Magic world

Chapter 2027 Danatus

ps: The examination is fine, no need to be hospitalized, it seems that the worry is in vain...

"This is the Holy Ark that you want." On this day, the Pope came to the Temple of Athena alone. The two sides were about ten centimeters long, six or seven centimeters wide, and five or six centimeters high. They were painted silver-white on the surface and covered with cloth. A small box with complicated patterns and a certain curvature on the top lid was placed in front of Ito Cheng.

"Where is Athena?" Ito Cheng slowly opened his eyes and looked at the Pope in front of him and asked.

"Athena is in the Palace of the Goddess." The Pope said softly.

Ito Cheng nodded slightly, waved his hand and put away the silver-white holy cabinet in front of him.

"You guys wait for me here."

After saying that, without waiting for the reaction of the Pope and Pandora on the side, he disappeared from the Temple of Athena in a flash.

The next moment, in the palace room specially designed for the goddess to rest, Ito Cheng's figure suddenly appeared.

"I'm leaving." Ito Cheng said quietly, looking at Athena who was standing on the balcony of the palace and looking at the entire sanctuary.

"Ah~" Athena, who suddenly heard a human voice, exclaimed and turned around.

"Why are you here?" Athena said nervously.

"I'm leaving." Ito Cheng walked slowly towards Athena and said, "Aren't you going to say something?"

"What?" Athena asked confused.

Ito Cheng's figure flashed suddenly and appeared in front of Athena. He put one hand around her waist and hugged her into his arms. He lowered his head and whispered softly, "It's like a farewell blessing."

"Don't do this." Athena put her hands lightly on Ito Cheng's chest and whispered with a red face.

"You must know that my opponent is Hades' close ministers - the God of Death and the God of Sleep. They may never come back. Are you really willing to let me set off with regrets like this?" Ito Cheng said with a smile.

"I, I will pray for you." Athena whispered.

"Of course prayer is indispensable. However, I also want the blessing kiss from the goddess. Is that okay?" Ito Cheng put his head close to Athena's face and said softly.

"..." Athena's heart was beating like a deer, her eyes were panicked, and she didn't know how to answer for a while. Then Ito Cheng made the decision on her behalf.

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your acquiescence."

Then he gently poked his head, kissed Athena's lips who was about to open her mouth to speak, inserted his tongue into her mouth, and entangled with Athena's soft tongue.

"Hmm~" Instinctively, Athena groaned in her throat.

"Thank you, with your blessing kiss. I believe that I will definitely win this battle, and then come back to see you safely." After a moment, Ito Cheng let go of the panting Athena and stepped away. Smiled from a distance.

Athena blushed and stared at Ito Cheng angrily, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Remember to pray for me." Ito Cheng chuckled, and then his body became weak and disappeared into the void.

Elsewhere, the elder and Rang Ye, who were heading somewhere, looked moved. They stopped together and looked up at the void in front of them.

"What's wrong?" Ye Ren, who was traveling with them, looked at the two of them with a confused expression and asked.

"We meet again, elder, Rang Ye." Ito Cheng suddenly appeared from the void and said with a smile.

"You bastard, you actually ignored me." Seeing that Ito Cheng didn't even look at him or say hello to him, Ye Ren turned his head away with an unhappy face. He muttered quietly.

"What's the matter?" the elder asked quietly.

"I want to have a few words with Rang Ye alone." Ito Cheng looked at Rang Ye and smiled.

"Yeah, let's go first." The elder looked at Ito Cheng. As he continued to walk forward, he said to Yezi who was carrying a big box on his side.

"Eh? Oh." Ye Ren, who originally wanted to gossip, quickly agreed. He quickly followed the elder and left from Ito Cheng and Rang Ye.

"What do you want to say to me?" After the elder and Ye Ren left a distance. Rang Ye raised his hand to tweeze his hair, which was somewhat scattered by the wind, and asked.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that I'm going to Hades City to defeat the God of Sleep and Death, so I want to see you before I leave." Ito Cheng smiled as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing. .

However, after hearing this, Rang Ye's face changed slightly and became solemn.

" careful." Jean Ye opened his mouth hesitantly and said.

"Yes." Ito Cheng responded softly, then smiled and asked in a joking tone, "But as a blessing before leaving for the expedition, can you give me a kiss of victory?"

Rang Ye's expression paused and he stared at him deeply.

"...Forget it, I was just kidding." After a short moment of silence, Ito Cheng waved his hands with an indifferent smile and said, "Okay, it's time for me to go. See you later."

"Wait!" Just when Ito Cheng was about to use his power to leave, Jean Ye's voice suddenly shouted.

"Huh?" Ito Cheng raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to look at Rang Ye.

Jean Ye turned his head to one side, facing Ito Cheng sideways, and said in a stiff voice, "If you can come back alive, I will give you a kiss of victory."

After saying this, the sharp-eyed Ito noticed that a blush climbed onto Rang Ye's cheeks, making her look extra cute.

"It's agreed." Ito Cheng laughed.

Jean Ye still looked into the distance and said nothing.

"wait me back."

As soon as the words fell, the void trembled, and Ito Cheng's figure suddenly disappeared from Jean Ye's eyes.

"Pandora, let's go." Ito Cheng, who reappeared in the Holy Athena Temple, said simply.

Pandora didn't say much, put away her harp and walked to Ito Cheng's side.

"I wish you good luck in martial arts," the Pope blessed.

Ito Cheng suddenly put his arms around Pandora's waist, and with a thought when the latter's expression changed slightly, he and Pandora disappeared from the Temple of Athena in an instant.

The Pope, who was left alone in the temple, turned around and looked up in the direction of Italy, where Hades Castle is located.

At the same time, in the rippling void like water, the figures of Ito Cheng and Pandora appeared in Italy. Appeared on the cliff at the edge of the forest surrounding Hades Castle.

"Pandora, just stay here and witness the failure of the Twin Gods." Ito Cheng let go of Pandora. Said quietly.

Pandora, who had regained her freedom, quickly backed away from Ito Cheng without saying a word.

"But for your safety and the fact that you will stay here honestly and not run around or do those useless stupid things, the necessary measures must be taken." Ito Cheng turned to look at Pandora and smiled.

The next moment, Ito Cheng didn't see any movement. Pandora's body immediately stiffened and she suddenly sat down on the ground.

Afterwards, Ito Cheng smiled slightly, and a black shadow flew out of his body and shot toward the Hades Castle in front... leaving the other Ito Cheng and Pandora in place, watching what happened next. What might happen.

"Danadus. According to the announcement, I'm here to seal you. Come out and die!" Ito Cheng, who flew over Hades Castle, took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

Its sound was like the thunder of nine days, instantly exploding in the entire sky, penetrating the wall, and pouring into Hades' castle.

"... Come out quickly and die!"

In a house full of flowers and vines in Hades Castle, two people looked very similar. Young men with black and gold hair and different expressions on their faces sat opposite each other, holding on to the chess pieces, playing chess on the chessboard in front of them.

"It's really here." The black-haired young man among them heard the words that came into the palace. He said with an evil smile.

"He's just a mortal, let the people below deal with it." The blond young man moved the chess piece and said quietly with no expression on his face.

"No. I want to take action myself. After all, this is a rare entertainment activity delivered to your doorstep." The black-haired young man moved the chess piece and said with a dangerous expression.

"Danadus. Come out and accept him quickly!" Ito Cheng's voice once again flooded into Hades' palace.

"It seems that the little ant can't wait any longer." The black-haired young man said, "Then let's pause this chess game for a while until I deal with that ignorant mortal. Let's continue, Hypnos."

The young man called Hypnos did not speak, but just leaned his body on the high back behind him. The black-haired young man, Danatus, seemed to have received some kind of answer. He smiled softly and disappeared from the seat.

The next moment, in the sky outside Hades Castle, Danadus in gorgeous black armor appeared in front of Ito Cheng.

"Have you finally come out... I thought you were going to spend the winter in the castle, Danatus." Seeing Danatus, Ito Cheng twitched the corners of his lips and chuckled.

"You know clearly that this is in front of the gods, but you still dare to be so presumptuous." Danatus's face darkened, and he said quietly with no hint of joy or anger in his voice.

"Sure enough, your level is much lower than Hades." Ito Cheng shook his head and sighed with regret.

"You dare to call Lord Hades by his first name, mortal. It seems that you can't wait to be killed by me." Thanados said coldly.

"Kill me? That's why I said you are not even a little bit worse than Hades. Your vision is so bad." Ito Cheng sneered with a mocking look on his face.

"Really? Then let me see if your strength is as powerful as your tongue." Danatus said with a cold smile.

In an instant, the surrounding space changed. A strange trumpet-shaped passage formed by twisting, twisting, and crisscrossing thin lines was dotted with planets, meteorites, and pitch-black cosmic space. The original blue sky appeared in Danadu. Around Si, the black hole at the center of the channel twisted, producing boundless suction, sucking everything around him in.

"This space is the passage of God, but as long as a mortal takes a step here, he will be immediately shattered into pieces. People like you are not worthy of death by me personally." Thanados stated with a tone full of contempt.

At this time, the suction force in the channel suddenly increased, pulling Ito Cheng's body forcefully, forcing him to slide into the channel.

"Come on! Turn into dust and disappear at the end of time and space!" Thanatos said loudly.

In an instant, Ito Cheng's body floated and flew towards Danatus who was in the passage.

"How is that possible!?" Looking at Ito Cheng who had obviously flown into the passage but was still safe and sound, with his body turning into dust, Danatus said with a shocked expression, "How is it possible for a human being to stay in this space safe and sound!?"

"That's why I said, your eyesight is far inferior to Hades!" Ito Cheng, who suddenly flew in front of Dadus, said loudly, then turned around and kicked hard On Danatus's cheek.


Amidst the muffled sound, Danatus's body and Hell-clothed helmet flipped and flew out.

Ito Chengnori, who stood in place of Danadus, thought in his mind and used the powerful power of the soul to sense the space and forcibly closed this divine passage.

"You are not a human being!?" Thanatos raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a look full of surprise and anger.

"Wrong, I am human." Ito Cheng said quietly.

"Human beings can't be so powerful!" As soon as Ito Cheng finished speaking, Danadus immediately retorted.

"That's not what you need to know." Ito said in a low voice.

Then he turned his palm over and took the magic sword Tian Congyun into his hand. He looked directly at Danatus with a calm expression and said, "Now, let me seal you, Danatus."

After saying that, the figure flashed and appeared in front of Danatus, swinging the knife to chop off his head. Danatus retreated sharply, dodged under the blade, and at the same time encouraged the god-level universe in his body to launch his own unique move.

"The fear of the abyss!"

In an instant, a large number of spiritual bodies flew out from around Danatus and wrapped around Ito Cheng.

Seeing this, Ito Shige sneered, and immediately formed a hand seal with his free left hand, and let out a loud "Zha!"

An invisible ripple spread out with Ito as the center. All the spirits touched by the ripple melted as if they were exposed to fire and snow, and were annihilated into nothingness.

"What!?" Danatus said in shock.

"You're still a little short of playing tricks in front of Taoist descendants." Ito Cheng said coldly. Then he moved again and rushed towards Danatus.

Danatus came back to his senses, encouraged the small universe to transfer power to his hands, and blasted Ito Cheng with the purest energy.

This is his second trick besides the fear of the abyss, the terrifying destiny!

Ito Cheng, who was facing the terrifying destiny energy, swung his sword. The energy of the terrifying destiny seemed to be swallowed up by something, and immediately fell into the magic sword - Tian Cong Yun. Then Ito Cheng swung the sword again, and a deep Powerful purple energy immediately shot out from the sky and clouds, directly bombarding the body of Danadus who was very close at hand.

It is the terrifying destiny that was swallowed up before!


Amidst the violent explosion, Danatus' body turned into a stream of light and shot out into the distance at high speed.

After completing the attack, Ito Cheng moved and quickly pursued him. (To be continued...)

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