Magic world

Chapter 1497 Changes in Collapse

"Hey, Linghui, do you think I should accept external influences and let my body mutate?" Chen Xichen asked mentally in a certain female dormitory building at Beijing University, leaning forward with his arms on the balcony window and looking out.

"Is the master envious of the abilities of those mutants?" Chen Linghui, the management program of the Book of Elves, asked.

"To be honest, it's a bit. It's obvious that I have practiced hard for so long to reach this level, but others have achieved it simply. It's really enviable and jealous."

At the same time as he was talking to himself, Chen Xichen also sighed helplessly.

Hearing this, Chen Linghui fell silent.

"...if the master wishes." Then five or six seconds later, Chen Linghui's voice sounded again.

"Won't you stop me?" Chen Xichen asked in surprise.

"Since it is the master's decision, no matter how dangerous it is, I will fully support it." Chen Linghui replied firmly.

"Thank you, Linghui." Chen Xichen paused for a moment, with a touched look in his eyes, and silently thanked her.

"Do you need me to lift the protection program?" Chen Linghui asked.

The protection program is an energy barrier that is ultra-thin, exists close to the body, and is almost invisible to the outside world. Its main function is to filter harmful substances from the outside and provide a certain degree of defense effect. Its defense strength is very weak. At most, it can resist normal slashes from ordinary swords. If it is higher, it may break the barrier and hurt Chen Xichen himself.

Its main function now is to filter the unknown substances in the outside air that can mutate people's voices.

"Tell me, what choice will my brother make?" Chen Xichen, who immediately issued the order to terminate the situation, suddenly asked.

"Insufficient information makes it impossible to make a judgment."

"That's right..." Chen Xichen whispered to himself, then straightened up, stretched greatly and said, "Forget it, I don't want to suffer that kind of unknown pain."

Then, Chen Xichen returned to the bedroom, climbed onto his bed, took out his laptop, opened it, and browsed the web.

In a certain hospital.

"Ah!" An old man wearing a hospital gown opened his eyes wide and howled in pain.

Several nurses rushed into the room and ran to the old man's bed. They began their first aid work.

"Xiaolan. Go and call Dr. Li over."

"Xiao Wang, Xiaoyan, hold him down with me."

"Then, find something to put into his mouth. Don't let him suffocate."

among nurses. The woman who must be the head nurse gave instructions repeatedly.

"What's going on?" At this time. A nurse followed a male doctor quickly into the ward where the old man was.

"I don't know, I screamed suddenly." The head nurse replied without knowing what to do.

The doctor walked to the old man and observed the old man's pupils. Then he took out the stethoscope from the pocket of his white coat and pressed it on the old man's chest, listening for the heartbeat.

"Go and get it quickly..."

The doctor quickly issued medication instructions. The nurse also acted quickly according to the doctor's instructions and tried her best to save the patient on the bed.

In the room, the other two patients looked at everything in front of them quietly, with a look of concern flashing in their eyes.

During the first aid provided by doctors and nurses, time passed by minute by second...

About an hour later, the doctor, who was sweating profusely, raised his wrist and looked at the time displayed on the watch on his wrist.

"At 4:16 in the afternoon, the patient died. Doctor, Li Kemin." The doctor announced in a deep voice. Then he raised his head and asked the head nurse, "Where are the patient's family members?"

"Not yet." The head nurse replied, signaling to the nurse next to him to cover the old man's head and transport the old man out of the ward.

"Why so slow?" the doctor said with dissatisfaction. He probably regarded the old man's family members as cold-blooded and unfilial people.

The head nurse couldn't answer the doctor's complaint and fell silent.

At the same time, in a neatly decorated house, an infant baby was sleeping peacefully on a big bed, with a round and cute face. In other rooms in the room, a woman wearing an apron was diligently wiping the room.

But at this moment, a loud cry sounded.

The woman quickly put down her manual work, ran back into the house quickly, reached down and picked up the crying baby.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, don't cry, don't cry, mom is here, mom is here." The woman gently patted the baby's back and coaxed the child in the ancient way.

But the child still kept crying and kicking his limbs.

The woman frowned, put the child back on the bed, unbuttoned the back of the bag, revealed the diaper wrapped inside, opened it and looked at it.

"No urine, no bowel movement, are you hungry?" The woman whispered as she looked at the clean diaper. Then he wetted and wrapped the diaper again, stood up and started to unbutton his clothes, gently pulled up his bra to expose his breasts, picked up the baby and brought it to the baby's mouth.

But the situation remained the same, the baby didn't open his mouth to suck it in like before, and continued to cry and fuss.

Helpless, the woman had to straighten her clothes and start coaxing the child.

And this coaxing lasted for more than forty minutes...

"It finally calmed down." Looking at the baby's sleeping face with a helpless and happy smile, the woman put the baby back on the bed, but she didn't notice the baby in her arms at all. No longer breathing.

The woman turned around and started busy in the room again.

Mutations, car accidents, traffic jams, fires, destructive acts that erupt violently after mutation, old people and children who died after not surviving the mutation, all appeared one after another within a day, causing the world to quickly tilt towards the abyss of disorder. With.

In this case, another five days passed. The thick fog still exists and shows no signs of weakening. However, in the past five days, nearly 100 million people have lost their lives due to genetic mutations!

Among them, the elderly and children accounted for the vast majority.

But it’s understandable if you think about it carefully. After all, the elderly and children are at two extreme stages of human beings. They are both in a vulnerable period, and their physical fitness and resistance are not as good as those of young people who have grown up and are in their best period. Therefore, in this kind of They became the first batch of people to be eliminated under the large-scale screening for genetic mutations that seriously required physical fitness.

Secondly, those family members with low physical fitness, various diseases, and recessive disease genes in their family genetic history have become the second affected group.

In the end, it was the turn of ordinary people who were killed by various accidents and unprovoked injuries by crazy people.

But by this time, all countries that realized that things had turned into the worst situation mobilized their troops and began to impose military control on the people under their jurisdiction, using force to suppress those mutants who might cause rebellion.

For a time, the public security situation also recovered somewhat. After all, mutants are still humans no matter what, and have not yet evolved to the point where they do not have firearms. Under the suppression of the established military, except for the mentally retarded elements, there are really not many people who have the guts to ignore firearms and continue to go crazy.

"What's the situation of those six people?" Ito Cheng asked.

"Experimental Subject No. 1 is normal, and no mutation reaction has occurred. Experimental Subject No. 2 had a weak mutation reaction on the third day after being exposed to an unknown substance. It is still normal, and subsequent changes are under observation. Experimental Subject No. 3, according to his personal It is said that the spiritual power in the body has increased and the speed of cultivation has become faster, as if his qualifications have evolved. Experimental Subject No. 4 also appeared in the same situation as Experimental Subject No. 3, saying that the speed of cultivation has become faster. Experimental Subject No. 5 is normal. , but according to his personal statement, his body feels a little strange, and he is currently under observation. Everything is normal for Experimental Subject No. 6." On the side, Little Reimu called up relevant information and displayed it on the virtual optical screen suspended in mid-air. Go up, while making a report to Ito Cheng.

The six experimental subjects she mentioned were not selected from the main world, but Ito Cheng from the C continent (Lelouch World), Datang Continent, Soul-Eating Continent, Naruto Continent, and the Poor Girls Group of the Rubik's Cube World. The purpose of selecting prisoners from the world and the dimensional residents of Magical Girl Nanoha's world is to see whether the unknown substance that can cause spiritual mutations in humans will affect the residents of the Rubik's Cube World, because it is related to whether he will The key to being able to freely release the inhabitants of the world to participate in the battle.

Overall, the results are pretty good.

I don’t know if it is due to the influence of relevant world rules. The genes in these residents are highly resistant to this unknown substance that can affect humans in the main world. Basically, there is no strong mutation, but only varying degrees. reflection of evolution.

"Continue to observe." Ito Cheng nodded and ordered.


And then time continues to pass...

However, the good times did not last long. On the seventh day when the world was shrouded in thick fog, several faint ripples appeared in the sky again, which seemed very weak but spread extremely wide. At the same time, new raindrop-shaped substances emerged from the sky. It emerged from the ripples, turned into rain, and fell towards the ground.

Just like the previous raindrop-shaped substances, these raindrops quickly fragmented after falling to the ground or hitting objects, turning into thick fog, and melting into the thick fog that showed no signs of dissipating, increasing The concentration of fog.

But what makes people happy is that the "rain" didn't last long this time, and it stopped again after less than three days. But at this time, the density of fog covering the world has reached a level where no one can be seen if they are only five meters apart, once again providing an excellent protective umbrella and activity venue for those who are a little troublesome.

And new changes began to appear three days after the rain fell. (To be continued...)

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