Magic world

Chapter 1984

"What did you say!?" In the post house in Handan of Zhao State that was specially designed for envoys from other countries to live, Lord Xinling looked at the person in front of him in disbelief and said loudly.

"King Dan of Zhao abdicated, Julu Marquis Chen Yi took over the country, succeeded to the throne, and became the new King of Zhao." The man replied.

"How is it possible!? How is this possible!? How could he, a person with a foreign surname, surpass the Zhao royal family and ascend to the throne!?" Lord Xinling kept walking back and forth in the room with a look of chaos, saying angrily .

"Where are those people from the Zhao royal family!?" Then Lord Xinling asked loudly.

"All the old men and women in the clan are confined to the palace in the south of the palace. The remaining people are also surrounded by the Julu Marquis sent by the clan and are not allowed to enter or exit." The man replied.

"What about the ministers of Zhao State?" Lord Xinling asked again.

"Everyone bows down and accepts the rule of Marquis Julu."

"..." Lord Xinling was silent after hearing this, and then asked again in a dry voice, "Who is the queen?"

"Not sure."

"What?" Lord Xinling said in astonishment.

"After Juluhou became the queen, he only named his five wives wives and did not choose any one to be the queen."

During the Warring States Period, the harem hierarchy of the king was very simple, with only four levels: Mrs. Yuan, Mrs. Ji, and Concubine. Among them, Mrs. Yuan is the queen. According to the customs of the Warring States Period, the first wife Mrs. Yuan must be a woman from a noble family in various countries, preferably a princess. If she cannot find one, the daughter of a general will be chosen as Mrs. Yuan.

Therefore, among the five people, Zhao Ya, Zhao Ni, Zhao Qian, Wu Tingfang and Guo Xiuer, the first three are all qualified, and among them, Zhao Qian is the most qualified.

Madam and Ji can have titles. The former "Xu" is like Mrs. Huayang of Qin State. Mrs. Pingyuan of Zhao State and so on, the latter Xu Yizi. Such as Zhao Ji, Han Ji, etc.

As for the last concubine, she got nothing. She was almost no different from the maids and concubines in the palace. At most, she was slightly more noble than them in terms of status and no longer had to serve men randomly.

Lord Xinling was speechless and didn't know what to say.


At this moment, accompanied by a strange sound when the wooden shaft was rotating, Long Yangjun, who looked like a woman, walked into the room where Lord Xinling was with a fragrant wind.

"What are you doing here?" Lord Xinling frowned.

"Have you got the news?" Long Yangjun ignored Lord Xinling's question. Instead, he asked directly.

"What do you want to say?" Lord Xinling asked in a deep voice.

"For the Kingdom of Wei, it is not a happy thing for Marquis Julu to ascend the throne." Long Yangjun said with a soft smile.

Lord Xinling frowned upon hearing this, and waved his hand to signal his subordinates to retreat. The latter was also very understanding. After the two of them bowed, he silently exited the room and closed the door.


"What do you want to do?" Lord Xinling said in a deep voice when he saw that only he and Lord Longyang were left in the room.

"Mrs. Pingyuan is still free now." Long Yangjun said softly.

"Although she has not been controlled by Marquis Julu, I am afraid that she is in danger now? It is very likely that she will not be able to complete those things." As a smart person, he understood the meaning of Long Yangjun's unspoken words almost instantly. Lord Xinling said softly.

"But she is the most suitable now, isn't she?" Long Yangjun asked with a smile.

These words. Even Lord Xinling couldn't help but admit it silently.

"After returning home, I will persuade the king to have good relations with South Korea, and then send Bai Gui as envoy to Qi." At this time. Long Yangjun's words suddenly changed and he spoke again.

"I'm afraid that King Qi will not agree." Lord Xinling said.

"Mr. Xinling seems to have forgotten someone?" Mr. Longyang said with a smile.

"You mean, Tian Dan?" Lord Xinling narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Although this person is cunning and lustful. He likes to play tricks, but he still has some knowledge. I believe that with Yan State's lead, he will persuade the King of Qi to agree to our plan. After all, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold." Long Yang Jun chuckled confidently.

If he had a feather-winged fan in his hand at this time, he would look like a living Zhuge.

"Speaking of the Yan Kingdom, we might as well let people move around. After all, it is a newly conquered country. Not everyone in the Yan Kingdom will support the new master and accept the rule so calmly." Then, Lord Long Yang said again.

"It seems that we have to leave Zhao and return to the country as soon as possible." Lord Xinling nodded and said softly.

"Yes, I miss the scenery of Daliang a little bit." Long Yangjun said.

Then the two of them looked at each other and smiled, as if everything was in silence.

Looking at their harmonious and happy appearance, it is really hard to believe that these two guys dislike each other in Wei State, and even wish to kill each other as political enemies.

And just as Lord Longyang and Lord Xinling were discussing the big time in the posthouse under the clouds and fog, Ito Cheng also began his transformation of Zhao State!

The first item is to promote official script throughout Zhao Yan, forcing all public texts to be written in official script.

Of course, in order to cause some confusion during the major revision of the border, Ito Cheng did not immediately ban Yan and Zhao Wenwen. There was still a way for them to spread, but the time limit was added, that is, one year. One year later, regardless of the outcome, all writing except official script will be banned and can only be disseminated and used privately.

The second item is the reform of the imperial department. The original system of ministers and officials was directly replaced by a system of three provinces and six ministries, which refined the division of labor, clarified everyone's responsibilities, and reduced his workload as a king.

The third item is to start reforming the law, overhauling the Constitution of Zhao State, making some laws suitable for this era, removing some unreasonable laws, and making appropriate modifications to certain provisions.

The fourth item is to promote education. Private schools and academies are opened in large cities in all areas controlled by Yanzhao, and children over six years old and under fourteen years old are forced to enter school to receive education.

The fifth item is to reorganize the existing army, completely eliminate the old, weak and strong women, leaving only the strong men, and conduct detailed reorganization.

The sixth item is people’s livelihood medical care...

The seventh item is business...

Item 8...

Item 9...

Etc., etc. In short, from top to bottom, from the inside out, the Zhao Kingdom was transformed into a shocking transformation for people of this era. Fortunately, Ito Cheng's foundation is deep enough, and he has a big Rubik's Cube world behind him. This allowed him to have enough manpower to carry out these things at the same time without causing chaos in the entire country because of this transformation.

However, the results were remarkable. After three or four months of adaptation, the original residents of Yan and Zhao immediately realized the benefits brought to them by the new king's policies.

The first point is that their children have the opportunity to become masters.

The second point is that personal safety is guaranteed, and there is no need to worry that the noble will kill himself if he is unhappy.

The third point is that I feel more at ease when doing things.

The fourth point is that there is a doctor when you are sick. No need to wait at home to die or pray for God's blessing.

With these four points alone, the residents of the original Yan Kingdom no longer want to return to the Yan Kingdom era ruled by King Xi of Yan, let alone the subjects of the Zhao Kingdom themselves. Each one of them, like Ito Cheng, The support of the new leader is extremely high, and the power of belief brought by the people's will directly makes the purple dragon that keeps wandering in the sky of Zhao State, which represents the people's hearts and the national destiny, become solid from the original illusion. Quite a few.

Now let's go back in time some time, about half a month ago.

On this day, on the official road leading to Handan City. A handsome young man with a strong build, as tall as a tiger's waist, and extraordinary martial prowess appeared on the official road, looking at the ground under his feet in astonishment.

" cement? Isn't this something from later generations? How could it exist during the Warring States Period?" The man rubbed the gray hard ground under his feet. There is a secret passage in my heart like a turbulent wave.

"Could it be that in this era there are still people from later generations?"

Thinking of this, the man's spirit was shaken. He quickly took steps and strode towards the direction of Handan.

This muscular man was none other than the one escaping from Graybeard's clutches. After wandering in the vast wilderness for an unknown amount of time, I was lucky enough to meet Yuan Zong of the Moh family. Learned the Mohist swordsmanship and obtained the great order of future generations of special forces soldier Xiang Shaolong!

For a lost lamb like him, there is nothing more exciting than being able to meet people of future generations in this strange era.

After walking for a few days in a hurry, Handan City, which had completely changed its appearance, finally appeared in Xiang Shaolong's sight.

"We're finally here." Xiang Shaolong took a breath and sighed softly. Then he straightened his appearance and strode towards Handan City.

According to his original plan, Xiang Shaolong wanted to enter the city secretly, but seeing the tight border security, he could only obediently walk to the border guard and report to the guards that Tao Fang's boss, "Animal Husbandry King" Wushi 's famous name.

Because Wu Tingfang became the king's wife, the Wu family's status in Zhao State also increased. Therefore, the soldiers did not dare to neglect and quickly found an official to see him.

"What's your name?" The young officer who was called asked after looking Xiang Shaolong up and down for a few times.

"The villain's name is Xiang Shaolong." Xiang Shaolong answered honestly.

As soon as these words came out, the officer and the dozen or so Zhao soldiers around him were moved. At the same time, a man with bare feet and linen clothes not far away also cast his shining eyes on Xiang Shaolong.

"A brave man dares to impersonate Xiang Yingxiong. He died heroically to save his accomplices in a battle with horse thieves half a year ago. A friend of mine saw him blocking the pursuers by himself," the officer shouted.

Immediately, the officers called around and ordered them to capture Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong was shocked when he heard this, he didn't expect that he would become so famous. He allowed Zhao Bing to pounce on him without resisting, and said with a smile, "What's the name of your friend's friend?"

The officer named a name, and Xiang Shaolong quickly described the man's height and appearance.

It happened that at this time, a soldier found the dagger given to him by Tao Fang from his arms. When the officer saw that there was no doubt about it, he immediately changed his attitude and asked about what happened that day, and sent a report to Tao Fang in Handan. Fang personally escorted him into the city.

Seeing this, the man in linen clothes and bare feet flashed his eyes and disappeared from the crowd like a fish.

The officer's name was Ning Xin. He rode with him and said, "Master Wu is one of the most respected people in Handan. If he hadn't gone out everywhere to buy war horses and donated to the national treasury from time to time, our Zhao country would have been destroyed long ago. Okay." Now that the new king has ascended the throne, our Zhao country has a completely new look. Not only has it destroyed the invading Yan country, but it has also opened a wide range of academies so that the common people in the country can also have the opportunity to study and learn to read..."

"That's..." At this time, Xiang Shaolong, who happened to see the official script written on a shop fanqi along the street, couldn't help but said in shock.

"That's official script, the writing created by the king." Ning Xin, who followed Xiang Shaolong's gaze and took Fanqi into his eyes, said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, our new king is really a capable man. He not only invented things like saddles and horseshoes that are beneficial to war, but he can also make treasures like cement that can be used to build cities and pavements. He can even make You don’t think it’s great to produce things like paper and words that only students can come into contact with.”

"Paper, cement, saddles, horseshoes, and the official script on the chessboard... It seems that this new King Zhao is the one who comes from later generations like me. It's just that the gap between people is really big. On my side I'm still trying to survive in the wilderness, but here I am the master of a country, with my wife and concubines at my disposal." Xiang Shaolong, who could no longer hear what Ning Xin said, thought with envy and jealousy in his heart.

But soon, Xiang Shaolong's expression changed slightly and his face turned pale.

"What's wrong, Xiang Yingxiong? Are you feeling unwell?" Ning Xin, who noticed the change in Xiang Shaolong's face, asked with concern.

"No, it's okay. I just suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach. I guess it's because of my poor diet these days. Just take a rest." Xiang Shaolong said perfunctorily.

"Xiang Yingxiong, pay more attention to your health." Ning Xin did not doubt it, and kindly asked.

"Yes." Xiang Shaolong responded absently.

"...If that King Zhao is really the person I think of the future generations, then isn't his behavior changing history? Then will there be King Qin who will conquer the world and unite the world? Will there be Han and Han Dynasties in the future? Three Kingdoms, Jin, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing? Will there be a later China?"

The more he thought about it, the tighter Xiang Shoulong's hand holding the reins became, and even pale marks gradually appeared due to excessive exertion.

At this moment, with the sound of horse hoofbeats, a group of knights rushed toward Xiang Shaolong. The leader was Tao Fang, who had not been seen for a long time. The others were all comrades who had been through life and death, and Li Shan was also one of them.

Seeing these acquaintances, Xiang Shaolong put aside the problems in his heart for the time being. Everyone gathered together happily, and surrounded by the warriors, they came to the Wu family's courtyard in the city.

"How is Mrs. Tingfang?" When people on both sides sat down, Xiang Shaolong finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

"I'm sorry! I thought, Shaolong, that you were killed by a thief. After waiting for three months, I followed the master's order and gave her to someone to be a dancer." Tao Fang said apologetically. Then he turned to smile and said relaxedly, "But don't worry, Shaolong, I will specially choose two more beauties more attractive than her to serve you." (To be continued...)

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