Magic world

Chapter 1827 Aosaki Orange

ps:  Thank you to "Zhang Xiaozhong" for your valuable monthly vote.

1995 was a troubled year. Although Fuyuki City, where Ito Cheng was located, was relatively peaceful, the same could not be said for another neighboring city.

In March 1995, a man with eyes named Mikiya Kurogiri and a girl named Ryori met.

In April, a boy named Shirazumi Rio also met the two men.

In May, Shirazumi Rio and Kurogiri Mikino met for the first time.

In July, the month when Hier woke up, Shirazumi Rio accidentally killed someone, and was forced to awaken the origin by Soren Araya, whom she met by chance.

On August 31st, Shirazumi Rio began an investigation called murder...

But by mid-November, something inevitable happened as scheduled. ——That was the death of Emiya Kiritsugu.

For this reason, Ito Cheng went to Emiya's residence as a friend and met the grief-stricken Emiya Shirou.

Of course, only Shirou Emiya existed in the Emiya family at this time. As for Irisviel, just one year after the end of the Holy Grail War, she ended her life hastily due to the erosion of magic power, and she did not do anything to Wei even until her death. Miya Kiritsugu said that Ito Nari could save her, and asked Emiya Kiritsugu to send her to see Ito Nari.

At this point, things in the Emiya family are back on track after some minor twists and turns. Except Tohsaka Sakura no longer has a crush on him like in the original novel...

Then in December, Shirazumi dropped out of school.

Then time entered the 96 years.

On February 3, Mikino Kurogiri witnessed the existence of two rituals at the murder scene.

March 5th. When the two rituals took place, the yang personality in the body died.

It was not until this time that the matter in the neighboring city came to an end.

Then one day in May, Ito Cheng stepped into a neighboring city carrying a black formula box, and finally stopped in front of a dilapidated building that looked like it was to be demolished.

This is a three-story old-style building with a dilapidated and old-fashioned style. It is boxy and stuck between two slightly taller buildings. It looks very unsightly.

Looking at the building in front of him, Ito Cheng smiled and stepped into the building.

The first thing that catches the eye is a dirty and messy cement staircase. It was covered with a thick layer of dust. A few old and black newspapers were spread randomly on the ground, becoming the only eye-catching things on the stairs.

Ito Cheng walked up the stairs.

"Tap, step, step, step..."

After two or three turns, Ito Cheng stood in front of a mountain of dark rooms.

"Come in." Just when Ito Cheng was about to knock on the door, a female voice sounded first. came from behind the door.

Ito Cheng smiled slightly. Hold the handle. Opened the door.


A room with an area of ​​about sixty square meters, similar to an office room, instantly caught Ito Cheng's eyes. The furnishings are very messy, and directly opposite is a black leather sofa that looks a bit old. In front of the sofa is a low coffee table. Behind the coffee table, in front of the wall, a dozen small TVs that look like abandoned TVs are stacked in three rows. The light screens are flashing and different TV programs are playing. But fortunately there is no sound, otherwise the mixed noise caused by the sounds coming from different channels will definitely make people irritated for a while.

Behind the TV and Shafa is an old-fashioned office that looks very heavy. A woman is wearing a light yellow Kesme shirt, plump, exuding a mature woman's style, wearing a pair of glasses on her face, and long orange hair. The woman with the holster tied into a ponytail and a slender women's cigarette in her mouth was sitting on the boss's chair, looking up at Ito Cheng at the door.

"It's such a rare visitor. The famous 'yellow' magician actually came to my door. I'm really flattered." The woman said in a tone of caution or sarcasm.

"Okay, Cheng Zi, I'm not one of those guys from the execution department, you don't need to test me." Ito Cheng said with a curl of his lips as he closed the door and walked straight into this messy room.

Orange, whose full name is Aozaki Orange, is the eldest daughter of the magic family Aozaki. However, due to the magic seal, she completely broke with the Aozaki family and her biological sister. He is also one of the protagonists of the Night of the Magicians that took place between 1988 and 1989.

The reason why Ito Cheng met her was entirely due to his study at the Clock Tower. Coupled with Ito Cheng's deliberate approach, the two parties with no conflict of interest have basically become friends, and they discuss their understanding of magic with each other when they have nothing to do.

However, the good times did not last long. Ito Cheng left the Clock Tower early because he wanted to fish in troubled waters in the Holy Grail War. Although Aozaki Yuko still stayed in the Clock Tower, he became the target of the Clock Tower's "sealing designation" because of his research. Finally, more than a year after Ito Shiraz left, he also escaped from the Clock Tower. Hiding his name, he was hiding from the pursuit of the members of the Clock Tower Executive Department, so he was very wary of all kinds of magicians, which led to the previous conversation.

"How did you find me?" asked Aozaki Orange, who took off his cigarette and blew out a stream of smoke from his mouth to cover his expression.

"In the country of Japan, I still have some influence. And the city where you settled is also one of the main coverage areas of my influence, so I can get some basic news about outsiders as soon as possible." Ito Cheng smiled. .

This is indeed true. As the majority shareholder of the Asakami Corporation, which has gradually become a consortium, Ito Shige, although he does not come forward, can influence many secular forces simply through Asakami Yasuzo, and let them monitor the situation of outsiders in and out of the city. It couldn't be simpler. In addition, as one of the plot towns in the Sky Realm, the entire city is completely connected to the city where the Asakami Society's headquarters is located, so the power coverage of the Asakami family is even stronger, even stronger than the Ryogi family of the local snake. Therefore, it would be difficult for Aozaki Orange to escape from Ito Cheng's surveillance without using magic.

"You probably didn't come here just to catch up with me this time." Aozaki Chengzi nodded slightly when he heard this, reached out and picked up the shriveled cigarette pack from the table, took out one of the only three cigarettes left in it and put it on the table. Put it in your mouth, strike a match and light it, take a deep breath and exhale the smoke.

"I really just came to see you. After all, we haven't seen each other for a few years. I miss you very much." Ito Cheng said with a smile.

"Don't imitate Cornelus Aruba, otherwise don't blame me for turning against you." Aozaki Orange said with an ugly face.

"Thank you for remembering that pervert. If you didn't tell me his name, I would have forgotten that there is such a guy in the world." Ito Cheng said with a shrug.

"But don't worry, although you have a certain attraction to me and make me want to push you down, it's not to the level of that guy."

"Okay, tell me why you're here." Aozaki Orange said impatiently.

Seeing this, Ito Chengzhi closed his mouth, then picked up the box he was carrying, held it on his arm, opened it, and took out a silver-haired Barbie doll with adult arms and a blue silver lace dress outside. .

Seeing the doll, Aozaki Orange showed a serious look on his face.

"This is a combination of the doll-making technology you mentioned, my artificial magic circuit technology, and the artificial human technology partially borrowed from Araya Soren and the Einzbern family, and some kind of soul technology that I independently developed. Let’s see how the puppets are made,” Ito Cheng introduced.

After that, with a thought, he instilled magic power into the puppet in his hand.

The next moment, the doll's hollow and gray eyes, with no brilliance at all, were seen. The gem's eyes lit up, and they moved spontaneously as if they were holding strings. The expression looked like a real person and he said, "Master."

"You made it!?" Hearing the puppet's voice, Aozaki Orange said in shock.

"Yes, but the intelligence is still very low, probably at the level of a newborn baby, and can only execute simple commands." Ito Cheng said regretfully.

"That's amazing." Aozaki Chengzi admired, "I didn't expect that you actually made a thinking soul."

Ito Cheng smiled slightly and said nothing. He won't tell Aozaki Orange that he already has this technique in his hands, but because it comes from other worlds, he can't use it directly in this world. It requires certain transformations, just like that The Toraviskabontik Utori Spear has become his weapon in battle.

Then Ito Cheng walked to Orange's desk and handed over the doll in his hand.

Aozaki Orange took the doll and observed it carefully, ignoring Ito Cheng as a guest.

Ito Cheng didn't mind this, and walked aside, took out a disposable water cup from the water dispenser, filled it with clean water, leaned on the horizontal shelf next to him, drank pure water in small sips, and watched. A clutter of programs playing on the TV.

"Great magic product." More than an hour later, Aosaki Orange took off the glasses on his face, raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose a few times.

"There are still many shortcomings. At least in terms of realism, this doll is not as close to 'human' as the dolls you made." Ito Cheng shook his head slightly.

"What do you mean?" Aozaki Chengzi raised his eyebrows.

"I want you to help me make a doll model." Ito Cheng said.

"My fees are not low." Aozaki Chengzi smiled.

"It doesn't matter, I am a wealthy person now. I may not have much else, but I am definitely not short of money." Ito Cheng said in a nouveau riche tone.

He is really not short of money now. Not to mention the dividends brought by Asakami Corporation, which became one of the leaders in the handicraft industry by virtue of its reputation as a developer, it was the computer hardware manufacturers such as Intel, IBM, and Microsoft that he later went to the United States to create. The profits brought by the software company were enough for him to spend endlessly for n years. In terms of financial affluence, he was definitely second to none among magicians. (To be continued...)

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