Chapter 438: The Way of the Heavenly Emperor

“Heart, will?”

Luo Hu, Hong Jun repeated it all over again, glanced at each other, and quickly looked away.

These seem to be two very simple words, but whoever said it from Dubao’s mouth, they almost represent the essence of cultivation.

“That’s right, but…” Hongjun was still worried, and didn’t think they could do it.

Luo Hu squinted his eyes and thought slowly, but slowly he had an idea: “Will…difficulty.”

“Duobao, you mean that the difficulty in the breakthrough Supreme Heavenly Emperor is presented in the form of catastrophe, through a difficulty, after a catastrophe, the will will have Ascension, slowly, one catastrophe, one difficulty If it’s hard to cross, will you be able to break through the Supreme Heavenly Emperor a little bit?”

Hongjun’s body was shaken, and he looked at Duobao nervously.

This seems to make sense, but… it is difficult to do this.

This requires an extreme understanding of all the processes in the process. This point is far from enough even for him. After all, he is not the Supreme Heavenly Emperor.

“Can you do it?” Hongjun asked nervously.

Duobao nodded: “Yes, Heavenly Emperor, as long as they have that potential, the most important thing is to keep not giving up and stick to it to the end, then they will definitely be able to become the Heavenly Emperor.”

He doesn’t know all the process and details of ordinary people to Heavenly Emperor, but he can imagine.

The existence of power above the rules, as long as he can imagine the concrete, every level of detail, after perfection, is the Supreme Heavenly Emperor.

Step by step is the Heavenly Emperor!

Hongjun opened his mouth, what this said… really big.

But if Dubao said it, it doesn’t seem to be that big anymore.

“Dage, the time is almost up, it’s up to you when the time comes.” Duobao suddenly said to Luohu.

Luo Hui had a question mark face.

To say this inexplicably, what’s the situation?

What’s wrong with me, it’s up to me?

what do I need to do?

Duobao didn’t explain, and instead said to Hongjun: “Master, you haven’t seen Haotian for a long time. It’s been a long time since you two masters in Yaochi, why don’t you go see you together?”

Hongjun was stunned for a moment, and then nodded: “Alright, go see you.”

The two stood up, Luo Hui looked impatient, he didn’t want to go at all, but he was always curious, and finally stood up and silently followed behind.

Standing on the side all the time, it was as if a Xiaoqing without a big tree of wisdom followed silently.

The three in front of them are all big brothers, just standing in front of them, there is a kind of trembling from the soul, not daring to move, and trembling.

Only now did he know that the original owner is not the strongest, and there are so many other Realm with the owner!

Maybe more but not necessarily!

“Xiaoqing, go do your own thing.”

With a word from Duobao, Xiaoqing could not help but cheer.

It’s really nice not to be by the side of the boss!

“Yes, Xiaoqing retire.” After all, Xiaoqing held it back, politely bowed, and then slowly left, until after leaving the sight of the three of them, he didn’t sigh, and used his escape method to escape.

“Um!” Seeing Xiaoqing’s performance, Duobao was a little speechless.

As for?

Luo Hui raised his brows: “Duobao, are you too strict usually? It scares her.”

Dubao rolled his eyes, was that what I scared?

Obviously it is you!


In Heaven Court, standing within the chaotic Tianwei, only the last bit of the rules and order have collapsed, almost completely chaos.

Haotian stopped, knowing that it was time for him to make a choice.

“The order of Tianwei has completely collapsed, and the laws are all chaotic… The Lich era has completely ended, and the Heaven Court left by the monster clan is abolished.” Yaochi’s eyes fluttered, looking at the chaos in front of him complicatedly.

Once this place was the center of the sky, the center of the demon race, representing the ultimate civilization of the demon race, and its peak is brilliant, but now it has become a chaos.

“In the future, if we rebuild Heaven Court, will it become like this?”


The long river of power formed after the law riots rolled by in front of him, with the power to destroy everything, with a hint of chaos in the air.

In Haotian’s eyes, golden light shot out, and nine golden dragons suddenly flew out behind him.

The dragon entered the sea, and wherever it passed, the law of riots had some stability, and the general trend of turning towards chaos slowed down.

“Sure enough, isn’t it?” A trace of disappointment flashed in Haotian’s eyes. Although this was in his expectation, he couldn’t help being disappointed when he saw such a situation.

The emergence of Heaven Court requires a stable order, and the stability of the world requires the support of laws.

Now, the order is chaotic and the rules are broken. As the Heavenly Emperor in the future, all he needs to do is to stabilize the rules and re-establish a stable order.

But obviously, this is simply impossible with his current strength.

“Much…” Yaochi was stopped by Haotian as soon as he yelled a word when he saw this. He couldn’t help but looked at him in doubt.

Dubao said to give them choices, give them time…now they have made a decision.

Everything in front of them can’t be solved with their strength alone, and time is not enough, so naturally we should look for Dubo.

“He has already told us the method.” Haotian sighed softly, and the humble and polite teenager appeared in his mind.

Although he is Uncle Master, in many ways, he has to admit that Duobao has already walked in front of them… to be precise, they have gone too far, and they can no longer see his back.

They had never thought about the scene in front of them, but the smiling and polite nephew seemed to have anticipated the current situation when they first met.

“Already told us?” Yaochi was puzzled, thinking about it carefully.

They don’t meet Dubao much, and spend less time together… In total, they don’t add up to ten sentences.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn’t find any solution to the current problem: “Did he… have anything to say?”

Haotian took a deep breath and took a step forward. The whole person became illusory, turning the light spot of his debut, and falling into the sea of ​​endless laws of riots: “After that, it is hidden in the Taoism passed to us. ”

“Haotian…” Yaochi screamed, Haotian’s movements were too fast, she had no time to stop it.

The next moment, she was stunned, and she saw the original sea of ​​turbulent, surging, and rioting laws. After the light spot of Haotian fell, she suddenly calmed down a little bit, and as time passed, there was recovery. the trend of.

“Surrender… Heavenly Emperor?”

Yao Chi continued to stretch out his palm, whispering in a low voice.

Suddenly she thought of the scene before her.

Before Haotian Closed Door Training, surrendering the endless black holes in the black hole sky, until the surrender is completed, it is considered to complete the first stage of cultivation.

And the sea of ​​laws in front of these riots, although the form, appearance, and nature are different, but the essence is the same.

“So…is this the second stage of cultivation?” Yaochi suddenly.

Haotian became hundreds of millions, suppressing and surrendering the law of riots, causing the chaotic Tianwei to slowly restore a trace of order, preventing the trend of continued collapse.

For the time being, it’s just stopping. It will take a long, long time to fully restore and re-establish order to the point where the Heaven Court can be established.

“Haotian…” Yaochi glanced in the direction of Kunlun, retracted his gaze, looked at the place where Haotian disappeared with his beautiful face, Qingcheng smiled: “A person is too lonely, I am here to accompany you!”

When the words fell, her whole person also turned into countless light spots, and fell into it along the light spots that Haotian had transformed.


The sky shook, the dragon and the phoenix screamed together, and a domineering force suddenly emerged, completely suppressing the surging sea of ​​laws.

The power of a supreme overlord bred in the ocean.

Three figures appeared out of thin air, looking down.

“Master, how? They still considered it?” Duobao looked proud, and Haotian and Yaochi chose the most difficult path in the end.

“It’s okay.” Hongjun said calmly, but there was a trace of relief in his eyes.

Luo Hui looked at it, and the contempt in his eyes was less.

They are the rules Sage, after seeing the scene before him and seeing the actions of the two Haotian, he immediately understood everything.

How can the law of riots be so easy to resolve.

Although Duobao has arranged for a perfect start, whether it can be completed in the end depends on their own will.

“That’s it?” After staring for a long while, Luo Hu suddenly said to Duobao.

Indeed, the choice between Haotian and Jade Lake was beyond his expectation and chose the most difficult path, but if this were the only way, it could only mean that they were qualified to become the Heavenly Emperor, and they were too far away from the Heavenly Emperor.

Even if they completely surrender the law, rebuild order, and rely on their own power to rebuild Heaven Court, it doesn’t mean anything, let alone in their eyes.

“Of course not!” Duobao flipped his palm, and a thick, black book appeared on his palm.

“This is?” Hongjun raised his eyebrows, and recognized the black energy on the book: “Cause Qi?”

Luo Hui immediately looked at the thick book and couldn’t help but slap his tongue: “This is the way you have arranged for them to achieve the supreme heaven and earth?”

Duobao nodded: “Yes, this book covers ninety-nine thousand nine hundred calamities. In each one there are 129,600 small calamities, and each small calamity contains three more. One hundred and sixty-five calamities.”

“If all the catastrophes are overcome, even a pig can naturally become the Supreme Heavenly Emperor and possess the power to surpass Sage.”

This book is not as simple as it appears on the surface, it is not just a simple catastrophe that creates catastrophes.

Among them, there are many complete branches of civilization that he has deduced. They have not completely appeared, and they do not affect their own path, but they are enough to become analogous materials.

Among the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine hundred calamities, each one contains 30% of a complete civilized Tao. The ninety-nine thousand nine hundred calamities are ninety-nine nine hundred one-third civilizations. The way.

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