Magic world

Chapter 1835 Medea

ps: Thanks to "wongyt" and "Meteor Dance Steps" for their valuable monthly votes.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Thin raindrops fall from the sky and beat on the dense leaves, emitting the unique natural sound of summer nights.

It's night now, and the rain and fog are like a veil, shrouding the entire city in haze.

"Pa tap, tap tap..."

At this moment, a burst of unstable footsteps came faintly in the night sky.

Then, just over two minutes later, with a crashing sound, a figure emerged from the mist-shrouded woods.

It was a female figure with a vaguely slender figure. She was wearing a dark robe and a bandage on her head that could cover the upper half of her face. She looked like the costumes worn by temple sacrifices in ancient Egypt, making her look very sexy. mystery.

The woman staggered, her body swaying as she moved forward.

However, at this moment, it was not known whether she had not stepped firmly or whether her body was so exhausted that she could no longer support her movements. The woman stumbled forward and fell down.

The woman closed her eyes and prepared herself for the pain.

But the next moment, a warm chest embraced her.

"Medea, I've finally waited for you." A strange male voice sounded gently in her ears.

The woman named Medea raised her head and looked at the man who called out her name with her jewel-like eyes.

He was an ordinary man with a young face and ordinary clothes. There was nothing special about him.

At this time, I heard him say again, "Sleep. When you wake up, everything will be fine, Medea."

Medea stared at the man's face inexplicably for a while, blinked twice, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Who is he...why does he know my name..."

But before falling asleep, Medea couldn't help but think about the current situation with doubts.

I don’t know how long it will take.

With Medea's eyelids twitching slightly, Medea woke up from her sleep. In an instant, the white ceiling came into the eyes of Medea, who had just opened her eyes.

Medea turned her head slightly and looked around the room.

This is a small room, with an area of ​​about twenty square meters. The decoration is very simple. There was only a small desk, a square wooden chair with a backrest, and what looked like a wardrobe.

Medea, who had gained partial knowledge about the present world, immediately judged that this was the bedroom of a folk house.

After arriving at this result, Medea moved her body slightly and managed to sit up from the bed.

It was only then that she noticed that the clothes on her body had been changed, and it was no longer the sacrificial robe she had worn before. But a neat and clean plain white bathrobe. As for the clothes she was originally wearing. It was neatly stacked into a small square. Place it at the foot of the bed.

"Is it that man..." Medea thought to herself.


Just as she was thinking, a soft sound suddenly sounded, drawing Medea's attention to the slightly opened door. Then the door opened. The figure of the man she saw before falling asleep appeared from behind.

"Wake up." The man holding a glass of water said with a smile when he saw Medea on the bed.

"Thank you for saving me." Medea thanked her softly.

"That's what I should do." The man closed the door with his backhand, walked to Medea's bed with the water glass, handed the water glass in his hand to her and said, "Drink some water first."

"Thank you." Medea took the water glass with both hands, brought it to her mouth, and took a small sip.

"I finally see you, Medea." The man looked at Medea with a gentle face and said.

"...Who are you? Why do you know my real name?" Medea's eyes changed slightly, and she looked at the man warily and asked.

"My name is Ito Cheng. I have been waiting for you, so as soon as you show up, I know your name." The man, Ito Cheng, said with a soft smile.

"What do you mean?" Medea, who vaguely guessed something, shrank her eyes and asked again.

"Long before this Holy Grail War started, I knew you would come, so I have been looking for you." Ito Cheng replied. Medea's expression changed slightly and she fell silent.

"Fortunately, hard work pays off, and I finally found you." Ito Cheng, who did not disturb Medea, continued.

"Why are you looking for me?" After a moment of silence, Medea asked in a low voice with her head hanging slightly.

"Because I want you." Ito Cheng said.

"You want to be my master." Medea, whose face was in shadow, said softly with a slight smile of disdain.

As a free servant who had just killed a master, she had every reason to believe that Ito was searching for her in order to become her master. As for why he knew he would come before the Holy Grail War began, it can be classified as the former master fell into the opponent's plan and was summoned by the opponent using the designated holy relic as the price.

"No. I want to turn you into my woman." Ito Cheng said softly.

Medea, who didn't expect the answer to be this, raised her head in shock and looked at Ito Cheng with twinkling eyes.

"Why? Since you know my name, you should also know the legend about me. Aren't you afraid of a vicious woman like me? Aren't you afraid that I will betray you like the legend says?" Medici Ya said with a trembling tone.

"Of course I know your legend, but what I see from it is only your innocence for love, your heartbreak after mourning, and your uneasiness and struggle as a homeless wandering woman." Ito Cheng stretched out his hand. Covering Medea's raised face, gently stroking it with her thumb, she stated softly with a smile on her face.

Medea felt her heart being hit by a torrent, and her eyes became hot, and she burst into tears of excitement.

Ito Cheng moved his thumb lightly. Wiping away the tears left by Medea with her fingertips, she continued with a smile, "As for me, although I am a carefree man and cannot leave my feelings exclusively with one woman, as long as that woman does not choose to betray me, I will You will never give up on that woman, you can observe this in your future life.”

"So, Medea, are you willing to be the woman of a playboy like me?" Ito Cheng asked softly.

Medea had a hesitant look on her face.

In fact, the love in her mind still tends to be monogamous love, but as a woman born in the ancient feudal era where one man had many women. I am not particularly resistant to having the same man with other women. But because of the emotional pain caused by her first love, Jason, what Medea fears most is that the man she falls in love with will eventually neglect her. Just like the legendary Jason, she doesn't want to do it again. Go through that pain.

"It seems that you are still a little hesitant about me. But it doesn't matter. We still have time. But I hope that I can get your answer before the Holy Grail War in this world ends." Ito Cheng took back the palm covering Medea's face and whispered softly said.

"Thank you." Medea thanked her sincerely.

"Okay, you rest first and wait until morning. We will then sign the servant contract." Ito Cheng said.

After saying that, he smiled at Medea, turned around and walked out of the room under her watch.


The door closed gently.

"Eavesdropping is bad behavior, Medusa." Ito Cheng, who came to the corridor, turned to look at the empty front and smiled.

As the words fell, the air trembled slightly, revealing the figure of Medusa.

"Please try not to be alone with a Servant in the future. Such behavior is very dangerous." Medusa warned.

"Don't worry, Medusa. Ordinary heroic spirits can't hurt me." Ito Cheng said with an unconcerned face.

Medusa responded in silence, obviously not believing Ito Cheng's answer.

"Would you like to compare?" Ito Cheng, who also sensed Medusa's attitude, suggested.

"Okay." Medusa, who happened to want to know about Ito's level, agreed simply.

Then the two quietly left the villa without disturbing others, and ran towards the distance at an inhuman speed.

During this process, Medusa, who stood proudly among many Servants with her average agility, discovered that Ito Shige had a movement speed that was not inferior to hers. Out of competition and testing, Medusa increased her speed from time to time. But to her surprise, no matter how she increased her movement speed, in the eyes of Medusa, Ito Cheng, a human, could follow her calmly, relaxed and natural, without any difficulty on his face. appearance.

After running like this for more than ten minutes, the two came to a deserted open space.

But seeing the surrounding scenery, Ito Cheng couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems that I really have a fate with the river of Miyuan River. Every time I want to do something, I come here." Ito Cheng shook his head slightly and chuckled.

"I'm ready, let's start, Medusa." Following Ito Cheng, he looked at Medusa who had taken out his weapon and said.


The moment he finished speaking, Medusa suddenly shot the chain sword in her hand towards Ito Chengdu.

The chain sword was like a flying shot, flying in front of Ito Cheng in an instant.

Ito Cheng turned sideways slightly, raised his hand and punched the outside of the chain sword. Hearing a crisp "clang" sound, the chain sword immediately flew away into the distance. Medusa pulled the chain sword that had bounced back into her hand with one arm, and at the same time threw the chain sword out of her other hand. Then he kicked off his feet and rushed towards Ito Cheng at high speed.

Ito Cheng dodged to avoid the attack of the chain sword, but the next moment, Medusa appeared in front of Ito Cheng, reached out and grabbed the handle of the chain sword that flew out of his ear, swung it with her cross arm, and slashed towards it. Ito Cheng's head.

Ito Cheng raised one arm and blocked Medusa's waving arm with a "bang". However, the next second, an exaggerated strange force came from Medusa's arm in vain, and once again forcibly slashed the chain sword towards Ito Cheng's face.

Medusa's unique skill - strange power.

Unable to defend himself, Ito Cheng had no choice but to kick his feet and jump back. But then, a chain sword in Medusa's hand flew out and shot straight towards him.

Ito Cheng's right arm shook slightly, and a rough dagger made of obsidian suddenly appeared in his hand, which he held in front of him with skill.


The chain sword was instantly bounced away.

But then the image of the chain sword changed. It changed from a metal chain to a long black shot. Ito turned around and bit it.

It's the magic of Medusa.

Ito Cheng moved his left hand, and quickly made several magic gestures while changing his fingers, and then a fist-sized fireball flew out of his hand in an instant, and hit the black snake straight.


Smoke and dust exploded, covering Ito Cheng's figure. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ito Cheng stepped back quickly, but before he could stand firm and lowered his body, Medusa, who looked like a strange snake, suddenly appeared next to him, holding the chain in his hand. The sword stabbed out quickly.

Ito Cheng stepped on one hind leg, forcibly stamping a dent on the ground, and then quickly rotated his body around the retreating foot... Medusa, who had failed in the journey, gave way and moved the other one. The chain sword in his hand swung out.

At this time, Ito Cheng, who had turned around completely, did not dare to hesitate, and quickly slapped Medusa on the back of the sword, knocking her palm down. At the same time, he raised his left foot and kicked Medusa. Medusa.


Medusa, who was hit in the abdomen, immediately slid back involuntarily, and her feet plowed two deep marks on the ground.

This time, it was Ito Cheng who became unyielding. At this time, he waved his hand, and several streams of light instantly flew in front of Medusa, who had not yet stopped. Then they exploded in vain with a "boom" sound, forming a strong burst of flames. Medusa.

Then Ito Cheng kept moving and shot out several more streams of light.


What this explosion produces is ice magic.

The pale cold air turned into ice crystals and covered Medusa's body with her arms crossed in front of her.

However, Ito Cheng, who has obtained Medusa's data from Tohsaka Sakura, understands that for Medusa, who has B-level magic resistance and can ignore even the damage of ritual spells, this kind of magic caused by gem magic The damage of shortcut magic attacks can be ignored, so after launching two waves of magic attacks, Ito Shige immediately used the technique of shrinking the ground and rushed to Medusa in an instant, stretched one arm forward, and blasted Medusa. passed.


Medusa, with her arms in front of her, slid back again.

However, this time, Ito Cheng, who was fully attacked, did not pursue the attack again. After all, the two of them were just competing this time to understand each other's strength, rather than trying to kill each other. Otherwise, they would have been able to fight each other when they took out the obsidian dagger - the gun of Toraviska Bontic Utori. Medusa launched an attack that was sure to hit, so why leave it alone?

So this is enough. (To be continued...)

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