Magic world

Chapter 997 Perseus

ykfany" and "ngstone" gave the reward, and thanked "Fujiwara Toyosaki" for the evaluation vote.

"Come out, Tian Congyun." Ito Cheng, who ignored the flying dragon, opened his right hand and called in a low voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was three feet, three inches long and about two fingers wide. The back of the knife was slightly curved. A dark knife based on the shape of a Japanese long sword - Tian Congyun appeared in his palm, with his five fingers together. The wooden knife handle is tightly held on the outside with a diamond-shaped black and white line cloth.

"Close combat? It's really a fighting method that suits my liking." Looking at Ito Cheng who summoned the weapon, Perseus said with a happy face.

"Come on." Ito Chengyi flashed the blade and said softly.

"Okay!" Perseus agreed loudly.

Then the two of them took steps together and rushed toward each other with knives.

The distance between the two people was not very far to begin with, less than three meters. When the two people rushed forward at the same time, it only took a second for them to come to the middle and slash at each other with knives.

"Cang!" The Japanese long sword transformed by Tian Congyun collided heavily with the scimitar held in Perseus's hand. The two blades that were locked together were rubbed and splashed out during the contest of arm strength between the two. A series of dazzling sparks.

"What an unexpected and formidable opponent." Perseus, who held the handle of the sword tightly with his right hand, pressed the blade with the palm of his left hand, and pressed the blade towards Ito Cheng with all his strength, said with a smile.

"Really?" Ito Cheng, who held the blade of the sword in the same way, asked with a chuckle, and then opened his mouth to chant the powerful words in vain.

"O cow with shining golden horns. Give me aid!"

As the spirit chanted, a powerful force appeared in Ito Cheng's body in vain, and he applied force to the sword. Perseus, who was in no hurry to defend, immediately flew backwards under the push of this huge force.

After pushing Perseus away, Ito Cheng turned his free left hand over, and several thin metal pieces with faint lines on the surface appeared in his hand. Ito Cheng used a hidden weapon like a shooting star chasing the moon. They hit Perseus one after another, who regained his balance and jumped back.

As a person with the world's top martial arts and ancient combat experience, Perseus saw this and waved his arms repeatedly, using his scimitar to hit, block, collapse, or frame the metal pieces that flew towards him like bullets. One by one, they flew away from the body and fell to the ground. However, the moment he knocked those iron pieces away, Ito Cheng, who followed the hidden weapon iron pieces using Shuchi techniques, thrust out the Amazong Unsword in a thrusting manner.

Perseus tapped his feet and turned sideways, dodging Ito Cheng's thrust. At the same time, he leaned forward and waved his arms. He slashed down towards Ito Cheng's arm.

The moment Perseus' weapon was about to touch Ito Cheng's body, Ito Cheng's figure suddenly disappeared from under Perseus' weapon, and in an instant appeared diagonally behind Perseus, continuing to use Stab in a sudden manner and retract the knife without haste. Perseus ducked away in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

Ito's thrust failed, and he swept his foot on the ground as if he was repositioning himself. Several iron pieces on the sliding path of his footsteps immediately scattered and flew away during his sweep. It is placed in a more scattered manner in the battlefield with Perseus.

"The way he moved just's really hard to underestimate the devil." Perseus looked at Ito Cheng with a solemn expression and said.

"To kill the enemy, you should use all your strength, right?" Ito Cheng retorted with a smile.

"It is in line with the words of a warrior, but it is not in line with the honor of my warrior." Perseus shook his head and said.

"You have to understand that times have changed. The current era is no longer the ancient Greek period. Learning to advance with the times is the latest standard for being a disobedient god." Ito Cheng replied in a joking tone.

"It should be the duty of mankind to let people live according to the standards appointed by God." Perseus said loudly.

"That's why we are the god-killing warriors, isn't it?" Ito Cheng said with a smile on his face.

"That's why our Hero of Steel was born!" Perseus laughed.

Hearing this, Ito Cheng smiled slightly, and once again used the Shukuchi technique to appear in front of Perseus, and slashed at Perseus' body with a cassock slash. Perseus stepped back lightly, raised his arm and swung his sword, blocking Ito Cheng's slash.

But at this moment, Ito Cheng, who was holding the knife with both hands, suddenly let go of one arm, raised his hand and threw at Perseus a dozen thin pieces of iron that were the same as the ones thrown before.

"Despicable and rude guy." Perseus cursed angrily as he raised his arms to cover his face and randomly deflected the flying iron pieces.

The thickness of the iron sheet was too thin. Although it was blessed with the great power of Ito Cheng's bull power, it still failed to form a too dangerous attack on Perseus, except for cutting three or four thin lines on his body. Outside of the wound, it fell haphazardly to the ground around Perseus without achieving any results.

Then, Perseus no longer paid attention to the splendor of the battle, restored the original appearance of the ancient gladiator, and kicked Ito Cheng in the chest and abdomen.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng lowered his feet, and his body was like a light feather. He flew back close to the edge of Perseus' kicked foot and fell back to the ground calmly. During the whole process, he only put on his clothes and a pair of shoes. Except for the dust, he was not harmed at all.

"My beloved horse, come to me quickly!" Perseus, who forced Ito Cheng away with his feet, immediately chanted the spirit of words loudly.

The next moment, there was a sudden flash of light. A group of animals were two meters tall and nearly two meters long. They were all white without a trace of color. Except for the two weird wings on their backs, they looked the same no matter how you looked at them. A fine white horse appeared beside Perseus.

Perseus turned over and sat on the horse, stretched out his hand and patted the horse's neck. In an instant, as if it understood the owner's intention, the horse suddenly flapped its wings and flew up from the ground, rising into the sky.

"Tch, I'm not one of those god-killers who can't fly." Seeing this, Ito Cheng muttered in a low voice. Then he wrapped his body with telekinesis and flew up from the ground at a speed comparable to or even exceeding the speed of a horse. The next moment, he appeared in front of Bo Er who had just turned his scimitar into a bow and arrow, and was about to fly Ito's kite. In front of Hughes, he waved his sword and looked at his body.

"Poof!" Perseus, who had no idea that Ito Cheng could fly, used his bow to block Ama Congyun's slashing attack with a look of shock on his face. However, Ito Cheng just used a clever variation and passed the blade through the long bow. The exposed gap struck Perseus on the chest.

In an instant, a large amount of blood spurted out from Perseus' chest.

After completing the slash, Ito Cheng stepped into the void. Swinging his leg, he hit Perseus hard in the body with a roundhouse kick. Kicked him away from the Pegasus.

At this time, Pegasus, the Pegasus, was not to be outdone. He neighed, raised his two front kicks and stepped hard on the side of Ito Shige who was in the stage of catalepsy. Kick him to the ground again like a cannonball. Then he turned his horse's head. It turned into a meteor and flew under Perseus, who was in mid-air with no support, and put him back on his horse.

Ito Cheng, who fell at high speed, flashed and suddenly appeared on the ground. Eliminate the gravitational inertia carried by the body.

And the moment Ito Cheng fell to the ground, an arrow fell from the sky at a speed comparable to that of God and shot at Ito Cheng. Sensing the danger, Ito Cheng's body flashed with lightning, and he disappeared from where he was like lightning and flint.

"Boom!" Accompanied by this explosion, the arrow that hit the ground exploded like a high-explosive bomb, blasting a huge irregular depression half a meter in diameter on the ground, and a large amount of gravel was produced in the explosion. It splashed in all directions during the impact.

Just one blow was completed, and the second blow fell immediately. Ito Cheng, who remained in a state of electric light and flint, flashed again, and suddenly appeared in another position that could not be reached instantly by the moving route, regardless of the distance or position, and escaped Perseus' attack.

This is thanks to the skill of Ito Cheng who used the thin iron pieces with the Flying Thunder God positioning technique that he used twice before to throw them away as hidden weapons. Originally, he was going to use it to surprise Perseus in melee combat, but now it has become the most advantageous prop to avoid his meteor arrows...

At this time, Perseus' third blow fell again, then the fourth, fifth, sixth...

"Wind, rain, form a storm, blowing here!" Ito Cheng, who felt that it was no longer possible to evade like this randomly, continued to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to dodge Perseus' arrows, and opened his mouth to chant. Mercato, the god of storms, lightning, and the sky, brings about storms by his power.

As the words of power were read out, a large black cloud layer immediately accumulated in the originally clear night sky, and raindrops as big as beans fell from the cloud layer, forming a downpour. At the same time, a wave of rain came from an unknown source. The strong wind blew violently, blowing the rain away and affecting the sight of Ito Cheng and Perseus.

Probably really affected by the storm, Perseus' arrow attack finally stopped at this moment.

"Thunder in the sky, turn into my sword and knock down the enemies in the sky!" Taking advantage of this gap, Ito Cheng once again chanted loudly the spirit of another power under the same power.

"Boom!" Along with the sudden roar, a thick bolt of lightning jumped out from the black clouds and struck straight at Perseus who was riding the Pegasus.

Although Perseus could shoot arrows that defied divine speed and rode a horse that flew as fast as a meteor, he was still a little embarrassed to avoid lightning, so he was immediately hit by the thunder that suddenly fell from the sky. It landed in mid-air. It's just that as a hero of steel like the Dragon Slayer, he has an immortal body and is highly resistant to lightning. However, he did not suffer any damage from the bombardment of lightning. The reason why he fell from the air was entirely because he stepped on it. Pegasus' resistance to thunder and lightning is just relatively weak.

But at this time, Perseus chanted his powerful words.

"My fathers, the glory of the east, please give me the power to create miracles in your name. Come, please answer the oath of the snake-slaying warrior now!"

As Perseus' words came to an end, a huge ball of light like the sun flashed in vain in the storm-shrouded eastern sky. The light and heat it emitted immediately evaporated the dark clouds blocking it. , its true face is completely exposed to the world. That is a huge sun that can only be seen during the day!

Under the illumination of the sun's power, the storm summoned by Ito Cheng quickly became weak and gradually dissipated under the sunlight.

"Well, while I still have some time, I'll let you try this." Ito Seishin said, seeing the changes in the sky. He then turned over his hand and took out an alloy ball about the size of a table tennis ball and flicked it away with a cloth. The electric index finger struck hard on the surface of the alloy ball.

"Whoops!" In an instant, an orange-yellow beam that was two fingers thick and with electric light on its surface instantly cut through the distance between Ito Cheng and Perseus, and bombarded the horse that Perseus was riding.

Yes, Ito Cheng's target of attack this time was not Perseus himself, but the horse he dismounted.

"Xi Lu Lu..." The speed of the electromagnetic gun is so fast that it is not weak even when compared with lightning. Therefore, Tianma ate a large electromagnetic gun without even reacting, and his whole body was stunned. started to mess around. Affected by this, the body of Perseus on it began to shake uncontrollably.

Ito Cheng, who was on the ground, raised his eyebrows when he saw this. His body wrapped in telekinesis instantly burst out at the highest speed of movement. He appeared next to the forbidden Pegasus almost as if he was teleporting. Perseus was unable to react when he was on an unstable footing. In a hurry, he slashed with his sword.

"Poof!" Accompanied by a muffled sound and a sudden spray of blood, the head of Perseus's pet Pegasus was separated from the body by Tian Congyun's slash, and the horse's eyes were wide open as it flew to the ground. fell down.

Then, Ito Cheng, who had finished killing Pegasus, stretched out his arm and fired several electric shocks at Perseus with his own power.

"Crackling..." Although the effect of the electric shock was exaggerated, even the thunder of power could not do anything to Perseus, let alone the ordinary electric shock released by Ito Cheng's own power, but it was used as a harassment and containment That said, it still has some effect. At least during the electric attack, Perseus' movements could not be suppressed and paused.

Taking advantage of this moment of pause, Ito Cheng, who withdrew his sword, activated teleportation and appeared behind Perseus, and slashed his neck with the sword. Relying on his divine intuition, Perseus immediately raised his arm with the sword and placed the blade behind his neck, blocking Ito Cheng's slash.

"Get down here!" Ito Shigeya was already prepared for Perseus, who failed to kill him with one knife. He raised his foot and stepped on Perseus' back, kicking him with a super-guarding kick. Back on the ground.

"Boom!" Perseus, whose body was like a cannonball, hit the ground heavily, creating an irregular circular depression about three meters in diameter centered on him! (To be continued...)

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