Magic world

Chapter 1760 Fighting

ps:  Thanks to the five people "Fei Ye Wandering", "Shu En", "Meteor Dance", "yangbo2001" and "Malicious § Blade" for their valuable monthly votes, and thanks to "Instant Kill Potato" for the reward.

Regarding Inari God, Kyuubi, who had been forcibly 'civilized' by the other party's captives, had long been unhappy. If she didn't know that her strength was not enough, how could she not take revenge at all with her character? You must know that when she was still Daji, she was known to be a good-hearted person who manipulated power and harmed the loyal and good, not to mention that now she had a body with a remnant soul of evil thoughts mixed with a demon fox. The evil thoughts in her heart were even more intense, and she wished she could do it immediately. He tore the Inari God into pieces and ate him alive.

But fortunately, now there is a chance!

As a Kyuubi who had experienced the enhanced power of the Sekiryuutei before, she knew very well how powerful she was after being strengthened. Although it was not as strong as the peak back then, it was still completely effortless to deal with an aura clone whose true body was not present. Down!

"Beast, you are looking for death!" She, the Inari God, had never experienced such an atmosphere before, and she immediately shouted with murderous intent.

Just like thin people don't like to be called fat, fat people don't like to be called fat, beauties don't like to be called ugly, and men don't like to be told that they're not good at something, as a monster, Kyuubi, whether now or in the past, I don’t like others calling me a beast! So after hearing this, Nine Tails' pupils shrank, and murderous intent surged from his body.

"Speaking of beasts, aren't you, Inari God?" Then Kyuubi's expression changed and he said with a bright smile.

Judging from such a rapid change in expression, Kyuubi at this time really looked a bit like the peerless demon concubine from the Cholera Palace. And what she said was right. As one of the manifestations of the God of Nature, Inari God is indeed not a pure human god. He also has the roots of animal transformation, and one of them is a white-furred fox of the same type as the Nine-Tails.

"Okay, okay, okay. Beast, you will die today." The Inari God, who was laughing angrily, said three good words in a row, and then announced loudly.

Then a spiritual light soaring to the sky bloomed from the body of Inari God.

Just like in response, a golden mist like a spiritual cloud quickly filled the entire harvest field.

"All the creatures that live on the earth and rely on the fruits of the harvest for survival! Listen to my call. Help me kill the evil enemies and demons!" God Inari sang the oracular spirit in a clear voice.

Then the air shook slightly. One after another, some upright, some prostrate, some huge, or some petite, dark shadows suddenly appeared in the golden spiritual mist, gradually revealing their true forms.

"Master, we seem to be surrounded, nya." Tacheng Heige looked at the various creatures quickly emerging around him and said softly in a relaxed tone.

"Humans, monkeys, wolves, foxes, spiders, tigers, leopards, bears, wild boars, elephants... tsk tsk. I didn't expect Inari God to be an animal breeder." Kyuubi looked at the animals around him with interest. . Said frivolously.

But if you look carefully at her eyes at this time, you will find it. When Kyuubi said this, there was no smile at all in his eyes, but only a look of fear when facing a powerful enemy.

But this is normal, no matter who it is. It would not be too easy to be surrounded by a group of animals that are the weakest and can exude legendary aura. What's more, there are several demigod-level beasts inside that exude a divine aura, as well as the existence of Inari God, who is the 'master' of these monsters. \u003c! "At this moment, another deep shout came from the gem inlaid on the red arm armor worn by Ito Cheng on the side.

"Kyuubi."\u003cift! "

In an instant, Ito felt a surge of energy surge from his body, and was transferred in an inexplicable way to the Kyuubi in front of him through the Sekiryuutei's caged hand.


The next moment, the aura on Kyuubi's body exploded, spewing out dark red spiritual energy beams with strong evil aura, like a hurricane, stirring the air in the entire harvest field.

Feeling the change in Kyuubi's aura, Inari God's expression changed obviously. She obviously didn't expect that Nine-Tails, who was only one size bigger than an ordinary ant in her eyes, would suddenly have power that rivaled her own!

Thinking of the culprit who caused all this, Inari God subconsciously placed his eyes on Ito Cheng, and then slid down to his left hand with the arm armor of the Sekiryuutei.

"Hahahahaha, that's it, that's it!" Feeling the powerful power surging within his body, Kyuubi laughed excitedly.

Then with an expression, he looked fiercely at Inari God who was among the beasts: "Inari God, although I can't really kill you today, your clone, Daji, will be destroyed!"

This is the first time Kyuubi has announced his fundamental name to the outside world. This shows how determined she is to destroy Inari God's clone.

After saying that, the spiritual pillar around Jiuwei exploded violently, turning into countless spiritual light particles and spraying out in all directions. Then in vain, the aura particles stopped again and shimmered slightly.

Then the next second, boundless red thunder suddenly appeared in the entire harvest field, bombarding the beasts on the ground like rain.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

The violent roar of thunder immediately reverberated throughout the harvest field.

Under the bombardment of this crazy thunder, more than half of the monsters that had previously existed in the harvest field were immediately killed. Although the remaining monsters did not die on the spot, they were all seriously injured and lay on the ground, looking like they were dying. They looked unable to fight, and only a few demigod-level beasts exuding a divine aura were still standing firmly at the left and right of Inari God.

"A good harvest nourishes life, and life heals pain and recovers!" God Inari recited the divine words with a gloomy expression.

Immediately, streams of powerful life energy emanated from the land in the Harvest Domain, and penetrated like threads into the body of the monster lying on the ground. Quickly treat the injuries of seriously injured animals.

"Come on fire." Kyuubi saw this, sneered and shouted.

In an instant, a large number of red and coquettish flames appeared in the sky of the domain, flying down to the ground like a meteor shower.


A raging fire immediately started burning in the harvest field.

It can be said that the attack launched by Kyuubi this time is very targeted. You must know that although the harvest field tends to be a conceptual field, it is fundamentally a mature display of life forms, especially plant life forms. Among the five elements attributes, it can be classified as wood, so regardless of natural principles. It’s still about the five elements attributes. Both of them are defeated by the power of fire, so the attacks of the fire system are most effective for the current Inari God.

This is one of the reasons why she has been pursuing the sun-like godhead. In addition to wanting to become an independent main god for his own ambition, he also wanted to make up for the problem of being restrained in a single attribute to a certain extent.

"Abundant things can be exchanged for wealth, and wealth is a gift from heaven!" God Inari shouted again.

The next second. A large number of golden light spots appeared in the sky above the harvest field like stars. Then it dropped suddenly. A series of golden streams of light shot towards Kyuubi and Ito Cheng and Tashiro Kuroka who were standing with Kyuubi.

"That's a lot of money!?" Tacheng Heige said in surprise.

That's right, what's flying down from the sky is not a real rain of light. Instead, they were gold shells, a currency commonly used during the Warring States Period in Japan. Only because they flew so fast did people think they were light rain.

Looking at the rain of coins in the sky, Kyuubi frowned, and then his body shook, and a thick black demonic cloud that became more powerful and mighty like the tide of a river suddenly spurted out from Kyuubi's body, like a The umbrella cover generally blocked the sky above the three of them, blocking the golden rain flying down.

"It seems that Kyuubi is at a disadvantage." Ito Cheng turned his head and glanced at Kyuubi beside him and thought to himself.

"And it seems that Sekiryuutei's strengthening ability is not comprehensive for strengthening the Nine-Tails who is on the road to spiritual practice. Although it has given her the ability to be as good as the immortals, it cannot allow her to turn this power into a real Taoist. At least it can't make her form Sanhua Qingyun again, it just strengthens the five qi in her chest." Then he turned to look at the demonic cloud above his head and thought.

In fact, in addition to this, there is another point where Kyuubi is at a disadvantage, and that is that it does not have a magic weapon that fits the hand! After all, for those who practice Taoism, a powerful hand magic weapon is often a weapon to kill the enemy and protect themselves!

Seeing that Kyuubi blocked his golden rain attack again, Inari God's expression changed.

"You guys, come on!" God Inari ordered to the several divine beasts in front of him.


After receiving the order, the alien beast howled loudly, then opened its legs and charged towards Nine Tails. And in the process of charging forward, they opened their mouths, stared, or roared and sent out their natural attacks one after another at Nine Tails.

In an instant, several fireballs, two rays of light, a white light beam, and a water arrow were fired at Nine Tails.


Kyuubi snorted coldly when he saw this, and raised his hand to shoot out a red light.

Then the red light became bigger and bigger, and in the blink of an eye it became like a wall that collided with the attacks from the alien beasts.


The loud sound soaring into the sky immediately spread throughout the field.

"Photograph." Then, Kyuubi made a weird gesture with his left hand, and shouted with his right hand at the monster rushing out of the smoke in front of him.

A ray of black light shot out from Kyuubi's hand in an instant and disappeared into the head of one of the strange beasts.

Then I saw the strange beast paused in its running movements, and then suddenly stumbled to the ground, creating a two-meter-high earth wall on the yellow-black soil.

It was also at this time that the black light that had previously flown into the strange beast's head flew out of the monster's ears again and fell back into Nine-Tails' palm.

"The Soul-Capturing Curse?" Ito said secretly, looking at the billowing black smoke in Kyuubi's hand.

The soul-catching technique is also recorded in the Taoist Disha Seventy-Two Techniques. It is a technique that specializes in chasing and capturing souls from afar. It is mostly used to subjugate demons and exorcise evil spirits. However, it is not ruled out that some Taoists with ulterior motives may use this curse to harm people. The effect is somewhat similar to being knocked down and frightened and lost. The most famous similar application is probably the Seven Arrows Book of Nail Heads in the Conferred Gods. However, That kind of incantation is countless times more powerful than the simple soul-stirring technique.

Kyuubi ignored the curious glances of Ito Nari and Tashiro Kuroka beside him. He once again chanted a spell and raised his hand to blow out the black smoke in his hand.

This time it's another strange beast.

Then he saw that the strange beast that had been attacked immediately paused, and then started attacking the surroundings randomly like a mad cow suffering from mad cow disease. Almost instantly, he attacked all the other strange beasts around him.

Affected by this, these monsters immediately stopped charging forward, roared angrily and launched an attack on the crazy monster.

Seeing this, Kyuubi smiled slightly, opened his mouth and blew out a stream of light pink smoke, which flew like an air arrow into the group of alien beasts fighting together, and entered their bodies with the roar of the alien beasts' breathing.

Then within three or five seconds, all the monsters that were still alive and kicking before fell to the ground with a "plop", twitching all over and spitting out traces of white foam from their mouths.

At this point, all the familiar monsters summoned by Inari God have been eliminated by Kyuubi.

Then Kyuubi raised his head and looked at the livid Inari God opposite, with a silent sneer on his face.

"Okay, very good." Inari God said in a deep voice as cold as the cold wind.

And due to excessive force, the golden jade fan in her palm could not suppress the sound of "crunch, crunch".

"I curse!" Suddenly, the God of Inari howled loudly and sharply.

At the same time, almost as soon as she said these words, the originally fertile and fertile yellow-black land in the harvest field quickly became dry and stiff. Irregular cracks as thick as a baby's arm appeared on the ground, emitting enough energy from them The stench and dark smoke make people frown.

"Not good." Seeing this, Ito Cheng's expression changed and he immediately exclaimed.

"Have you discovered it? It's too late!" God Inari laughed ferociously.

It turns out that at some point, a gap suddenly opened in Inari God's harvest domain, connecting the land in the harvest domain to the land in Akiruno City outside. So now I see that the black smoke and stench are not only the changes caused by the curse issued by the Inari God, but also the power of the land curse from the outside world due to the sorrow and resentment of the Inari God!

In other words, the current scene is the real situation of urban land in Akino City!

"Be buried with this land!" God Inari laughed crazily.

In this loud laughter, the spiritual clone of Inagawa God was engulfed and devoured by the black smoke, causing the entire harvest field to vibrate violently, producing more black smoke, and attacking Ito Cheng, Kyuubi and Tashiro. Kuroka swept over.

Ito Cheng didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately changed his mind, and disappeared from the place with Kyuubi and Tashiro Kuroka. (To be continued...)

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