Magic world

Chapter 1118 World Devouring Experiment

Among the bright white photon particles flying and dissipating into the sky, the Book of Night and the management program of the Book of Night, Linfus, disappeared in front of the Knights of the Storm, Ito Cheng and Fite. Only a strange golden necklace was left that was exactly the same as the strange cross pattern on the surface of the Book of Night.

And this necklace is part of Linfus’ previous body, the Book of Night!

At the same time, Xigno and the other four Storm Knights, who broke free from the shackles of the Book of Night, also completely transformed into real human beings at this moment. They need to eat when they are hungry, drink water when they are thirsty, and know how to Injury, life, or even death...

Ito Cheng made a move with one hand and grasped the necklace in his hand that changed its falling trajectory in vain and flew down in front of him.

"Let's go back." Ito Cheng turned to the Storm Knight and Fite and said. [

Although the Knights of the Storm felt sad about the disappearance of Linfus, because they knew that Linfus would continue to exist in other ways, they did not feel particularly uncomfortable as in the original work. They just sighed a little and cleared up their mood. , under the transmission of Ito Cheng's power, he returned to the apartment where Yagami Hayate stayed, and met Yagami Hayate who had learned the specific situation from Linfus and felt a little unhappy.

Ito Cheng naturally had a way to deal with Yagami Hayate who was in a mood, and he got out of his mood in a short while and returned to his usual self. Later, Ito Cheng took Yagami Hayate, Xigno, Shamar, Vita, Zafira, Linfus in the quantum computer state, Fit and Elf to wander around the eco-city for a day, letting them After fully understanding the situation of the world under his rule, he took them out of the Rubik's Cube world and returned to Yagami's house in Magical Girl Nanoha's world.

Then, Ito Cheng stayed at home with Yagami Hayate for two days. He took the quantum computer equipped with Linfus and left Yagami's house, and began to carry out his other purpose of coming to the magical girl world---devouring the dimensional world!

That's right, it's swallowing the dimensional world!

According to Ito Cheng's immature judgment, if the world of Magical Girl Nanoha is compared to a completed planet, then the dimensional world inside it is like the various islands and landmasses on the planet. It is a small world that can circumvent the certification process of the World Master and can be devoured at will!

But after all, this is just Ito Cheng's test. The specific situation depends on his actual operation. But if this conjecture is really confirmed, it means that he can accelerate the process of diversification within the Rubik's Cube world in advance and turn the Rubik's Cube world into a high-level dimensional world!

And the first world he is heading to now. It is a world where people live outside the management of the Space-Time Administration. As for taking away Linfus, it was entirely because she needed the assistance of the original management program of the Book of Night to recreate the Book of Night. After all, according to Ito Cheng's past experience of swallowing the dimensional world, swallowing a world Time often takes a lot of time. If waiting there is really a waste of time, it is better to use the time to recreate the Book of Night.

One day later. Ito Cheng successfully arrived in a desolate world inhabited by a person in the fringe area that is far away from the headquarters of the Space-Time Administration. It can even be said that except for exiled criminals, almost no one comes.

"No wonder people live in it. This environment is comparable to the earth's environment five billion years ago. It's surprising that some people can survive!" Ito Cheng, who used telekinesis to wrap his body and isolate all poisonous gases that might harm him, looked at this The world's environment curled his lips and said.

Of course, this is just one type of human world. Not all human worlds are as severely unsuitable for human habitation as this world! There are also worlds that are slightly suitable for human habitation. For example, in the original work, Xigno and Vita went to collect telekinesis cores. There is a desert world located around the earth. Apart from the fact that there is no water and the desert is full of monsters, the air quality is completely sufficient for human survival.

There is another world of tree-lined forests...

"The Rubik's Cube, can this world be swallowed up?" Ito Cheng asked using his mind to connect to the Rubik's Cube.

[The will of the planet, the will of living beings, and the world certification system exist and can be swallowed. ] Rubik's Cube replied.

"Sure enough." Looking at the reward content presented in his mind, Ito Cheng said with a flash of joy on his face.

"Start to devour!" Then, Ito Cheng quickly ordered in his heart.

[Please host return to space. ]

After receiving the reply, Ito Cheng did not hesitate and entered the Rubik's Cube world directly.

The next moment he entered the world of the Rubik's Cube, a special wave suddenly spread rapidly centered on the location where Ito Cheng disappeared, and expanded into the distance regardless of any obstacles. It wasn’t until I didn’t know how long it took that I scanned the entire world.

Then, that special wave changed from shape to tangible, like an isolation zone composed of sky-blue energy. Embedded in the world wall of this world, it isolates this world from the dimensional space connected to it. [

Then a huge black hole that clearly existed but seemed not to be in the space of this world appeared on the outer wall of the world, devouring the entire world...

In an instant, the whole world began to twist in a strange state, but it did not cause any damage to the matter in the world. It was as if the world suddenly changed from the original three-dimensional solid to a two-dimensional plane at this moment, moving towards that pouring in from the giant black hole that exists at the World Arm.

At the same time, a handful of crisp green leaves like a tree crown protruded from the back of the dark hole, like a pillar supporting the sky, against the sky blue energy light film used to isolate the connection between the world and the dimensional space. And as the big black hole moves downward, it becomes more and more protruding, and becomes longer and longer, preventing the dimensional world from filling the void created when this world is swallowed up, creating a powerful dimensional shock.

And this tree crown is the world tree rooted in the Rubik's Cube world, which has been activated with various attributes due to devouring the dimensional world!

After an unknown amount of time, as the world disappeared, the World Tree finally completed its mission and slowly retracted into the world of the Rubik's Cube.

"Wave~" In the audible soft sound, a ripple spread instantly, forming a small dimensional earthquake, which spread to the surrounding world.

Of course, because of the support of the World Tree, the part of the dimensional space that needs to be refilled is very small, so even if the dimensional shock is generated, it is not the kind of dimensional shock that will cause harm and cause other worlds to be in danger of destruction. At most, it would only attract the attention of the Space-Time Management Bureau.

For this situation, Ito Cheng was mentally prepared in advance. After all, the dimensional shock caused by devouring the next Lelouch world in the large dimensional sea was enough for him to stay in the main world for half a year before he could travel again. Later, although the addition of the World Tree weakened the dimensional shock caused by subsequent devouring and shortened the residence time, it still did not reach the level of completely annihilating the dimensional shock, so this kind of thing cannot be avoided for the time being. It is only possible to wait until more worlds have been devoured before the World Tree can grow to a certain level.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, only creating a small-scale dimensional earthquake greatly exceeded Ito Cheng's expectations.

Subsequently, Ito Cheng stayed in the Rubik's Cube world for another two days. After the fluctuations in the outer dimensional space completely calmed down, he appeared in the dimensional space in a physical body and used his own dimensional transfer magic to go to the next dimensional world. It is the desert world that the original author Zhigno went to, and he is going to conduct devouring experiments on the surviving monsters there.

It was still unknown how long later, with an imperceptible soft sound of "wave" and the resulting small dimensional shock, the sandworm-like creature with a large number of amplified by dozens or even hundreds of times appeared. The desert world of Warcraft was smoothly swallowed into the Rubik's Cube world by Ito Cheng.

"Next, Forest World, let's go!"

Then, after waiting for the fluctuations in the dimensional space to calm down, Ito Cheng embarked on the experimental journey again.

The forest world with a large number of various types of warcraft has been devoured successfully!

There are all kinds of creatures and monsters, and the living environment is very good. There is a border nature protection planet guarded by seven or eight members of the Nature Conservation Bureau of the Time and Space Administration. The devouring was successful!

There are all kinds of creatures and monsters, and the living environment is very good. There are several ethnic groups living in it, and the population is about 50,000 to 60,000. It is an inhabited world, and it has been successfully devoured!

"Next, choose a prosperous world with a large population and try to devour it." Devouring three worlds in a row proved that even if there are Warcraft, various creatures and a small number of humans, they are not affected by the certification of the Lord of the World. Ito Cheng, who successfully swallowed the world, decided in his heart.

With this thought in mind, Ito Cheng's figure disappeared into the dimensional space and appeared in a world under the jurisdiction of the Administration with a large population living there.

"Can the Rubik's Cube be swallowed?" Ito Cheng asked using his mind to communicate with the Rubik's Cube.

[The will of the planet, the will of living beings, and the world certification system exist and can be swallowed. ] Basically before swallowing a world, the answer appeared in Ito Cheng's heart.

In fact, by this time, Ito Cheng was completely certain in his heart that these dimensional worlds in Magical Girl Nanoha's world were continents, islands, and even boxes. Without their knowledge or resistance, they stood there. Ito Cheng, who is outside the box and has mastered the method of hiding the box, can come and devour them at any time, just like he devoured factories with thousands of people working in the Lelouch world!

But if he wants to devour the entire Magical Girl Nanoha world at once, he must enter the world certification process and obtain the identity of the Lord of the World. This is only possible! [

"Okay, swallow it!" Ito Cheng ordered with satisfaction. Then without waiting for the Rubik's Cube's reminder, he jumped directly into the Rubik's Cube world, summoned Linfus, and continued to make the Book of Night Sky in his hand with her assistance... To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian (voting, monthly votes, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m to read.)

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