Magic world

Chapter 2129 Maori x Jian Yulei

However, the heroic general who received the blessings of the two great gods, Hachiman Daibosatsu and Kento Gogami, still did not stop his prayers and once again sang loudly, "I, Mourimoto, am praying here, the patron saint of my family line - Ichisumashima You are working so hard, please send me blessings of victory!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a spiritual light immediately emerged from the void, fell on the heroic spirit general Mouri Motonari, and then spread out, covering all the heroic spirit soldiers.

In an instant, the momentum of the entire heroic army increased again and became more powerful.

"Are you Motori Motonari?" Ito Cheng asked with a strange expression while letting the heroic general pray there.

"It's me, General." Mouri Yuan, who was shining with divine aura, raised his head and replied.

Motonari Motonari, a local daimyo during the Warring States Period, and the second son of Hiromoto Mouri, whose young name was Shojumaru. His greatest achievement was to develop the Aki Motonari clan from a small local power into a super power that ruled ten countries in Japan. Known for his alienation tactics, he once used his wisdom and strategy to defeat Tao Qingxian in the "Battle of Itsukushima", and then eliminated the Nizi clan, shocking Kansai and becoming a local hero. Therefore, later generations called him "the wise general", "the wise general", "the wise general", and "the wise general of the Western Kingdom/Warring States Period". Secondly, it’s because the Shinigami elementary school student’s ‘uncle’—Moori Kogoro—is so familiar!

"Any advice?" Mao Liyuan asked quietly.

"It's okay, I just didn't expect to meet a famous historical figure here." Ito Cheng, who unexpectedly thought of the three sisters of the Mori family in the Warring States Period, shook his head and smiled.

"Are there any last words?" Mourimoto, who didn't know what Ito Chengxiao was about, nodded and asked.

"I should be the one to ask you this. Do you have any last words?" Ito Lathe asked in a funny tone.

"It seems you are very confident." Mao Liyuan raised his eyebrows upon hearing this. He said softly, "If that's the case, then be prepared to accept your fate of defeat."

"We'll see." Ito Cheng chuckled.

"Archer, shoot!" Mao Liyuan didn't hesitate, he immediately pointed his sword and shouted loudly. "咻咻咻咻..."

"Hachiman Bodhisattva's blessing aura..." Looking at the dense arrows flying towards him, Ito Cheng whispered to himself.

Hachiman Bodhisattva. That is, Hachiman God, who was worshiped as the god of bows and arrows in the earliest times. It was not until later that he joined the ancestors of the Japanese royal family such as Emperor Ongami, Empress Jingo, and Hibishin, and became a comprehensive god integrating gods and Buddhas. , was given other meanings. Added protection. Conservation and other vocations.

Although the information about Hachiman God was being recalled in his mind, Ito Cheng's movements were not slow at all. As soon as his mind moved, a high-speed rotating whirlwind suddenly appeared around him. The many arrows that were shot flew away one by one.

The arrows that were bounced shot out in all directions and rushed towards the surrounding soldiers, but they were immediately blocked by the aura barrier established by the shields held up by the soldiers on the innermost floor.


"Put up the net!" Maori Yuan ordered again after seeing the first wave of bows and arrows being rubbed.

Immediately. The archers on the periphery of the team took out a heavy arrow with a strange substance wrapped in the front end from the arrow barrel on their backs, put it on the bow, pulled the string to the full moon, and ejected it with a "buzz" sound.

The arrow flew out of a large arc and came to the top of Ito Cheng's head. Then there were several "bang bang" explosions, and several strange and shiny nets suddenly opened and pointed toward the people below. Ito Chengmao fell down.

Ito Cheng did not change his attack method, and directly raised the whirlwind around him again, turning into a sky-reaching wind pillar and rushing into the sky!

"The Great Bodhisattva Hachiman listens. The believers below ask for mantras to drive away the wind!" At this time, Maori Yuan chanted the mantra, swung his sword forward and made a hollow slash, and a ripple quickly rippled in the air. In the blink of an eye, he ran into a whirlwind that Ito Cheng knew.

The next second, the whirlwind exploded in vain, turning into countless turbulent currents that rushed in all directions, exposing Ito Cheng inside to the strange net falling from the sky.

Seeing that the whirlwind he created was dispersed, Ito Cheng glanced at Motonari Mouri in surprise, but he didn't care. He disappeared from the place in a flash, but then reappeared in the inner layer. The soldiers used their shields as a medium to create a circle formed by a spiritual barrier.

"Huh?" Ito Cheng, who found that his teleportation was blocked, groaned in surprise.

"That's interesting." Then, Ito Cheng chuckled. Then with a wave of his hand, Ziqing Tushita Fire appeared in mid-air, and with a "whoosh" sound, it ignited the large net falling from the sky.

The raging flames instantly filled the sky.

"Let me see how strong your spiritual light barrier is!" Ito Cheng, who released the fire and burned the strange net, looked at the surrounding heroic soldiers and chuckled.

After saying that, he waved his right hand, and the dark magic sword Tian Congyun was held in his hand. He swung the sword forward and slashed forward. A dazzling white light immediately flew out from the sword and struck heavily. On the spiritual wall in front of you.


Amidst the huge explosion, the entire protective wall flickered. Obviously, the force of this blow has touched the bottom line of the protective wall. With just one more force, the protective wall in front of him can be torn into pieces.

"Please protect me with the Hachiman Bodhisattva Mantra and the Vajrasattva Hammer!" Maori Yuan, who was behind the army, saw his face change and quickly chanted the divine mantra again.

In an instant, the flickering surface of the protective wall lit up with light, and a majestic virtual image of an angry-eyed Vajra gradually emerged from it, with its eyes wide open. Ito Cheng glared in front of him.

"Although I have never killed King Kong or Buddha, I have killed a lot of immortals and gods at the same level as King Kong and Buddha! Just because of this, you want to stop me from dreaming!" His eyes met the angry eyes of King Kong's virtual image. Ito Cheng sneered.

Then the momentum condensed all over his body, and the appearance of a sharp sword reaching the sky appeared faintly. Then, as the magic sword in his hand slashed, it fell on the spiritual light barrier in front.


The golden light flashed sharply, and the barrier trembled violently... There was a crisp "pop" sound, and several fine cracks suddenly appeared on the spiritual light barrier, and spread quickly and unstoppably. In the blink of an eye, the entire spiritual light barrier was covered.


Immediately afterwards, the protective wall exploded into pieces and turned into a pile of irregular fragments of different sizes. Flip and fall to the ground.

Ito Cheng, who broke the spiritual light barrier with one blow, pointed forward with his left and right hands. The purple and green Tushita fire burning in the sky immediately flew down as if receiving some command, and burned towards the person in front of Ito Cheng. Soldier with shield.



The fire burned, and the soldiers covered in flames let out shrill screams and rushed towards the surrounding heroic soldiers driven by instinct. Contaminating the flames on others. In just a moment, the entire team became confused. The heroic soldiers, who were afraid of being burned by the fire, ran around in a panic without stopping their orders.

At this time. Ito Cheng's figure flashed and appeared in front of Maori Motoji. He slashed at him with his sword.

"Budou Yuhun!" Mao Liyuan's expression changed, he shouted loudly, and raised the long knife in his hand.

The next second. I saw the long sword in Mao Li Yuanjiu's hand light up, exuding the same divine aura as Tian Congyun, and then collided with the Tian Congyun sword with extremely sharp light and blazing flames.


Fierce and fine sparks immediately spattered around the intersection of the two knives.

"Kenyu Thunder God is so willing to give you the sword spirit of Budu Yuhun." Said Ito Cheng, who was competing with Mourimoto for strength.

"Hmph." Mao Liyuan snorted in response.


Then, Ito Cheng pressed his arm hard, turned over and retreated from Motonari Mouri, then stepped on the void with his feet, and appeared behind Motonari Mouri like a ghost, swung his long knife towards Motonari Mouri. The neck fell.

Feeling the biting chill rising from his neck, Motonori's eyes narrowed, and he quickly leaned over and lowered his head. At the same time, he slashed back with his right hand and slashed at Ito Cheng's body with his sword.

Ito Nari, whose attack failed, pressed lightly on the edge of his palm, released his fingers, and let the Amancong Unsword turn half a circle on the back of his hand. Then he held the sword back in his hand and used the blade to block Mouri Gensui's emergency slash.


At the same time, his left hand stretched forward, and a bright white light shot out from his palm.

The bright white light was like lightning, passing through the back of Mouri Motonari's head in an instant.


In an instant, Mao Liyuan's expression was stunned, and his whole body fell heavily to the ground.


Then, Ito Cheng, who casually withdrew the Yitian Sword, raised the magic sword with his right hand, and flew the long sword in Mouri Genji's hand into the air. With the sword finger of his left hand, a purple-green Tusita fire flew over immediately, "Huh!" With one stroke, Mouri Motonari's long sword, which contained the soul of Budou Mitama, was wrapped up, and it burst into flames.

Then Ito Cheng, who didn't care about the long sword, pressed down his palm, and a giant palm that covered the sky appeared above the heads of many heroic soldiers, and crashed down like a mountain.


A huge palm print with a length of about forty meters at its longest point and about twenty meters at its widest point immediately appeared on the ground. As for the heroic soldiers that originally existed within this range, they exploded into a large number of spiritual light fragments and gradually melted into the air.

"The real master is finally here." However, at this moment, Ito Cheng suddenly raised his head, looked at the sky and chuckled.

Immediately afterwards, the Ziqing Tushita Fire shook in mid-air, and a bright white spiritual light flew out from it, projecting onto the burly middle-aged man who suddenly appeared in the sky wearing gorgeous black armor, with a rough face and a cold expression. In his hand, under the illumination of the spiritual light that appeared in the opponent's right hand, it transformed again into a Japanese long sword with a blade length of about three feet and four inches, shining with a cold light under the sunlight.

"Jianyu Thunder God?" Ito Cheng called with raised eyebrows.

"Demon Ito, I have been ordered to attack you, come up and die immediately!" Jianyu Thunder God shook the real Budou Yuhun in his hand and said coldly.

Budu Yuhun was originally transformed from the right hand of Jianyu Thunder God, so no matter what state it is in, as long as it is in the hands of Jianyu Thunder God, it is true. Budu Yuhun is the sharpest sword in the world that can kill gods. one!

With a thought in his mind, Ito Cheng took back the purple and green Tushita fire floating around him into his body, looked up and down at the cold-looking Takemiko Thunder God, and said softly, "It's the real body, that's fine!"

After saying that, Ito Cheng, who had finished collecting the Ziqing Kabutusu Fire, moved. With a "bang" sound of air explosion, his body appeared in front of Jianyu Thunder God like a cannon. He slashed with the magic sword in his hand and slashed towards Jianyu. The face of the God of Thunder.

Jianyu Thunder God did not answer, raised his sword, and blocked the attack with a "block" sound. Ito Cheng was not surprised by this. He slapped the handle of the knife with his left hand, and at the same time relaxed his right hand. The blade immediately continued to slash towards the face of Takemi Raijin with an arc. Takemu Raishen leaned back, raised his foot and kicked Ito Cheng. Ito Cheng held the handle of the knife with the center of his right hand, raised his legs and bent his knees, blocking Taketsu Raishen's attack.


The next second, the two of them flew backwards. But before they could stand still, they all stepped into the void and turned into a black shadow and rushed toward each other.

In an instant, a series of "ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang with with with which an unknown number of people could hear the dense sound of gold and iron mingled in the air. At the same time, the clouds agitated, sending out transparent shock waves one after another that spread to the surroundings, and It left behind a series of dark cracks wherever it passed, which made people feel extremely cold.

After a few seconds, accompanied by a golden glow that suddenly bloomed in mid-air, the two separated again.

But compared with just now, Jianyu Lei Shen's condition is obviously much worse. The upper passages of the dark and gorgeous armor are covered with long and narrow knife marks, and traces of golden blood seep out uncontrollably from the skin inside the armor. .

Although he is a god personified as a sword god, he is a god of martial arts and a god of war. He is very powerful. He is almost second only to Susano'o, Takemikata God, and Nihon Taken among the Gods of Tenjin and Kunatsu. The gods are on par with, or even surpass, but compared with the stronger Ito Cheng, they are far inferior. The Japanese swordsmanship has also been mastered by many martial arts in the world. Ito Cheng, who has mastered the spiritual mind, restrains and sees through it. , so it becomes a matter of course that it will become what it is now.

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