Magic world

Chapter 2003 Strange Cow

ps: Thanks to "Holy Boring Lord" for the reward. Thank you "Boring Saint" for your valuable monthly vote, and thank you "Boring Saint" for your evaluation vote. Thanks to "Holy Boring Lord" for your selfless support.

In front of the crowd, there is a blank area about a hundred meters long. Further forward, there are many miserable corpses broken into several pieces on the ground. Four khaki warrior soldiers two meters high stand around the corpses. , drops of blood slid down the edge of the sharp weapon in the warrior's hand, dripping to the pool of blood at his feet, splashing with ripples.

Obviously, this hundred-meter-long blank area is the reach of the soldiers.

"Fellow Taoists, can you think of a way to defeat this enemy blocking the road?" The red-haired Gale looked at the people on the left and right and asked loudly.

"My soul and true essence are all banned, and I can't use any means to break it." A man in green clothes with a long and narrow face, thin lips and small eyes gave people a gloomy look and sneered.

"Then can't we just give up here?" Another person frowned.

"It's better..." The short and thin old man in khaki robe said softly.

"Not as good as what?" Liefeng asked.

"There are some innate weirdos among my disciples. I remember that they all have a strange power in their bodies. Maybe we can use them to solve the problems here." The skinny old man said.

"That's right." Everyone nodded and agreed.

"In addition, you can also find some masters who have practiced the art of body refining. I think they should be able to do it too." The skinny old man added.

"That's exactly what it should be." Everyone who felt that it was reasonable agreed again.

It's just what he said, but when it came, no one turned back and exited the corridor. Still staying in place without moving. All he was thinking was that this was the skinny old man's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain, and wait until they left. This skinny old man will use secret methods to destroy soldiers and then take the treasures inside.

certainly. It doesn’t rule out the desire to enjoy other people’s achievements.

"Humph." The skinny old man looked at the helpless monks around him, sneered, and turned back to the corridor.

Seeing the expression of the skinny old man, several old men who were not well-off around him looked embarrassed and smiled, but most of them looked at their noses, their noses and their hearts, looking at their inner feelings, as if it had nothing to do with them. . Only a few people, like the skinny old man, turned back and exited the corridor.

"This group of monks are still fighting each other even when they get here. It's no wonder that all of them have only empty magic power, and there are few who have profound Taoism." Ito Chengbu shook his head and thought to himself after taking in everything in front of him.

Monks, although they have cultivated the Dharma, they have trained their hearts and understood the Tao. Only their hearts will be as clear as a mirror. Only the Tao will be revealed and the Dharma will be advanced. Otherwise, even if the magic power is higher than that of the gods, in the end it will still be like water looking at the moon. It's all joy, but it will eventually turn into ashes and give back to the world in the Great Tribulation of Immortality.

Immediately, Ito Cheng ignored these monks and took advantage of the magic of space. Like a ghost, it passed through the crowd and came to the front. Step forward to the empty forbidden road and walk towards the inner corridor.

Just half a minute. Ito Cheng walked up to the puppet soldier.

It's just obvious that the people who built the pyramids and the soldiers did not expect that there would be an intruder like Ito Cheng who was not restricted by the forbidden channel, so they did not equip the soldiers with a pair of eyes that could see through everything. ’, so even if Ito Cheng walked between them, the four soldiers did not react at all.

Ito Cheng, who calmly passed by the soldiers, smiled slightly and continued walking deeper into the corridor without stopping.

After traveling a distance of about two hundred meters and passing through three waves of soldiers, the entire passage finally changed, and a three-way intersection appeared in front of Ito Cheng.

Standing in front of the fork in the road, Ito Chengfang glanced at each passage, and finally walked into the leftmost passage based on his feeling.

Like the previous passage, what you see is still a smooth wall, and at every five meters or so there is a long-bright lamp with a stone bottom swaying, emitting a little light, providing rare light for the passage. The ground is still paved with forbidden Yuan stones, which prohibits the soul and mana of those who enter.

Ito Cheng, who didn't pay too much attention, stepped forward and started to go deep. However, before he could get very far, the entire space suddenly shook, and several huge fireballs shot toward Ito Cheng like meteors.

If it were to deal with the affected monks outside, this sudden attack would naturally cause some casualties to them, but for Ito Cheng, who was only slightly affected, it was not enough. He waved his arm and did not respond. Seeing any noise, the three fireballs suddenly disappeared into the passage.

But the next moment, more fireballs were fired at Ito Cheng.

"Forbidden element channel plus defensive formation, this is a sure kill. It seems that I have chosen the right route." Ito said to himself with a light finger of his sword, randomly lighting fireballs into fire element energy. .

According to the rules of the monks, a decisive kill is something that goes against the harmony of nature. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Therefore, when setting up the formation, you will often leave a glimmer of hope for the formation and not set up a final formation.

However, now, although there is no annihilation formation set up here, but combined with the Forbidden Element Stone, which is a complete nemesis for monks, the living formation has been immediately upgraded to a death formation and annihilation formation! The builders would never do this if it were not to protect something important.

Knowing that he had chosen the right place, Ito Cheng was shocked and accelerated towards the depths of the passage... and the next encounter further proved his psychological deduction.

A large number of flames, thunder and lightning, strong winds, sharp thorns, ice picks, and psychedelic arrays appeared one after another in this passage paved with forbidden stones, blocking Ito Cheng's progress. And Ito Cheng relied on his strong strength to break all kinds of attacks and traps in the passage one by one, until he finally walked out of this passage that was considered a death passage for ordinary monks, and stood at the entrance of a stone chamber.

The stone chamber in front of them is very large, about the size of a football field at a glance. The ground is more than ten meters lower than the entrance of the corridor, and the top is also a very empty three-dimensional space, with one head standing upright on one foot. The body is the body of an ox, and the head is the head of an ox. The front branch of a single horn bends down, and a huge monster like a statue stands quietly. He was motionless, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Is this Kui Niu?" Ito Cheng muttered with some uncertainty.

Kui Niu is a legendary mythical beast. Of course, some say it is an evil beast. According to the "Book of Mountains and Seas. Dahuangdong Jing", it was born in Liubo Mountain in the East China Sea in ancient times. It was shaped like a cow, its whole body was gray, and it had no horns. With only one leg, there will be violent storms every time it appears. The body was still shining with light, like sunlight and moonlight, and the roar was as deafening as thunder.

At that time, Huangdi relied on the guidance of Tianxuannu and used a drum made of Kui cowhide to defeat Chi You's strange formation and win the war.

But the one in front of me obviously has an extra horn. I don’t know if it’s a mutation or something?

Ito Cheng, who was standing at the connection between the stone chamber and the passage, thought for a moment and suddenly moved. He stepped towards the stone room and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the power in the body that had become slightly sluggish due to the influence of the Forbidden Elemental Stone recovered instantly, and it started to circulate in Ito Cheng's body as expected. Obviously, there is no such thing as a forbidden element stone in this stone room.


Ito Cheng fell gently to the ground.

But the moment he stood firm. Two lightning-like rays of light shot toward him extremely quickly.

Ito Cheng waved his arm and made a big hand of vitality to greet him.


The violent explosion immediately echoed in the stone chamber.

"Roar!" Immediately afterwards, the thunderous roar sounded again.

"Crash la la la..."

Immediately, a large number of soil fragments fell off from the surrounding stone walls under the vibration of sound waves. It hit the ground.


A bright light shines, illuminating the entire stone chamber.

"It seems to be Kui Niu without a doubt!" Looking at the end of the stone room, there was a bright light. The one-legged monster bull with big eyes pregnant with electric light, Ito Cheng secretly thought.

"It's okay. It's just a peak-level Kui Niu. It's not a stronger one. Otherwise, we would have to consider whether we should stay at risk."

Just when Ito Cheng's mind was spinning, the Kui Niu opened its mouth and fiercely sprayed out a white beam of light, hitting Ito Cheng. Ito Cheng's figure flickered and suddenly appeared above Kui Niu. He pointed his finger down and fired out a ray of white light.

The white light was like electricity and instantly hit Kui Niu's head.

"Dang." A little red and yellow sparks bloomed from Kui Niu's body, followed by a sound of gold and iron.

"It's so hard." Ito Cheng said in surprise as he put away the Yitian Sword that had failed.

"Crack~" Thunder exploded, and a large bolt of lightning flew towards Ito Cheng. Ito Cheng dodged again and appeared in front of Kui Niu. He flicked his fingers and fired a crimson Binghuo Divine Thunder into Kui Niu's eyes. Kui Niu blinked his eyelids and blocked the divine thunder in an instant.


"Ouch!" Kui Niu let out a loud howl after feeling the pain.

Immediately afterwards, Kui Niu's figure moved, and suddenly appeared in front of Ito Cheng as if teleporting, and stabbed Ito Cheng with his sharp horn glowing with white light. Ito's eyes shrank, his mind changed rapidly, and he used telekinesis to spread an invisible barrier in front of him.


In an instant, there was a muffled sound, and Ito Cheng's body was instantly shot out like a cannonball, hitting the stone wall hard on the side.

"Crack~Crack~" A trace of cracks immediately spread on the stone wall.

Kui Niu gained the upper hand and showed no mercy. He opened his mouth again and spat out a stream of white light.


The next moment, a low shout was heard, and an air blade instantly met the light energy emitted by Kui Niu, and cut it into two parts like a knife cutting butter, and slashed directly into Kui Niu's nose against the light energy. superior.

For an ordinary cow, the nose is its soft meat and vital point. The same is true for Kui Niu, a mythical beast and monster that looks like a cow but is not a cow. There is only a muffled sound of "exposure" and a purple-red blood glow. Then it splashed out from Kui Niu's nose.

"Howl!" Kui Niu howled in pain. At the same time, lightning flashed all over the body, exploding into a sea of ​​thunder clouds, filling the space of the stone chamber, and bombarding the stone chamber in an all-round and indiscriminate manner as if it had exploded wildly.


But even in such an extreme environment, white lotus flowers as big as a washbasin suddenly appeared in Lei Haidang, bloomed, and stirred up pieces of pale white light, driving away and forcing back the surrounding Lei Hai, creating a wave of lightning in Lei Haidang. A harmonious and holy place. Then Ito, whose whole body was shrouded in white vitality light, was hanging among the lotus flowers, holding a black long knife with a calm and peaceful face.

Then, Ito Cheng stepped forward, stepping on the lotus flowers that floated one after another to form a lotus path under his feet, and strolled up to Kui Niu, who had a faint look of fear in his eyes.

Obviously, as a legendary beast and monster at the level of immortals, Kui Niu had already developed a superficial spiritual intelligence and knew what fear was.

"You are willing to obey." Ito Cheng, who came to a stop five meters in front of Kui Niu, said quietly with a long knife in his hand.


What answered him was a thunderous roar full of madness, followed by the bloody mouth of Kui Niu.

"It's a pity that the Rubik's Cube World is not around at this time, otherwise I could consider saving your life and taking you back for captivity and research." Ito Cheng, who ignored Kui Niu's upcoming big mouth, sighed in a low voice with regret on his face.

After saying that, he flipped his arm and sent out a slash with his sword.

In an instant, gray light streaked across the sky, and in the blink of an eye it grew to a height of tens of meters, passing by Kui Niu without any hindrance.


Then Ito Cheng tapped his toes and drifted back like a fairy in the wind.

Then the next moment, a stream of blood spurted out from Kui Niu's body, splitting Kui Niu into two parts, and both sides of the body fell to the ground next to them.


"These beast blood is a good thing, it can't be wasted like this." Ito Cheng, who put away his sword and stood in the air, waved one hand, using his vitality to transform into a sky-covering hand, catching the blood spraying around, and then With a squeeze of his hand, he condensed the blood all over Kui Niu into a purple-red pill the size of a human body, stamped it with dozens of spiritual seals, and put it away with his hand.

"There are corpses too." After dealing with the blood, Ito Cheng's eyes fell on Kui Niu's corpse again.

Then he stretched out his hand to grab it, and the two halves of Kui Niu's corpse were immediately photographed, flying towards Ito Cheng. Miraculously, it became smaller and smaller during the flight, and was finally compressed to a body the size of a person. The group was put away by Ito Cheng.

After Kui Niu was healed, Ito Cheng looked at the stone room in front of him again. Finally, after a moment, a very secret stone door that was difficult to tell that was different from the surroundings came into Ito Cheng's eyes.

"It should be there." Ito Cheng muttered, walked to the stone door, stretched out his hand and pushed hard.


There was a slight mechanical sound, and the stone door turned inward with the heart as the axis.

Ito Cheng didn't hesitate when he saw the door opened, and immediately walked in. In an instant, a huge space that was about half the size of the outer stone room appeared in front of Ito Cheng. (To be continued...)

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