Magic world

Chapter 2065 Under Piaomiao City

On a wide dirt road, an ordinary carriage was driving forward at a normal speed.

"Where should we go next?" In the carriage, Hanhan asked looking at Ito Cheng who was playing with a ruby.

"Piaomiao City." Ito Cheng said quietly.

"Piaomiao City? It's such a fairy-like name, but I don't know how weird this Piaomiao City is?" Hanwen asked curiously.

Xiu Wei, who was looking after the second young master Ji Fa, also quickly raised his ears and listened.

"Piaomiao City, also known as the City of All Evils, is a force that straddles the Shang Dynasty and the Western Regions, with a radius of nearly a hundred miles." Ito Cheng explained, "It was just a small village in the beginning. It was composed of a group of people from the Western Regions. It was founded by the fleeing barbarians, and it got its name because it is located halfway up a snow-covered mountain that is covered with snow all year round and is shrouded in mountain fog all year round.”

"Such barbarians were uncultured and believed in eating the weak, so they were fierce and ferocious. They often crossed the border into the Shang Dynasty and robbed nearby merchants, becoming a bandit problem. Even later, they even changed their ways and directly led the crowd to invade. In the border villages and towns of the Shang Dynasty, women's treasures were plundered and civilians were massacred, and all areas within a radius of 30 to 40 miles were affected. Although the imperial court sent troops to conquer many times, due to the closed terrain near Piaomiao City, there were many formations similar to the line of sky and the two-foot gorge. Because it was easy to defend but difficult to attack, the army relied on the geographical advantage and mostly failed to achieve success. As a result, the barbarians became even more rampant, raped, raped, killed and looted, committing all kinds of evil, until about thirty years ago..."

"What?" After hearing the curiosity, Hanhan asked when Ito Cheng stopped talking.

"...until thirty years ago, a martial arts master suddenly appeared from nowhere. His martial arts skills were extremely high. With only one man and one horse, he rushed into the interior and fought against more than a thousand barbarians. After a day and a night, he killed nearly a thousand barbarians. , there are piles of corpses everywhere in the city, rivers of blood, the scene is like hell." Ito Cheng smiled. continued.

"After this battle, the master shocked Piaomiao City, and the remaining barbarians and the people who were plundered also unanimously supported him as the new city lord. At this point, Piaomiao City has officially changed its owner."

"With the new city lord, the barbarians and people in the city are vying to flatter and flatter each other. Gold and silver treasures are pouring in as tribute. Seeing this, the city lord even issued an order. As long as everyone presents their treasures, all illegal activities can be done without restriction. "

"Oh, I didn't see it. This city lord is very like a member of our Demon Sect." Huanwen patted her palms lightly and said with a sweet smile.

"As soon as this order came out, not only the remaining people in Piaomiao City were extremely excited, but also the bandits and criminals in the Shang Dynasty were attracted and defected to Piaomiao City, which expanded the scope of plundering in Piaomiao City again, and now covers a hundred miles. ." Ito Cheng ignored her. Keep preaching.

"The city lord, who had obtained a large amount of gold, silver, treasures and supplies, carried out extensive construction and expansion of the fort, making the entire Piaomiao City impregnable. He also gradually built up an army, and his momentum shocked the border areas."

"The city lord is powerful and has countless treasures, but the tree is big and attracts the wind, which naturally attracts many people who covet it. The masters came to challenge, but they were all seriously injured by the city lord within ten moves. However, he did not kill them, but fought them with a group of people. Those who disobeyed orders were hung on the city wall, allowing the scorching sun and cold wind to blow until they were on the verge of death. Vultures would even be attracted to eat them alive until they died. After the city wall was lowered, wild dogs from the surrounding areas would kill them. Eating wantonly..."

"Tsk. It seems that the Nu family was wrong. This city lord is more like a member of the Demon Sect than a member of the Demon Sect." Huan Huan said in disgust.

"In addition to being good at gold, silver and women, the Lord of Piaomiao City is also good at torture. The punishment of exposure like before is just one of them. Depending on his mood, he will also use other cruel tortures to treat the offender. Therefore, in addition to the title of Lord of Piaomiao City, this City Lord also He is also called the Lord of Torture City by outsiders," Ito Cheng said.

"After more than twenty years of management, in addition to collecting countless gold and silver treasures and a majestic city, the Lord of Piaomiao City has also trained four great masters under his command. They are named after the four sacred beasts of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. Sitting down with four legions to intimidate all the black and white people within a hundred miles, you can be considered a prince."

"Then why we are going this time..." Hanwan said thoughtfully.

"Get a treasure and destroy Piaomiao City!" Ito Cheng turned his wrist and put away the red sacred stone that was taken from Ji Fa's belt and came to the world with his birth, and said.

There was no words to say all the way, and everyone followed the carriage as they swayed into the distance.

Most of a day later, Ito Cheng, who was meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyelids and looked outside the carriage.

"It seems that we have entered the 'region'." Then, Ito Cheng sneered.

"Yes, it's just that the Nu family doesn't like this way of 'welcoming'." Hanhan said with a sweet smile.

And almost at the moment Hanhan finished speaking, a dozen men of different heights, short, fat, and thin, but all with fierce faces, fierce eyes, and sharp weapons in their hands rushed out from both sides and blocked the carriage. ahead.

"Yeah, hum." The horse neighed and stopped with its head raised.

"People in the carriage, get out of here!" One of the short, fat men stepped forward and shouted loudly.

But what responded to him was the carriage door that was still closed.

"Damn it, are you pretending to be dead? Come on, brothers, chop them down!" the short, fat man yelled angrily.

Then the bandits roared loudly and rushed towards the carriage.

"act recklessly!"

The next moment, along with an extremely indifferent voice that sounded like an emotionless nine-day god, thunder suddenly appeared from around the carriage and shot towards the mountain bandits like arrows.


The lightning was so fast that it surpassed the reactions of the bandits. They watched helplessly as the lightning pierced into their chests and exploded, turning into tiny pieces of lightning that covered their bodies.

"Ah!!!!!!" The shrill screams echoed throughout the world.

"Let's go." Then the cold voice came again, and the undriven horses raised their hooves again, and began to move forward again with a "clack-clack" sound.

Along the way, Ito Cheng and others encountered two more waves of bandits, but they were just like the previous ones. They were then turned into black and scorched corpses by Ito Cheng with thunder, and became a decoration in the wilderness. Waiting for a pack of wild dogs or a vulture to nibble.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the carriage drove into a small but surprisingly prosperous town, and finally stopped in front of a restaurant.


Ito Cheng reached out and pushed open the car door and stepped out of the carriage, followed by Hanhan...

"Huh?" But just after she got out of the carriage, Huan Huan's brows furrowed slightly, and she glanced at the crowd around her without any trace. Then she put a soft and beautiful smile on her face again, stretched out her arm to hold her and walked out ahead of her. Ito Cheng's arms hugged his body.

After the ceremony, Lieutenant Xiu also helped the unconscious Ji Fa out of the carriage.

"Guests, what do you want to eat?" The attentive waiter trotted up to the guests and asked with a flattering look on his face.

"Just bring your specialty dishes." Ito Cheng ordered quietly.

"Okay, everyone, sit down first. I'll notify the chef." The waiter led Ito and others to an empty seat, quickly wiped the low table with the linen cloth hanging on his shoulders, and bowed. Invited.

Then he stepped away from the four people who were sitting and walked quickly towards the kitchen.

However, when no one noticed, the owner of the restaurant secretly glanced at the waiter, and the latter nodded slightly as if he understood, and quickly got into the door leading to the kitchen. Then the curtain fell, blocking the figure.

"Husband, the eyes of these guys around us are very wrong." Hanhan, who was leaning on Ito Cheng, whispered.

"There are no good people in Piaomiao City. Although this statement is a bit absolute, it is more or less the same. The guys around us regard us as fat sheep and want to get some benefits from us. Especially you, with your beautiful appearance, you can get Big price." Ito Cheng said with a strange smile.

"Oh, I'm so scared. My husband will protect Huan'er later." Huanhua said coquettishly, looking scared.

While the two were chatting and laughing, the waiter who had left earlier returned to the group and put the drinks in his hands and one or two cold dishes that could be served immediately on the table, saying, "You guys are taking this lightly."

Ito Cheng was not polite. He reached for the clay pot and poured a bowl of wine for himself and Hanhan. Then he put down the wine bottle, picked up the wooden bowl and started drinking with Hanhan.

On the opposite side, Lieutenant Xiu, who did feel a little thirsty, reached out for the pottery pot after hesitating for a moment, took a sip of wine for himself, lifted the bowl and drank it into his mouth.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng and Hanhan looked at each other and saw a slight smile in each other's eyes. They continued to drink sip after sip without saying anything.

"Huh? I feel dizzy..." After a moment, Huanwan suddenly looked like she was too drunk and raised her hand to touch her forehead.

"Huh? Me too." Ito Cheng frowned.

"Oh, no, there is "mi Yao" in the wine..." Then, Ito Cheng's expression changed and he said quickly. But as soon as he finished speaking, he and Huan Huan both lay down on the low table with a "bang".

When Xiu Wei saw this, his expression changed and he became alert, but before she could take action, a similar dizziness came over her, making her vision blurry.

"Do it!" At this time, Xiu Wei, who was a little confused, heard someone shout.

Then seven or eight burly men rushed out from all over the restaurant and surrounded the table where Ito and others were sitting.

"What a beautiful beauty! Boss, we made a lot of money this time!" A man looked at Hanhan and Xiuwei with lustful eyes and said.

"Be careful with your hands and feet, especially the barefoot woman. I want to dedicate her to Piaomiao City and hand her over to Lord Qinglong." A man who looked fat and fair and dressed like a rich man came over and said. .

"Hey, you are indeed the boss. He just thinks more than us." Another person said with a strange smile. As he spoke, he stepped forward and pulled Ito Cheng up from the table...

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