Magic world

Chapter 1842: Demon Replenishment

"Wait, Medea." Just when Medea was about to leave, Ito Cheng said quickly.

Medea paused and lowered her head, not daring to look at him.

"Am I that scary?" Looking at Medea in front of him, Ito Cheng smiled bitterly and said, "You are a majestic heroic spirit - Caster, the strongest magician in the world! Even the ancestor of the Dead Apostles can't please you in front of you. , what can I, a little ordinary person, do to you?"

Medea's elf-like pointed ears were slightly red as she lowered her head and said nothing.

"...Okay, I don't want to talk to you about magic healing this time." Ito Cheng was speechless for a moment, and sighed helplessly.

Although he knew that Medea in the original work was sometimes very shy, but most of the time she was a sinister and cruel witch. How come she completely turned into a shy girl when it came to him?

It seems that the lethality of mending magic is not that great for Medea.

"I hope Medusa will not become like Medea by then..." Ito Cheng thought to himself.

Then he said again, "Medea, I remember that one of your noble phantoms is a talisman that can break all laws?"

"Yes." After hearing Ito Cheng's words, Medea finally recovered from her shyness, raised her head and said seriously.

"What do you mean..." Then he said thoughtfully.

"Yes, I plan to use the effect of your Noble Phantasm to add a trump card to our side." Ito Cheng nodded and admitted.

"...My magic power may still be a little lacking." Medea said with a slight frown.

"Huh?" Ito Cheng looked at Medea and raised his eyebrows.

"With my current magic power, using the Talisman that can break all laws can indeed tamper with a Servant's contract. Let him come to our side, but then I will fall into a state of insufficient magic power. Not only will I not be able to let him come over, If the Servant becomes a complete body to fight, even I will lose most of my combat power." Medea explained.

"If the other party still has a servant with high magic power, although it will not escape the constraints of the contract, it still requires a high amount of magic power to restrain the other party from resisting. I don't have this condition now."

"In other words, is everything still a matter of magic power?" Ito Cheng said softly.

"Yes." Medea confirmed.

"So what do you think?" Ito Cheng asked in a timely manner. And she spoke very ambiguously in a cunning way, which made Medea subconsciously think of the plan of absorbing magic power as "bodily fluid exchange".


Sure enough, almost at the moment Ito Cheng finished speaking. Medea's cheeks turned rosy again. He lowered his head shyly.

This time, Ito Cheng did not give Medea a chance to escape. He immediately stood up gently and stepped in front of Medea. He reached out and hooked her chin. Gently raised Medea's head.

With the change of sight. Medea's eyes started to wander in panic.

Ito Cheng smiled slightly, lowered his head and leaned forward.

The two got closer and closer, and their lips were about to touch.

At this time. Medea's eyes narrowed slightly, and she raised her head as she breathed heavily. Apparently, Medea had already made up her mind about something.

Seeing Medea like this, the expression on Ito Cheng's face became even brighter. He lowered his head to take Medea's lips without hesitation, skillfully used his tongue to open Medea's lips and teeth, and entered her. In his mouth, his tongue became entangled with Medea's.


Subconsciously, a low moan came from Medea's throat.

After a few minutes, the two separated.

"Let's go back to the room." Ito Cheng looked at Medea and whispered.

Medea's face turned red and she lowered her head shyly, but she did not refuse.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng didn't understand that this was acquiescence. He immediately smiled silently, put his arms around Medea's waist, hugged her and walked back to his room.

Soon, the two came to Ito Cheng's bedroom.



Ito Cheng, who walked into the house, closed the door with his backhand and locked the door lock. Then he hugged Medea and walked to the bed.

Ito Cheng, who was standing by the bed, lowered his head to look at Medea in his arms. He lowered his head again and took Medea's lips with his mouth. While kissing her gently, he slowly lowered his body and pulled Medea into her arms. Ya Fang fell on the bed.

Tops, long skirts, underwear, underwear... one by one, the clothes were taken off from Medea's body, and finally only a naked Medea was left in Ito Cheng's eyes. .

The skin is extremely fair, without any stains or scars. Even the pores are not easy to see unless you pay special attention. It is as perfect as white spots. It feels extremely smooth to the touch, as if there is a layer of milk on it, making people addicted to it.

The breasts are round and full, and under the squeeze of shy Medea's arms, they look even more alluring, making people want to watch and play with them. The lower abdomen is flat, connected directly to the lower part, and finally decorated with a narrow purple grass.

The legs are straight, close together and crossed, and the fingers of the feet are crystal clear and round, looking very cute. Her eyes were slightly closed, her face was blushing, and her short purple neck-length hair was naturally spread out. Under the sunlight coming in through the window, her whole person exuded a faint and soft glow, making Medea look like her ears. The characteristics are average, like an elf.

After admiring Medea for a while, Ito Cheng no longer hesitated and quickly took off his clothes, making himself equally naked. Then he turned over and pressed on Medea's body again, lowered his head and kissed Medea again. got up.

"Medea, let's start." After a moment, Ito Cheng said softly in Medea's ear.

Hearing this, Medea nodded slightly.

Not long after, along with a muffled groan that suddenly came from Medea's mouth, a fierce "squeak, squeak" sound and a female's suppressed murmur echoed in the quiet room.

At this time, outside the Suogunhara Academy in Fuyuki City.

"Good morning, Tohsaka-senpai."

"Good morning."

"Tohsaka-senpai, good morning."


"Rin, good morning."


Along the way, there were female students from Suiqunhara Academy who were also wearing Suiqunhara Academy uniforms. Their long black hair was tied into twin tails with two hairbands. Their posture was noble and elegant, and they exuded the aura of a wealthy family. Tohsaka Rin, who smelled like a lady, greeted.

And she, Tohsaka Rin, is indeed the eldest lady of a wealthy family! After Ito Cheng took over the industrial management rights of the Tohsaka family from Kotomine Kirei and handed it over to the industrial management manager recruited by Asakami Yasuzo, it didn't take long for Tosaka Rin's family fortune to improve. After flipping through it, the abjection in the original work was completely gone, allowing her to spend money lavishly to collect gems from all over the world and practice the family's gem magic.

Up to now, although the depth of Tohsaka Rin's magic power and other aspects are still similar to the original work, the reserve of gems is many times greater than in the original work, and he can use gem magic very luxuriously.

"Sister." Just as Tohsaka Rin was dealing with the girls around her who admired her with elegant etiquette, a soft voice rang in her ears.

"Sakura." Tohsaka Rin stopped and turned to look at Tohsaka Sakura who was walking with Hiyer. But just when she was about to open her mouth to say something more, she suddenly frowned and looked towards the void next to Sakura.

At the same time, Tohsaka Sakura also set her sights on the void next to Tosaka Rin.

"Sakura, it seems that my lack of care has caused a lot of things to happen to you." Tohsaka Rin looked back and sighed with a complicated expression.

"Sister." Tohsaka Sakura called with a somewhat uneasy expression.

"Wait for me when school is over. I will go with you to meet that guy today." Rin Tosaka made a strong decision.

"Okay, okay." Tohsaka Sakura responded weakly.

"Keep your head up, hold your chest out, and don't forget the family motto of our Tohsaka family." Looking at the weak Sakura, Tohsaka Rin said loudly with a slight frown.

The Tosaka family motto: Be elegant at all times.

Well, it’s a very painful family motto.

"Yes." Tohsaka Sakura straightened up quickly and responded.

"Okay, I'm going back to class first. Remember to wait for me at the school gate after school." Tohsaka Rin said. After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the school.

"No matter how many times I try, I will always feel unhappy with you as a sister." After Tohsaka Rin walked away, Hiyer curled her lips and said, "What kind of attitude is it? Is it necessary to put your attitude so high?"

Tohsaka Sakura smiled and did not answer.

"You, you always show such a lack of temper, what's the point of resisting appropriately? If we really have to fight, we still don't know who will win." Hiyer said as if he hates iron but can't make steel.

"Okay, Sister Hiyer, sister, she just has too many things to bear, so don't mind it, okay?" Tohsaka Sakura looked at Hiyer and smiled.

"Yes, yes, you are the only one who is gentle. I don't care about you." Hiyer said angrily, and then strode towards the school building.

She had said this to Tohsaka Sakura more than once, but when the time came, Hiyer still couldn't help but preach to Tohsaka Sakura. There is no way, the two of them spend too much time together, almost as much as the time Tohsaka Sakura and Tohsaka Rin spend together. She has already regarded Tosaka Sakura as her family member and sister, so she doesn't want to watch it. to the bullying she received.

Behind him, Tohsaka Sakura smiled slightly and followed quickly.

Not long after they entered the teaching building, the preparatory bell for class rang loudly over the campus. The students who were still walking at a leisurely pace outside immediately quickened their pace and ran towards the teaching building.

Before long, the entire street in front of the school became empty.

Then another ten minutes passed, and with another bell ringing, the whole day's classes officially began. (To be continued...)

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