectangles and green cone-shaped patterns that were significantly smaller than each other and were quickly approaching each other.

"It looks like it will be a hard battle, but it is just right for me to collect soul energy." Ito Cheng looked at the form on the screen, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he whispered to himself with a smile on his face.

"Beep." At this time, there was another crisp sound in the cab, and then Cornelia's voice rang in the cab.

"Knightmare troops use their respective brigades as units to form a counterattack." Countless voices shouted in unison on the communication channel. Immediately, the rapidly moving cone-shaped pattern on the radar screen immediately separated into three green branches, each of which aimed at a red rectangular pattern and rushed straight over.

"Armored troops move in quickly, cooperate with Hness" was still the uniform response that sounded in the communication channel. \u003chness”

"Follow me, Knights of the Guards, charge straight into the center of the army, and kill the enemy's commander." Cornelia gave the order without waiting for anyone to answer. ** rushed out first. On the radar screen, at the tip of the cone pattern, a small green dot instantly broke away from the large army. \u003chness" Then. Dozens more green dots followed the first green dots on the screen, rushing towards a dense circular pattern composed of more than a hundred small red dots behind the three groups of rectangular patterns. past.

"Be careful to engage the enemy." After Cornelia's order, another order came from the communication channel, and a thick male voice said.


Then, on the right side of the cab, there is a screen representing the team to which it belongs. It quickly changed into an inverted V formation and came into contact with the front end of the enemy's rectangular shape.

"Boom!" A clear and distinct sound of collision came out in the communication channel.

"P13 What are you doing! Follow me quickly." A thick male voice shouted angrily in the communicator.

"Oh, I know." Ito Seiichi immediately understood that the knightmare he was driving was the P13 of this brigade. After responding, the knightmare he was driving came into contact with an enemy robot that passed by. Together.

"Although dismantling Gundam with bare hands is an activity that the masses love to see, starry sky Kai Zaku is also a romance for men. Although we are only flying a knightmare now, the passion is the same!" Ito Cheng thought in his heart. He complained very nonsensically. At the same time, he increased the speed of knightmare to the extreme. Under his driving, knightmare used extremely flexible skills to dodge the attack of the enemy robot and shot the opponent's driver with a backhand shot.

Violent electric sparks flickered from the place where Ito was struck, and then a large red-yellow flame rose up in the driver's seat with a violent explosion, shattering the outer wall of the driver's cab and destroying the lower half of the robot. The upper body was destroyed.

Then Ito Cheng kept going. He quickly rushed to his teammates and suddenly jumped into the battle between the two. When the two were distracted, they blasted the enemy's cab again, then turned around and rushed towards the next EU robot.

"P13 What are you doing? Do you know that your behavior is very dangerous?" A young male voice sounded through the communicator, shouting angrily.

Unfortunately, the person driving Knightmare No. 13 was not a familiar teammate. Ito Chengri ignored the man with the number P35 written on the communicator, and still went ahead to grab a teammate's enemy and kill him.

The ensuing battle was messed up by Ito Cheng, a guy who did not follow common sense. At the same time, due to Ito Cheng's exaggerated killing ability, the enemy troops were killed and penetrated. Under the shock of Ito Cheng's ace, The enemy on this front was completely defeated.

"Well done p13." When the brigade was about to wipe out all the enemies, the captain's voice rang again in the ** communication. After praising Ito Cheng, he continued, "But this time your behavior has been serious. It is a violation of military discipline, so I will truthfully report your performance to Her Royal Highness Cornelia, and it will be up to Her Royal Highness whether you will be rewarded or punished."

After saying that, the captain's voice disappeared from the communication channel. \u003chtmare rushes toward the other front.

"I don't care about Cornelia's rewards or punishments. All I need now is soul energy." He sneered mentally while driving the knightmare toward another front.

At this time, on the external battlefield, except for the front that was destroyed first by Ito Cheng's explosion, the other two fronts have been completely united. A large number of knightmare and EU robots are mixed in like flesh traps, and they can no longer continue to launch. The armored units of the two attacking parties moved to the open plains at the same time, and each formed a formation to bombard the other side fiercely. The missile vehicles in the rear that had fired all the missiles turned around without orders at the moment the attack ended. We drove back toward the base. The main battle group, which was the key to the victory of this battle, gradually tilted towards Britannia's side due to Cornelia's strength.

Dodging a flying cannonball, the knightmare driven by Ito Cheng instantly rushed into the melee group and started killing among them as if he was unparalleled...

In less than two minutes, a rapid alarm sounded in Ito Cheng's cab, and then the lights in the cab suddenly flashed a few times and then quickly went out, and then a red energy-saving lamp came on. got up.

"Unlucky. He actually forgot that Knightmare quickly killed the enemy in front of him, and then rushed out of the melee group without stopping.

But it's easy to get out these days but it's hard to get out. When you get in, just kill all the way and don't pay attention to the problems behind you, because that's the rear area and there are a lot of friendly forces. But it's not like this when you come back. There are tons of enemies behind you. If you don't pay attention, you will be attacked by a red-eyed enemy, and then you will be buried here for no reason.

Fortunately, Ito Cheng is an unparalleled master, and the knightmare manipulated by him is incredibly flexible. He can dodge, hide, run, or jump like a real person. He uses extremely incredible movements to avoid stray bullets and sneak attacks from all directions. , passed through the gap between the friendly forces, and finally broke out of the melee group at the last moment before the energy was exhausted, and came to a relatively safe area.

Then Itocheng quickly opened the cab, turned over and jumped out, then made a few ups and downs to a small slope aside, and waited quietly.

Shortly after he left, at EU United's rear main position, EU United's command system was completely destroyed by the Guards Knights led by Cornelia. Without the command system, the EU coalition forces immediately became headless flies. Their morale was completely lost and they were suppressed and beaten by the Brittanian army. Finally, under the leadership of the surviving military senior leaders, they broke away from the Brittanian army in a rout. pursued and fled back to the nearby base camp.

"Oh! Victory!" There were chaotic shouts from elia in the communication channel and external loudspeakers. "

"Each team checks the energy status of their own knightmare, and gathers the energyless knightmare in the team to the right side. The remaining armored forces will fix the knightmare and send it back, and other personnel will accompany them to protect it." After enjoying the love of the soldiers for a moment, they knew this place. Cornelia, who should not stay for long, quickly ordered.

Under the prestige brought by the victory, the soldiers were all in high spirits and carried out Cornelia's orders meticulously. They quickly separated the powerless knightmare in the team and concentrated them on the right side of the team. They moved to stretch under the armored vehicle. He was fixed on the transport platform that came out, and then quietly waited for the order to set off.

After a while, all the powerless knightmare were loaded onto the armored vehicle. Other knightmare also gathered around the armored vehicle. Cornelia ordered, "Let's go!"

In an instant, the entire army started moving, moving towards the base at a neither fast nor slow speed. (To be continued...)


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