Magic world

Chapter 1238 Mrs. Dongming

ps: Thanks to "Sheryl" and "Second Kill Potato" for their valuable monthly votes, and thanks to "909040519", "nxx" and "nykfny" for their rewards.

"I'm Bu Tianzhi. Tian is the deputy leader of the Jukun Gang. I've met the young master." A short while later, a middle-aged man in well-dressed clothes, about thirty years old and with a rough face, walked into the cabin under the guidance of his younger brother, with a look on his face. He said with a smile and cupped his fist towards Ito Cheng.

"Why is he a deputy gang leader? Where is your gang leader?" Ito Shigeya, who was acting like a playboy from a wealthy family, stood up, frowned slightly and glanced at the polite Bu Tianzhi, and said with dissatisfaction.

Bu Tianzhi's expression paused when he heard this, but he still maintained the politeness when he came and explained, "My gang leader is busy with important matters right now, so he came to meet with you. I also ask for your forgiveness. But I want to talk about business issues only. You can also be the master, so if you have any requests, please tell me directly."

"What are you talking about with a rough guy like you? I'll just leave the business to the Haisha Gang." With that said, Ito stood up from his position decisively and took a step to walk out of the cabin.

Bu Tianzhi's eyes flickered twice when he saw this, but he didn't say anything to stop him. He just watched Ito Cheng leave.

"Deputy gang leader..." The younger brother who was originally guarding the door hesitated.

"Tell two clever brothers to follow me. I want to see if he is a real son of a noble family, or if he is just someone who came from nowhere to entertain us." Bu Tianzhi said in a deep voice with a slightly gloomy face.

"Yes." The younger brother accepted the order, then turned around and ran away quickly to find someone to carry out Bu Tianzhi's order. [

"Is Yunyu really not here..." On the other side, Ito Cheng, who didn't see anyone stopping him until he stepped off the Jukun gang's ship, thought to himself, "Or are you hiding in the dark to explore my bottom?"

Anyway, Ito Cheng didn't care. He actually stopped people and asked where the sea sand gang's port area was, and walked straight over there. As for the two stalkers who had been following him since he left Yuhang Pier, Ito Cheng ignored him and allowed them to follow him. So that they can pass back the information that they have joined the Haisha Gang.

Soon, Ito came to the port area controlled by the Haisha Gang. He followed the same pattern to find the disciples of the Haisha Gang. He was led to a house and met the leader of the Haisha Gang, the gang leader Han Gaitian, and his little lover. Mermaids swim with wild geese in autumn.

"You're not bad, at least you're more efficient than the people from the Jukun Gang." Ito Cheng, who was sitting at the bottom of the table, proudly looked at Han Gaitian, a burly man in colorful clothes who was sitting on top of him, and said.

"Hahahaha, Young Master, you are rewarded. You are rewarded." Han Gaitian laughed with pride and said with false modesty.

"I wonder if the young master has any business to do with Han this time." Then, Han Gaitian straightened his expression, looked at Ito Cheng who was pretending to be the young master of aristocratic family, and asked.

"It's nothing, I just want to discuss a deal involving human lives with Gang Leader Han." Ito Cheng looked back at Han Gaitian with a smile. After saying that, Ito Cheng's eyes immediately flashed with silver light. A sharp light bloomed, and at the same time, a sharp spiritual power emitted from his eyes, instantly entering the minds of Han Gaitian and You Qiuyan, whose faces slightly changed after hearing about the human life transaction. Stirring up the storm.

Han Gaitian, a first-rate or second-rate warrior, has basically no martial arts will to speak of. The only reason he has managed to reach this level is that his martial arts is relatively strong in this area. It was only thanks to the support of You Qiuyan, who was brave and ruthless and somewhat resourceful, and because Yu Wenhuaji behind him needed the existence of a guy like him, that he could live such a nourishing life.

Therefore, without much effort, Han Gaitian was controlled by Ito Cheng who planted the seeds and hints of spiritual power. As for the other You Qiuyan who also received hypnosis, because his martial arts training was not very good, he was even worse than Han Gaitian. He was successfully controlled by Ito Cheng the moment before Han Gaitian was taken down.

"Sir." Han Gaitian and You Qiuyan shouted respectfully together.

"Yes." Ito Cheng nodded. After accepting the two people's greetings, he said, "How it was before, let's continue now. But if there is any movement in Yuwen Wenhua, please use this thing to notify me."

With that said, Ito Cheng turned over his hand and took out a jade token and threw it to Han Gaitian and the others.

"You can activate it with inner energy." Ito Cheng said quietly.

"Yes." Han Gaitian responded in a deep voice.

Ito Cheng nodded again and stood up from his seat. Han Gaitian and You Qiuyan, who also stood up from their chairs, saw them off and left the house where they met, rejoining the flow of people on the streets of Yuhang City. [

"I think Yunyu should have gotten the news by this time." Ito Cheng, who disappeared completely from the crowd in a few flashes, laughed to himself. Then the figure flashed and moved towards the location of the Dongming Sect's large ship that he had inquired about when he left Han Gaitian.

The next moment, Ito Cheng's figure appeared on the deck of a huge wooden ship. Then he used his mental power to cast a range of illusions around him that could affect the perception of others, and stepped into the cabin.

"Sure enough, as the original book says, the Dongming sect has women as masters and men as servants. Men have almost all status here and can be scolded by women at will." During the infiltration, Ito Seishin accidentally saw several disharmonious scenes.

"It should be here." Ito Cheng, who was standing in front of a room with a pretty maid guarding the door, guessed. Then his figure flashed and he appeared in the room using teleportation.

In an instant, a room with an area of ​​about thirty square meters, with simple interior furnishings but a sense of luxury in every detail, appeared in front of Ito Cheng, a man who even in a hazy state gave people a sense of fantasy. The female body came into his sight behind the thin gauze curtain hanging in the room.

"Since your Excellency is here, why don't you show up to see me?" A pleasant voice sounded from behind the gauze curtain.

"Sure enough, I can't hide this little trick from you." Ito Cheng, who dispersed from the illusion field and gradually emerged from the air, said with a smile.

"Your Excellency's martial arts are amazing and unpredictable, but they are not as simple as what Your Excellency said." Mrs. Dong Ming said softly behind the tent.

"No matter how wonderful it is, it can't beat the madam's spiritual sense." Ito Cheng walked towards the gauze tent, shrugging and smiling.

"Master, please stop, otherwise it will cause unnecessary misunderstandings." Mrs. Dongming warned with a slightly colder voice.

"I heard that Mrs. Dongming's beauty is one of the most beautiful in the world. I am very curious about this." Hearing Mrs. Dongming's warning, Ito Cheng kept walking and was about to reach the gauze tent and said with a chuckle. .

"Does the young master really want to fight with me?" Mrs. Dongming said coldly, but her words were clear. But the sound was very weird, sometimes drifting to the left, sometimes drifting to the right, and the direction kept changing. At the same time, strange spiritual power fluctuations mixed with the form and energy emanated from the sound, rushing in through Ito Cheng's hearing. In the sea of ​​his consciousness.

"Tianmoyin..." Ito said seriously, then opened his lips slightly and scolded, "咒!"

Zha Zhe. It is one of the two sounds of the Kaitian. It is the best at breaking illusions and subduing demons. It has great power. Therefore, as soon as this sound came out of Ito Cheng's mouth, it immediately dispersed the sound of the devil that echoed in the cabin and filled Ito Cheng's body with energy. With blessing. He rushed towards Mrs. Dong Ming behind the tent.

Naturally, this sound is a weakened version. Otherwise, with Ito Cheng's full strength, it would not only break Mrs. Dongming's demonic sound in an instant, but it would not be too difficult to directly shock Mrs. Dongming to death. Even if Ito Cheng wanted to, he could shatter the entire Dongming ship.

The "Hoo!"-shaped shock wave brought up a strong wind and blew open the gauze curtain blocking the two people. After revealing the gauze curtain, Mrs. Dong Ming's beautiful face looked like she was only in her mid-twenties, with all the whitening skin on it.

"Madam is indeed stunning." Ito Cheng praised sincerely.

"Hmph!" Mrs. Dongming, who frowned slightly because the demon sound was broken, snorted coldly. Using all kinds of demon energy, she used her own miracle skill Rouyun Shuixiu and waved her arms, and immediately sent Ito Cheng. Zha Yin was caught in the impact, and he threw it aside with trembling hands.

"Bang!" The impact of the thrown sound immediately exploded a wooden object in the cabin to pieces.

"Creak!" At this moment, a strange noise was heard, and the pretty maid who had been guarding the door immediately rushed into the room.

"Madam!" the maid screamed.

Mrs. Dongming frowned when she saw this, and immediately dodged and flew up from the bed seat behind the tent. He rushed in front of Ito Cheng, swinging his arms to flip up and dance the sleeves of his plain-colored robe, and attacked Ito Cheng, as if he was planning to surround Wei and rescue Zhao.

"Don't worry, I'm just here for beauty this time, and I won't hurt your pretty maid." Using the four ounces of gold in the Tai Chi formula, Dong Ming was struck, shocked, or beaten. The lady's soft sleeves attracted Ito Cheng who slapped them away and chuckled.

Seeing the effectiveness of Rouyun Shuixiu's attack, Mrs. Dongming frowned, and a strange force of sucking and stretching instantly expanded from around Mrs. Dongming's body. It enveloped Mrs. Dongming and Ito Cheng together.

"Is this the Heavenly Magic Field? It's a bit mysterious." Feeling the Heavenly Magic Field around you, which is like a twisted space but does not contain the power of space. It is like a simple force field but has a strange corrosive force. Ito Cheng admired and said, "And only the ordinary version of the Heavenly Demon's Dafa has this effect. I really don't know what the sight of the Heavenly Demon's Strategy with the Four Eclipses of the Heavenly Demon in the hands of the Great Heavenly Demon is."

After saying that, she ignored the doubtful look in Mrs. Dongming's eyes. Directly stretching his arms forward, dancing slowly up and down like moving clouds, a spherical force field like a three-dimensional Tai Chi diagram immediately appeared around Ito Cheng, isolating Mrs. Dongming's natural magic field.

"Shock!" Then, Ito Cheng, who had blocked all the attacks from Mrs. Dongming, shook slightly. The entire Tai Chi ball immediately exploded at the vibration, forming several chaotic airflow attacks that tore apart the surrounding magic field. It shattered and knocked away Mrs. Dong Ming who was fully on guard.

"Crack, click, bang!" At the same time, under the impact of the strong inner energy of the two natures, the layers of wooden boards around the cabin where Mrs. Dongming was located immediately shattered and fell to the ground with a crash.

This time, there was no need for anyone to notify her. Everyone knew that something serious had happened on the ship, so they all picked up weapons and dared to come to Mrs. Dongming.

Ito Cheng smiled slightly when he saw this, and activated his teleportation ability to move Mrs. Dongming in front of him. He reached out and grabbed her throat, and the five fingers of his right hand became claws, sending the five-color energy that burned and changed at the fingertips like fire into Dongming. Madam Ming's body temporarily sealed her Heavenly Demon Dharma.

"Me~" Mrs. Dong Ming, who originally felt internal discomfort due to the previous Tai Chi impact, and felt tight in her chest, immediately turned pale after the internal energy was blocked, and made a sound that sounded like pain in her mouth, but to outsiders it sounded extremely painful. A seductive murmur.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'm just taking Mrs. Dongming out for a chat and a walk. She'll be back soon. Stay!" Ito Cheng stretched out his arms, hugged Mrs. Dongming into his arms, and then activated teleportation from the cabin. Disappeared, leaving behind only a few irritating words that echoed in the ears of the damaged cabin and the Dongming Sect's men who had just arrived, especially the Dongming Princess Shan Wanjing who was the first to resist.

"Damn it!" Shan Wanjing cursed angrily.

"Go out and look for me. Even if you dig out the entire Yuhang City three feet, you can still find my mother!" Then, Shan Wanjing turned around and glared at the surrounding Dongming Sect disciples and ordered firmly.

"Yes!" The disciples accepted the order, then turned and left one after another, got off the boat and began to search for the whereabouts of Ito Cheng and Mrs. Dongming.

On the other side, Ito Cheng appeared in a mountain forest near Yuhang City with Dongming's wife Shan Meixian. Then he pointed at the trees growing on the ground and made a house out of them.

"I didn't notice it just now, but you are wearing so little, Mei Xian." Ito Cheng smiled as he placed Mrs. Dongming, who had become a little delicate due to the loss of her inner energy, on the wooden bed of a house built with wood escape.

It turns out that what Mrs. Dongming was wearing at this time was not the luxurious clothes or fancy clothes that ordinary people wear when going out, but a very thin inner garment that looked like a lining. Due to the influence of customs, the style of the inner garment is very close to the kimono and yukata of later generations, and can only be used as a simple cover. Fortunately, we are still at the intersection of summer and autumn, and Yuhang is located in the south. The weather is very dry and hot, so we don’t have to worry about suffering from the cold again.

"Who are you?" Mrs. Dongming stared at Ito Cheng with wavering eyes and asked with a cold face. It's just that this time's questioning not only contained information about Ito Cheng's identity, but also doubts about why the other party knew his nickname! You must know that the name Mei Xian has disappeared from the Central Plains for almost 20 years. People who are not from the older generation will definitely not know his name!

"Sorry, sorry, I was rude." Ito Cheng said with an apologetic smile, and then reached out to Mrs. Dongming. The only inner garment she could use to wrap her body immediately appeared in Ito Cheng's hand. , he brought it to his nose and sniffed it gently, then smiled evilly and said, "My name is Chen Xicheng, I think I am your man and master." (To be continued...)

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