Magic world

Chapter 2154 5V5

ps: Thanks to "ks.mars" for your valuable monthly vote.

"Brother, no matter what I did wrong, no matter what I did to make you do this, I'm really sorry." Thor said in an apologetic voice as he walked towards the Destroyer who was wreaking havoc in the town.

This was also the only way he could think of to save Jane, Sif and others from death after seeing the power of the Destroyer.

"But these people are innocent and taking their lives will do nothing."

At this time, the Destroyer had already stood in front of Thor, the fire in his body was shining brightly, exuding a terrible aura of destruction.

"Take my life..." Thor said.

Then, as if he was moved by Thor's generosity, the fire in the Destroyer's body quickly extinguished, and he turned around, looking as if he was ready to give up.

Seeing this, everyone felt slightly relieved, and the corners of their mouths subconsciously turned up. However, before they could smile, the Destroyer, who had just half turned around, suddenly turned around and slapped Thor hard on the cheek with his palm.


Thor's body was immediately thrown backwards, flying a distance of more than ten meters before falling heavily to the ground.

"No!" Jane Foster shouted urgently when she saw Thor being knocked away, then broke away from Daisy and Eric's obstruction, and ran towards the place where Thor fell...

"No." Jane ran to Sol and squatted down and said with a sad face.

"It's over..." Thor said in a difficult tone.

"No, it's not over yet," Jane cried, holding Sol's cheek in her hands.

"You're safe." Thor said softly.

"We are safe." Jian echoed.

"It's over." Thor smiled. Then he blinked his eyes gently and took his last breath with a peaceful face.

"" Jane muttered to herself in disbelief.

The Destroyer who has completed his mission does not stop either. Turn around and head towards the dilapidated town...

But the next moment, there was a roar of thunder. A small black dot trailed a long white smoke tail, like a rocket, flying rapidly towards where Jane and Sol were.

"Jane!" Eric screamed when he saw this, and rushed to Jane's side, forcing her away from Saul regardless of Jane's struggle.

Then the next second when Jane and Eric left Sol, the sledgehammer flew down, with a terrifying thunder falling from the sky and heavily bombarding Sol's body below, blooming with a dazzling The bright light stimulated everyone to close their eyes involuntarily.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long, only four or five seconds. But when their sight returned, a scene that made them feel excited and happy appeared in their eyes.

Under the flash of electric light, a large number of metal armor pieces emerged from the void and spontaneously attached to Thor's body, forming a silvery-white piece full of Asgardian style just like Sif and others. Wearing scale armor, he held Thor up from the ground, taking on the baptism of thunder like a god of thunder.

"My... God..." Jane, a mortal, murmured in shock.

At this time, the Destroyer, who noticed Thor's change, lit up with fire. He was about to shoot a fiery plasma beam at Thor who was illuminated by the laser... But just a second before the beam was launched, a square-headed sledgehammer flew out of the lightning first and hit the destruction hard. on the person's head.


Under the huge impact, the Destroyer's head tilted and the beam was shot to one side.

then. As if the sledgehammer with an automatic return setting flew back, it knocked the Destroyer away from behind and fell back into Thor's hands. Then Thor, holding Mjolnir, jumped up and flew up. Like a retrograde meteorite, it flew into the huge wind vortex formed in mid-air and hovered in the center. Swing the hammer into a circular wheel and gather a large amount of thunder and lightning.



at the same time. Not to be outdone, the Destroyer raised his head and fired a terrifying plasma flame beam at Thor in mid-air.

Facing the attack, Thor fiercely grasped the handle of Mjolnir, then turned back downwards, using the hammer as the tip to fiercely meet the plasma flame beam shot by the Destroyer, and then held it hard against it and fell towards the Destroyer. Shot over.

The fire light flew and turned into a pair of fire wings, wrapping around Thor's body.

Then there was only a muffled sound of "bang", and the huge shock wave immediately spread to the surroundings with Thor and the Destroyer as the center, breaking through the surrounding whirlwind with a devastating force, and swept away from the top of the town with majestic force. Suddenly, the huge overpressure wind lifted the buildings in the town below from the ground almost instantly, destroying them into a pile of messy wreckage.

Immediately afterwards, the Destroyer leaned back and fell heavily to the ground under the huge impact of Thor's hammer.


That huge figure instantly stirred up a large amount of dust on the ground.

Then Thor stood up and turned to look at Jane Foster standing aside, with a big smile on his face.


"Watch your head!"

However, the next moment, along with the rising shouts of Jane Foster and Sif, a huge golden light quickly enveloped Thor and the Destroyer. Sol's heart tightened and he quickly looked up at the sky...


The light shrouded, covering Thor and the Destroyer together.

"Who!?" Sif stepped forward quickly, turning her head to observe the surrounding space, and asked loudly.

Then the void flashed, and Ito Cheng's figure emerged from mid-air.

"Who is this?" Daixi, who didn't feel nervous at all, asked the three warriors beside him.

"I don't know." Big Fat Volstagg replied.


The moment Volstagg finished speaking, with a violent roar, the entire golden light cage exploded in vain. Revealing Thor, the god of thunder surrounded by lightning inside.

"Who are you? Loki's accomplice?" Thor asked, looking at Ito Cheng in mid-air with an unkind expression.

"No, even to a certain extent. Like you, I am Loki's enemy." Ito Cheng lowered his body slowly. Standing on the ground, he said softly.

"If that's the case, why did you sneak attack me?" Sol asked with a slightly better expression.

"Because I want it and the power in your body. In addition, although Loki and I are enemies, what he is doing now is also good for me, so even though I know that my current behavior is in some way To a certain extent, I am helping him, and I have to do the same." Ito Cheng looked at Loki who had lost the magic power supply. He glanced at the Destroyer Armor and Thor who had only the instinctive power left, and said.

"No, I will not hand over the Destroyer to you, let alone my power." Thor put up his posture and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, Sif, Fandral, Volstagg and Hogan also walked to Thor's side respectively, posing as if they were ready to challenge.

"Originally, I wanted to take care of you later. Since you insist on participating in the war between me and Thor, I have to help you." Ito Cheng looked at Sif and others and said.

Then a thought came to my mind. The figures of Maya, Harribel, Uchiha Miko and Yuhi Kurenai appeared from the void.

"The one with the hammer in the middle belongs to me. You can divide the other four among you. Remember, except that the woman has to live. You can do whatever you want with the others." Ito Cheng said softly.

"Do you think a few women can defeat me, Volstagg? This joke is not funny at all!" Volstagg said with an angry expression.

"Be careful, they give me a very dangerous feeling." Sif warned.

"Understood." Fandral said.

Hogan just nodded in silence because he didn't like to talk much. Show understanding.

"For Asgard!" Thor said solemnly.

"For Asgard!" Sif, Fandral, Volstagg and Hogan echoed in unison.

Immediately, the five people moved together and rushed towards Ito Cheng and Maya.

at the same time. The figures of Ito Cheng, Maya and Harribel also flashed and disappeared. But in the next moment. With a muffled sound of "bang", Thor, Sif and Volstagg seemed to have been hit by a heavy truck, and their bodies flew backwards at high speed like cannonballs. The speed was so fast that it even brought a whistling sound in the air.


At this time, Uchiha Miko's eyes flashed as she stayed still. The black eyes that were as dark as the universe turned into a strange Sharingan with several rings and magatama. The original pupils were extremely scarlet, but now the color Kurenai Yuhi's eyes became brighter and she looked at Fandral and Hogan who were rushing toward them.

In an instant, the two people's forward movement was a pause, and their bodies shook and fell down.

"Plop, plop."

Obviously, although the two of them were born in the God's Realm and are people from the God's Realm, in the final analysis they are still humans, not gods. Just because of their special origins, they are much stronger than ordinary humans, but they and the ones who have become 'gods' Compared to Uchiha Miko and Yuhi Kurenai, they were inferior by countless times, so it was no surprise that the two fell asleep in a wonderful dream world under the radiation of Uchiha Miko and Yuhi Kurenai's dream power.

Then the next moment, amid a loud howl, Volstagg was also cut in the soaring water column created by Harribel. His body was injured everywhere, and he fell heavily to a pair of bodies covered in blood. The ruins of the building stirred up dust all over the sky.

"Oh no." Daisy looked at Uchiha Miko and Yuhi Kurenai who were looking up at them, as well as Harribel floating in the air not far away, and whispered with a dull expression.

Of course, Jane Foster and Eric were also frightened, looking at what was happening in front of them with expressions of helplessness and disbelief on their faces.


Smoke and dust rose, and a huge impact crater appeared on the ground beneath Sif.

"Uh~" Sif, who was lying in the pit, raised her head and groaned with pain on her face.

"Who are you?" Sif supported her body with both arms and reluctantly stood up from the pit. She looked up at the powerful light and heat in the air. It looked like a fire god and a sun god, with long purple-gold hair. Asked Maya.

"You will naturally know this in the future." Maya said quietly, then changed the subject and continued, "You are no match for me, surrender."

"Agard only has warriors who died in battle, and there are no cowards who surrender." Sif replied firmly, then stood up and raised the sword in her hand.

"Your spirit is commendable, but unfortunately, you were chosen as a target by that bastard, so accept your fate."

After saying that, Maya's figure flashed and appeared in front of the alert Sif. The golden light in her hand shone and she punched Sif in the abdomen. Xif's eyes narrowed and she quickly turned sideways to dodge. At the same time, she slashed with the sword in her hand and hit Maya's neck.

At this moment, Maya stepped closer and hit Sif's chest hard with her shoulder.


Sif's body flew backwards again.

However, Sif, who was knocked away, did not give up. She moved her free left hand forward, and several magic light balls suddenly appeared and shot toward Maya's body.

Seeing the attack coming, Maya's face did not change. She moved her figure and turned into two flames that spread out violently. They flew from the left and right of the magic light ball and shot directly in front of Sif. They regrouped into Maya's image and once again A punch hit Sif who had not yet landed.

Sif's expression changed, and she quickly crossed her hands in front of her body.


The next moment, golden energy shot out from Sif's back, driving her body back quickly and retreating for a distance. It was not until she crashed through two ruins that she fell heavily.


"Poof!" Immediately afterwards, Sif's body shook, and she spat out a large mouthful of blood.

"If you had listened to my advice earlier, you wouldn't have been injured." Shine, who appeared in front of Sif again in the flash of golden light, said quietly, then leaned down and used her divine power to forge the needle. Sif lifted up from the ground and walked slowly back to where Uchiha Miko and Yuhi Kurenai were.


As the sledgehammer in Thor's hand swung, several powerful thunderbolts shot towards Ito Cheng like sharp arrows.

Facing the attack, Ito Cheng moved and suddenly appeared in front of Sol. He clasped his hands and raised them high, and hit Sol's head hard like a hammer.


Immediately, Thor turned into a meteorite and fell to the ground at high speed with a sharp whistling sound.


Ito Cheng, who had gained the upper hand, was unyielding. With a wave of his arm, hundreds of Nordic magic arrays emerged in the sky, and streams of bright light were ejected from them, raining down towards where Thor was. The impact crater shot through.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Immediately, a series of huge explosions immediately echoed over the entire town.


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