Magic world

Chapter 1902 Taking Cao

ps:  Thanks to "Cute Girl hsh" for the reward. Thanks for your valuable monthly vote.

"I heard that the prime minister wants to move the capital to Chang'an, so I came to give advice." Zhou Bi said.

"I listened to you two in the beginning and kept Yuan Shao in his place; now Shao has rebelled and it's you and his party!" Dong Zhuo, who heard someone come to dissuade him again, immediately became furious and scolded the two of them and shouted, "Come here, drag them down." Behead it!"

The warriors on both sides did not hesitate and quickly stepped forward to suppress the two men and drag them away from Dong Zhuo's face.

"Pass the report and we will move the capital tomorrow." Dong Zhuo, who was unconsciously relieved of his anger, said loudly.

"Today there is a shortage of money and food, and there are many wealthy households in Luoyang, but they can't get official status. But if Yuan Shao and other subordinates kill his clan members and steal their family income, they will get a huge sum of money." After Dong Zhuo calmed down a little, Li Ru stepped forward and suggested.

When Dong Zhuo heard this, he immediately felt good. He immediately gathered 5,000 troops and searched all the wealthy households in Luoyang. There were thousands of households. They all placed flags behind their backs and wrote "anti ministers and rebels against the party" on their backs. Regardless of the reason, they all marched into the city. Cut off the hand outside and take the gold.

Then Li Jue and Guo Si drove millions of people from Luoyang to Chang'an. Each civilian team, one team of soldiers, dragged each other; countless people died in the ravines. At the same time, he ordered the soldiers to rape their wives and daughters and seize their food; their cries shook the heaven and the earth. If anyone is late, three thousand troops behind him will rush him to supervise him. They will kill people on the road with white blades in their hands.

In order to cut off the retreat of the ministers, Dong Zhuo ordered people to set fire to all the houses, burn down the residents' houses, and burn down the ancestral temples and palaces before leaving. The northern and southern palaces were connected with flames; the Changle Palace was all scorched earth.

To further his evil deeds, he lurked and excavated the tombs of the late emperor and his concubines to retrieve their gold and treasures. The sergeants took advantage of the situation and dug up all the graves of officials and civilians. Later, Dong Zhuo loaded more than thousands of carts with gold, beads, satin and fine goods. He robbed the emperor, his concubines and others, and expected to leave for Chang'an.

"The fire finally started." Ito Chengyuan jumped into the red and yellow sky of Luoyang. whispered.

Then his figure flashed and disappeared from the place. The next moment, he appeared in the city of Luoyang, which was in flames. Looking around, he finally located the south of the ruined palace and moved over.

"It's time to be here." Ito Cheng, who regained his figure, looked at Ishii who was spraying five colors of light in front of him and said to himself.

Then Progress came to the edge of the well, lowered his head and looked down. Not long after, a woman's intact body came into view.

Ito Cheng, who knew that this woman must be the treasure trove girl, did not hesitate, and immediately changed his mind and took the woman's body out of the well.

In an instant, a body was found that was soaked in water for a long time, but its body was neither floating nor rotten. The female corpse, with her palace attire intact and a brocade bag under her neck, floated in front of Ito Cheng under the light of the fire.

Ito Cheng reached forward to grab it, took the brocade bag from the neck of the female corpse, opened it, and revealed the small vermilion box locked with a gold lock.

For Ito Cheng, this small lock was naturally no problem. With just a flick of his finger, the entire golden lock suddenly shattered and lost its effectiveness. Then Ito Cheng opened the lid of the box. The object inside was revealed - it was a square jade seal with golden horns; it was four inches in diameter and engraved with five dragon interlocking buttons; the bottom of the seal was engraved with the eight-character seal script "Ordered by heaven, you will live forever."

This object is nothing else, it is the traditional national jade seal of the national fortune-holding tripod - Heshibi!

Under the spiritual eyes of Ito Cheng. The clouds on the surface are steaming, and a soaring dragon appears, circling around the seal. There were bursts of shocking dragon roars.

"Done." Ito Cheng chuckled and put the jade seal into the box again. Put it in your arms.

Ito Cheng then waved his hand to collect the woman's body and put it into the Rubik's Cube World for deep burial. Then he activated the teleportation technique again and left the place, moving towards Xingyang.

Within a moment, Ito Cheng appeared in the sky above Xingyang. Then with a thought, a huge iron-clad ship like a later generation hydrogen airship appeared in mid-air, with hundreds of armored British warriors standing neatly inside the airship.

"Greetings to Your Majesty." All the soldiers said in unison.

"Hiraishin." Ito Cheng said quietly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The soldier stood up straight with a roar.

"Open the magic circle and hide!" Ito Cheng ordered again.

The next moment, the space outside the airship trembled slightly, and the entire airship quickly disappeared into the sky like a mirage. The starry sky was connected, but no trace was left behind.

Then about three or four hours later, as it entered the middle of the night, a crowd of civilians and soldiers mingled among them, and the sound of crying and shouting could be heard inside. A mighty procession with various carts at the end appeared on the official road leading from Luoyang to Xingyang. On the road.

It was Dong Zhuo's escape convoy!

At the same time, a group of troops left Xingyang County and took the initiative to meet Dong Zhuo's army.

According to the novel, the governor of Xingyang at this time was Xu Rong, the general who defeated Cao Cao and Sun Jian in the official history of the Three Kingdoms and made the eighteen princes fail to accomplish anything!

Xu Rong came to Dong Zhuo's carriage, dismounted, and said to him, "Rong has met the prime minister."

Seeing Xu Rong, Li Ru rolled his eyes and said, "The prime minister has recently abandoned Luoyang to guard against pursuers. You can teach Xu Rong to ambush his army beside the mountain dock outside Xingyang City. If there are pursuers, let him go; just wait for me." Defeat them here, then intercept and cover them up so that those who come after you will not dare to pursue them again."

Dong Zhuo, who had always trusted Li Ru, did not hesitate and followed the plan. He summoned the general Niu Ji, who led the Xiliang army to suppress the attack.

According to the novel, Lu Bu should be responsible for this task at this time, but now that Lu Bu has been lost, the Bingzhou army is temporarily leaderless and unavailable. Dong Zhuo, who is good at military affairs, cannot hand over this important task to the Bingzhou cavalry, so he has to find his confidants. General Beef Breast took over the task.

The beef breast took the order and led the troops back.

During the action, Cao Cao's army happened to catch up.

"It's just as Li Ru expected!" Wearing bright armor, a pointed helmet on his head, and holding a flower-painted axe, he laughed loudly. Immediately after giving orders, the generals put their horses aside and stopped him in front of Cao Cao.

"Traitor! He has robbed the emperor and displaced the people. Where do you want to go?" Seeing the military formation, Cao Cao immediately stopped his infantry and scolded with an angry look.

"You are a coward who betrays your master, why are you talking nonsense!" the beef breast scolded.

In the novel, Dong Zhuo was very optimistic about Cao Cao and specially appointed him an official. But Cao Cao did it in the name of offering his sword. He went on a mission to kill Dong, so Niu Breast called him a coward who betrayed his master and was not lying.

See your brother being humiliated. Xiahou Dun, who had a bad temper, couldn't take a break and immediately charged towards the beef breast with a spear and a galloping horse.

However, beef breast is not well-known in novels. However, the martial arts among the Xiliang army are not bad, second only to Lu Bu, Hua Xiong and others, and higher than Li Jue, Guo Si and others. It can be said to be higher than Xiahou Dun, but it is not what Xiahou Dun is. He could easily take it down, so he was immediately entangled by the beef breast and fought with him.

However, the battle was not over yet, so Li Jue led another army and attacked from the left.

Cao Cao was slightly anxious when he saw this. He quickly ordered Xiahou Yuan to lead his troops to meet the enemy. But at this moment, shouts from the right started again, but it was Guo Si who led the army to kill. Cao Cao did not dare to neglect, and ordered Cao Ren to step forward to meet the enemy.

Three armies and horses are unstoppable.

Not long after, Xiahou Dun, who was fighting with the beef breast, was defeated by an oversight and flew back to the formation. Seeing this, the beef breasts were unyielding and immediately led the Xiliang cavalry to charge. Crash into Cao Cao's soldiers and horses.

Cao's troops were mostly on foot, and wherever they were matched by the charging cavalry, they were defeated almost instantly. The army was in disarray, the soldiers were in panic, and they were running around in all directions.

Cao Cao, knowing that the battle was lost, did not dare to stay long. He immediately ordered Xiahou Yuan and Cao Ren to retreat to the formation, half-killed and half-fleeing from Xingyang.

Wait until the second watch. We walked to a barren mountain and prepared to gather the remaining soldiers. While the pot was being buried to make rice, a burst of passionate shouts of death rang out from all over the countryside again. ——It was Xu Rong who ambushed the troops. The soldiers roared and charged towards Cao Jun.

Cao Cao was panicked when he saw this, and he quickly rode his horse to seize the road and fled. It's a pity that the opportunity is untimely, and he encounters Xu Rong who is coming from this direction. Cao Cao was so frightened that he didn't dare to hesitate and turned his horse to escape.

Xu Rong sneered, took the bow and arrow, stretched out his arms to draw the bow into a full moon, and then heard a soft whistle, and an arrow accurately pierced the arm of Cao Cao, who was running away in a hurry.

"Ah!" Cao Cao couldn't bear the pain and opened his mouth to scream in pain.

However, Cao Cao, who knew that he could not stay at this time, felt cruel and rode out with an arrow. Not long after they ran out, when they were passing by a hillside, two Xiliang soldiers who had been lying in the grass jumped out and stabbed Cao Cao as he stepped off his horse. The war horse whined and threw Cao Cao to the ground. Then two soldiers stepped forward and captured Cao Cao.

However, at this moment, there was only a rumble of thunder, and two lightning bolts fell from the sky instantly, hitting the two soldiers and burning them into charred corpses.

"God will not destroy me, Cao Cao!" Cao Cao said happily.

"Wrong, I should not kill you." But before he could finish his words, a very familiar voice rang in Cao Cao's ears.

Cao Cao's expression changed slightly and he looked up in the direction of the sound.

In an instant, the figure of Ito Cheng, who was floating in the air like a fairy, came into Cao Cao's eyes. Then the sky light changed, and a strange ship suddenly appeared in the sky that was definitely not understandable by humans of this era. A door opened on it, and an armored man with a pale white light shield flew out from it. Sharp man.

"Are you a human or a ghost?" Although he has a heroic heart, his knowledge is still limited by the times, so Cao Cao trembled with fear when he saw such strange equipment that was far ahead of the times.

"I would rather you call me God, or Immortal." Ito Cheng said quietly, then turned his head and looked at the battlefield not far away.

The originally fierce battlefield suddenly fell silent. The generals and generals all stared dumbfounded at the giant ship emerging in the sky. There were even devout people who knelt down and shouted "Gods, have mercy on me", and then showed no signs of resistance. Hundreds of armored warriors descended from the sky, knocking him to the ground and capturing him.

Of course, there are also those foolish and reckless people who do not believe in evil - such as the simple-minded Cao Hong, the hot-tempered Xiahou Dun, the shrewd Cao Ren and Xia Houyuan, and the extremely strong-minded Xu Rong, etc., but after all, they are only a minority, and who are they? The opponents of the numerous Dahua warriors, who had mastered their true energy and were equipped with strange armor, were captured on the ground within a few rounds and became prisoners.

"Are there immortals? Are there really immortals in this world?" Cao Cao said with a wry smile.

"Of course." Ito Cheng stepped on the void, falling from the sky step by step like stepping on invisible stairs, looking at Cao Cao and said quietly.

"What do you plan to do to me, sir?" Cao Cao had seen the world and was very determined. After the initial shock, he understood his position and asked in a respectful but not humble tone.

"I want to change the world, would Meng De be willing to help me?" Ito Cheng looked directly into Cao Cao's eyes and asked.

"Cao is a Han official, and he should be a Han loyalist in this life. I forgive Cao for not obeying his orders." Cao Cao replied solemnly.

At this time, Cao Cao was not the traitor he later became, but a young man with a heart who wanted to save the country, serve the country, and strive to become a rogue general in the future, so he answered very simply.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Ito Cheng raised his eyebrows.

"Even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go to where the Tao is." Cao Cao said quietly.

"Okay, I'll help you." Ito said.

Cao Cao's face changed slightly when he heard this, but he did not open his mouth to beg for mercy. He closed his eyes and raised his head, as if he was suffering death.

The next moment, Cao Cao felt a pain in his neck and lost consciousness.

"Did you die... I'm really unwilling." Cao Cao said calmly before losing consciousness.



At the same time, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan and others also shouted angrily with eager faces.

"Get him down," Ito said to the soldiers.

"Yes." The soldier shouted, and immediately separated two people from them and came to Ito Cheng's side, grabbed Cao Cao on the ground, and pulled him aside.

"You are willing to surrender." At this time, Ito Cheng turned to look at Xu Rong, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Xiahou Dun, and Xia Houyuan and asked quietly.

Xu Rong turned his head to the side and remained silent, looking uncooperative. Cao Ren snorted bitterly as an answer. Xia Houyuan and Xia Houdun looked at each other and remained silent. Only Cao Hong cursed like a fool and boldly, "Thief, I want your Grandpa Cao to surrender, what a dream!"

After saying that, he spat at Ito Cheng as if he didn't understand his hatred.

"Hmph." Seeing this, Ito Cheng didn't bother to say more, snorted coldly, and violently released his mental power, flooding into all the Xiliang people including Xu Rong like a curtain. and Cao Jun soldiers, using strong spiritual power to forcibly modify their consciousness.

This group of people had been attracted by the fairy-like methods revealed by Ito Cheng's army, and their hearts had long been shaken, so it was very easy for Ito Cheng to plant a seed of loyalty in their hearts, allowing these Xiliang elites to Hegunzhou militiamen became his subordinates.

"Greetings, my lord!" After a moment, Ito Cheng withdrew his mental power. The soldiers who woke up from the hypnotic state all fell to the ground and shouted in unison.

The weight of ten thousand people's voices was like thunder, reverberating in the night sky, carrying mathematical principles.

"Xu Rong, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan!" At this time, Ito Cheng shouted again.

"The end will be here." The five people shouted in unison.

"Take all the soldiers and follow me to pursue Dong Zhuo's army." Ito Cheng ordered.

"Yes!" (To be continued...)

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