Magic world

Chapter 148 Transfer Order (Please collect and recommend)

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"Are you Ito Cheng?"

In the examination room in Room B on the second floor of the National Alchemist Association Center, a dozen soldiers stood on both sides holding firearms. Three men who looked like officers walked up to Ito Cheng. One of them asked Ito Cheng indifferently.

"Yes." Ito Cheng nodded and confirmed.

"Okay, now let's start the National Alchemist Qualification Certification Examination. Please demonstrate your alchemy skills in front of me. If you need anything, please ask it immediately." The examiner said.

"No need." Ito Cheng shook his head and objected. Then he put his hands together in front of his chest, and a stream of thought energy formed a formation in his palms. A blue-white electrical light emerged from his hands and quickly traveled to both arms. Ito Cheng released his hands and pointed them towards the ground, and a slender iron rod rose from the ground...

"It's useless to form a formation." One of the two examiners beside Ito Cheng said in surprise.

"Another Edward Elric." Another examiner continued.

"It seems that there are a lot of geniuses this year." The examiner laughed after hearing what the other two said at the same time.

At this time, Ito Cheng's refinement had ended. A weapon similar to the spearman's spear in the fz animation appeared in Ito Cheng's hand. The tip of the gun was pointing diagonally at the ground, and a cold light flickered.

"Not bad, not bad." Probably because he was very satisfied with Ito Cheng's refinement, the examiner said with a smile on his face, "Now I announce that Ito Cheng's national alchemist qualification certification is completed! Grade A."

"Congratulations. Now you are a national alchemist. After your title is confirmed, you can report to the superiors to apply for research topics and research funds." The examiner took it from the deputy examiner next to him. He handed the silver pocket watch engraved with the standing army to Ito Cheng and said.

"This pocket watch is proof that you are a national alchemist. With it, you can mobilize a team of 15 soldiers at any time. It is also a necessary proof for handling other matters."

"Work hard." The examiner patted Ito Cheng on the shoulder with a smile and left the examination room accompanied by two deputy examiners.

"Is this what it means to become a national alchemist? It's really simple enough." Ito Cheng threw away the silver pocket watch in his hand and said boringly. Then he turned around and walked away to the information inquiry permission application room.

After simply submitting his application to enter the National Library, Ito Cheng walked out of the Alchemy Association and walked home.

In the afternoon, Ito Cheng, who had an opportunity to meet the president after becoming a national alchemist, walked into the presidential office under the leadership of two guards.

In the office, a 185cm tall man with a square face full of majesty, a black eyepatch on his left eye, and black hair looked like a middle-aged man. He raised his head from behind his desk and looked at the man standing opposite him. Ito Cheng.

"You are the alchemist who passed the certification this morning." Although it was a question, his tone was affirmative.

"Yes, Your Excellency the President." Ito Cheng said matter-of-factly.

"You are very young." The president smiled, picked up Ito Cheng's information from the table and read it. After a moment, he suddenly asked, "What is your goal?"

Goal, the criterion that every alchemist adheres to on the path of searching for truth. Even evil alchemists have goals.

"Become a strong person." Ito Cheng said in a sonorous tone.

"Oh? Is it just like that?" The president looked away from the information and fell on Ito Cheng.

"Yes." Ito Cheng said firmly.

"That's right, I understand." The president nodded and said, "Go down."

"Yes!" Ito Cheng nodded and walked out of the office under the leadership of an attendant. After walking out of the office building, Ito looked back at the window of the president's room and sneered, then turned and left.

The next day, before he could enjoy the wonderful treatment of a national alchemist, the title certificate and a transfer order arrived in Ito Cheng's hands.

"I have just become a national alchemist. Doesn't every certified alchemist have half a year of study time? Why was I assigned directly to the south to quell the chaos?" Ito Cheng said angrily as he looked at the officer in front of him. . This completely disrupted his plans.

"[Sky] Alchemist Ito Cheng, this is an order!" The officer said expressionlessly, and in order to show his formality, he also said Ito Cheng's title.

"It's better if you don't tell me, so I'm wondering, why am I [empty]?" Ito Cheng said depressedly.

"This is the title assigned to you by the president." the officer said.

"Ha!" Ito Cheng sneered without making any rebuttal.

"I have conveyed the order, please leave as soon as possible to the south to quell the chaos." The officer saluted Ito and said.

"I know." Ito Cheng shouted angrily, slammed the door and left.

"Old bastard!" On the way, the angry Ito Cheng cursed angrily, then lowered his head and walked towards home.

"What's wrong?" At home, looking at Ito Cheng who returned home angrily, Aye asked with concern.

"That old bastard, the President, actually transferred me to the south to fight the rebellion!" Ito Cheng said with some lingering anger.

"How could this happen?" After listening to Ito Cheng's words, Yaye put down the work in his hands, walked quickly to sit next to Ito Cheng, and asked with a surprised look on his face.

"I didn't know, I only met that old bastard once." Ito Cheng said a little depressed.

"Then what should we do now?" Yaye asked helplessly.

"Liangban." Ito Cheng said angrily, leaning his body on the sofa and lying on his back. Seeing this, Aye on the side quickly stood up and came behind Ito Cheng, put his hands on his temples and rubbed them gently.

After a while, Ito Cheng reached out and grabbed Aye's hand and said, "Okay, stop being busy."

"Yes." Yaye nodded, followed the tug of Ito Cheng's arm and sat next to him again, resting his head on Ito Cheng's arms and closing his eyes.

"I may have to lead you in the Rubik's Cube world for a while." After a while, Ito Cheng sighed helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, that way I can stay with Ah Cheng." Ya Ye said, rubbing her head against Ito Cheng's brother's mouth.

"Yes." Ito Cheng responded and said nothing.


Early the next morning, Ito Cheng received Aye into the Rubik's Cube World. After going downstairs and taking a car to the military headquarters, he found the army officer who was transferred to the south this time. After a few simple greetings, he set off for the south with the army. And go.

First, they took a military train from Zhongyang City to the Southern Command. Then, after resting for a day at the Southern Command, they continued by train to the nearest control point in the rebel city. They also rested for a day before being transported to the front line by car.

"This journey has been really tough." After arriving at the frontline military camp, Ito Cheng, who seemed to be falling apart, put one hand on his waist and shook it gently while complaining in a low voice.

"Newcomer?" At this time, a man who was about the same height as Ito and looked in his 30s with a beard came to Ito with a cup of hot drink and looked at him and asked.

"Well, hello, my name is Ito Cheng, you are..." When Ito Cheng saw someone arriving, he quickly stopped his movements, stretched out his hand in front of the other person and introduced himself.

"My name is Charles Lidli, body master." The other party also stretched out his hand to shake Ito Cheng's hand and said.

"Body trainer? Oh~ He is a healer." Ito Cheng was stunned at first, and then remembered the records in this world book and said.

"It looks like this is your first time meeting an alchemist like me?" Charles took it back and asked with a smile.

"Well, it's the first time we've met." Ito Cheng nodded honestly and admitted.

"You must be a rookie." Charles looked at Ito Cheng in surprise and said.

"Uh! What do you mean?" Ito Cheng asked in shock.

"It's just a fledgling alchemist, a guy who only masters theory and has no practice at all." Charles explained.

"Um~ I count half of it." Ito Cheng couldn't classify himself, so he could only say this.

Charles patted Ito Cheng on the shoulder and said sympathetically, "Then be careful, a place like the battlefield is not where a chick like you should come."

"Don't worry, I won't die that easily." Ito Cheng said confidently.

"Ha~ you'll know when the time comes." Charles didn't believe what Ito Cheng said, so he just said one sentence, and then walked away calmly with the cup in hand.

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