Magic world

Chapter 1240 Account Book


"That's right," Ito Cheng nodded and confirmed.

"Since you are not working in Chang'an, but have appeared on the ship of our Dongming Sect, does that mean that you want to do business with our Dongming Sect?" Shan Wanjing said in a strong voice like a strong woman.

"Princess is right, I do have a business to do with your faction." Ito Cheng nodded and replied.

"I'm a guest from afar, please take a seat." The Dongming Sect is engaged in the weapons business. Naturally, they don't care which force or person they come from. As long as the other party wants to buy weapons and can afford them, they, the Dongming Sect, will cooperate. Therefore, after knowing that Ito Cheng had business to discuss with her family, Shan Wanjing forced herself to suppress the weird feeling of unhappiness she felt toward Ito Cheng, and pointed to the chair beside her and said politely.

"Xiao Bi, bring in three cups of tea." Then Shan Wanjing shouted to the outside of the cabin.

"Yes, miss" a pleasant female voice responded.

"This is the weapons quotation of our Dongming Sect. Mr. Chen, please take a look first." Shan Wanjing took out a booklet from the wooden cabinet standing against the wall and came to Ito Cheng, handed the book to him and said, for To facilitate negotiations, Shan Wanjing also changed the title of Ito Cheng to son.

"There's no need to read this." Ito Cheng put the quotation book aside casually, looked at Shan Wanjing and said with a smile [

"It seems that the young master has inquired about the situation of our faction before coming to our faction," Shan Wanjing said, frowning her slender eyebrows again.

"That's not true. It's just that what I want to discuss with your faction is not about weapons transactions, but about handouts about your faction's future." Ito Cheng said softly and calmly.

Shan Wanjing frowned and looked up and down at Ito Cheng without saying anything, trying to tell something from his expression. It was just a pity. Sitting across from her was Ito, who was as thick-skinned as a city wall and full of confidence. Cheng, so after looking at Shan Wanjing for a moment, I couldn't see anything from Ito Cheng's face.

"Dang, dong, dong, dong…" Just when there was silence in the cabin and the atmosphere seemed a bit depressing, a crisp knocking sound rang out.

"Come in," Shan Wanjing said.

After saying "Creak", accompanied by a strange sound made by the friction of a wooden shaft, a pretty lady in a light e-skirt walked into the room from the open hatch carrying a tray and put it in according to etiquette. The three porcelain cups placed on the tray were placed in front of Shan Meixian, Shan Wanjing and Ito Cheng one by one. Then they bowed slightly to the three people in the room before exiting the room and closing the hatch.

"Please" Shan Wanjing, who also wanted to take the opportunity to relieve the stiff atmosphere, picked up the tea cup and said an empty invitation.

"Please," Ito Cheng took the opportunity to pick up the tea cup and said politely, then he lowered his head and took a sip with Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing.

Instantly, a bitter, salty, and spicy taste of ginger spread in the mouth, making Ito Cheng, who was used to drinking later generations' tea, frown slightly.

"I don't know what the young master meant before," Shan Wanjing put down her teacup and asked slowly.

"It's very simple. You Dongming Sect as a whole surrendered to me." Ito Chenggami, who also put down his teacup, looked at Shan Wanjing with burning eyes and said softly.

"Haha~ I'm afraid you can't afford the unit price," Shan Wanjing sneered, and once again changed the way of addressing her from young master back to a very alien and distant title like your Excellency.

"Bian Fuhua's head and the 18th level of the Demonic Great Law" Ito Cheng, who had long expected Shan Wanjing's reaction, smiled slightly and opened his mouth to say

In an instant, both Shan Wanjing, who was in charge of the negotiation, and Shan Meixian, who had been sitting aside, looked at Shan Wanjing's negotiation with all their expressions turned aside, and their eyes fell on Ito Cheng with astonishment and shock.

Shan Wanjing was stunned and shocked because she never expected that Ito Cheng would know the details of her family and such a secret matter. Shan Meixian did not expect that Ito Cheng would actually think of these two things, both of which were very meaningful to her. different secrets[

"How do you know this?" Shan Wanjing asked with a stern face.

"I think, so I know," Ito Cheng said with a smile.

Shan Wanjing stared at Ito Cheng for a while, and then turned to look at her mother Shan Meixian with some uncertainty. After all, this matter could not be said to be a business matter, but her own private matter.

"Okay, we agree to the conditions." Shan Meixian, who already had the seeds of spiritual power and hints, and had no resistance at all to his Dongming sect's defection to Ito Cheng, agreed without hesitation.

"Mother" Shan Wanjing called softly

"Okay, within one month, I will put my proud head in front of you two," Ito Cheng said with an affirmative nod.

When the topic reached this point, there was nothing more to say, so the three of them pretended to talk for a few more words before Ito Cheng stood up and left, leaving the space for Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing, the mother and daughter.

However, Ito Cheng's so-called departure was just a show. After feeling that there was no one around, he used teleportation again to return to the Dongming. While waiting for Shan Meixian to be alone, he got another thing.

And time did not allow Ito Cheng to wait for long. More than an hour later, Shan Wanjing temporarily left the cabin due to something. Only Shan Meixian stayed in the cabin. Seeing this, Ito Cheng could not estimate and use the instant immediately. Mobile appeared in Shan Meixian's room

"Meixian" Ito Cheng called softly to Shan Meixian who was in a daze.

"Sir," Shan Meixian shouted with surprise on her face.

"Meixian, bring your Dongming Sect's weapons trading account book and I'll make a copy." Ito Cheng, who walked straight to Shan Meixian and sat down, said harmoniously.

"Okay" Shan Meixian nodded in agreement, then stood up, walked to the cabin door, opened the cabin door and walked out, and not long after, she was holding a book about 20 centimeters long and 7 or 8 centimeters wide. , the long book with a thread thickness of more than two centimeters returned to the room.

"Sir, this is the weapons transaction ledger of our Dongming Sect," Shan Meixian said as she handed the ledger to Ito Cheng who stood up to greet her.

"Thank you, Meixian." Ito Cheng took the account book and kissed Shan Meixian on the lips.

The cheeks of Meixian who was attacked by a sneak attack turned slightly red, and a look of embarrassment flashed across her face.

Ito Cheng chuckled, turned around and walked to the low table aside and put the account book on the table. Then he took out a pile of scattered papers and used his alchemy skills to refine them into the appearance of an account book. He activated the apprentice level The magic copying technique automatically copied the contents of the ledger.

With the tireless copying skills, soon, an account book that was exactly the same as the real account book, even the handwriting, stroke patterns, errors and omissions, etc., was completed. Appeared in the hands of Ito Cheng

"In this way, the next plan can be implemented." Ito Cheng chuckled as he patted the account in his hand.

"Okay, it's time for me to go, otherwise it would be bad if Wanjing comes back and sees me later." Ito Cheng, who put away the account, looked at Shan Meixian beside him and said, then reached out and pinched the other person's chin. After a deep kiss, she suddenly disappeared from the cabin and Shan Meixian's eyes, and appeared on the top of a building in Yuhang City.

Then, Ito Cheng's figure flashed again, appearing in the giant Kun Gang ship under the dusk. He grabbed a patrolling gang boy and controlled it with hypnosis, and asked about Yunyu's real situation.

"The gang leader is resting in the innermost cabin," the gang member with straight eyes answered mechanically.

"Sure enough, it's here." Ito Cheng casually turned away the gangster in front of him and smiled, then continued to use illusions to hide his figure, and moved towards the cabin where Yun Yuzhen was.

In less than a minute, Ito Cheng arrived outside the cabin and invaded the cabin using teleportation.

In an instant, there was a relatively elegant small room, and a beautiful and charming girl with a smile on her lips and a charming aura on her body, and a pretty girl with a hint of arrogance in her expression, standing beside her. A beautiful woman, a woman who looked like a maid came into Ito Cheng's eyes

Seeing these two women, Ito Cheng almost instinctively thought of their names, Hongfen gang leader Yun Yuzhen and her confidant maid Yunzhi

Ito Cheng, who suddenly appeared in the room, did not give the two of them a chance to react. He immediately displayed his powerful spiritual power, invaded the minds of Yun Yuzhen and Yunzhi, and hypnotized them both.

Not to mention that Yunzhi, who only has the Three-Legged Cat Kung Fu and can only teach a few local gangsters a lesson, and is completely an ordinary person, let’s talk about Yunzhi, who possesses the bird-leveling technique that ranks over 80 on the list of extraordinary skills. His martial arts strength is not very good, probably in the middle and lower reaches of the second-rate level, and his spiritual realm is not good at all, so with almost no effort, Ito successfully planted the magic in the minds of Yun Yuzhen and Yunzhi master and servant. Divine seeds and hints to control them

"Sir," Yun Yuzhen and Yunzhi saluted together and shouted.

"Yes." Itocheng nodded, accepted the two people's greetings, then walked slowly to the wooden bed where Yun Yuzhen was sitting and sat down. He looked up at Yun Yuzhen who was standing aside and asked, "Do you know Dugu Ce?"

"Yes, sir." Thinking of Dugu Ce, Yun Yuzhen couldn't help but think of the scene when she had sex with him. Her cheeks turned red and she lowered her head and responded softly.

"Then I think you should know this thing." Ito Cheng turned over his hand and took out the red tent plan and handed it to Yun Yuzhen and said.

"The account book of the Dongming Sect?" Yun Yuzhen, who reached out to take the account book, exclaimed in surprise.

"When Duguce comes next time, give him this ledger," Ito Cheng said quietly, "As for when he asks you how you got it, I shouldn't need to teach you what to say."

"Don't worry, sir, Yuzhen knows what to do," Yun Yuzhen said with a flash of light in his eyes.

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