Magic world

Chapter 2167 Amora x Winter Treasure Box

ps: Thank you to classmates "Red Moon Lilith" for your valuable monthly votes.


In an instant, a golden light wave spread rapidly with Ito as the center, and swept past Tony Stark and others in the blink of an eye.

Under the impact of this golden light wave, the green spiritual energy covering the heads of Tony and others was instantly dispersed and disappeared from their heads.

"Uh..." Then Tony and the others only felt a pain in their heads and recovered from the previous daze.

"What's wrong with me?" Tony held his head and shook his head.

"Huh? Why am I here? Didn't I just chase the whirlwind on the street?" Little Wasp looked at the familiar meeting room of the Avengers Headquarters building in front of him in surprise and said in astonishment.

"Also, who are you? Chen, why are you here."

"It looks like we are fighting, and the target is Chen." Black Panther said.

"Jarvis, tell me what's going on." Tony said loudly.

"Yes, sir," Jarvis replied, then dictated all the information he knew.

"At about 1:00 this afternoon, Miss Janet returned to the Avengers Headquarters, went to Mr. Hank Pym's laboratory, and launched an attack on Dr. Hank Pym, and then the lady and husband over there followed closely Appeared in the headquarters building and hypnotized Dr. Hank Pym. Later, under the control of hypnosis, Hank Pym and Miss Janet attacked Captain America..." "Needless to say, I already understand. " Tony interrupted after hearing this.

He did understand, and then basically followed the same pattern. Call Black Panther from Wakanda's embassy in the United States to Avengers headquarters and attack. Hypnosis, control. Then he found himself again. Maybe there might have been a battle during this period, but he alone had never beaten Captain America. He was also captured and controlled...

"Who are you and why are you attacking us?" Tony, who along with the Avengers cast their wary gaze on Amora and the executioner, asked in a deep voice.

"So what if you help them get rid of control, you are still no match for me, Amora." Amora, who kept his eyes on Ito Cheng and ignored Tony's questions, said in a deep voice.

In response, the executioner beside him took down the ax he was looking at from his shoulder. Pretend to be ready to attack at any moment.

At the same time, the Avengers also assumed a fighting stance.

"If it's just the two of you, I really don't believe what you can do to me." Ito Cheng chuckled.

"Excessive self-confidence will only bring you terrible results." Amora said quietly, and then the light and shadow in his hand flashed, a small box like the women of ancient European aristocratic families specially used to hold gold and silver jewelry. It appeared in her hands. "Now let you mortals experience the power of magic."

After saying that, without seeing any movement from her, the lid of the small box suddenly opened upwards. Then a strong and strong cold wind, like a level 13 or level 4 tornado, blew out of the small box, carrying extremely cold air and blowing towards everyone in the conference room.

Wherever the cold wind passes, the surface of all items will immediately be covered by a thick layer of ice crystals.

"No! Everyone, get out of here!" Iron Man, who sensed some powerful threat from the energy detection device on the Iron Suit, quickly reminded loudly.

"Even if you don't tell me, I have to leave right away." The little hornet, with his arms tightly clasped and his body trembling slightly, complained as he quickly flew out of the conference room.

But she hasn't finished speaking yet. She was immediately hit by a cold wind blowing behind her, and frost began to appear on her body. The body rolled and fell uncontrollably.


Hank exclaimed when he saw the bad situation of the little hornet, and immediately rushed to the little hornet's side. He stretched out his hands to take the unconscious little wasp into his hands, braved the cold wind, and rushed out of the conference room.

In just a moment, only Amora, the devil-haired releaser, and her follower executioner were left in the entire conference room, as well as Ito Cheng, who was safe and sound under the protection of white lotuses floating around her.

But in the outside world, affected by the power erupting from the small box, huge wind vortices suddenly appeared in the atmosphere, releasing extremely cold air that was not much different from the cold air gushing out of the small box, blowing and blowing It aimed at the entire earth, ignoring the local environment and climate, turning the whole world into a cold world covered with ice and snow.

Therefore, the people on earth in the Marvel world are not happy, and they are constantly encountering major events that can destroy the world, putting themselves in dire straits, and this is especially true for residents of New York State in the United States, which happens almost every year. There was no peace for several months.

"How is it possible!? How could you not be frozen!?" Amora looked at Ito Cheng who was still safe and sound in the winter magic with a surprised look on his face.

"The power of this magic is indeed good, but it is still far from being able to resist me, so I'm sorry to disappoint you." Ito Cheng said with a smile. Then he took steps, braved the cold wind, and walked towards Amora step by step.

Amora's expression changed slightly when she saw this, and she quickly attacked Ito Cheng.

In an instant, a large number of magic light balls that gathered powerful power shot towards Ito Cheng one after another. Ito Cheng remained motionless and continued to move forward slowly, but one golden lotus after another appeared next to Ito Cheng, as if there was spirituality, spontaneous and flying magic light bullets. Crash together.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

A violent explosion sounded immediately in the cold wind, but it was immediately frozen into ice crystals by the icy cold air and blew around.

Seeing that the attack was blocked, Amora was not discouraged. She stretched out her hand and pointed at the ground again, and a huge crack suddenly appeared on the ground under Ito Cheng's feet. Black smoke poured out from it, turning into roots like The dark tentacles like living creatures struck at Ito Cheng.

Ito Cheng remained motionless in the midst, but red lotuses appeared around him again, swirling and sinking into the crack below, and then turned into a raging fire and burned toward the tentacles.

Immediately afterwards, there was a soft "chi" sound, and all the black tentacles seemed to have encountered a nemesis, twisting violently, and then turned into black smoke and flew into the cold wind.

"Damn it!" Amora said bitterly when she saw that her magic was frustrated again. Then he stretched out his palms and held the small metal box in front of him that was constantly gushing out the freezing cold wind.

The next moment, the chaotic cold wind surged rapidly and quickly gathered into a thick ice tornado, which quickly rushed towards Ito Cheng who was nearby.

The white lotus flowers around Ito Cheng dispersed and converted into telekinesis, forming a spherical invisible barrier that enveloped the whole body. He leaned slightly against the rapidly expanding tornado on top.


In an instant, Ito Cheng's entire body was swallowed up by the tornado.

Although he saw Ito Cheng being swallowed by the cold wind tornado, Amora, who had seen the strength of his opponent from the previous small fight, still did not dare to relax. While continuing to maintain the supply of magic power from the treasure box in his hand, He stared at the cold wind in front of him, waiting to confirm whether the enemy had been frozen into ice.

It was not until more than a minute later that there was still no other reaction from the enemy. Amora, who guessed that she must have been completely frozen, breathed a sigh of relief and slightly reduced the power of the freezing air released from the treasure box in her hand. .

However, just when she relaxed slightly and was about to reduce the power of the treasure box, a palm suddenly stretched out from the cold wind, fell on the treasure box between her palms, and closed the lid of the treasure box with a "snap" stand up.

In an instant, the hurricane blowing in the entire conference room stopped and exploded into chaotic air currents that quickly flew around.

At the same time, without the magic influence of the treasure box, the huge wind eyes that appeared in the atmosphere disappeared again, stopping the blowing of cold winds, and the climate of the entire world returned to normal. It just wants to completely return to the outbreak of cold winter. The normal state before can still be achieved after a month or two.

"What!?" Amora, who was startled by this sudden turn of events, subconsciously exclaimed.

"Yeah!" However, the executioner on the side reacted quickly and immediately roared violently, slashing Ito Cheng's arm with the big ax in his hand.

Ito Cheng withdrew his hand, grabbed the box and stepped away.

"Leave the Winter Treasure Box!" Amora, who came back to her senses, shouted angrily while releasing the magic hair chain to capture Ito Cheng.

"Is this thing called the Winter Treasure Box? It's very appropriate, so I accepted it without mercy." Ito Cheng, who flicked his finger and used a magic light bullet to knock Amora's magic chain away, chuckled.

Then he turned his palm and put away the winter treasure box in his hand.

"Bastard!" Amora screamed angrily after seeing the Winter Treasure Box disappear, and released two huge demonic wolves made entirely of energy with both hands, biting at Ito Cheng with ferocious faces.

At the same time, the executioner smashed the giant ax in his hand onto the ground, and a sharp ice crystal blade created by the cold magic instantly appeared on the ground, rushing towards Ito Cheng along a crack created by the force of the axe.

Ito Cheng moved and appeared behind the executioner in an instant. He raised his foot and kicked the executioner on the buttocks. The latter immediately turned into a cannonball, flew into the distance, and hit the wall of the conference room heavily.

Amora, who was next to the executioner, displayed the magic light in her hand, transforming into a long blade that looked like a sword but not a sword, and looked like a whip but not a whip, and struck Ito Cheng's neck. Ito Cheng raised his body back, dodged the edge of the magic light blade, and then straightened up and struck Amora on the forehead.


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