Magic world

Chapter 1925 It’s all Britain’s fault

At this moment, an ugly and ferocious monster rushed towards Ito Cheng with gleaming eyes as if it had discovered delicious food.

Ito Cheng glanced lightly and struck out with a casual blow.


The next moment, the monster's body exploded into pieces, turning into fleshy foam that filled the sky and shot down towards the ground.

"Tsk, it's starting to look more and more like a monster's nest." Ito Cheng couldn't help but curl his lips as he looked at the familiar ruins of the city in front of him.

The location where Ito Cheng appeared was nowhere else but his original territory of power, Akiruno City. Because I forgot to reset the coordinates before leaving, I couldn't use the transfer magic circle to return home directly, so I had to continue to use the original time and space coordinates.

Then he didn't stay long, activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and returned home. Then Ito Cheng walked to the sofa in the living room, stretched out his hand, took the remote control placed on the coffee table into his hand, pointed it at the TV and pressed the switch button.

“…$%^$\u0026%^\u0026*^\u0026* # ^*\u0026…”

A burst of beautiful music immediately came from the TV that had not fully turned on the screen. In just a few seconds, a girl group dressed in flashy clothes and with their thighs exposed appeared on the TV.

"That guy named Yasushi Akimoto is really good at it. Even now, he still doesn't forget to promote his akb48." Looking at the girl groups on TV, although most of their faces have changed, some of the members are still strong, Ito Shige couldn't help but feel sighed.

Because of the original relationship between Itano Tomomi and Maeda Atsuko, Ito Cheng also checked some information about akb48. Coupled with the past life memories in his mind, Ito Cheng can still recognize some people's names.

For example, Yuko Oshima, who is known as Uncle Yu.

For example, Takahashi Minami, who is known as Nange.

For example, Mayu Tobian, who is known as a cyborg.

And Yuki Kashiwagi, who is nicknamed Weather Girl, etc...

However, he didn't turn on the TV just to watch them, so after listening briefly, he immediately changed the channel and found a feeder channel such as TBS or NHK that always broadcast news.

After a moment, Ito Cheng stopped his fingers and looked at the lower left corner of the TV.

"April 5, 2017"

A set of dates clearly caught Ito Cheng's eyes.

"Nearly three days..." Ito Cheng said softly to himself as he recalled the date of his departure in his mind.

Then with a movement of his fingers, he turned the TV back to the channel where akb songs had been played before. He threw away the remote control and put one arm on the back of the sofa. Turned over and sat on the sofa. Then he took out the small black ball and threw it forward.

The next moment, the little black ball shook slightly, and a laser shot out from the little black ball instantly. compiled into a virtual optical screen with a green background. Appeared in front of Ito Cheng.

Ito Cheng stretched out his hand. Operated on the screen.

In an instant, a picture from the universe appeared on the screen. Inside, a fleet of the Orion Empire remained in Earth orbit. There is no action. Back on Mars, the Galactic Federation's fleet suddenly split into two groups for some unknown reason. One was surrounded by the Orion Empire's fleet and looked like a prisoner under surveillance. The fleet is at a certain distance apart, just like its attendants and guards.

"Is this... a split?" Ito Cheng was surprised in his heart.

As Ito Cheng had guessed, the Galactic Federation's fleet split into two parts under the threat of death from the Orion Emperor's warship. One was a stalwart composed of some Sirians and some Pleiadians, and the other was a stalwart. They are followers composed of most of the gray people, some alien civilizations in the Vega cluster, and many insect people.

Then he ignored it and adjusted the screen to the vicinity of Jupiter's satellites. Although it is impossible to truly explore the real situation there due to the distance, some fluffy information is still available. But the result is the same as the fleet in Earth orbit, still standing guard around the star gate they established, not knowing what they are waiting for.

Then Ito moved his arm again, turning the scene back to the earth.

However, at this moment, an extremely powerful force full of sacred feeling suddenly burst out on the earth, touching Ito Cheng's sensitive nerves.

Ito Cheng's expression changed when he sensed this power. He quickly closed his eyes and used the Flying Thunder God Technique to determine the location where the power originated... Soon, a spatial coordinate that overlapped with the location where the power exploded appeared in Ito Cheng's mind.

"It's actually the UK!?" Ito Cheng said in shock when he found the source of the burst of power.

Then he quickly opened his eyes and switched the virtual screen to the UK.

In the picture, a huge blazing mushroom cloud stands like an Optimus Pillar between the sky and the earth. The powerful shock wave spreads rapidly around like a tsunami, lifting the ground, destroying buildings, and smashing vegetation into pieces... In short That is, wherever the shock wave passes, everyone and everything on it will be destroyed.

"This location... I remember it seems to be the location where the warships of the Orion Empire landed." Ito Cheng, who felt that the explosion site looked too familiar, muttered to himself slightly hesitantly.

"In other words, the British secret heritage finally couldn't help but take action and wipe out the Orions who occupied their country..."

"It's just that, are the British really ready?" Then, Ito Cheng frowned and secretly worried.

He is not worried about Britain. After all, he has nothing to do with Britain. The existence or destruction of Britain has nothing to do with him as it did half a century ago. What he was worried about was the possible subsequent retaliation from the Orion Empire and the possible consequences.

Judging from the fact that they dared to directly challenge the fleet of the Galactic Federation, which wore the sign of the United Council of Multidimensional Intelligent Life in the Universe, and even did not hesitate to destroy them, just for the sake of the destruction of the eliminated advance team, the Orion Empire was very It is possible that the earth will be blown up directly because of anger. This is not what Ito Cheng wants to see.

"Do we need to use all our strength in advance to eliminate these guys?" Ito Cheng frowned and thought to himself. But then he changed his expression and cursed in a low voice with a somewhat gloomy face, "Damn it, these damn British guys can't choose when to cause trouble. They have to choose this time. Now I just want to do it." Your butt doesn’t even have such a big butt!”

Don't forget, the Rubik's Cube World at this time is still performing the world-devouring mission. Although calling people can still be carried out using the dimension transfer magic circle, things like space battleships are unlikely, so it's no wonder Ito Chenghui, who had always been calm, seemed so angry.

"Now we can only rely on the Orion Empire to still be interested in the earth and attack directly without using star-destroying weapons... This feeling that the destiny is not yours is really fucked up." Ito Cheng said in Mandarin again He cursed once in a low voice.

Then Ito Cheng didn't hesitate, and quickly switched the image on the virtual screen to the earth's orbit again, and monitored the movements of the Orion Empire fleet! Don't worry, if the other party takes action by then and you don't know it yet, you will end up being stupid and being ruined along with the entire earth.

Under the close supervision of Ito Cheng, the response from the Orion Empire did not make Ito Cheng wait too long. In less than an hour, the Orion Empire warships that had been squatting in the earth's orbit all moved together, with all the people around them. The red light of the atmosphere rushed towards the earth.

However, this kind of action made Ito Cheng feel greatly relieved.

Why are you here? Since people are willing to directly send battleships down, it proves that they still have some interest in the earth. They are not prepared to destroy it with one shot, but want to directly crush the earth with a huge force. This gives enough power to the forces on the earth. Fight against chance! Although this process may still provoke the Orion Empire to use star-destroying weapons, that will happen in an unknown period of time. By then, the Rubik's Cube World may have already devoured the Three Kingdoms World and returned to the vicinity of the main world. .

"In my singing and dancing life, this situation may not last long." Ito Cheng, who breathed a sigh of relief, sighed in a low voice while looking at the variety show being played on the TV and the Japanese artists who were having fun in it.

Ten minutes later, the Orion Empire's warship broke through the atmospheric barrier, entered the sky above the earth, and then flew straight to Britain.

"Huh?" However, at this moment, as if being interfered by a strong signal, the virtual optical screen in front of Ito Cheng suddenly became distorted, making it difficult to continue to monitor the opponent's situation.

"What is going on?" Ito Cheng asked in surprise.

In the countries that the warships passed through, whether they were humans hiding in homes, bunkers, or air-raid shelters, or animals freely running and jumping in the forests, looking for food, they all suddenly screamed and fell on their heads. He fell to the ground, his face full of pain and mourning, and in less than ten seconds, his head exploded in vain, making him dead.

Obviously, this is signal interference in Ito Cheng's eyes, but it is actually a large-scale enemy-killing weapon of the Orion Empire. The purpose of using it is also very simple, which is to clear out all the rebels who may be hiding among humans, and to shock the remaining humans so that they can be better ruled by themselves.

And this method is also the conventional method used by the Orion Empire to deal with the planet's indigenous people! It's simple, cruel, and overbearing, leaving no chance for you.

It's just obvious that people in the Orion Empire underestimate Earth, a small planet that was originally used by the upper universe to exile patients. Not long after they launched this attack, dozens of astonishing auras suddenly burst out from various countries, launching attacks and attacking the battleships in the sky.

In an instant, light that was more dazzling than the sun burst out over the entire Europe. (To be continued...)

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