Magic world

Chapter 1829 Wallachia Night

ht" "isaiah1"'s valuable monthly vote.

ps: Originally, I could upload it at 9 o'clock, but I'm not used to using the new keyboard, and the coding is slow. I accidentally deleted the entire chapter before, so I re-coded it, which is very frustrating.

ps2: For this reason, the third chapter may have to be filled with repeated content. Then I will try my best to code it and try to change it to new content around 1:30. Please forgive me for the above.

But before Ito Cheng could make any move, the next moment that young man who looked like Prince Charming from a fairy tale appeared, a group of guys dressed like church clergy, but also somewhat similar to the executioners of the burial agency. They and one person were wearing purple thigh-high stockings on their legs, a white pleated skirt and a purple short-sleeved top, a small purple round hat with a headband similar to a beret, and long lavender hair on the back of the head. Girls braided into thick hemp whips rushed out from the streets on both sides.

Seeing the girl whose main color was purple, Ito Cheng recognized her identity instantly. ——One of the three major forces of the Magic Association and the alternate dean of the Atlas Academy, Shion Eltram Atlasia.

At the same time, her presence also deduced the identities of the guys next to her. ——A member of the church, a Templar Knight of the Inquisition. Among them, the white-haired woman holding a weird cello-style black gun shield is another target of Ito Cheng's attention, the leader of the interrogation team - Liz Byfei Stolin Dobally.

"Zepia. Eltram. Oberon." Looking at the blond man floating in the air, Ziyon called out his name in a serious voice.

Zepiah Eltram Oberon. Just like his middle name - Eltram, he is the ancestor of Aster. At the same time, like Aster, he was originally an alchemist affiliated with the Atlas Academy. Because he predicted the unavoidable death in the future, and because he was an alchemist who pursued the idea of ​​"turning the impossible into possible", he tried every means to avoid death, but he couldn't find the answer after thinking hard about his needs. , and finally drove himself into a madman, transforming into a Death Apostle to enhance his own strength, hoping to create miracles.

This is also the main reason why the church asked Aster Eltram to come for assistance during the night of the crusade against Wallachia. It's because they both come from the same family. They may be familiar with each other.

"Oh? Are you the elite of this generation of Eltram family?" Zepia said looking at Ziyuan with interest.

"You are really young. It seems that Eltram has not declined since I left."

"The Eltram family will not decline just because anyone leaves." Ziyuan replied.

"Zepia, accept the judgment given to you by the Lord." At this time, Lizby Fei Stolin Dobari, who was next to him, took a step forward, looked directly at Zepia and said.

"Hahahaha. The people in your church are really haunted. Just right. I still need some bodies to increase the success rate. I will use yours instead." Zepia held his forehead with one hand and laughed.

"Come on!" Liz Baifei shouted.

In an instant, the Templar knights on both sides rushed out. Attacking Zebiah with blessed and baptized weapons.

When Zepia saw this, he gave a cold voice and shook the clothes he was wearing.

In an instant, a high-speed vortex formed by black shadows flew out from in front of Zepias, flying toward the knights like the most intense spinning knife.

"Get out of the way!"

Liz Byfield shouted, quickly rushed in front of the knights, hammered the big black shield on her right hand that looked like a cello on the ground, leaned her body on the shield, and faced the black spin.


A dull sound sounded immediately.

The other Templar Knights did not hesitate and quickly launched another attack on Zepia.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

But at this moment, several crisp muffled sounds echoed over the town. It was Ziyon who launched the attack. At this time, she was holding a black pistol in her left hand, her index finger pulled the trigger, and fired bullets at Zepia.

With a wave of one hand, Zepia raised the corner of his clothes, turning it into a dark barrier in front of him, blocking the bullets fired by Ziyuan. Then, the other arm waved with one hand again, and also brought up a black shadow that turned into a black spiral, and attacked the other attacking Templar Knights.

When the Templar Knights saw this, they immediately stopped in their tracks and responded by stiffening up or ducking aside.


Then the next moment, the two Templar knights who were ready to use their strength to withstand the black spin attack spit out blood and were thrown away like rag bags.

Seeing this, Ziyuan's eyes lit up in the distance, and she quickly swung her right hand to shoot several nano-scale filaments invisible to the naked eye towards Zepia.

It is indeed the Atlas Institute where alchemists gather. In modern society, which has not yet fully mastered nanoscale technology, the Atlas Institute actually has mature manufacturing technology for nanoscale products, and is also known as Shion, the dean candidate, is using it so skillfully and happily. It can be seen that the technical reserves in Atlas Academy are rich and they are many years ahead of modern society.

Under the attack of the invisible nano-silk threads, Zepia, who was completely unprepared, was immediately entangled in the thin threads, and fine blood marks were cut on his body due to the tenacity of the threads themselves.

Then Ziyuan raised the gun with her left hand, pointed it at Zebiah and pulled the trigger.


Amidst the sound of gunpowder smoke, a bullet accurately hit Zepia's chest, opening a small hole the size of a finger in his body.

"Hahahahaha, it's useless, it's useless! I have already merged with Wallachia Night and become a phenomenon. Your attack cannot kill me." After the impact of the bullet, Zepia, who leaned forward slightly under the force, raised his head and laughed.

However, before his words disappeared, Liz Byfield's figure suddenly rushed in front of the laughing Zepias. He raised his right arm high and stabbed the blue spikes in front of the cello-like black shield in his hand into Zebiah's chest.

"Destroy, vampire! Return to ashes!" Liz Byfield shouted loudly.

The shield in her hand is not a simple thing, but a conceptual weapon made from the combination of the Book of Revelation and the Egyptian Code - the official apocryphal gamaliel! The concept contained in it is "annihilation", and it is a weapon specially used to destroy vampires.

But as Zepia said, he has now transformed into a phenomenon, an existence on the same level as a concept, and is no longer a simple Dead Apostle or vampire. Therefore, although the effect of the official apocrypha is powerful, it is not enough to defeat Zepia. Eliminate Asia. But some pain is necessary.


Zepia, who was hit by the official apocryphal body, groaned in pain. His arms jerked back, and a dark shadow barrier immediately appeared outside Zepia's body, wrapping him up just like Neji in Naruto when he used Kaiten. And at the same time, the pulling and spinning force generated at the moment of its appearance bombarded Liz Byfield who was closest to him. Knocked her away hard.


Instantaneous time. Liz Byfield flew into the distance like an unloaded cannonball.

Ziyuan ignored Liz Baifei who was beaten. He continued to shoot Zebiah with his pistol.

But the next moment, the black ball wrapped around Zepia shook slightly, and dozens of jet-black shadow whips flew out quickly. It shot straight towards the Templar Knights all around who were attacking him.

"Puff puff puff puff..."

Almost without any surprise, several Templar knights who were weaker and had no time to dodge were immediately hit through the chest by the black whip, and their bodies were thrown away by the black whip like rag bags.

Then the black ball moved again, shooting out a black shadow like a Qigong wave from above, flying towards the other surviving Templar knights.

When the knight saw this, he did not dare to neglect, and immediately jumped to both sides to avoid it. But before they could stand firm, new tentacles shot out from the black ball again, shooting at the Templar Knights quickly and sharply.


There was still no big surprise. Among the remaining knights, another knight was beaten through the chest by the black whip and lost his life.

And so on, in less than three minutes, the group of Templar knights who followed Liz Byfei and Shion to attack the Heretic Inquisition on Wallachia Night were completely killed, leaving only Their bodies looked very embarrassed, but apart from some minor scratches, there were no serious injuries on Shion and Lizzie Byfield.

At this time, Zepia put away the black ball outside his body and reappeared in human form.

"Give up your struggle and become a part of Wallachia's night just like me." Zepia said with a hideous smile.

"I don't want to become a monster." Shion retorted unceremoniously.

"Ha, a monster? If you think so, then you will also become a monster. Let me grant you eternal life. This is a gift because you are from Eltram and are my descendants." Ze Pi Ya smiled strangely.

"No need." Ziyuan refused still coldly and simply.

"That's not up to you." Zepia laughed strangely, and his body suddenly turned into a black shadow, rushing in front of Ziyuan, and stretched out his hands to grab Ziyuan's body.

Seeing this, Shion quickly jumped back with her superb agility that was almost inhuman. At the same time, she raised her left arm flat, pointed the muzzle of the pistol at Zepia in front, and pulled the trigger.

"Bang, bang..."

The bullet came out of the barrel and shot Zebiah in the head.

Zepia waved one hand and used a black shadow screen to create a barrier to block the bullet.

As for the bullet being blocked, Shion had long expected it by virtue of the comprehensive thinking improvement ability brought about by Atlas Institute's unique segmentation thinking, so it was not surprising. She immediately swung her left hand at the moment of landing and swung out several nano-threads.

The thread turned into an invisible sharp blade and cut towards Zepias.

At the same time, Liz Baifei who was on the side also hurriedly walked from the side to Zepia's side, raised her arm high, and cut Zepia with the short blade in front of the shield.

In an instant, a light like a crescent moon shined out.

He was not afraid of the official apocryphal attacks as Zebiah had already transformed into a phenomenon, but he did not like the pain caused by the official apocryphal attacks. Therefore, Zebiah, who had no masochistic tendencies, did not hesitate and immediately asked He jumped back and dodged the attacks from Shion and Liz Byfei.

Then Zepia stretched his arm forward, and the nails on the front of his five fingers suddenly stretched out, like five sharp thorns piercing Liz Byfield.

Liz Byfei raised her arms to block, blocking the shield in front of her.


"Bang bang bang bang."

At this time, accompanied by a series of muffled sounds, Ziyuan's attack once again reached Zebia.

Zepia waved with one hand, creating a shadow barrier to block the bullets. Then, without waiting for Liz Byfei and Ziyuan to react, she waved her arm again and used the black shadow to create a dark high-speed vortex that flew towards the two of them.

Liz Byfield and Ziyuan both jumped to both sides, avoiding the sweep of the vortex.

But the next moment, before Ziyuan could stand upright, Zepia suddenly flew in front of Ziyuan, waved his hands, and brought out ten sharp bloody lights and slashed at Ziyuan's body.


Ten wounds spurting blood immediately appeared on Ziyuan's arms that were hurriedly blocked in front of her.

Immediately afterwards, Zepia grabbed Ziyuan's wrist with one hand, pulled her in pain forward, put one hand around her waist, lowered his head, and bit Ziyon's wrist with his sharp teeth. At the neck.


A stream of blood immediately filled Zebiah's mouth.

Zepia is a Dead Apostle, one of the twenty-seven tribes, and one of the strongest vampires. Those bitten by him have only one fate, and that is to become a Death Apostle. That is to say, from now on, Shion's transformation into a vampire will be on the agenda!

The only way to stop this process is to kill Zebiah.

But obviously, judging from the current situation, she and Liz Byfield have no chance.

"Go away!" At this time, accompanied by a loud shout, Liz Byfield rushed to Zepias' side with astonishing momentum and pointed her shield gun at the opponent.

Zepia moved, let go of Ziyuan, dodged Liz Baifei's attack, and stood still on the ground not far away.

Liz Byfei stood in front of Ziyuan who was kneeling on the ground, holding her behind her like a wall.

"Run away." Liz Byfield, who was confronting Zepia, said without looking back.

"Why? Although I haven't turned into a Dead Apostle yet, according to the church's usual practice, I should now be classified as a heretic. Why do you want to protect me as a Templar Knight of the church?" Ziyuan raised her head, He asked with some confusion.

"Because I swore to protect you before we set off, no matter how you become, I will protect you and let you survive this crusade as much as possible. So run away!" Liz Byfield replied.

"I'm going to restrain him now, so run, Shion."

After saying that, Liz Byfield stopped talking, kicked her feet directly, and rushed towards Zebia on the opposite side with a decisive momentum.

Ziyuan looked at the back of Liz Baifei, who was running forward, silently, then gritted her teeth, quickly got up from the ground, and ran away quickly without looking back.

"It's really ironic that the knights of the church would let the heretics run away." Zepia, who waved his hands in succession, created shadow whips to attack Liz Byfei in all directions, laughed. (To be continued...)

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