Chapter 428: Haotian Jade Pool Awakens

Patching the sky didn’t say that he would fill in himself!

His heart sank, and things deviated from his predictions again and again.

Working together, Nuwa patched the sky, everything seems to have returned to the original general trend, but in fact, there is such a huge difference in the subtleties.

It’s nothing more than co-working. Nuwa is Sage. The soul entrusts the existence of Heavenly Dao. Being in the wilderness, immortal, even if he is dead, as long as Heavenly Dao still exists, he can be resurrected from Heavenly Dao.

And now, he didn’t even sense the existence of Nuwa in Heavenly Dao!

Nuwa really fell?

Attracting attention to the sky that Nuwa had made up, the five-colored rays of light flowed, the beauty was abnormal, but his heart was cold.

“What did Nuwa see?”

“Is there something changed or something in the sky?”

“Because she saw those things, she used her body to make up for the sky. Does she want to seal those things?”

Between surprise and doubt, thinking ran away unconsciously.

Under the sky, the face of Lie was uncertain, and suddenly his hands clasped together, and the golden light shot from behind, forming a huge golden Buddha.

The Buddha is like a gold carving, with extraordinary dignity. He pinched the Buddha’s seal with his hand, and suddenly rushed towards the sky!


In the sky, the five-colored rays of light flowed and photographed the Buddha back!

He lowered his head, his lips moved slightly, and Zen singing sounded all around, The next moment, countless Buddhas, Bodhisattva, Arhats, born out of thin air, silently, without Karma, as if from other time and space.

Numerous Buddhas, Bodhisattva, Arhats, came here in separate groups, and soon formed a Buddhist kingdom after being led.

Buddhism is united and Buddhism’s fortune is soaring, attracting the great attention of countless people who are clearing the water of the Tianhe above the wild land.

“That’s…inviting Sage?”

“What is he going to do?”

“The golden light… Buddha?”

On the coast of the East China Sea, the Suiren clan, the Chao clan, and the Ziyi clan each held Magic Treasures in their hands. A drop of crystal clear water above their heads, looming, protecting the tribe, suddenly felt that the heavens and the earth seemed to have turned golden, and they raised their heads. Into the eyes, countless Buddhas, Bodhisattva, Arhats, a Buddha country.

“Buddha!” ​​The Zi Yi clan looked at the Buddha country above the sky, and the Buddha country was reflected in the dark pupils. After watching for a long time, he suddenly turned to look at the Suiren clan and Youchao clan.

Suiren and Youchao also happened to look over at this time. The three looked at each other and did not speak, but they nodded at the same time and made a decision.

Wuzhuang Temple, Huoyun Cave, Zhenyuanzi, Hongyun, Sea of ​​Blood, Styx, Daoist… Countless great abilities are watching the movements of the lead at this time, most people do not understand, what is the lead? What to do.

The sky is broken and it’s made up again. Hasn’t the matter been resolved?

What does Sage do?

Is it crazy?

Or to show the power of their Buddhism to the world?


Under the attention of all the mighty powers and countless gods, after the appearance of the Buddha Kingdom, the body that was introduced became blurred and quickly disappeared. After that, the Zen singing in the entire Buddha Kingdom became louder and louder, and even went out of the Buddha Kingdom. Rushed into the wilderness.

For a time, the entire prehistoric land seemed to be filled with Buddha rhyme.

The Buddha country rushed up, and the Buddha country came back. This time, the Buddha country was not beaten back to the original place, but was directly beaten back to the west, on the Sumeru Mountain.

All mighty powers, the eyes of the gods suddenly changed, and they were extremely shocked!

“Sage was beaten to fly!”

“God… something went wrong, you can’t even enter Sage?”

Seeing this scene, everyone finally seemed to understand something, and was even more shocked for a while.

Before Wuzhuang Guan, Zhen Yuanzi frowned and tested whether he could go back through his contact with Earth Immortals Heaven.

In his mind, an invisible and real existence, extremely powerful force, blocked the passage between him and Earth Immortals, without thinking about it, obviously, he can’t go back!

“Brother Dao, can you go back?”

At this time, Hongyun’s voice sounded in Zhen Yuanzi’s mind.

Obviously, Hongyun also found the problem.

Zhen Yuanzi opened his mouth and looked at the sky that didn’t seem to change much from the past, and knew in his heart that the sky…has changed.


Heaven is the power of heaven, and it can also be understood as the center that controls the power. The major laws and powers are concentrated in the heaven.

Gonggong broke Bu Zhou Shan. It seems that the most troublesome thing is Bu Zhou Shan, but in fact, the most troublesome thing is Tian Wei.

Tianwei is like a crisscross spider web, but every node and every line in it are extremely powerful laws.

Buzhou Mountain supported the world and at the same time these laws. After the break of Buzhou Mountain, the laws lost their support, and there was a sudden riot and chaos.

For the wild land, the flood of Tianhe water can be described as a catastrophe, but everyone does not know that compared to the Tianwei at this time, the condition of the wild land is much better.

The primordial land is only the water of the Tianhe, and in the sky, flames, destruction, thunder, wind and clouds, space cracks… etc. etc., all laws are unstable, and they can no longer maintain the existence of the sky. This kind of terrifying force hit Tianwei.

It’s not just the place where the sky is broken, but the whole body is affected by a pulse. For the same reason, Tianwei at this time is completely messed up.

The laws that originally maintained and formed Tianwei brought a trace of destruction. During the riots, the aura of destruction increased, and he wanted to destroy the entire Tianwei.

“Sure enough, the law starts from good fortune and falls to destruction.”

In the endless and powerful aura of destruction, two figures, a man and a woman, each had a dragon and a phoenix behind them, golden light and red light, surrounding them, supporting them to walk in this chaotic and ruinous sky.

The law is powerful, and the power formed after the riots is even more amazing. Even Sage, under such power, is still very concerned and cautious, not daring to move.

However, these two people can still walk steadily under such power, seeming to ignore their power to destroy the world.

“Congratulations, Master Haotian, Master Yaochi has left the pass.”

Duobao’s figure flashed and appeared in front of the two of them, bowing in salute.

The two of the Haotian Jade Pool looked at Duobao, with the Heavenly Emperor on them, and the heavenly emperor’s fate condensed the power of the dragon and the phoenix. The Heavenly Emperor, the power of the queen, calmed oneself, staring at the riot and easily standing in this riot just by relying on their own power. Duobao in Tianwei.

“All this… are you doing it?” Haotian stared at Duobao, and suddenly asked.

Yaochi was startled, and couldn’t help but look at Haotian next to him in shock. How did this word come out?

Duobao’s strength is stronger than them, and they have always known this. Although Tianwei riots, the original order has become ruined and powerful, even though they can barely exist here by relying on their own fate. But Duobao can ignore everything.

Even after his appearance, the power of the law riot within ten feet of his body naturally avoided and did not dare to approach him, which proved his power even more.

However, strength is strength, and this kind of performance, although strange, is not so unexpected, but such a sudden word by Haotian really exceeded her expectations.

“Haotian, what are you talking about?” Yaochi trembled inexplicably, and couldn’t help but pat Haotian.

Haotian didn’t look at Yaochi, but stared at Duobao, waiting for his answer.

“The general trend is not what I did, but it can also be regarded as what I did.” Duobao was a little surprised by Haotian’s sudden question. He was taken aback and did not answer directly, but said an answer with a little fog.

“General trend…” Haotian repeated this word, with a vague guess in his heart, but did not say any more, took a deep look at Duobao, then looked at the chaotic Tianwei, and asked after a long time: “What should I do now? ?”

Yaochi’s eyes were filled with confusion, and she looked at the two people blankly, and suddenly felt that her own brain was not so good enough, why she couldn’t understand their words?

Am I really too stupid?

Duobao glanced at the confused Yaochi, then at Haotian, and shook his head slightly.

Really don’t understand?

“Do you already have an answer to this question?”

Haotian looked at Tianwei silently, and after a long time, he asked again: “Where are the demons… the Lich races?”

“They went where they should go, the world is empty.” Duobao said softly.

“Aren’t they dead?”

“Did not die, they are in charge of the world and continue the Xiantian era, with great merit, how could they die?”

“They shouldn’t die!”

The corner of Haotian’s mouth rose, and his mood was inexplicably lightened: “Although I am immortal, I want to come, and it is not easy now.”


Dobo tilted his head and said with some complexity: “They can live very well… but they chose a harder path.”

“Heavenly Emperor…” Haotian muttered, and his expression became more complicated: “So, is it time for us to be in power?”

Tianwei was in chaos, no monsters appeared, and the mountains fell down. Except for Gonggong, no other witches appeared.

The huge movement awakened them from the penance. They checked the heaven and the earth. They didn’t know the detailed situation, but they knew that there seemed to be a problem with the Lich races, and the heaven and earth were vacant.

At the same time he woke up, he felt a wave of destiny descending, and his Heavenly Emperor fate moved faintly.

That is to allow him to become the Heavenly Emperor.

It’s just that, when he learned that they would become Heavenly Emperors in the future, he was very excited when he was with the master before, but when this time really came, he didn’t seem to be so excited, and even more inexplicably cold.

The inexplicable disappearance of the Lich family made him feel very bad. The position of Heavenly Emperor that he had hoped and even dreamed of in the past seemed to become like a hot potato at this time.

He was afraid that after he achieved the Heavenly Emperor, he would suddenly disappear like a lich now.

I always feel that in the current predicament, there is an inexplicable and powerful existence behind him, manipulating everything.

He was a little scared, and he didn’t seem to be scared… He himself couldn’t tell what it was like, but it wasn’t very good anyway.

Walking around in the chaotic Tianwei, checking Tianwei, with the help of the unfulfilled Heavenly Emperor power, he has been watching and thinking.

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