Magic world

Chapter 137 Hard Battle (Please collect and recommend)

Because I had to learn to type and correct typos at the same time, and I had to check it again before uploading, so it was a little late!

Please collect and recommend...


Seeing the hidden weapon flying over, Ito Cheng's expression changed, and he wrapped Reina's body tightly with his body, spreading energy all over his body, causing his body to spin rapidly.

There was a continuous sound of "ding, ding, ding, ding..." as a large number of hidden weapons were blocked by Ito Cheng and fell to the ground.

"Ah Cheng!" Rena in Ito Cheng's arms shouted nervously and worriedly.

"It's okay, I have everything." Ito Cheng whispered, his eyes sharply swept around, and saw four men in black robes walking out from the surroundings, each standing at one end, surrounding Ito Cheng and Reina.

"Hahahahaha..." Just at this moment, a burst of crazy laughter suddenly sounded, and an abnormality immediately appeared on the ground among the few people. A figure slowly rose up from the ground, loudly and loudly rising as it rose. Smiling.

The moment that person appeared, Ito Achievement already knew who it was. It was the thin young man who had been seduced by him into a eunuch.

Ito Cheng's eyes narrowed, knowing that he would never be able to escape easily today, and the other party actually didn't even have the slightest bit of face to pull someone into action, which showed the depth of the other party's resentment towards him.

"You finally fell into my hands. I will repay you a hundred times for the harm you inflicted on me!" After laughing crazily, the thin young man looked at Ito Cheng with a ferocious face and said, with a fierce light in his eyes, as if he wanted to kill him. Ito Cheng tore and devoured.

"Rena, don't resist." Ito Cheng didn't care about the usual names at this time, just stared at the surroundings and whispered to Rena in his arms.

"Okay." Reina, who was a little flustered at this time, agreed without thinking. Immediately, he felt his body tighten, and his vision suddenly turned black and then brightened, and he suddenly appeared in a large room...

"Acheng?!" Reina shouted nervously and panicked. After waiting for a while, I found that Ito Cheng showed no sign of responding at all, which made Reina, who was already a little panicked, even more confused, and tears began to accumulate in her eyes...

"Where did that woman go?" Outside, the thin young man who noticed Rena Ito's sudden disappearance frowned and said with a ferocious face. However, what was returned was the silence of everyone present. A feeling as if he was a clown rose from the bottom of his heart, which made the skinny young man even more angry and crazy.

"Come on, as long as we catch him, that woman will be caught sooner or later." The young man shouted violently.

As soon as the words fell, the four men in black robes immediately moved and rushed to Ito Cheng's side with a combined attack, each attacking Ito Cheng all the way.

Without Reina's drag, Ito Cheng completely let go of his hands and feet, waved his hand and took out the famous sword from the space, and slashed at the four of them.

"Clang!" With a sound, the blade collided with the hands of one of the four men in black robes. At this time, Ito Chengcai discovered that the hands of the four men in black robes all wore a layer of gloves made of strange materials, but there was not even a trace on them when the blade was chopped.

At the moment of this blockage, the attacks of the other three men in black robes also fell on Ito Cheng. A huge force penetrated from the back kidney, cervical spine, and heart, and rushed into Ito Cheng's body.

Almost instinctively, the energy in Ito Cheng's body started to move instantly, wrapping up and digesting the three different forces that rushed into his body. However, because the impact came too suddenly, Ito Cheng still suffered some internal injuries. He just heard " With a sound, Ito Cheng opened his mouth and spit out a ball of blood, which splashed on the ground.

A flash of lust flashed in Ito Cheng's eyes, and his physical energy exploded like the origin, breaking through the restraints of his body and rushing towards the four people beside him. Immediately, the bodies of the four people were ejected as if they were hit by a fast car.

Ito Cheng endured the internal injuries caused by the explosion of energy in his body, and quickly rushed out with a red face. He chased in front of a man in black robe, raised his knife and chopped off one of the man's arms. Just when Ito Cheng was about to continue, his feet suddenly became weak and he stumbled and missed the opportunity. Then he immediately jumped away from the spot without thinking, used his strength to kick on the wall next to him, and continued to chase the man in black robe.

At this time, the black-robed man who had one arm cut off had just turned over and climbed up. He stared at Ito Cheng with a fierce look on his face and quickly took out a pill from his arms and swallowed it. Almost immediately, the man in black robe's eyes flashed an abnormal red color, his hair stood on end, and his muscles bulged as he broke through the black robe on his body, revealing his completely abnormal vagina under the black robe.

"Ouch!~" The mutated black-robed man let out an inhuman roar and rushed towards Ito Cheng, who was rushing towards him.

"Boom" the two people collided immediately, and a huge sound came from the collision between the two people. Then Ito Cheng flew out faster than when he came, forcibly controlling his body in mid-air, and almost He turned around to avoid the attack of another man in black robe who came over, and landed on the ground.

He turned around and slashed at the calf of the third man in black robe who was charging towards him, forcing him away. His feet quickly jumped up as if they were loaded with springs, and he dodged the sneak attacks of the second and fourth men in black robes. He stepped on the arm attacked by the mutant black-robed man, turned over and landed behind the mutant, and slashed the mutant's body with his backhand.

"Bala..." The blade left a shallow scar on the mutant's body, and then it was caught in the mutant's muscles and could not be pulled out.

Ito let go decisively and quickly left the ground. With a wave of his hand, the man in black robe named Blood Wolf took out the two short sticks and combined them into a long stick, holding it in his hand. Immediately, waves of icy energy emerged from the long stick, bringing a patch of frost to the ground.

Ito shook both bowls, and the long stick trembled like a wooden pole and a spear, bringing up several stick flowers. Then Ito Cheng tapped his toes on the ground, and quickly rushed towards the mutated black-robed man, and then launched a sweep of thousands of troops, sweeping the mutated man away fiercely, and smashed into those who came after him. Three men in black robes.

The three men in black robes looked at the flying mutant and immediately dodged or jumped out of the way, rushing towards Ito Cheng without slowing down. The ground where Ito was standing was soft again, and a pair of flaming hands rushed out quickly, pulling down the trousers of Ito's legs as he was dodging quickly, revealing the somewhat burnt skin under the trousers.

Ito Cheng, who was annoyed, slashed Huashan with a fierce move. The powerful energy penetrated the body of the stick, bringing up a large amount of ice and cold, and fell together with his body, hitting the ground that had not fully recovered.

"Boom!" After a loud noise, a layer of frost was immediately frozen on the ground, and large cracks spread from where Itoge's stick fell. It was like an earthquake, causing the buildings on both sides of the street to shake.

At this time, the three men in black robes had already rushed to Ito Cheng's side, attacking Ito Cheng with their hands, claws, or fists.

On the ground, Ito Cheng rolled like a ball, avoiding the attacks of three men in black robes. He swung the long stick in his hand and hit one of the men in black robes hard. The cold energy immediately invaded the opponent. The opponent's body was frozen stiff, and then he was knocked away by the huge force on the stick. Just a "click" sound was heard from the black-robed man who was knocked away, and the black-robed man who landed on the ground lost his combat power in an instant.

Seeing that one man in black robes was injured, the expressions of the other two men in black robes did not change, but they attacked more fiercely and faster.

Ito Cheng used his stick to hit the ground, and his body rose into the air lightly, rolled around in mid-air, and landed on a black-robed man again with the stick. Unfortunately, the mutant who came over at some point reached out to block it, without causing any harm to the man in black robes. It actually made the mutant's arms stiffen.

Ito Chengji was not willing to let go of the opportunity. After landing, he quickly took two steps in front of the mutant. He retracted the long stick in his hand, leaving only the front end in his hand. He combined it with the advanced application of Nian Qi [Hard] to forge it. The acupuncture force method hit the mutant's chest hard...

"Crack, pop!" First there was the sound of the sternum breaking, and then there was the sound of the mutant opening his mouth and spitting blood. Then the mutant's face instantly turned blood red, and his back suddenly exploded, with a large amount of blood and internal organs splattering out. The mutant's body shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming as thin as a skeleton.

Ito Cheng, who had dealt with the two combatants, relaxed. He turned around and handed the long stick to his other hand. He drew back the long stick, and then stabbed a black-robed man like a snake coming out of its hole... …

"Pfft!" With a sound, the stick pierced the black-robed man's chest at the moment when the black-robed man hurriedly avoided the vital point. Then the hand bowl shook, and a burst of energy invaded the black-robed man's body with vibrating force. It shattered the opponent's internal organs.

The third man in black robe stood dead.

Then Ito twisted the stick, divided the stick into two parts, held half of the stick, and waved to hit the man in black robe on the other side. The latter dodged and let out the emaciated young man who had appeared on the ground at an unknown time. The emaciated young man threw out two strange hidden weapons that shone with light and flew towards Ito Cheng...

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