Magic world

Chapter 1326 Seya Atsuko

Under the guise of illusion, Ito Cheng, who did not attract the attention of Seya Atsuko (a typo in the previous chapter...), showed his mental power, controlled Seya Atsuko with hypnosis, and ordered her to use her authority to save Seya Heavy Industries. Free all the information about stigmata and related technologies and keep them for yourself.

As the granddaughter of the founder of Seya Heavy Industries, Seya Atsuko's authority can be said to be unlimited. Under her operation, Shubalian was secretly sent to Seya Heavy Industries without the permission of Gengo Aoi. All the information about the stigmata was unlocked and transferred to the storage disk provided by Ito Cheng.

"Okay." After a moment, Seiya Atsuko unplugged the storage disk, turned around with empty eyes and handed the storage disk to Ito Cheng and said.

Ito Chengxin took the storage disk and threw it into the Rubik's Cube world, giving it to Nina, Cecil, Emma, ​​and Seleni for research and analysis. Then he raised his hand and snapped his fingers to remove the hypnotic spell Shiya Atsuko had been under.

Seiya Atsuko, who came back to consciousness from the control of hypnosis, first blinked in confusion, and then her expression changed immediately after seeing Ito Cheng clearly, and she instinctively took a step back, but there was an instrument behind her. Therefore, Atsuko Seiya, whose center of gravity became unstable due to the impact on her hip and leg, sat down on the operating table of the instrument, destroying all the work she had done before.

"Who are you?" Seiya Atsuko looked at Ito Cheng with a wary face and asked.

"I would like to formally introduce myself. I am Ito Inari. Nice to meet you, Miss Seiya Atsuko." Ito said with a smile on his face as he looked at Atsuko Seiya who was clearly nervous.

"How did you get in?" Shiya Atsuko frowned and realized that he had no impression of this person in his mind, including rumors and ears. Turning around, he asked again. At the same time, this was also the real doubt in her heart. Could it be that all the warning and defense systems of their Shiya Heavy Industry were broken? A big living person actually invaded such a core place without raising any alarm, so what's the use of installing those things? I won’t let anyone do research anymore!

"Of course I walked in openly." Ito Cheng said with a smile.

Seiya Atsuko, who just assumed that Ito Cheng didn't want to answer, knew better and stopped asking. She chose a new question and asked seriously, "Since you can enter here quietly, you must also be able to do what you want to do quietly." In any world, since you have not done this, then you come to our Shiya Heavy Industry, or you come to me for something."

"I would like to invite Miss Shiya to join my research team and assist me in completing the research on the stigmata." Ito Narumi looked at Shiya Atsuko with admiration and said.

"Stigmata? Are you an anti-revisionist Baliye organization?" Shi Ya Dunzi said with a frown. This was the only possibility she could think of that was closer to the truth. After all, the United States, France, Germany, Russia, and the United Kingdom are also keen on the stigma technology mastered by Gengo Aoi, but they are basically secretly traded among Shobariya members, not like this. Blatantly invading an organization to invite someone, not to mention that Shiya Heavy Industries works for these guys. If she really needs to participate in the research. An invitation will do the trick. There was no need for this, so after much deliberation, Seya Atsuko could only think of the anti-revisionist Baliye organization.

Think of this. Seiya Atsuko quietly looked at Ito Cheng in front of her. After all, although she had heard of the anti-revisionist Baliye organization, this was the first time she had seen the members of this organization in person, so she could not suppress a curiosity in her heart. Emotions.

"I am not a member of one of those anti-revisionist Baliye organizations who are more cynical than they contribute to the world, but an ordinary person who is interested in the stigmata. How about you, do you want to accept my invitation and help my team launch the project? Research work on stigmata?" Ito Cheng first shook his head with a slight smile, then looked at Atsuko Shiya again and asked.

"Do I have the right to refuse?" Shiya Atsuko said with a sneer.

Ito Cheng smiled and looked at Seya Atsuko quietly without answering.

"I want to get my research materials." Shiya Atsuko said.

"I'll accompany you." Ito Cheng smiled.

Shiya Atsuko's body tensed slightly when she heard this, and she walked out without saying anything. Behind her, Ito Cheng followed step by step.

Seiya Atsuko, who was still feeling resistant in her heart, was openly leading Ito Cheng towards her room, but secretly she was cleverly moving towards a crowded place, seemingly planning to use the help of others. Take down the outsider Ito Cheng.

Ito Cheng, who already somewhat understood this, did not stop him and just followed with a smile on his face.

Under the leadership of Shiya Atsuko, the two soon came to a corridor filled with people. Seiya Atsuko also knew very well that ordinary researchers were not important at all, so even though she met several young researchers in white coats on the road, Seiya Atsuko ignored them and continued to move forward until she met two A security guard who happened to be passing by.

Seeing this, Seya Atsuko's eyes lit up, and then she turned around and swung her leg with a horizontal kick towards Ito Shige. While forcing him to take a step back, she shouted to the two-mei security guard who looked over because of her behavior. "There is an intruder!"

Hearing Seya Atsuko's cry, the two security guards instinctively took out the electric batons from their waists and ran towards Seya Atsuko. Then, while looking around with wary faces, they asked, "Miss Seya, invasion." Where is he?"

"Are you blind? This is an intruder!" Atsuko Shiya said angrily, pointing in the direction of Ito Cheng.

The two security guards looked in the direction pointed by Shiya Atsuko's arm, but in their eyes, there was simply a deserted corridor with half a person there.

"Ms. Shiya, are you sure you are not joking." One of the security guards said with a frown.

"You..." Seya Atsuko said angrily, but she was a genius with an IQ above the average person. She soon discovered the strangeness of the security guard and the calm smile that always hung on Ito Cheng's face, took a deep breath and fell silent. Come down.

"You go over and look for it. I did see a stranger here who is not from our company just now." Atsuko Shiya suppressed the shock in her heart and ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes." In response to this normal order, the two security guards agreed without hesitation and walked towards Ito Cheng's direction.

Under Seiya Atsuko's nervous gaze, the two security guards penetrated straight through the body of Ito Nari who stood motionless, as if Ito Nari standing there was not a living person at all. Humans, but the ghosts that people mentioned when they were scaring people more than thirty years ago!

Seya Atsuko, who fully understood Ito Cheng's difficulty and strangeness, and was also interested in Ito Cheng's existence and identity, took a deep breath, turned around, and seriously led Ito Cheng to her in the Seya Heavy Industries building. walked over to the lounge.

Soon, the two entered a room of more than 40 square meters.

"Who are you?" Seya Atsuko, who had closed the door, stared at Ito Cheng's face and asked in a deep voice.

"Of course I'm a human being." Ito Cheng slowly walked up to Seya Atsuko, forced her to lean against the door panel, and put his head to her ear and chuckled in an ambiguous tone, "Can't you feel it? To my body temperature?”

After saying that, he opened his mouth and took Shiya Atsuko's earlobe in his mouth, and took a gentle sip.

"Human bodies will not be penetrated by other people." Atsuko Seiya said, not at all moved by the strangeness on her ears.

"Feel it and see if you can pass through me." Ito Cheng took back his head, grabbed Seiya Atsuko's palm and pressed it on his chest and asked with a smile.

Seiya Atsuko tried as she was told, but found that it could not be penetrated. However, as a scientist, she knew very well that it must be some kind of ability possessed by Ito Cheng that materialized herself, so she still did not believe that he was a pure Humanity.

"Whether you believe it or not, I am indeed a human being, but compared with you, I am more special." Ito Cheng said softly, taking a step back to relax his pressure on Seiya Atsuko.

"Okay, my speciality, you have plenty of time to understand it. Now take your research materials and it's time for us to leave." Ito Cheng reminded.

Seiya Atsuko, who was slightly relieved, said no more, let Ito Cheng go to the table in the room, put away the mobile computer and portable tools on it, held it in his hand and turned to look at Ito Cheng .

"Aren't you going to leave a message or something for your grandpa?" Ito Cheng raised his eyebrows.

"Will you allow it?" Seiya Atsuko said sarcastically as usual.

"I'm not as unkind as you think. I can still allow this kind of thing." Ito Cheng chuckled.

Shiya Atsuko looked at Ito Cheng in surprise when she heard this. She didn't expect that the other party was not afraid that she would take the opportunity to expose information about him and other things and give her permission to leave information. This really surprised her, but since she could Naturally, Seiya Atsuko would not give up this opportunity. She put the computer on the desktop and started it again. In the simplest way in her mind and the least likely to arouse Ito Cheng's suspicion, she sent an email to her grandfather's mailbox. .

"Okay." Atsuko Shiya said as she closed the computer again and picked it up.

Ito Cheng nodded, stepped forward and walked to Shiya Atsuko, put his arms around the other person's waist, activated teleportation and disappeared from the room, appearing in the sky outside the Shiya Heavy Industry building, and left a special message. After giving Seiya Atsuko some time to feel the shock, he took her into the Rubik's Cube world, sent her to the large laboratory, and handed her over to the stigma research team composed of Emma, ​​Seleni, Cecil, and Nina. team. (To be continued...)

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