Magic world

Chapter 1447 A brief collision

Now that he had made his decision, Archbishop Mark no longer hesitated. He raised his hand and took out the crystal pendant with a ball of white light energy sealed inside from his neck. He held it in his hand and then shouted in a solemn voice. “It is a law, saith the Lord, that none of my servants shall be hidden from me.”

The moment the words fell, a strange wave spread rapidly centered on the crystal in Mark's hand. It spread to a kilometer away almost in the blink of an eye, and continued to spread towards a just far away location.

"Word spirit? Law order? What a strong vibration of rules." Feeling the strange fluctuations sweeping over his body, Ito Cheng felt the surrounding space squirm slightly and said in secret surprise.

"It seems that this thing should be a special tool for creatures like angels." Based on the conversation between Archbishop Mark and Archbishop Andrew, as well as Archbishop Mark's actions just now, Ito Cheng roughly deduced.

"As expected, it is indeed a world-wide organization with a heritage of nearly two thousand years, and its foundation is very strong." Later, Ito Cheng sighed softly.

"It seems we have failed again." Archbishop Andrew looked at the empty night sky and sighed helplessly.

At this time, Archbishop Mark's face was pale, his body was trembling slightly and he was panting rapidly. Obviously, using this kind of instrument specifically for angels was a bit heavy on his body, especially in the current situation where he had just finished using the Holy Call Array, so he did not answer Archbishop Andrew's words.

"Belfen, go help Oriel get dressed, and let's go back." Archbishop Andrew retracted his gaze and ordered to another female guardian knight in the team.

The female guardian knight nodded upon hearing this. He quickly walked to the clothes that were thrown aside, picked up the clothes and walked to Auriel in the magic circle, and started wearing them for her one by one, starting from underwear.

"Anthony, Leo, you two clean up this place and don't leave any excuse for the other party." Archbishop Andrew ordered again. Then he stepped forward to hold the arm of the pale Archbishop Mark, and walked towards the entrance of the passage surrounded by several other innocent guardian knights.

"You have done such a big thing in my territory. It is unreasonable not to even explain it." At this moment, Ito Cheng's voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, scaring Archbishop Andrew and others. His expression changed. He turned sharply and looked in the direction of the sound.

In mid-air. Ito Cheng's figure floated there quietly, looking at them with a half-smile.

Seeing Ito Cheng, all the guardian knights immediately surrounded Andrew and Archbishop Mark, except for the Oriel knight who had not recovered from the convulsion. The body is shrouded in white light. They all put on a defensive posture.

Ito Cheng smiled softly upon seeing this. Stepping on the void is like stepping on invisible stairs, falling back to the ground step by step. Finally, he stood about five meters away from Archbishop Andrew and others.

"Mr. Ito, we represent the Catholic Church. Are you sure you want to keep us?" Archbishop Andrew said with a solemn face and a threatening tone.

"Even Catholics must be reasonable. Unless you Catholics still want to follow the example of the Middle Ages and engage in dictatorship, I don't think the Catholic Church will conflict with me because of your actions, at least not without absolute certainty." Ito Cheng said with a calm smile.

When Archbishop Andrew heard this, his expression couldn't help but change.

As Ito Cheng said, at the moment, the Catholic Church really has no intention to conduct a trial against Akiruno City and Ito Cheng. This is not only because the time and conditions are not available, but also because the Catholic Church does not want to provoke a legendary master who is also in the middle. The new legendary masters in the upper reaches must know that if something goes wrong, the power of destruction caused by the legendary masters who let go of the restrictions is not something that the Catholic Church can bear, so even if they are caught, the Catholic Church can only choose a peaceful way. It is absolutely impossible to replace them because of what they did to Ito Cheng.

What's more, this time they were in the wrong, so they wouldn't do anything, at least on the surface... As for secretly, that's another matter.

"Are you just going to be captured like this, or are you trying to resist and then suffer some hardships before being captured by me." Ito Cheng smiled as there was an obscure and inexplicable energy wave at the tip of his finger.

"The glory of knights!" Before Archbishop Andrew could speak, the guardian knights surrounding him and Archbishop Mark immediately shouted in unison, setting up a brighter milky white light shield outside themselves, and matching the lights of their companions. The shields were connected together to form a huge white light group, covering the heads of everyone including Archbishop Andrew and Archbishop Mark.

"Archbishop Andrew, please give the order." The male knight who should be the captain of the guard knight said in a deep voice.

Archbishop Andrew raised his hand and touched the thing in his arms, a look of hesitation flashed on his face.

"Lord, be with us." At this time, Archbishop Mark, who was supported by Archbishop Andrew, struggled to stand upright and declared solemnly.

In an instant, the originally very bright milky white light group became brighter and dazzling for a moment.

Seeing this, Archbishop Andrew still didn't understand what Archbishop Mark meant. He immediately looked determined and ordered loudly, "Sing the hymn!"

After finishing speaking, Archbishop Andrew took the lead in singing the sixteenth hymn in the Bible - "Song of God the Father".

Amidst the solemn singing, the entire milky white light group was like the sun falling to the earth, emitting strong light and heat, stirring the surrounding air to form thunderclouds, and releasing powerful thunder and lightning to strike Ito Cheng's body.

With a thought in Ito's mind, the lightning that struck his head immediately seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier and spread out spontaneously.

"Rules resonate and thunder disappears"

Then, Ito Cheng stretched his arm forward, and the first half of his forearm disappeared into the air in an instant. The next second, he appeared in the milky white blazing light group and grabbed Archbishop Andrew's neck.

"Traveling through Imaginary Number Space"

Archbishop Andrew saw the expression and immediately took a step back. At the same time, he waved a ball of white holy fire that seemed to distort the space and threw it towards Ito Cheng's arm.

Ito Cheng's outstretched arm flinched and disappeared from the burning of the holy fire.

"Forget it, let's try the newly acquired power, although I'm not very familiar with it yet..." Ito Cheng muttered softly as he turned his hand back to his arm. His hands immediately formed a strange seal, and then an obscure power fluctuation immediately appeared in the form of Ito Cheng. It became the starting point and stretched forward, encompassing the milky white light group almost in the blink of an eye.

And during this process, all the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky into this area of ​​obscure energy fluctuations seemed to be frozen and stagnated, maintaining their original posture and floating there.

"Kidō Forbidden Technique - Time Stops."

At the same time, the white energy flames that looked like flames on the milky white light group paused at the same time and stopped fluttering. Of course, Archbishop Andrew and others, who were protected by milky white energy, also stopped their actions under this power that could stop time.

The only slight difference is that due to the barrier of milky white energy, when the power of stopping time fell on Archbishop Andrew and others, it did not completely reach the state of stopping time, but had a few flaws, allowing time to stop time on them. flow. However, the proportion is an exaggerated misalignment of reality. At least even at the speed of thinking, the situation shown to them now is several times slower than the movement of a snail, let alone blinking or something.

Then, Ito Cheng, who spread his hands, stretched out his arms and opened his fingers towards Archbishop Andrew and his group who were imprisoned by time. Five obscure and dark space forces immediately appeared around the milky white energy light group, and then changed from lines to faces, and finally Three-dimensional crystals forming a five-pointed row covered the outside of the milky white light group, and as Ito Cheng's five fingers gathered together, they quickly compressed inward.

Then about seven or eight seconds later, a dark blue crystal the size of an adult's fist fell into Ito Cheng's palm.

Looking down at Archbishop Andrew and his party who were frozen like amber in the crystal, Ito Cheng turned over his hands and put them away with a smile.

"I forgot, there is still you." Ito Cheng turned to look at Oriel Knight, who was wearing only a pair of underwear, and then stretched out his finger, and a rectangular parallelepiped composed of space energy enveloped the other person. Then it quickly shrank into a dark blue crystal the size of a matchbox, which Ito Cheng put away casually.

"It seems that the reincarnations will be given some more missions to attack the church." Ito Cheng sighed softly as he wiped away the vocation array pattern painted on the floor of the hotel roof with a wave of one arm.

Immediately, with a thought, he activated teleportation and returned to his home behind the shrine. After greeting Mr. Ito who was waiting at home, he returned to the house and continued to experience the changes related to the forbidden art of Kidō - stopping time.

The next night was uneventful, and time passed smoothly to the next day.

"Dang Dang Dang..." There was a knock on the door.

"Click!" With a soft sound, Nakayama Eiko, who was in charge of entertaining Archbishop Andrew and his party, appeared from behind the opened door, wearing flesh-colored stockings on her legs and a gray short skirt and a small suit.

"You are..." Looking at the two strangers, a man and a woman, Nakayama Eiko said with confusion.

"We are from the Akiruno City Migrant Supervision Office. Due to some special reasons, your stay application has been cancelled, so please leave Akiruno City immediately within half an hour, otherwise we have the right to take any measures against you. Take action." The female voice of the two announced coldly.

"How, how could it be..." Nakayama Eiko said with a look of astonishment. (To be continued...)

ps: My eyes have been hurting recently...

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