Magic world

Chapter 1928 Queen

Finland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Germany, Denmark... All the countries passed through suffered inhumane destruction along the way.

Among them, especially the small countries of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, and Denmark, the entire territory was wiped out without leaving a single living creature. As for the populous countries like Finland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, and Germany, although they have not directly destroyed their country or genocide like the above countries, they still have not all the population left in their territory. As long as the warships of the Orion Empire are a little serious, If we plow a little bit, we will follow in the footsteps of those countries.

It can be said that in this short journey alone, nearly 50 to 60 million humans died, and the number of various animals was countless.

In this way, about half an hour later, six warships from the Orion Empire arrived in Britain. Without making any announcement, they directly launched a comprehensive cleanup of the entire British island.

The overwhelming and powerful fluctuations immediately spread throughout the UK.

"Lord, punish these demons." At the same time, deep underground in London, England, shrouded in a white halo, an old man with a miserable face shouted loudly.

"Is there really nothing we can do?" Her Majesty the Queen said with a pale face and weak breath.

"Sorry, Her Majesty, there is only so much we can do now. We have tried our best." The Catholic priest in a white robe sighed helplessly.

"My people..." the queen opened her eyes and screamed.

"Your Majesty the Queen." The royal family members on both sides quickly came forward to comfort.

"Go and call Abelia over." The queen seemed to be having a flashback. With the support of others' arms, he sat up from the bed, looked at the elderly housekeeper aside and gave hurried instructions.

"Yes. My master." The butler stroked his chest and bowed, then turned and exited the room.

"Archbishop Andrew." After the butler left. The queen turned to look at the old man in white and said.

"Your Majesty." The old man named Andrew bowed and responded.

"I order in the name of the supreme leader of the Anglican Church to use all the power of the Anglican Church to completely eliminate those hateful guys outside." The Queen reached out and grabbed the palm of Archbishop Andrew, and said in a hoarse voice full of determination and solemnity.

Archbishop Andrew couldn't help but hesitate when he heard this.

According to his thinking, now that the country has basically been destroyed, there is really no need to send out the last seeds and fight those powerful enemies to the end. It is better to leave a living force. Waiting for a good opportunity to rebuild the country in the future.

"Andrew!" the Queen raised her voice slightly.

"I will follow your will." Andrew sighed secretly in his heart, bowed and agreed.

The Queen nodded with satisfaction and turned to look at the old man standing aside who was wearing a black robe and had a long beard hanging down to his chest.

"Bifan." The queen called softly.

"Listen to your instructions, Her Majesty the Queen." The old man named Bifanan put one hand on the Lord's chest and lowered his head in response.

"I want you to take the remaining people away from here immediately and go to the legendary Utopia...perhaps that will be their last resting place." The Queen said in a harsh voice.

"Follow your orders." Bifan opened his mouth, wanting to say something. But looking at the Queen's appearance that she might 'sleep' at any time, she still swallowed the words she wanted to say, lowered her head and agreed.

Utopia, a legendary place that appeared in the legend of King Arthur. It is a place that only a holy king can find, but the reality is that it is a fairy kingdom. Ruled by the Fairy King Arvid, he can only be recognized by Arvid. Only then will outsiders be allowed to enter his country.

In other words, if Arvid's recognition cannot be obtained. No matter how famous your reputation and achievements are in the outside world, or how miserable your fate is, don’t try to get his protection!

Therefore, it can be said that the task assigned to him by the Queen is basically an impossible task!

"I know this is difficult, but I can only ask you, Bifan." Her Majesty the Queen said with apology in her eyes.

"Her Majesty the Queen... don't worry, Bifan will definitely complete your order." Bifan said with red eyes.

At this time, with a soft sound of "cluck", a man wearing long white trousers similar to those worn by equestrians, and a white silk shirt with pleated ruffles on the chest, the cuffs and collar The young woman, who was buttoned tightly and had short brown hair, clear facial features and exuding a strong heroic aura, followed the old housekeeper into the room.

"Abelia." Seeing the person coming, the queen's lips showed a faint smile and she called softly.

"Grandma." A woman named Abelia walked quickly to the Queen's side, stretched out her hand to hold the Queen's palm, and called softly.

"Abelia, my little granddaughter, my grandmother has something to ask you now." The queen said warmly.

"Say it." Abelia immediately answered.

"Help me kill all those hateful guys outside!" the queen said with a ferocious face.

"...I understand, grandma." Abelia looked at her grandmother deeply for a moment, then nodded heavily and said firmly.

The queen raised her hand with a look of relief, but Abelia immediately took it in her hand and put it against her face.

"Good granddaughter." The queen said softly, "I have wronged you over the years."

"...Everything is for Britain." Abelia said softly.

"Yes, all for Britain..." the Queen murmured with her eyes in trance. Immediately afterwards, his expression was shocked, his sharp eyes swept over the faces of everyone present, and then he suddenly sang the British national anthem - God Save the Queen loudly.

\u003c live our noble queen, god save the queen; send\u0026n over us; god save the queen. o lies, and\u0026e their knavish tricks,…”

As she continued to sing, the Queen's voice became smaller and smaller until she could no longer hear it at all.

"Grandma." Abelia called out with a sad face after noticing the queen's condition.

"Your Majesty the Queen! (Mother, grandmother, aunt)" Immediately afterwards, others also discovered the Queen's death, fell to one knee on the ground, and cried out in grief.

Sad cries immediately echoed throughout the underground space.


However, at this moment, Abelia, who gently laid the peaceful queen down on the bed, suddenly stood up and strode outside like the wind.

"Abelia, what are you going to do?" asked a woman similar in age to Abelia.

"Fulfill grandma's last wish." Abelia said without looking back. Then he disappeared into the room.

"Hey." After hearing Abelia's words, Archbishop Andrew sighed and stood up from the ground, turning around and walking out of the house with steady steps.

"Archbishop..." the older royal member couldn't help but shout.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness Richard, but I may not be able to host Her Majesty the Queen's funeral for the time being." Andrew stopped, turned around, bowed slightly to the man who asked the question, and said softly.

As a member of the royal family who has always stayed with the Queen, he naturally knew what Andrew meant by his words. He couldn't help but fell silent, and then watched Archbishop Andrew disappear into the room.

For a moment, the royal members in the room became at a loss and turned to look at Bifan and the old man who was the queen's exclusive butler.

"For the safety of your Highnesses, I would like to ask Your Highnesses and Mr. Bifan to evacuate this place immediately." Finally, the old housekeeper spoke slowly.

"What should I do with my grandmother's body?" asked a junior male royal member.

"Just leave it to me." The old housekeeper replied.

"Alvinson, are you sure?" Richard said with a frown.

"I have lived long enough, and I probably don't have a few more years to live. Instead of wandering around with you, let me accompany your majesty here. Maybe by then I can reach the kingdom of heaven with your majesty and continue to serve as a steward. She." The old housekeeper said softly with a free and easy face, as if he had seen through the red minister.

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but become silent.

"Then let's do it." After a moment of silence, Bifan sighed.

"Good luck to you, old friend."

"You too." The old housekeeper smiled.

Then Bifan turned around and walked outside the house. The royal family members looked at each other, and under the leadership of His Royal Highness Richard, they all stepped forward to hug the old butler, and then left the room and caught up with Bifan in front.

After a while, the old housekeeper and Her Majesty the Queen, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, were the only ones left in the room.

After everyone left, Bifan stepped forward and closed the door, walked back to the queen's side, covered the queen with the quilt as usual, then stepped aside, sat down on a chair, and said softly, "Queen. Ah, it’s finally time for us to take a break.”

"Speaking of which, more than thirty years have passed since I became the steward of the royal family. This is really a long time..." (To be continued...)

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