Magic world

Chapter 105 Unraveling (please recommend and collect)

The earth version update or something... has not been implemented! The universe server indicates that it will continue to operate for one hundred yuanhui!

Please recommend and collect!


"Little brother is back." The eldest sister Ito Suzu came to the entrance very quickly and said with a smile.

"Well, I'm back. Why didn't eldest sister go to work today?" Ito Cheng took off his shoes and asked with a smile as he stepped on the ground with his bare feet.

"I have a day off today." Ito Suzu smiled, then took the small package from Ito Cheng's hand and said, "What is this?"

"This is a gift for you, your second sister, and your mother." Ito Cheng took off his clothes and hung them on a hanger nearby without looking back.

"Oh? Let me see what good stuff it is." After hearing Ito Cheng's words, Ito Suzu opened the package and looked at it curiously, and then she exclaimed, "Dig, is this a diamond?"

It turned out that what Ito Suzu was holding was a bracelet that had been scavenged from the world of heaven and earth. The chain body was made of platinum, with thick knuckle silk, and exquisite leaf patterns and hollows on it. Several small diamonds were inlaid on it. A hollow place.

"Well, I went out to help a jewelry merchant this time, and I got a thank you gift from him." Ito Cheng sat aside and said.

"This is..." Ito Suzu looked at the bracelet in her hand very fondly and looked at Ito Cheng hesitantly.

"Of course it's for you, sister. The items inside are all for you. You three can pick whichever one you like." Ito Cheng said nonchalantly.

"Dig, I'm really generous, I love you so much." Ito Suzu was so excited that she ran directly to Ito Cheng, hugged Ito Cheng's neck and kissed him hard on the face. Then she ran to the side and put the small bag in her hand. Everything inside was turned inside out and started to look at it.

There were four or five pieces of jewelry in the small bag. In addition to the bracelet in Ito Suzu's hand, there were also a pair of earrings, a necklace, and a jade bracelet.

At this time, there was a sound of rushing water from the bathroom, and then her mother Eriko walked out of the bathroom...

"A-Cheng is back." Mother looked at Ito Cheng sitting there with a soft smile and said with a smile.

"Well, I'm back." Ito Cheng stood up quickly and said to his mother.

"Mom, come here quickly. The gift that Cheng brought back this time is pretty good." Ito Suzu held up the bracelet in a showy manner and waved it in front of her mother Eriko.

Eriko smiled at Ito Suzu's appearance, but after seeing the bracelet and the things on the table, she frowned and asked, "Where did Acari come from?"

"I helped a jewelry merchant with some things at Daban. The other person gave me the gift and I bought it before I spent the money." Ito Cheng knew that this was because his mother was concerned about the origin of the items, so he said the excuse he had in mind.

"Yes." Eriko nodded and didn't ask anything. In fact, as long as there is an excuse, as for the real origin, Eriko has no intention to investigate to the end and must tell the whole story clearly. After all, she has seen the changes in her son in the past six months and knows that her child He is no longer the delinquent who only knows how to fool around in society, but has become a complete man who can stand upright.

Then her mother Eriko put away the jade bracelet, leaving the necklace and earrings for her little daughter to choose from. As dusk approached, Ito Rena finally returned home. Seeing Ito Cheng appear at home, she was also smiling. After being pulled over by the eldest sister to receive the gift, she was full of joy and praised Ito Cheng.


After dinner, the three of them sat in the living room and started chatting about recent events.

"The review will start from the day after tomorrow. It will still be reviewed first in Tokyo and Kyoto, and then spread to all cities and counties. In other words, the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, our Ito family will also have reviewers." Eriko said to Ito Cheng Explaining, "The specific steps are very simple. The special commissioner will use the energy detection system developed by the Ministry of Environment in recent years to confirm whether the person has the qualifications for review. If it is detected that the person has [power] but has not been registered, he will Registration is done on the spot, and then the China Unicom network is sent directly to the Ministry of Environment’s database for filing. After that, another experienced reviewer will check whether the new person needs to make special filings, but this refers to general circumstances.”

Eriko sighed helplessly when she said this. At this time, Ito Suzu picked up the topic and continued, "Because of the character of the reviewers, sometimes there will be some troubles due to personal preferences or moods. I remember that two years ago, There was a censor who was dissatisfied with the person being censored at the time, and directly took action to cause the other person to be disabled. So when the time comes, little brother, you should pay attention, after all, most people who have [ability] are very proud."

"Is that so? What would happen if it were the other way around?" Ito Cheng asked with a frown. He could understand the pride of ability users. After all, for most ability users, ordinary people were like ants in their eyes, too fragile. More importantly, most ability users are mentally unstable. Their minds are often distorted due to certain things and eventually get lost in power, making them look like they are the best in the world, but this does not mean they are the best in the world. It doesn't mean that you can let the other party bully you.

"Nothing will happen. People with strength are respected in this circle. Even if you defeat the censor, as long as you don't kill him, there will basically be no problem. But the key is that after you defeat the opponent... Eriko took over Ito Suzu's words again and explained, "After all, the other party represents the Ministry of Environment. If you don't show mercy to the other party, they will not show mercy to you if you fall into the hands of the Ministry of Environment. And the person you defeated They will also hold a grudge against you, which will make it easier for them to cause trouble, and often some things are caused by these villains."

"Really..." Ito Cheng frowned, obviously worried about the review.

"But don't worry too much. After all, this kind of thing is only a minority. The Ministry of Environment still needs to consider the emotions of our families. The people sent out are often relatively modest people. As long as you don't have any problems by then, you will basically be fine." It will pass smoothly." Eriko saw Ito Cheng's confusion and comforted her, "What's more important is that we are a member of the shrine system, and there will be people from Ise Shrine supervising during the review, so even if the other party is really in trouble, It will also be much more restrained.”

"That's good." Ito Cheng nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. Then he pretended to be casual and asked, "By the way, mother, what's going on over there in Kyoto?"

"As I told you on the phone, a famous demon died over there, which made the relationship between the demon forces there and Kyoto become more tense, and it coincides with the year when there are many things at stake, so the current situation there is It's not good. Your grandpa also said that if possible, don't go near Kyoto in the near future. It can easily cause trouble." Eriko didn't pay much attention to this question after all, she was far away, so she just said casually.

"But I think there shouldn't be any trouble. After all, Kyoto is also the base camp of the Shinto forces. The most the monsters can do is make trouble and there is a high chance that it will end peacefully." Ito Suzu said with a smile from the side, obviously not believing that there would be any. Fight.

"Yes, but there is no need for us to worry about it. If there is a problem, your grandfather will notify us, and I believe that Kyoto is also very relaxed. If the situation really gets tense, I believe that the Shrine will definitely call in personnel." Eriko also smiled.

"Yeah, that's right." Ito Suzu nodded.

Then the four of them talked again, and Rena Ito returned to the house first. Ito Cheng looked at the back of Reina who was going upstairs, with a thoughtful expression on his face...

"Hey." Eriko sighed suddenly, calling Ito Cheng's mind back, only to hear Eriko say, "Has Cheng discovered it too?"

"Well, I feel like the second sister is a little confused." Ito Cheng admitted with a nod.

"Reina, you think too much." Ito Suzuya sighed helplessly.

After thinking about it for a while, Ito Cheng roughly knew what was going on. Just like at the Summer Festival, looking at the topics discussed by Ito Cheng and the three of them, he felt a sense of loss that he was completely involved in being a member of the family, and being surpassed by his younger brother. The frustration at the end, coupled with the combined factors of girlishness and rebellious period, made Rena's mentality a little biased...

"How about I go up and talk to her?" Ito Cheng said hesitantly.

Eriko Ito and Suzu Ito looked at each other, nodded to each other, and Suzu Ito said, "It's okay for me to go up and talk."

"Okay, I'll go up and talk to her." Ito Cheng nodded when he saw the two agreed, got up and knocked on Rena's door lightly and said, "I am the second sister."

"Wait a minute." Ito Rena's somewhat muffled voice sounded from behind the door, and after about 10 seconds she said, "Come in."

"Crack!" Ito Cheng pushed the door open, walked in, turned over and closed the door. At this time, Ito Rena was sitting in front of the desk. She looked at Ito Cheng who walked in and said with a smile, "Acheng, why do you want to come to my room?"

"It's not that you looked wrong just now, second sister. Come up and take a look at you," Ito Cheng said with a smile as he walked to the bed. Then he sat on the edge of the bed, looked at Reina and asked, "Are you worried?"

"How do you know that I have something on my mind?" Ito Rena smiled at Ito Cheng. There was nothing wrong at all, and no pretense could be seen.

"Second sister, what is there to hide? It was so obvious just now that both the eldest sister and mother saw it." Ito Cheng shrugged and said directly

"No way." Ito Rena turned her head to the side with a slightly unnatural expression, but even she felt that her confidence was lacking.

"Really?" Ito Cheng asked immediately.

"I said no, no, why do you talk so much nonsense?" Reina frowned and said impatiently, her voice raised a little higher than before.

"Okay, if you say no, then there won't be." Ito Cheng looked at Reina and didn't push it too hard. He just continued, "But second sister, if you really have something on your mind, you can come to us to talk about it. After all, we are all a family, so we can't give in." My mother and eldest sister are too worried."

"..." Ito Rena calmed down the irritability in her heart again and nodded silently in response.

"That's it, I won't disturb the second sister's study. But there is one thing I want to say, no matter what, Reina is Rena, she is my second sister, and she is a member of the Ito family. This will not change. So I Sister, there is no need for you to think about random things, no one will care about those things." Ito Cheng said with a serious expression on his face and his eyes seriously staring at Reina Ito's eyes. Then Reina Ito stood up and left her room before she could react, closing the door gently and leaving Reina alone to think quietly.

Turning around, he looked at his mother Eriko and eldest sister Ito Suzu who were standing in front of Reina's door. He shrugged and turned back to his room. The two people who were left confused looked at each other and returned to Shafa to continue watching Japanese dramas.

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