Magic world

Chapter 1235 Ren Meimei

ps: Thanks to "nxx" for his valuable monthly vote, and thanks to "nxx" and "nykfny" for their rewards.

"Let's go out for a walk." That night, Ito Cheng, who had had enough rest, said as he looked at Maya, Yaye, Wei Zhenzhen and Fu Junzhuo who were summoned to the room.

After saying that, he stood up, left the room surrounded by Maya and the other four people, and moved towards the location of Cuixiang Building that he had inquired about in advance.

Cuixiang Tower, as you can tell from its name, is probably a place for fireworks, and it is indeed a place for fireworks. It's just different from ordinary fireworks hooks. Cuixiang Tower is one of the industries under the Baling Gang. Its main function is to collect information and make money. Therefore, in addition to running a serious flesh and blood business, Cuixiang Tower also runs gambling. It is a casino business, and it is also the largest casino in Pengcheng.

Of course, this would also require the involvement of Pengcheng's local gang Peng Lianghui.

After a while, Ito Cheng and others walked into Cuixiang Tower.

"Welcome, I don't know..." Seeing the arrival of Ito Cheng and his party, one of the six or seven big men guarding the door came forward and said respectfully.

"I heard that Cuixiang Tower is the largest casino in Pengcheng. I just want to see it, so please lead the way." Ito Cheng said quietly.

"Young Master, you have come to the right place." The big man smiled, then turned sideways and extended his arms, inviting me, "Sir, please come with me." [

With that said, he led Ito Cheng, Maya, and Fu Junzhuo into the Cuixiang Building, then left the main building like a hook-and-rail courtyard through a side door, walked to the backyard, and stepped on the broken door connecting the back door and another door. The stone path leads into another courtyard.

Like Cuixiang Tower, it was also very lively with people coming and going. At the same time, waves of clearly audible noises came from the brightly lit attic and floated into the ears of Ito Cheng and others.

Maybe it was because Ito Cheng was dressed gorgeously and accompanied by three or four pretty women, or maybe it was because there was a leader. The big men guarding the door of the casino didn't know what to do to Ito and the others. After a brief glance, they let them walk into the casino.

In an instant, the interior space was vast, with three rooms leading to the front, middle and back. There were halls connected to the left and right of each entrance. The sight of the gambling tables inside was not ornate and elegant, and it caught the eyes of Ito and the others. There were four, Five hundred men and women in bright and gorgeous clothes gathered around the gaming tables. There were bursts of intense and emotional shouts.

"Master, would you like me to prepare a guest room for you?" the follower beside him asked in a low voice.

"No, just stay in the hall." Ito Cheng waved his hand while searching for the woman who seemed to be Ren Meimei in the field.

Soon, Ito Cheng's eyes fell on the woman who was gambling enthusiastically at a gambling table on the left side of the hall. I saw that the woman not only had a picturesque look on her face, but also had a gorgeous appearance. Even the clothes are very sexy. She is wearing a gauze low-cut wrap that is no worse than the maids serving in the casino, revealing half of her breasts and deep breasts. A pair of lotus arms are covered with gauze. It is looming under the clothes.

Maya frowned when she noticed Ito Cheng's gaze. She followed Ito Cheng's line of sight and then took the woman's appearance into her eyes. Maya, who knew that Ito Cheng didn't know what he was thinking, groaned in displeasure. A sound. He quietly moved to Ito Cheng's side, stretched out his fingers to pinch the soft flesh around his waist, and twisted hard.

"Hiss~" Ito Cheng, who felt the pain in his waist, immediately took a breath of cold air.

"What's wrong with Ah Cheng?" Yaye asked with concern.

"It's okay." Ito Cheng raised his hand and held Maya's palm and said with a smile.

"Oh." Aye nodded, believing Ito Cheng's words.

"Haha~" Wei Zhenzhen, who had been following Ito Cheng, noticed Maya's little movements, lowered her head slightly and chuckled.

However, although his waist was hit by Maya's evil hand, the purpose of his coming here was for Ren Meimei, the third boss of Pengliang Society, so he naturally had no reason to give up, so after glaring at Maye. Still holding Maye's hand, she led Yaye, Wei Zhenzhen, Fu Junzhuo and Cuixianglou's followers towards the gaming table where the woman suspected of being Ren Meimei was.

Perhaps he also noticed that he was being watched, so when Ito Cheng walked over, the woman who seemed to be Ren Meimei also turned her head and looked over. Immediately, a face full of doubts, anger, joy, eyes full of charm, and corners of the mouth slightly curled up like a smile appeared in the eyes of Ito Cheng and others. [

"What a standard beauty." Ito Cheng raised his eyebrows and said with a frivolous smile on his face.

"I've met the third master." Seeing the appearance of the woman, the expression of the person following Ito Cheng changed immediately. He greeted with a respectful gesture of clasped fists and a salute.

Hearing the call to follow, Ito knew he had found the right person.

"What a young man with a very different temperament." Ren Meimei ignored the greeting and looked at Ito Cheng with a charming smile.

"Do you like that beauty?" Ito Cheng slowly walked up to Ren Meimei, and with a frivolous expression, he reached out to touch her cheek and said with a smile.

"Of course I do." Ren Meimei stood up. The exquisite curves set off by the tight-looking clothes were fully exposed, and then he turned his feet and cleverly avoided Ito Cheng's touch with a smile.

At the same time, he concentrated on practicing his skills and displayed the superior charm skills he knew. In an instant, Ren Meimei's smile immediately became extremely charming and exuded a unique allure.

"What a young master with pure essence. As long as I take supplements from him, I will definitely be able to greatly increase my energy and improve my cultivation." Ren Meimei, who was using the charm technique, thought to herself.

It's just a pity that Ito Cheng's whole body cultivation is the most profound in terms of mental power, and he has a deep understanding of the magic of spiritual use, which is completely beyond the reach of Ren Meimei's so-called superior illusions, so no matter what she does, Ito Cheng's There was no mental ripple at all, but in order to confuse Ren Meimei, Ito Cheng still made a look of lust and soul enlightenment on his face.

"How about having some fun with me tonight?" Ito Cheng stepped forward, put his arms around Ren Meimei's waist, and sniffed the scent of Ren Meimei's neck with a look of obsession.

"Master, aren't you afraid that the people around you will be angry?" Ren Meimei, who was leaning on Ito Cheng's shoulder, glanced at Maya, who had a bad expression, as well as Aye and Wei Zhenzhen, who had plain smiles on their faces and looked like they believed in Ito Cheng. Said with a charming look.

As for Fu Junzhuo, because she always wore a mask on her face, Ren Meimei couldn't see her expression, so she just thought she was a waitress and ignored her.

"Why don't I need them to be clumsy in my actions?" Ito Cheng said with a slightly raised chin and a macho look.

"Humph!" Maya snorted coldly.

"Yaye, Zhenzhen. Let's go." Then Maye turned around and said coldly while asking Yaye and Wei Zhenzhen to leave.

"Sister." Aye called out quickly, but after realizing that Maya was determined to leave, she smiled apologetically at Ito Cheng and quickly caught up with her. Wei Zhenzhen, who was standing aside, looked at Zhenye and Yaye who were leaving. Then he looked at Ito Cheng who had already followed Ren Meimei and walked away, not knowing what to do.

"You should go back too. I'll be back as soon as I'm done." Ito Cheng used telepathy to connect to Wei Zhenzhen and said.

After receiving Ito Cheng's instructions, Wei Zhenzhen no longer hesitated, and together with Fu Junzhuo, who was waiting for her, quickly chased in the direction where Maye and Yaye left.

As the third head of Pengliang Hui, Ren Meimei still has a high status in Cuixiang Tower, so it didn't take a while. He took Ito Cheng to a clean and secluded room, and then he took the initiative to hug Ito Cheng and kissed him.

"Let me experience the so-called book of tonic." Ito Cheng, who was groping and kneading Ren Meimei's body with his hands, said secretly in his heart.

Soon, during the entanglement between the two, Ren Meimei and Ito Cheng took off their covering clothes one after another and began to see each other frankly.

"Master, don't move, let Meimei serve you." Ren Meimei gently put Ito Cheng on the bed. The pretty face with the charm effect looked at Ito Cheng and said, and then she used the method she was good at to please men on Ito Cheng.

"Me~ The technique is indeed unique and makes people feel unbearable. It is indeed a secret method of harvesting yang and replenishing yin that is practiced in evil ways." Feeling the waves of shivers coming from his body, Ito Cheng admired from the bottom of his heart.

Probably thinking that the foreplay was enough, Ren Meimei, who lay on top of Ito Cheng, smiled at Ito Cheng, stood up and moved back, and at the same time swallowed Ito Cheng's Noble Phantasm whole. He sat on Ito Cheng's waist and used the secret weapon that suddenly produced a powerful suction force to hone the Noble Phantasm. Waves of strong stimulation surged from the bottom of Ito Cheng's heart.

"How is that possible? Why hasn't his Yuan Yang been spit out yet?" After a while, Ren Meimei, who was still maintaining her tonic skills, frowned slightly and wondered in her heart, "Is this kid really a genius?" ? Even stronger than ordinary martial arts masters? "

"Very confused?" At this time, Ito Cheng, who had been enjoying with his eyes closed, opened his eyes. He asked with a clear smile in his eyes.

"You..." Ren Meimei paused when she saw this and said in shock. Then, before she could react, a strong feeling of chest tightness immediately occurred, causing a futile dizziness in her mind.

"Not good. The charm technique has backfired!" Ren Meimei said in shock.

The next moment, Ren Meimei, who was preparing to try her best to suppress the backlash of the charm technique, felt a powerful spiritual force pouring into her mind. She completely ignored her resistance and violently ravaged her brain.

"Me~" After an unknown amount of time passed like this, Ren Meimei, who finally felt that her mind had calmed down, said softly and opened her eyes again.

Ren Meimei blinked her eyes twice and looked at Ito Cheng, who gave her an extremely friendly feeling in front of her, and even had such a decisive presence in her heart that she would not frown even if she died for him, and shouted in a charming voice, "Sir."

Obviously, with the bonus of the backlash of the charm technique, Ito Cheng's hypnotic effect on Ren Meimei reached the extreme, reaching the most difficult level in hypnosis to violate the survival instinct of life.

"Yes." Ito Cheng, who was playing with Ren Meimei's chest, responded softly.

"Give me the original manual of the tonic technique you know." Ito Cheng continued.

"Okay." Ren Meimei nodded in agreement without hesitation, and then stood up from Ito Cheng to get him the copy of the mending technique... But the next moment, I Tocheng stopped her.

"There's no rush, let's finish the unfinished business first." Ito Cheng said with a smile.

"Okay, sir." Ren Mei smiled charmingly. Then he took the initiative again and served Ito Cheng with the special skills in the tonic technique.

After another long while, with Ren Meimei suddenly raising her head and letting out a long moan, Ren Meimei collapsed on Ito Cheng's chest with all her strength, her face flushed and she gasped for breath.

Ito Chengya didn't move, just holding Ren Meimei's body, gently stroking the other person's back with his palms, soothing Ren Meimei's emotions.

"Meimei, if I hand over Peng Liang to you, can you manage it well?" A moment later, when Ren Meimei had calmed down a bit, Ito Cheng suddenly asked.

"Sir, Meimei is aware of Meimei's abilities. I am not a qualified gang controller." Ren Meimei drew small circles on Ito Cheng's chest with her fingers, while moving her head slightly and smiling bitterly.

"In other words, it would be better for Peng Liang to have Nie Jing take the lead, right?" Ito Cheng frowned slightly.

"If the master hears you describe him like this, he will definitely let you see his ghost claws." Ren Meimei chuckled when she heard the words, then she slightly restrained her smile and said seriously, "Yes, although the master doesn't show up much on weekdays, , plays with women in Liangjun’s old house every day, but the brothers in the association still listen to him, so if you want to control the Pengliang Association and then control Pengcheng and Liangjun, you should also control the head of the family. good."

"Okay." Ito Cheng nodded and said, "Tomorrow you will write a letter and ask that perverted old man to come to Pengcheng, and I will deal with him."

"Okay." Ren Meimei rubbed her head and replied.

"Okay, it's time for me to go back. Remember to give me the original replenishing technique you have practiced tomorrow." At this time, Ito Cheng gently moved Meimei to lie on the bed beside him, sat up, and stood beside the bed. He summoned a stream of liquid to wrap around his body and absorb all the filth, while speaking softly.

"Yes." Ren Meimei looked at Ito Cheng's back and said softly.

"Also, don't waste the things I left in your body. Use your replenishing skills to refine them. It can replenish your vitality and allow you to go further." Ito Cheng glanced at the clothes he put on casually. Ren Meimei reminded.

"Meimei understands." Ren Meimei smiled.

"Yes." Ito Cheng nodded, without saying anything, and then disappeared from the room using the Flying Thunder God Technique.

"Hey, it's not bad to have such a master in the stall." Ren Meimei turned over and lay down on the bed, stretched out her hand to gently caress the remaining lingering smell on the spot where Ito Cheng was lying before, and said to herself dreamily.

"Acheng." On the other side, Aye, who was accompanying the sulky Maya, looked at Ito Cheng who suddenly appeared in the room and shouted happily. (To be continued...)

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