Magic world

Chapter 1939 Come again

At this point, Ito Cheng finally figured out Ide Kazuo's purpose.

In fact, some of the content in what he just said is not wrong. He does represent the Meiji Shrine, and his purpose is also very simple, which is to use the information revealed in this vision in the city to bring the city of Tokyo to the forefront. The external forces inside are clearly explored.

If they are servants of powerful gods, they will naturally turn a blind eye and let them act on their own. After all, there are many disaster victims in Tokyo now, and they do need some spiritual comfort from the gods. But if it is the attendant of some unknown little god, then I'm sorry, please accept our arrangement. If you don't want to, that's fine, then please leave the Tokyo metropolitan area. If you don't even agree with this, the young man who came with Ide Kazuo will tell you what "Tokyo's special treat" is.

Of course, things are fickle, and there will definitely be some evil things happening in the process. ——For example, people like Ito Cheng, but don’t forget that behind them there is Meiji Shrine and the four major shrines in Tokyo. Finding the back tent does not require any guidance, it is an innate skill. Things, when the time comes, there will naturally be more powerful means to deal with those 'disobedient' guys.

After understanding the cause and effect, Ito Cheng did not hesitate. He immediately changed his mental power and forcibly modified Ide Kazuo's consciousness.

"Sir." After a moment, Ide Kazuo, whose eyes regained their luster, greeted him respectfully.

"I don't need to teach you how to say it." Ito Cheng said quietly.

"Yes, sir. This place has been protected by Kenhasu Susanoo's order. In order not to create a strong enemy for our god, we have already acquiesced to the other party's attendant officer's ownership of this area." Almost without hesitation, Ide One man just made up a reason. stated.

"Very good, you can go." Ito Cheng said as a farewell.

"Yes. I have resigned." Ide Kazuo quickly lowered his head and responded.

"Oh. By the way, remember to deal with that guy." Just as Ito Cheng was about to go back to the house, he suddenly stopped, turned his head halfway, and cast his eyes on the young man sitting in the corner of the house opposite.

"I understand." Ide Kazuo responded.


After receiving the answer, Ito Cheng closed the door and disappeared from Ide Kazuo's eyes.

At this time, Ide Kazuo straightened up, turned around, left the apartment and walked to the young man. He looked down at the young man sitting on the ground with a pale face. The young man, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth and had passed out, then stretched out his hand and slapped the other person on the forehead.

In an instant, the young man twitched all over and completely lost his breath of life.

"Hey, we have already reached this point, and we still want to cause trouble. I really don't know whether I should say that the ignorant are fearless. Or that human beings are just so domineering in their bad nature." Ito Cheng returned to the room and sat down on the sofa in a low voice. Sighed.

Then he raised his head and glanced at the ship that had not been closed since the Orion Empire battleship was wiped out in the solar system. A virtual optical screen showing images of the universe.

Just at this glance, the expression of Ito Cheng, who had been sighing just now, immediately changed color, and his face was full of solemnity.

I can only see it in the virtual optical screen floating in mid-air. A group of Orion Empire battleships totaling about three hundred ships appeared near Jupiter and headed towards the Earth without stopping.

"It's finally here." Ito Cheng exhaled softly. whispered.

After saying that, his figure flashed. He disappeared from the room in an instant and appeared in the earth's synchronous orbit the next moment. Then the figure flashed again, heading towards the fleet of the Orion Empire.

After a while, Ito arrived near the battleship group.

Just like the previous time, a huge energy beam shot towards Ito Cheng the moment he appeared. Ito Cheng's mind turned and he immediately set up a dozen magic barriers in front of him.

Then, without waiting for the result of the confrontation between the barrier and the beam, he immediately escaped from the spot and continued to approach the battleship.

At the same time, a large number of Orion Empire soldiers wearing space-specific individual combat equipment quickly rushed out of the battleship and took the initiative to meet Ito Cheng. But on the other side, hundreds of strange-looking space fighters flew out from various battleships, bypassing Ito Cheng from all directions in a scattered form, and flew rapidly towards the earth.

Seeing this, Ito Shige, who had originally planned to use the old method of using shadow clones to support the soldiers and destroy the battleships, was shocked. He quickly stopped his body and created hundreds of huge magic circles up and down around his body, spraying out Powerful magical light scattered towards the surrounding space fighters and soldiers.

For a time, a large number of explosive light clusters bloomed in the universe.

But compared to the number of fighters that escaped, the number is still too small! What's more, after Ito Cheng's attack ended, more than a hundred fighter planes flew out of the battleship and chased the previous fighter plane in the direction of the earth.

From the looks of it, they were directly planning to use numbers and maneuverability to replace relatively bulky warships to launch some kind of attack on the earth.

"Now I can only hope that the gods of the earth can be more powerful." Ito Cheng sighed helplessly as he watched the fighter planes fly further and further away. Then his expression straightened, and he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the battle against the Orion Empire warship.

At this time, Ito Cheng moved, and dozens of shadow clones appeared next to him. They rushed towards the surrounding Orion Empire soldiers without any explanation, unfolded a huge magic circle, and launched a large-scale attack on the Orion Empire soldiers. .

In an instant, a magnificent and dazzling light that concealed cruelty bloomed in the dark universe.

Ito Cheng, who escaped from the entanglement of the soldiers of the Orion Empire, moved and appeared in the battleship group of the Orion Empire. He turned his right hand and summoned the magic sword Tian Congyun into his hand, poured energy into it, and slashed with one blow. Got out.

"Zhengyi, open the world!"

In an instant, an extremely condensed, gray, and chaotic narrow sword light shot out from the sky. In the blink of an eye, it extended to dozens of kilometers long, creating an exaggerated crescent-shaped arc like a long whip. It sliced ​​through more than a dozen Orion Empire warships.

Although during this process, all battleships deployed energy protective shields or crooked defensive walls. But under the gray and chaotic sword light, they all shattered like paper, and the sword light was ineffective as it sliced ​​through the ship.

Then silently, dozens of blazing white energy light groups quickly emerged from the battleships swept by the sword, expanded rapidly, engulfed the dozen battleships, and erupted with powerful shock waves.

Ito Cheng, who was standing in the energy group and shock wave, did not dodge and slashed the sword down again.

"Zheng Er, ward off wind and fire!"

The so-called pioneer. It means monarch, law, exclusion, refutation, closure, etc. Therefore, this move can be used in three ways: defense, repulsion, and suppression, depending on its meaning. And now, Ito Cheng is using one of the three styles of defense.

His arm shook, and a strange force burst out from the blade, absorbing all the energy and shock waves that agitated Ito Cheng's body to the blade, and covering it with a layer of incandescence like a stream of light. color.

Under the absorption of this power, the dozens of energy light balls around him shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally converged on Ito Cheng's body like thousands of streams returning to the sea.

Stand time. Although it looks ordinary and does not appear to be very dazzling, the energy detector of the Orion Empire battleship shows a high-risk value that exceeds the limit, and then appears in the universe.

"Positive two and a half, the four voids are counterproductive!"

Then Ito Cheng slowly raised his arm. He lifted the energy-filled Tian Congyun over his head like a mountain, and then slashed it down hard again.

In an instant, a blazing white light that was more dazzling than the sun burst out in the universe. An extremely unstable energy cloud sea formed, covering Ito in a radius of dozens of kilometers ahead. A three-dimensional space several kilometers high is filled.

Immediately after the explosion occurred, the sea of ​​energy clouds and the Orion Empire warships in the sea of ​​energy clouds all glowed with dazzling light. It formed a pure energy zone like a planet explosion zone, shooting out a powerful shock wave and spreading in all directions.

For a time, because they were not in a hurry to avoid it, a dozen warships that happened to be close to the explosion zone were immediately included in the expanding light generated by the explosion, destroyed, and transformed into a new energy supply source, continuing to help the energy cloud outward. Expanding.

It can be said that as long as the timing is right and there is enough high-energy matter to continuously fill it, it is entirely possible for this energy cloud to transform into a dangerous existence like a black hole in the universe, causing horrific damage to the area where it is located!

"There are still two hundred and forty ships..." Ito Cheng, who cut off the energy cloud that surged in front of him with a sword, looked at the Orion Empire warships that were evading and moving around.

Then he flashed his body and moved towards several other lone warships...

On the other side, after several hyperspace dimension jumps, the space fighter planes, totaling three hundred away, finally appeared near the earth and flew towards the earth at an unabated speed.

In just over a minute, it flew over the earth, broke through the atmosphere without stopping, and entered the interior of the earth.

Then, these fighters separated in the sky and dispersed around the world.

Almost instantly, it appeared in the skies over all countries, land, oceans, and islands in the world.

Then these fighter planes hovered in mid-air, opened the metal baffle on the belly of the aircraft, and revealed a launch bracket - a dark cylinder about the thickness of an adult's thigh, about one and a half meters long, with a spiral drill bit at the front. Hang quietly on it.

Immediately afterwards, cyan flames spurted out from the end of the cylinder, pushing the cylinder to detach from the ejection rack, and shot down diagonally to the countries, islands, oceans, and the ground of the South and North Pole below. It turned around and quickly Didn't enter the ground.

After doing all this, these fighter planes did not stop on the earth. They immediately raised their heads and soared. In the blink of an eye, they broke through the atmosphere and broke away from the earth from their respective areas, and flew in the direction of the sun without stopping.

And the next moment they left, invisible ripples invisible to the naked eye spread out from where the pillars disappeared. They spread out without any obstruction and merged with other invisible ripples that also spread to form a side. A larger invisible curtain covered the entire earth, completely enveloping the earth.


Then, followed by a clear puff of sound, a stream of black smoke spewed out from the hole where the column was immersed, quickly dissolving into the air.

Under the influence of this gas, those plants that happened to grow near the vents mutated almost at a speed visible to the naked eye. They either transformed into something more bizarre and definitely not like earthly creatures, or they quickly became withered and wilted. , finally broke into pieces and became a pile of dead things...

It can be seen that the stuff that was sprayed out is definitely not a good thing for the creatures on the earth!

More than two hours later, with a ripple in the void, Ito Cheng's figure appeared in the earth.

"Huh? Why do I feel like the earth is dying quickly?" Ito Cheng frowned as a strange and bad feeling suddenly emerged in his heart.

"Also, space is actually suppressed again..." Ito Cheng, who raised his hand again and used his fingers to create ripples in the void, then thought to himself.

"It seems we can only contact the Akasha system."

After thinking about it, Ito Cheng immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and returned to his apartment in Tokyo. He sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and let out his thoughts, and connected with the Akasha system in a mysterious and mysterious way. Together.

"I need records about all the actions of the Orion Empire fighter planes after they arrived on Earth." During the connection, Ito Cheng sent his request.

The next second, a large piece of image data was transmitted from the mind and appeared in Ito Cheng's mind.

"What are those?" Ito Cheng asked subconsciously after browsing the recording screen. It's just that although the Akasha system can record all information about the past, present, and possible future events in the universe, it is not an encyclopedia that answers all questions, and naturally it cannot answer questions that are obviously not part of the earth's historical civilization. product information.

However, in one case, the Akasha system still informed Ito Shige, the only lander who had connected with it so far.

"What, the life of the earth's planet is losing rapidly!?" After receiving the information, Ito Cheng opened his eyes fiercely and exclaimed.

Then without any hesitation, he once again focused his attention on connecting with the Akasha system and asked about the lifespan of the planet.

"Damn Orion Empire!" A moment later, Ito Cheng, who learned the reason for the loss of the planet's life span, cursed with anger on his face! (To be continued...)

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