Chapter 459: The Status Quo of the Human Race

“A word is a deal.”

Huaxu’s voice was eager, for fear that Dubao would regret it.

“A word is settled!”

Duobao repeated it, for An Huaxu’s heart, really, is he such a person?

“I know that you are also a human race, you will not look at it.” After receiving Dubao’s affirmative reply, Huaxu was very excited and excited, and Duobao couldn’t help avoiding the eyes that burst into light. Come.

Although his heart is toward Human Race, but this body is really not Human Race.

“Can you tell me about the current situation of the human race?” Duobao couldn’t help asking after a moment of silence.

From Huaxu’s performance, he guessed something, but in a little more detail, he still didn’t know.

He also didn’t want to unblock his own strength, so he asked directly.

He is indeed very curious. Although the Human Race has not experienced many calamities and can’t hold the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, he can’t put it to the point of collapse at the beginning of the real calamity, right?

“Human…” Hearing this word, the light in Huaxu’s eyes quickly dissipated, and replaced by an invisible depression. Although I haven’t said it yet, it has already changed the atmosphere.

Just a look, a movement, and a little mood made Dubao feel extremely depressed.


Duobao was a little dazed. It seemed that the matter was much more serious than he had guessed?

The Huaxu family hesitated for a moment, and some didn’t want to say it, for fear of scaring away Duobao. After all, he was finally convinced, but under Duobao’s curious eyes, he still said: “The human race has become a slave.”

“What?” Duobao couldn’t help yelling.

There are not many words, but the meaning in the words is scary enough.

“What does it mean that the human race has become a slave?”

Huaxu was silent for a long time, and he sighed, knowing that Dubao would react like this. I only hope that he will not be scared away.

“Although the prehistoric world is divided, the various tribes of our human race can still have some vague feelings. This is a method left by the three ancestors.”

“It is impossible to convey specific information, but can simply express some meaning. It is the last resort left by the three ancestors in the worst case.”

“Not long ago, the information came that all the known races have been turned into slaves by a hundred tribes, and the human races have changed from the original prehistoric tribes to…heh, where else are there tribes.”

Duobao was stunned, knowing that the Daoist clan was in a bad condition, but he didn’t expect it to be so bad.

“That’s not right!” After thinking about it carefully, he frowned and asked: “With the strength of the human race, even if it is pursued and killed by a hundred races, it is impossible to be turned into a slave in such a short period of time, right?”

“Moreover, slaves… they shouldn’t kill the human race and take the luck of the human race, how could they become slaves?”

Asking questions one by one, before Huaxu’s answer, he first had a guess: “Could it be that belief, belief?”

The Huaxu family: “Yes, they don’t know where they got the ancient god’s law handed down by the Witch Clan. Because of the large number of my human races and the more powerful power to multiply, they turned my human race into a slave and its faith. The crowd.”

Duobao opened his mouth, the law of the ancient gods?

Passed on by Thor?

If this is the case, it seems to make sense.

It’s just that before the Wu Clan left the ancient god’s law?

It’s not quite right… If the Wu Clan left behind the ancient god’s law, it’s impossible for everyone to know about it. Everyone has a hundred clans.

“There must be someone behind the Hundred Clan.”

“Are you afraid?” Huaxu asked cautiously.

She shouldn’t have been so concerned about gains and losses. It’s just the news she got that she hasn’t been labelled as a lamb. There are really not many clansmen who have not been labelled as believers, and all she has met is only Duobao. .

Involuntarily, after she finished speaking, she was very nervous.

If there is no hope, you will not be humble. The greater the hope, the more careful, the more perturbed, and the humble you will be when you face it.

At this moment, she had put all her hopes on Duobao, so… she seemed even more humble when she asked.

“Um…” Duobao was still thinking, listening to the voice, and was immediately stunned.

What kind of look is that?

That kind of expectation, humble… I feel like in his previous life, the one I’ve ever seen sent food to his ignorant grandson, because he disliked his grandma’s clothes and lost Face, and ran in front, while the grandma in the back held her hands in her hands. The lunch box, while shouting loudly, stumbled after it.

He trembled inexplicably, and avoided his gaze.

“Don’t worry, the human race will rise, everything will pass, and it will… pass.”

“If you are not at ease, you can follow us during this period. Your grandson will be born in a short time.”

“At that time, after you meet him, I believe you won’t be able to see me again.”

Huaxu nodded, then turned around and turned into a man.


“I don’t want Huaxu to know me.” Huaxu explained.

The two walked back.

The next day, Kai, Huaxu, Jin Ling, Xiaohong, including the little Qilin who had been helplessly accustomed to his current life, all looked at the stranger Huaxu curiously.

“Who are you?”

Jin Ling blinked his big eyes and circled around the Huaxu family, with his small hand supporting his chin, always feeling that something was wrong with the person in front of him.

Xiaohong was also watching, and she also felt that the Huaxu was very awkward. He appeared in front of him, very unreal, as if it were fake.

“You said Duobao brought you back?” Huaxu stared at the Huaxu family, but he was not as unscrupulous as Jin Ling and Xiaohong, but he actually felt a touch of inexplicable intimacy in him.

It’s as if the other party is her relative.

However, her relatives can only be her mother, who is the leader of the Huaxu tribe, except for the child in her abdomen.

Obviously, the person in front of him cannot be her child, could it be her mother?

“I said, what are you doing?” Duobao stretched out and walked out: “His name is Fu, and he has to stay with us for a period of time. During this time, you should treat others well, not rude.”

“Yes.” Everyone responded in unison.

Jin Ling’s eyes kept turning, and he glanced at Xiao Hong, just to meet Xiao Hong’s gaze, and the two nodded together and walked towards Duo Bao.

“Big Brother…”


Doubao looked at the two of them in confusion: “What’s the matter?”

The two of them actually used their unique way of speaking, and no one could hear them except for the three of them.

“Isn’t this what he really is?” Xiaohong asked.

“He is the source of his bad mood during this period of senior brother?” Jin Ling’s mind was rare and delicate, and soon discovered that after this person appeared, Dubao’s irritable and terrifying state had disappeared. .

“You two little ghosts, it’s fine to know it yourself, but don’t go out and talk nonsense.” Duobao was a little surprised. He didn’t expect them to guess, but if they guessed it, they guessed it. Gu Zidi went to the fence circle that had been repaired not long ago, and looked at the strange animals inside, his eyes flashing.

“The current situation of the human race is indeed very difficult. It seems that if I don’t make a move, I may not be able to sustain the birth of Fuxi.”

“No, I don’t need to take action, just need the people of the human race to know that there is such a son of destiny, there will naturally be hope, as long as there is hope, no matter how difficult the days are, they can survive.”

“Hope is the root!”

Thinking in my mind, a decision has already been made.

It didn’t take long for the Huaxu family to turn over and walked over: “Duobao, you came from the rumors of the King of People, right?”

“Yes.” Duobao nodded and admitted simply and neatly: “How about it, can the Human race still be able to hold it now?”

“Has the Terran situation improved.”

Huaxu’s face is not very good: “It is a lot better, everyone has hope, but… this is the cure for the root cause.”

“Now they are given hope. If there is no King of Humans behind, then the hope will be so great, the despair will be so great, and the human race will collapse in an instant!”

Duobao shook his head and sighed, looking at Huaxu, “After all, you still don’t believe what I said, you still think I’m lying to you.”

“No, I just…” Huaxu’s heart panicked and wanted to explain.

“No need to explain, I understand your feelings.” Duobao waved his hand: “If it were me, I wouldn’t believe it.”

“However, I really didn’t lie to you. Although most of the rumors are false, they are true.”

The Huaxu clan waited to say more, but was interrupted by Duobao: “Next, you don’t have to worry, just watch patiently. Your grandson will be the most powerful leader of the human race. He deserves the name of the king of humans.”

Originally, he didn’t really want to take care of Fuxi’s affairs, so he planned to do it at will. Now that the Huaxu clan came out, he actually had an idea.

As long as Fuxi can bear it, then it will really make him an unprecedented king, so what?

“I, you…”

Huaxu looked at Duobao’s leaving back and stretched out his hand to speak, but couldn’t speak a complete sentence for a long time.

I really don’t know what to say.

“Grandson, King King… can he really live it?” Huaxu whispered in his heart. He has been here for a while. With the contact, he slowly discovered that this person Duobao , It seems not as simple as she originally thought.

Mysterious, very mysterious… He seems to know everything, even though it’s just a mortal, some things that appear accidentally in Life are even more majestic and powerful than the strongest beings she has seen in her life.

Unconsciously, in fact, she already believed Dubao’s words, but she still couldn’t believe it completely!

Moreover, how powerful is the name of the King of Humans, even if her grandson is truly extraordinary by nature, how can she be able to bear the name of the King of Humans!

This is already a name that has surpassed the third ancestor… How dare she believe that own grandson would have such an achievement!

The most important thing is that he hasn’t been born yet, and he is not even a child!

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