Magic world

Chapter 173 Random X Attack (please collect and recommend)

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The desolate area in the Rubik's Cube world...

Ito Cheng looked at the round stone ball in front of him, which was a head taller than him, and was speechless. After a while, his expression changed, and he placed his hands on the surface of the stone ball, and his spiritual power poured out and penetrated into the stone ball. In an instant, the situation inside the stone ball was clearly presented in Ito Cheng's mind.

In the stone ball, Selim stood quietly on the spot, gently tapping the surface of the stone wall with an expressionless face, not knowing what he was doing.

At this time, Ito Cheng's hands trembled slightly, and the alchemical light flickered. Within the stone ball, several stone bars as thick as a baby's forearm stretched out silently and quickly attacked Selim's limbs, imprisoning Selim like a restraining belt. Then the light of alchemy in Ito Cheng's hands continued, and his hands were like exploring into a swamp, gently sinking into the surface of the stone ball, until both arms were completely submerged.

Within the stone ball, Ito Cheng waved his hands quickly, breaking Selim's body and grabbing a blood-red Philosopher's Stone from the inner core.

"Huh, without the assistance of spiritual power, it is really not easy to kill Selim and get the Philosopher's Stone from his body." Wrap the Philosopher's Stone in the stone ball with the magic sealing talisman, and while removing his hand from He took out one side of the stone ball and thought to himself. Because no matter what, as long as you give Selim a little light source, you may create an opportunity for him to counterattack. Therefore, only this method that can be operated directly in a sealed lightless room is the best way to kill him.

After completely taking out the Philosopher's Stone, he waved his hand to break down the stone ball in front of him into soil and blend it into the ground beneath his feet.

The rest of the matter was much simpler. After following the previous steps to introduce the arrogant attributes into the little puppet, he escaped from the Rubik's Cube world and returned to the hotel to rest.

The next day, Ito Cheng put on makeup again and went to the front desk to find the service staff and asked for the day's newspaper.

"Sir, the newspaper you asked for." The service staff took out a newspaper from under the counter and handed it to Ito Cheng's hand.

"Thank you." Ito Cheng nodded politely, then walked aside and took a look. I saw a photo of Ito Cheng's true face appearing on the front page of the newspaper. The text next to it used a slightly exaggerated rhetorical technique to describe Ito Cheng as a vicious criminal and described Selim's disappearance yesterday. The incident was reported.

"What? Saint Telal is under martial law." At this time, a guest next to him suddenly shouted loudly.

"Yes, please try not to go out if possible." said a service staff.

"Really, that hateful bastard kidnapped the president for nothing." The guest complained with disgust on his face.



"Asshole, is this guy so crazy and crazy?" Suddenly, another angry shout sounded in the hall, attracting everyone's attention. I saw a young man with blond hair and red clothes and a tall man in armor standing in a corner of the hall, looking angrily at the newspaper in his hand.

Ito Cheng looked at the two of them and smiled silently. Because these two people are Edward and Alphonse.

"Brother, keep your voice down, you are disturbing other people." Alphonse looked around with some embarrassment and whispered to his brother Edward.

Edward was reminded by Alphonse and looked around and whispered, "What on earth does this bastard want to do!? Isn't his goal the Philosopher's Stone? How could he capture the president's son? And didn't Colonel Mustang say that in the front-end time? Is he still in the Northern Fortress?"

"This... maybe we can only find the answer by going to Colonel Mustang." Alphonse said helplessly.

"Yes, let's go find the colonel now." Edward put the newspaper away and said.

"But Yao Lin and the others..." Alphonse said quickly when he saw Edward making a move to leave.

After hearing what Alphonse said, Edward complained with a black line on his forehead, "That hateful guy, how can I get rid of him."

"Brother." Alphonse had no choice but to call out sympathetically.

"Don't worry about them, let's go directly to Mustang." Edward decided.

\u003cbfu walked away.

Ito Cheng looked at the two people leaving, turned around and walked to his room. Just as he was going upstairs, he bumped into Yao Lin and his party who were going downstairs. The two groups passed each other on the stairs, and Ito Cheng disappeared around the corner in the blink of an eye.

"That man..." At this time, the old man in Yao Lin's group suddenly stopped and muttered to himself as he looked at the place where Ito Cheng disappeared.

"What's wrong? Hu." Yao Lin also noticed the old man's abnormality and asked.

"Young Master, that person just gave me a weird feeling." Hu quickly came back to his senses and explained.

"Really, but these have nothing to do with us, so don't worry about him. We don't have much time now." Yao Lin said.

"Yes, young master." Hu responded and followed Yao Lin down.


After returning to the room, Ito returned to his original appearance, then jumped out of the window and walked towards the crowded place.

Along the way, Ito Cheng did not hide his whereabouts at all. After arriving at a crowded spot, he often stayed for a while to let most people see his appearance clearly before walking to the next place. After doing this for four or five times, the atmosphere on the street changed in vain. A large number of military police began to appear on the streets and alleys, holding weapons and enforcing security.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Ito Cheng turned around and disappeared into the alley beside him, and moved quickly. If you encounter a guarding soldier, kill him directly without stopping.

In this way, Saint Telal finally became chaotic under Ito Cheng's stirring. Most citizens were forcibly persuaded to go home by the military police, leaving only teams of military police with nuclear weapons and live ammunition searching the streets. Of course, because Ito Cheng once said that he was also a national alchemist and a dangerous person, the participation of the army and the national alchemist is absolutely indispensable.

In this deliberately created atmosphere, the president indeed appeared on the street. He took his special car and patrolled from search point to search point.

On a high-rise somewhere, looking at the cars passing by at a constant speed below, Ito Cheng jumped down and landed on the front of the car, forcing the car to brake and swerve, and the tires scraped against the ground and made a shrill scream.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng used his strength to rush to the car in an instant, and slashed out the Heavenly Sword, slashing through one side of the car from beginning to end.

"Boom!" Just two or three seconds later, the car that was chopped suddenly burst out with a loud noise, and the entire car body burned into a huge fireball. In the fireball, the president, wearing a military uniform and holding a long sword, stepped out step by step against the backdrop of the firelight.

"We meet again, His Excellency the President, or the artificial human Lass." Ito Cheng said with leisurely eyes as he watched the President walking towards him step by step.

"Is this your purpose?" The President took out the long sword in his hand with a solemn expression and said in a deep voice.

"Not bad." Ito Cheng admitted. All he did was to lure out the President, and then fight with him to get the Philosopher's Stone.

"A very good method, but I don't know if your strength is also good." The president said, leaning forward and rushing over quickly, and stabbed Ito Cheng with a straight thrust from the slender sword in his hand.

Ito Cheng took a step back, half-tilted his body, and swung the Heavenly Sword in his hand from bottom to top. Hearing a crisp sound of "clang", half of the rapier blade spun and flew out in front of Ito Cheng.

The President only narrowed his eyes, but he kept his feet on his feet and stabbed at him with half a long sword in his hand.

Ito Cheng's sword attack was unable to be reversed, so he had to lean back to avoid the stabbing attack with his left foot, and then stretched out his left foot to kick the president's lower abdomen. Then, while the president was dodging, he did a backflip and landed straight on the ground. He flipped his wrist and reached out to stab the president in the chest like Jing Ke stabbing Qin.

The president's broken sword swept across to avoid the heavy impact of the Yitian sword and pushed it away. The long sword held in the other hand at an unknown moment slashed down on Ito Cheng's arm. Ito Cheng quickly abandoned his sword and took back his hand. With his other hand, he took Yitian's arm and slashed at the president with a sword. The president was forced to hold back his sword move and use his broken sword to deflect Yitian's attack.

Ito Cheng retreated with the help of the sky in his hand, and with his body turning quickly, he brought out a silver round fox and slashed towards the president's waist. The President flipped his wrist, pointed the sword downward, and saw the opportunity to stab the back of Yitian's sword with the sword point. Huge power came out of the sword and hit Yitian to one side, but the president successfully dodged it. At the same time, the broken sword stabbed Ito Cheng's chest again.

Ito Cheng sideways dodged the thrust of the broken sword, raised his hand to the sky, and swung the sword towards the President's arm holding the broken sword. But the president jumped back one step earlier and avoided Ito Cheng's attack. The two faced off again.

The two of them fought quickly, within a few seconds, and the thrill was evident.

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