Chapter 485 Sacrifice Rules

The body that has been involved in the rules, suddenly there are strands of power passing, passing through inexplicable channels, passing to the unknown.

“Huh?” Duobao was stunned, and what means?

Isn’t this finished yet?

He thought that life, hope, and desperate Samsara should be their last resort, but he didn’t expect it to be over yet?

Power has broken through the protection of his rules and is stealing his power.

Stopping the action, extinguishing the mind of telling the truth, he followed the flow of power, looking for the source.

Countless murmurs suddenly sounded in the ears, and countless passages suddenly appeared in the body.

The channel connects his body and countless creatures.

“Sacrifice?” With the investigation, the murmur gradually became clear, and it was the sound of sacrifice, which was the language of sacrifice of life.

Listen carefully, the goal of those creatures’ sacrifices is him, and they are all the same, power!

They stole his power through sacrificial methods.

“how come?”

Duobao was puzzled. Looking at the picture scroll in his hand, it was clear that those people had been knocked down by him, and they no longer had power. How could they steal his power through the sacrificial method?

This is not normal!

“Past, present, future…” For the first time, he thought of the possibility.

The Civilization Picture Scroll just collects them now, in the past and in the future, they are still alive.

The voice he heard was exactly what they were doing in the past or the future.

“Sacrifice…good idea, but unfortunately, I can’t help it!” Duobao shook his head and didn’t take it to his heart.

As soon as the civilization map rolls out, there is no opponent anymore.


Unfold the civilization picture scroll, pinch Karma with your finger, click on the picture scroll, communicate with the river, the picture scrolls, the force of the picture scroll follows Karma, to the past, the future, I want to gather them.


A huge humming sound came, and countless huge altars appeared, blocking the front of the strength of the scroll, separating time and space, the past, the future…nothing!

“Rules!” Duobao changed color, feeling the danger for the first time, and looked at the endless altar.

There are many altars and they are very powerful. This is not the point. The point is the rules on those altars.

It is not the rudiments of rules, but the real rules. These altars have reached the level of rules, and they are real rules.

Because of this, the space and time separated by them cannot be separated by the power of civilization.

“Yes… not right.”

Duobao shook his head. Originally guessed that Sage had other rules, but he took a closer look, but he didn’t.

Those rules are very unfamiliar, they are brand-new rules, look at them in detail, and look deeper, with complex breaths, and represent endless creatures.

“Is it still done by gathering everyone’s strength?”

He knew it, but still puzzled.

If the rules can be achieved by the power of everyone, it is not that difficult. Quantity can never achieve quality, at least at the level of rules.

Among them, there must be a core that reaches the level of rules, so that we can gather the power of everyone to push up to the level of rules.

“who is it?”

Duobao guessed in his heart that for an instant, countless figures appeared in his mind, but they all rejected them one by one.

Make a fist, the power of the rule falls in the hand, punches out, the void is shattered, the law is shattered, the concept dissipates, everything, under this fist, all annihilated…except for the countless altars.

The altar turned, like the sound of the sea humming, the power of the sacrificial rites gathered, like countless mouths, swallowing his fists cleanly.

The altar becomes stronger, the whispering sound of the sacrifice is louder, and the internal energy flow rate increases.


Duobao was amazed. He didn’t expect this to happen. The power of the sacrificial offering was so mysterious that it could swallow his power.

His punch not only failed to break through the obstacles, but accelerated the sacrifice.

It’s like his response to those countless creatures!

“I can’t break it temporarily!” The thoughts in his heart flashed, his eyes were faint, and Duobao watched quietly, suppressing the thoughts in his heart, letting the power of the sacrificial power steal his power, and no longer resisted.

When he didn’t resist, the altar was stronger, stealing his power to grow, and soon, on one side of the altar, a group of figures appeared, with strong aura and amazing strength, and everyone surpassed Sage.

The figure that first appeared was strange, and was the most ordinary creature in the prehistoric world.

They sacrificed to Duobao, gained his power, and achieved this strength by relying on his power.

Slowly, a familiar figure appeared soon.

Human race, Lich races, prehistoric races…

The civilization scroll suddenly trembled, like a bomb, and its breath was unstable. A stalwart force appeared inside, impacting the scroll.

That’s because the predominant creatures that have been included in it have received power feedback, and the civilization picture scroll can’t suppress it anymore.

Duobao did not intervene and watched quietly. Soon, the scroll of civilization was broken, and the creatures that had been included in it appeared again.

Gods, Lich races, a group of juniors, human races, Suiren clan, Antarctica…

Each of them stood densely and formed a sea of ​​people, each staring at Duobao with complicated eyes.

No one spoke, just stood quietly and watched.

Duobao’s power was stolen, and his aura gradually became weaker and weaker.


Time passed for a long time, and suddenly a force of destiny appeared, falling on a group of altars, the altars collided and merged, and soon formed a huge regular altar that surpassed everything.

Duobao clearly saw that the power of fate set the fate of the altar fusion, and it was even more involved and fell on him.

Infinite golden light shines, Sacred, majesty.

In the golden light, Duobao was led, step by step towards the huge altar.

The altar hangs high, at a higher level of time and space, high above it.

Duobao went to the altar and became the supreme being, enjoying the sacrifice of all living beings.

All the creatures of Honghuang appeared one by one, neatly arranged under the altar, and they were sacrificed creatures.

They calmly looked at Duobao, the aura in their body was still growing, time and space under their feet, the past, present, and future, the three timelines were gathered and merged into one.

“Are we… going to win?”

Someone said blankly.

Everything in front of them seemed to illustrate this result, but they were not so calm and happy, but rather complicated.

This is their last resort. If it doesn’t work this time, they will lose completely.

It is hard to imagine that Duobao is so powerful. All of them, after spending all their energy, almost failed. Really… It seems to be now, but it still feels like a dream.

Duobao flew into the altar, and his aura as a god was even heavier. He calmly looked at everyone. The rules of the source of sacrifice rested on him, turning him into the source of sacrifice, enjoying the sacrifice of all living beings, high above, but also the same Imprisoned him, so that he can no longer use the slightest strength.

He did not resist, just watched quietly. As time passed, he knew that the master behind the scenes should be about to appear!

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